1,545 research outputs found

    Joint Recital: Ryan Chiaino, horn and Seth Waters, baritone

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    Investigating intra-host and intra-herd sequence diversity of foot-and-mouth disease virus

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    Due to the poor-fidelity of the enzymes involved in RNA genome replication, foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) virus samples comprise of unique polymorphic populations. In this study, deep sequencing was utilised to characterise the diversity of FMD virus (FMDV) populations in 6 infected cattle present on a single farm during the series of outbreaks in the UK in 2007. A novel RT–PCR method was developed to amplify a 7.6 kb nucleotide fragment encompassing the polyprotein coding region of the FMDV genome. Illumina sequencing of each sample identified the fine polymorphic structures at each nucleotide position, from consensus level changes to variants present at a 0.24% frequency. These data were used to investigate population dynamics of FMDV at both herd and host levels, evaluate the impact of host on the viral swarm structure and to identify transmission links with viruses recovered from other farms in the same series of outbreaks. In 7 samples, from 6 different animals, a total of 5 consensus level variants were identified, in addition to 104 sub-consensus variants of which 22 were shared between 2 or more animals. Further analysis revealed differences in swarm structures from samples derived from the same animal suggesting the presence of distinct viral populations evolving independently at different lesion sites within the same infected animal

    Socializing, networking and development: a report from the second ‘Young Microbiologists Symposium on Microbe Signalling, Organization and Pathogenesis’

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    In mid-June, the second Young Microbiologists Symposium took place under the broad title of ‘Microbe signalling, organization and pathogenesis’ on the picturesque campus of University College Cork, Ireland. The symposium attracted 150 microbiologists from 15 different countries. The key feature of this meeting was that it was specifically aimed at providing a platform for junior scientists to present their work to a broad audience. The meeting was principally supported by Science Foundation Ireland with further backing from the Society for General Microbiology, the American Society for Microbiology and the European Molecular Biology Organization. Sessions focused on microbial gene expression, biogenesis, pathogenicity and host interaction. In this MicroMeeting report, we highlight some of the most significant advances and exciting developments reported during various talks and poster presentations given by the young and talented microbiologists

    Vital Access: How Policymakers Can Streamline the Cancer Care Journey

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    Patients' odds of surviving blood cancer often hinge on their ability to access specialists who can evaluate, diagnose, and treat them with optimal treatments as quickly as possible. But too often, patients encounter roadblocks that prevent them from accessing the best care and, in some cases, benefiting from incredible advancements. Recent data reveal continued disparities in outcomes for minority populations in particular.Accessing medically necessary and high-quality blood cancer care in the United States is a process that remains overly complex and contingent on factors that are steeped in systemic, socioeconomic, and racial disparities. Numerous factors impact access, but a fragmented insurance system and similarly fragmented federal and state policies that set the rules for that insurance system are major contributors. Studies have noted the impact of narrow networks, which can restrict access to some specialty care providers such as hospitals designated as "cancer centers" or "comprehensive cancer centers" by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Narrow networks are increasingly common in commercial insurance plans in the individual and group markets and in Medicaid-managed care organizations (MCOs). Studies have also shown that cancer patients with certain types of insurance, such as Medicaid–which covers low-income people, a disproportionate share of whom are people of color–are more likely to experience worse mortality rates. These disparities in coverage and access contribute to significant inequities by income, race, ethnicity, and other factors.In the past three-plus decades, we have seen an explosion of new therapies, including immunotherapy (such as CAR T-cell) and other personalized medicine approaches that target therapies to an individual based on a range of phenotypic and genomic factors.The policy frameworks that govern insurance have not kept pace with advances in cancer treatment, and they continue to contribute to systemic inequities that prevent access to high-quality blood cancer care. Recent efforts by federal regulators to update access-related standards still fall short of ensuring equitable access to quality blood cancer care for all. And some elements of these frameworks have remained largely unchanged for decades. Meaning consumers still struggle to navigate their options when purchasing a plan and access medically appropriate treatment when a diagnosis is received.This report offers nine recommendations in five reform pathways for state and federal policymakers to consider, as they work toward developing insurance regulations that advance a more equitable system of care–one that enables patients with blood cancer to access appropriate treatment and that maximizes the potential for long-term survival. Each of these reform pathways addresses specific deficiencies in the current insurance policy frameworks, and each is critical to pursue in order to ensure a more equitable coverage landscape for patients and familie

    Stem cell secretome-rich nanoclay hydrogel: a dual action therapy for cardiovascular regeneration†

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    A nanocomposite hydrogel with photocrosslinkable micro-porous networks and a nanoclay component was successfully prepared to control the release of growth factor-rich stem cell secretome. The proven pro-angiogenic and cardioprotective potential of this new bioactive system provides a valuable therapeutic platform for cardiac tissue repair and regeneration

    Decision for reconstructive interventions of the upper limb in individuals with tetraplegia: the effect of treatment characteristics

