590 research outputs found

    Paths of Target Seeking Missiles in Two Dimensions

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    Parameters that enter into equation of trajectory of a missile are discussed. Investigation is made of normal pursuit, of constant, proportional, and line--of-sight methods of navigation employing target seeker, and of deriving corresponding pursuit paths. Pursuit paths obtained under similar conditions for different methods are compared. Proportional navigation is concluded to be best method for using target seeker installed in missile

    Effect of aspect ratio on the air forces and moments of harmonically oscillating thin rectangular wings in supersonic potential flow

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    This report treats the effect of aspect ratio on the air forces and moments of an oscillating flat rectangular wing in supersonic potential flow. The linearized velocity potential for the wing undergoing sinusoidal torsional oscillations simultaneously with sinusoidal vertical translations is derived in the form of a power series in terms of a frequency parameter. The series development is such that the differential equation for the velocity potential is satisfied to the required power of the frequency parameter considered and the linear boundary conditions are satisfied exactly. The method of solution can be utilized for other plan forms, that is, plan forms for which certain steady-state solutions are known

    The Streamline Pattern in the Vicinity of an Oblique Airfoil

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    A method for determining the streamwise flow pattern of a nonviscous incompressible fluid about an oblique airfoil from the corresponding flow pattern about the airfoil in normal position is presented and illustrated in two examples. The method can be extended to account approximately for compressibility effects by applying the Prandtl-Glauert correction factor to the flow pattern that is normal to the leading edge of the airfoil. The method is expected to be useful in determining the shape of a fuselage or nacelle having a minimum of interference with the flow over a swept-back wing

    A theoretical study of the effect of forward speed on the free-space sound-pressure field around propellers

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    The sound-pressure field of a rotating propeller in forward flight in free space is analyzed by replacing the normal-pressure distribution over the propeller associated with thrust and torque by a distribution of acoustic pressure doublets acting at the propeller disk and subject to uniform rectilinear motion. The basic element used to synthesize the field is the pressure field of a concentrated force moving uniformly at subsonic speeds, for which an expression generalizing one of Lamb's for the fixed concentrated force is given. The sound field is expressed by integration over the propeller disk, and also by integration over an effective ring, and is given both for the near pressure field and, in a simpler form, for the far field. Some illustrated examples are calculated and discussed

    On the Kernel function of the integral equation relating lift and downwash distributions of oscillating wings in supersonic flow

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    This report treats the Kernel function of the integral equation that relates a known or prescribed downwash distribution to an unknown lift distribution for harmonically oscillating wings in supersonic flow. The treatment is essentially an extension to supersonic flow of the treatment given in NACA report 1234 for subsonic flow. For the supersonic case the Kernel function is derived by use of a suitable form of acoustic doublet potential which employs a cutoff or Heaviside unit function. The Kernel functions are reduced to forms that can be accurately evaluated by considering the functions in two parts: a part in which the singularities are isolated and analytically expressed, and a nonsingular part which can be tabulated

    Air forces and moments on triangular and related wings with subsonic leading edges oscillating in supersonic potential flow

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    This analysis treats the air forces and moments in supersonic potential flow on oscillating triangular wings and a series of sweptback and arrow wings with subsonic leading edges and supersonic trailing edges. For the wings undergoing sinusoidal torsional oscillations simultaneously with vertical translations, the linearized velocity potential is derived in the form of a power series in terms of a frequency parameter. This method can be useful for treatment of similar problems for other plan forms and for wings undergoing other sinusoidal motions. For triangular wings, as many terms of such a series expansion as may be derived can be determined; however, the terms after the first few become very cumbersome. Closed expressions that include the reduced frequency to the fifth power, an order which is sufficient for a large class of practical application, are given for the velocity potential and for the components of chordwise section force and moment coefficients. These wings are found to exhibit the possibility of undamped torsional oscillations for certain ranges of Mach number and locations of the axis of rotation. The ranges of these parameters are delineated for triangular wings