202 research outputs found

    Lake Ohrid ENSIS database Technical report

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    Import of measurements to ENSIS. Examples of how ENSIS can be used. Detailed import instruction

    Use of microbiology tests in the era of increasing AMR rates- a multicentre hospital cohort study

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    Background: Effective use of microbiology test results may positively influence patient outcomes and limit the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. However, studies indicate that their potential is not fully utilized. We investigated microbiology test ordering practices and the use of test results for antibiotic decision-making in hospitals. Methods: A multicentre cohort study was conducted during five months in 2014 in Medical departments across three hospitals in Western Norway. Patients treated with antibiotics for sepsis, urinary tract infections, skin and soft tissue infections, lower respiratory tract infections or acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were included in the analysis. Primary outcome measures were degree of microbiology test ordering, compliance with microbiology testing recommendations in the national antibiotic guideline and proportion of microbiology test results used to inform antibiotic treatment. Data was obtained from electronic- and paper medical records and charts and laboratory information systems. Results: Of the 1731 patient admissions during the study period, mean compliance with microbiology testing recommendations in the antibiotic guideline was 89%, ranging from 81% in patients with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to 95% in patients with sepsis. Substantial additional testing was performed beyond the recommendations with 298/606 (49%) of patients with lower respiratory tract infections having urine cultures and 42/194 (22%) of patients with urinary tract infections having respiratory tests. Microbiology test results from one of the hospitals showed that 18% (120/672) of patient admissions had applicable test results, but only half of them were used for therapy guidance, i.e. in total, 9% (63/672) of patient admissions had test results informing prescription of antibiotic therapy. Conclusions: This study showed that despite a large number of microbiology test orders, only a limited number of tests informed antibiotic treatment. To ensure that microbiology tests are used optimally, there is a need to review the utility of existing microbiology tests, test ordering practices and use of test results through a more targeted and overarching approach

    Multi-tier Loyalty Programs to Stimulate Customer Engagement

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    Customers differ in their purchase behavior, profitability, attitude toward the firm, and so on. These differences between customers have led to numerous firms introducing multi-tier loyalty programs. A multi-tier loyalty program explicitly distinguishes between customers by means of hierarchical tiers (e.g. Silver, Gold, Platinum) and assigns customers to different tiers based on their past purchase behavior. Next, customers in different tiers are provided varying levels of tangible rewards and intangible benefits, which are potentially powerful instruments to stimulate customer engagement. In this chapter, we focus on the design and effectiveness of such multi-tier loyalty programs. Building on loyalty program and customer prioritization research, we discuss whether, why, and how multi-tier loyalty programs are effective (or not) in influencing customer behavior, thereby enhancing customer engagement and financial performance

    Who Eats Whom in a Pool? A Comparative Study of Prey Selectivity by Predatory Aquatic Insects

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    Predatory aquatic insects are a diverse group comprising top predators in small fishless water bodies. Knowledge of their diet composition is fragmentary, which hinders the understanding of mechanisms maintaining their high local diversity and of their impacts on local food web structure and dynamics. We conducted multiple-choice predation experiments using nine common species of predatory aquatic insects, including adult and larval Coleoptera, adult Heteroptera and larval Odonata, and complemented them with literature survey of similar experiments. All predators in our experiments fed selectively on the seven prey species offered, and vulnerability to predation varied strongly between the prey. The predators most often preferred dipteran larvae; previous studies further reported preferences for cladocerans. Diet overlaps between all predator pairs and predator overlaps between all prey pairs were non-zero. Modularity analysis separated all primarily nectonic predator and prey species from two groups of large and small benthic predators and their prey. These results, together with limited evidence from the literature, suggest a highly interconnected food web with several modules, in which similarly sized predators from the same microhabitat are likely to compete strongly for resources in the field (observed Pianka’s diet overlap indices >0.85). Our experiments further imply that ontogenetic diet shifts are common in predatory aquatic insects, although we observed higher diet overlaps than previously reported. Hence, individuals may or may not shift between food web modules during ontogeny

    Prevalencija infekcije Neisseriom gonorrhoeae ili Chlamydiom trachomatis kod akutnoga mukopurulentnog cervicitisa