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    Objective: To determine the effect of treatment characteristics on the\ud decision for reconstructive interventions for the upper extremities (UE) in\ud subjects with tetraplegia. - \ud Setting: Seven specialized spinal cord injury centres in the Netherlands. - \ud Method: Treatment characteristics for UE reconstructive interventions were\ud determined. Conjoint analysis (CA) was used to determine the contribution\ud and the relative importance of the treatment characteristics on the decision\ud for therapy. Therefore, a number of different treatment scenarios using these\ud characteristics were established. Different pairs of scenarios were presented\ud to subjects who were asked to choose the preferred scenario of each set. - \ud Results: forty nine subjects with tetraplegia with a stable C5, C6 or C7\ud lesion were selected. All treatment characteristics significantly influenced\ud the choice for treatment. Relative importance of treatment characteristics\ud were: intervention type (surgery or surgery with FES implant) 13%, number\ud of operations 15%, in patient rehabilitation period 22%, ambulant\ud rehabilitation period 9%, complication rate 15%, improvement of elbow\ud function 10%, improvement of hand function 15%. In deciding for therapy\ud 40% of the subjects focused on one characteristic. - \ud Conclusion: CA is applicable in Spinal Cord Injury medicine to study the\ud effect of health outcomes and non-health outcomes on the decision for\ud treatment. Non-health outcomes which relate to the intensity of treatment\ud are equally important or even more important than functional outcome in the\ud decision for reconstructive UE surgery in subjects with tetraplegia

    Effect of Ocean Acidification on the Speciation of Metals in Seawater

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    Increasing atmospheric CO2 over the next 200 years will cause the pH of ocean waters to decrease further. Many recent studies have examined the effect of decreasing pH on calcifying organisms in ocean waters and on other biological processes (photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, elemental ratios, and community structure). In this review, we examine how pH will change the organic and inorganic speciation of metals in surface ocean waters, and the effect that it will have on the interactions of metals with marine organisms. We consider both kinetic and equilibrium processes. The decrease in concentration of OH- and CO32- ions can affect the solubility, adsorption, toxicity, and rates of redox processes of metals in seawater. Future studies are needed to examine how pH affects the interactions of metals complexed to organic ligands and with marine organisms

    Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations recommendations of best practices for the health management of ruminants and pigs used for scientific and educational purposes

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    Most ruminants and pigs used for scientific and educational aims are bred not for these purposes but in a farm environment. Given the wide range of diseases that these species might have, ensuring that the animals’ health status is appropriate can be complex and challenging. The Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations has previously published recommendations for the health monitoring of experimental colonies of pigs (1998) and, respectively, calves, sheep and goats (2000). Unfortunately, the uptake of those recommendations was poor and insufficiently reported in scientific publications. These new recommendations for best practice focus on the main species of ruminants (cattle, sheep and goats) and pigs. They provide general and specific information helpful for designing a health management programme for the suppliers and for the user establishments, as well as guidance on animal procurement. Critical thinking based on the fields of use of the animals is promoted, aiming to help in taking informed decisions rather than establishing an exhaustive exclusion list for pathogens. Implementing the best health and welfare management practices should be done under the guidance of a competent attending veterinarian, with expertise and sufficient authority to take the appropriate action, doubled by excellent communication skills. It is strongly recommended that the user establishment’s veterinarian works in close collaboration with the supplier’s veterinarian. // Die meisten Wiederkäuer und Schweine, die zu wissenschaftlichen und Ausbildungszwecken dienen, werden nicht eigens dafür, sondern in einem landwirtschaftlichen Umfeld gezüchtet. Angesichts des breiten Spektrums potenzieller Krankheiten bei diesen Tierarten kann die Gewährleistung eines adäquaten Gesundheitszustands der Tiere durchaus komplex und schwierig sein. FELASA hat bereits früher Empfehlungen für die Gesundheitsüberwachung von Versuchskolonien von Schweinen (1998) bzw. Kälbern, Schafen und Ziegen (2000) veröffentlicht. Leider stießen diese Empfehlungen auf mangelndes Echo und wissenschaftliche Publikationen berichteten diesbezüglich nur unzureichend. Die vorliegenden neuen Empfehlungen für beste Praxis konzentrieren sich auf die wichtigsten Arten von Wiederkäuern (Rinder, Schafe und Ziegen) sowie auf Schweine. Sie enthalten allgemeine und spezifische Informationen, die für die Gestaltung eines Gesundheitsmanagementprogramms für die Lieferanten und für die Verwendereinrichtungen nützlich sind, ebenso wie Hinweise zur Tierbeschaffung. Kritisches Denken auf der Grundlage der Anwendungsbereiche der Tiere, das darauf abzielt, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen, anstatt eine erschöpfende Ausschlussliste für Krankheitserreger zu erstellen, wird unterstützt. Die Umsetzung der besten Gesundheits- und Tierschutzmanagementpraktiken sollte unter der Anleitung eines kompetenten behandelnden Tierarztes erfolgen, der über Fachwissen und genügend Autorität sowie über ausgezeichnete Kommunikationsfähigkeiten verfügen, um die entsprechenden Maßnahmen zu ergreifen und zu vermitteln. Eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Tierarzt der Verwendereinrichtung und dem Tierarzt des Lieferanten wird dringend empfohlen
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