49,616 research outputs found

    Evaluation of wet tantalum capacitors after exposure to extended periods of ripple current, volume 1

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    The application of tantalum capacitors in the Viking Lander includes both dc voltage and ripple current electrical stress, high temperature during nonoperating times (sterilization), and high vibration and shock loads. The capacitors must survive these severe environments without any degradation if reliable performance is to be achieved. A test program was established to evaluate both wet-slug tantalum and wet-foil capacitors under conditions accurately duplicating actual Viking applications. Test results of the electrical performance characteristics during extended periods of ripple current, the characteristics of the internal silver migration as a function for extended periods of ripple current, and the existence of any memory characteristics are presented

    Analytic solutions of the magnetic annihilation and reconnection problems. I. Planar flow profiles

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    The phenomena of steady-state magnetic annihilation and reconnection in the vicinity of magnetic nulls are considered. It is shown that reconnective solutions can be derived by superposing the velocity and magnetic fields of simple magnetic annihilation models. These solutions contain most of the previous models for magnetic merging and reconnection, as well as introducing several new solutions. The various magnetic dissipation mechanisms are classified by examining the scaling of the Ohmic diffusion rate with plasma resistivity. Reconnection solutions generally allow more favorable "fast" dissipation scalings than annihilation models. In particular, reconnection models involving the advection of planar field components have the potential to satisfy the severe energy release requirements of the solar flare. The present paper is mainly concerned with magnetic fields embedded in strictly planar flows—a discussion of the more complicated three-dimensional flow patterns is presented in Part II [Phys. Plasmas 4, 110 (1997)]

    The shape of primordial non-Gaussianity and the CMB bispectrum

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    We present a set of formalisms for comparing, evolving and constraining primordial non-Gaussian models through the CMB bispectrum. We describe improved methods for efficient computation of the full CMB bispectrum for any general (non-separable) primordial bispectrum, incorporating a flat sky approximation and a new cubic interpolation. We review all the primordial non-Gaussian models in the present literature and calculate the CMB bispectrum up to l <2000 for each different model. This allows us to determine the observational independence of these models by calculating the cross-correlation of their CMB bispectra. We are able to identify several distinct classes of primordial shapes - including equilateral, local, warm, flat and feature (non-scale invariant) - which should be distinguishable given a significant detection of CMB non-Gaussianity. We demonstrate that a simple shape correlator provides a fast and reliable method for determining whether or not CMB shapes are well correlated. We use an eigenmode decomposition of the primordial shape to characterise and understand model independence. Finally, we advocate a standardised normalisation method for fNLf_{NL} based on the shape autocorrelator, so that observational limits and errors can be consistently compared for different models.Comment: 32 pages, 20 figure

    Primordial non-Gaussianity and the CMB bispectrum

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    We present a new formalism, together with efficient numerical methods, to directly calculate the CMB bispectrum today from a given primordial bispectrum using the full linear radiation transfer functions. Unlike previous analyses which have assumed simple separable ansatze for the bispectrum, this work applies to a primordial bispectrum of almost arbitrary functional form, for which there may have been both horizon-crossing and superhorizon contributions. We employ adaptive methods on a hierarchical triangular grid and we establish their accuracy by direct comparison with an exact analytic solution, valid on large angular scales. We demonstrate that we can calculate the full CMB bispectrum to greater than 1% precision out to multipoles l<1800 on reasonable computational timescales. We plot the bispectrum for both the superhorizon ('local') and horizon-crossing ('equilateral') asymptotic limits, illustrating its oscillatory nature which is analogous to the CMB power spectrum

    Bessel beam propagation: Energy localization and velocity

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    The propagation of a Bessel beam (or Bessel-X wave) is analyzed on the basis of a vectorial treatment. The electric and magnetic fields are obtained by considering a realistic situation able to generate that kind of scalar field. Specifically, we analyze the field due to a ring-shaped aperture over a metallic screen on which a linearly polarized plane wave impinges. On this basis, and in the far field approximation, we can obtain information about the propagation of energy flux and the velocity of the energy.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Radiation from an accelerated quark via AdS/CFT

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    In this paper we investigate radiation by an accelerated quark in a strongly coupled gauge theory via AdS/CFT correspondence. According to AdS/CFT dictionary, we can read off energy density or energy flux of the radiation from asymptotic gravitational field in AdS bulk sourced by an accelerated string trailing behind the quark. In the case of an oscillating quark with frequency Ω\Omega, we show that the time averaged energy density is asymptotically isotropic and it falls off as (gYM2N)1/2Ω4/R2(g_{\text{YM}}^2 N)^{1/2} \Omega^4/R^{2} with distance RR from the source. In a toy model of a scattered quark by an external field, we simply estimate Poynting vector by the bremsstrahlung radiation and show that the energy flux is anisotropic outgoing radiation. Based on these investigations, we discuss the properties of strongly coupled gauge theory radiation in comparison with electromagnetic radiation.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Hall current effects in dynamic magnetic reconnection solutions

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    The impact of Hall current contributions on flow driven planar magnetic merging solutions is discussed. The Hall current is important if the dimensionless Hall parameter (or normalized ion skin depth) satisfies cH>η where η is the inverse Lundquist number for the plasma. A dynamic analysis of the problem shows, however, that the Hall current initially manifests itself, not by modifying the planar reconnection field, but by inducing a non-reconnecting perpendicular "separator" component in the magnetic field. Only if the stronger condition c2/H > η is satisfied can Hall currents be expected to affect the planar merging. These analytic predictions are then tested by performing a series of numerical experiments in periodic geometry, using the full system of planar magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations. The numerical results confirm that the nature of the merging changes dramatically when the Hall coupling satisfies c2/H > η. In line with the analytic treatment of sheared reconnection, the coupling provided by the Hall term leads to the emergence of multiple current layers that can enhance the global Ohmic dissipation at the expense of the reconnection rate. However, the details of the dissipation depend critically on the symmetries of the simulation, and when the merging is "head-on" (i.e., comprises fourfold symmetry) the reconnection rate can be enhanced