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    The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of N. gonorrhoae (NG) and/or C. trachomatis (CT) in acute mucopurulent cervicitis (MPC). The study included 617 non-pregnant women with MPC, who had not been receiving any antimicrobial treatment. The average age of patients was 22.2 years. There were no statistically significant differences according to place of residence, education, and marital status. Samples for laboratory analysis were collected using a routine procedure; NG was identified using the cytochrome oxidase test and Gram staining. CT was isolated on McCoy cell culture and stained with Lugol solution. NG was isolated in three women (0.8 %) and CT in 58 women (9.4 %). Fifty-six of the CT-positive patients were nullipara and only two were unipara. All NG-positive patients were also nullipara. The mean number of sexual partners was 2.2 in all study subjects, 2.4 in CT-positive subjects, and 2.9 in NG-positive subjects. Vaginal discharge purity according to Schröder was significantly deteriorated in CT-positive patients (p=0.011). When asked about the use of contraceptives, as many as 32.7 % patients answered that they did not use any protection, 39 % women used the rhythm method and coitus interruptus, 20 % were taking oral contraceptives, 6.1 % used mechanical devices, and 1.9 % used chemical protection. Previous acute and chronic pelvic infl ammatory diseases correlated with MPC (p<0.01). Our statistical analysis suggests that chlamydial infection significantly reduces the purity of vaginal discharge, which is more pronounced in nulliparae. Pap smear was not specific enough to demonstrate chlamydial infection. In view of the MPC findings, the prevalence of CT and NG infection is low.Cilj istraživanja jest utvrditi koincidenciju N. gonorrhoae (NG) i/ili C. trachomatis (CT) u akutnim mukopurulentnim cervicitisima (MPC). Istraživanje je provedeno na populaciji 617 žena izvan trudnoće koje prethodno nisu uzimale antimikrobnu terapiju. NG i CT su izolirane iz obrisaka vrata maternice primjenom standardnih metoda. NG je transportirana na selektivnoj hranjivoj podlozi i identificirana citokrom-oksidaznim testom bojenjem po Gramu. CT je izolirana McCoyevom staničnom kulturom nakon bojenja Lugolovom otopinom. NG je izolirana u tri ispitanice (0,8 %), a CT u 58 ispitanica (9,4 %). Srednja dob bolesnica iznosila je 22,2 godine. Školovanje i bračno stanje nisu statistički značajno utjecali na rezultate istraživanja. Među bolesnicama s izoliranom CT prevladavaju nulipare, a u slučaju NG sve su pozitivne bolesnice također bile nulipare. Srednja vrijednost broja partnera za čitavu populaciju iznosi 2,2. Bolesnice s potvrđenom CT imale su prosječno 2,4, a one s potvrđenom NG 2,9 partnera. Vrijednost određivanja stupnja čistoće rodničkog iscjetka po Schroderu značajno je povišena u CT-pozitivnih bolesnica (p=0.011). Utvrđeno je da 32.7 % ispitanica uopće nije koristilo kontracepciju, dok je većina (39 %) rabila ritmičke metode i prekinuti snošaj. Preostale ispitanice uzimale su oralne kontraceptive (20 %), mehaničku zaštitu (6,1 %) ili lokalne kemijske kontraceptive (1,9 %). Također je dokazano da prethodna akutna i kronična zdjelična upalna bolest korelira s MPC-om (p<0.01). Zaključeno je da klamidijska infekcija statistički značajno korelira sa stupnjem čistoće rodničkog iscjetka, posebice u nulipara. Papanicolaouov razmaz nije specifičan u određivanju klamidijske infekcije. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je učestalost klamidijske i gonokokne infekcije ipak relativno niska u odnosu na nalaz MPC-a

    WFD-related changes in water management of EU national-and NOLIMP-pilot projects - Experinces from North Sea Regional and Local implementation of the water Framework Directive (NOLIMP-WFD)

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    WFD prescribe a strong public participation in decision making processes. One common experience among the NOLIMP project partners is the importance of involving stakeholders at an early stage. A well established contact network will ease the process of solving controversies and agreeing on measures to meet environmental targets. The development of demonstrations sites create interests from other areas and exchange of knowledge/experience on the national level is stimulated. WFD supply some general rules on monitoring. It has been experienced that monitoring needs to be relatively comprehensive to enable proper abatement planning and to be able to follow the environmental effects/improvements of implemented measures. The use of numerical models to better understand the dynamics and interactions between different factors as well as climate is beneficial for water management. Another aspect of monitoring is to enable transparency and objectivity regarding the quantification of pollution load from different sources/sectors. The use of cost efficiency analysis is recommended in WFD, but its use has different status and history among the partners. The ranking of measures according to cost and the possibility to discard measures that obviously have a low efficiency is experienced as very usefu

    MOLAR. Measuring and modelling the dynamic response of remote mountain lake ecosystems to environmental change: A programme of Mountain Lake Research. MOLAR Project Manual. Draft of September 1996

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    The MOLAR Manual describes the practical working methods of the MOLAR project. Preparatory work and methods for sampling in the field are given in detail. Also sample handling after field work, where to send the sample material for further analysis and how to treat the results are described

    Measuring and modelling the dynamic response of remote mountain lake ecosystems to environmental change: A programme of Mountain Lake Research - MOLAR. March 1996 - March 1997

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    MOLAR is an extensive European Co-operative research project with 23 partners. It is founded within the European Commision Framework Programme IV: Environment and Climate with assistance from INCO: It is co-ordinated by the Environmental Change Research Centre (ECRE) at University College London and the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA). The project has four major strands also called Work Packages, and progress for the first working year of each of the Work Packages (WP) is reported here. The main part is a summary of teh activities under each WP, while in the Appendix detailed reports from each of the contract partners are given. Also reported in Appendix is minutes from Workshops under the different scientific topics in the project.Commission of the European Communitie