1,389 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric Grand Unification Model with the Orbifold Symmetry Breaking in the Six Dimensional Supergravity

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    We construct supersymmetric (SUSY) grand unification (GUT) models in the six dimensional space-time where the GUT symmetry is broken down to the standard-model gauge group by a simple orbifolding T^2/Z_4 or T^2/Z_6 and a pair of massless Higgs doublets in the SUSY standard model are naturally obtained. Since the background geometry here is simple compared with models using the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism, one might hope for an approximate gauge coupling unification in the present models. Here, the presence of the massless Higgs multiplets in the bulk is quite natural, since the anomaly cancellation in the six dimensional space-time requires N=2 hyper multiplets in the bulk, some of which are origins of the Higgs doublets. However, the origin of the quarks and leptons is still not clear at all.Comment: 9 pages, including 2 figures, UT-96

    Higher Dimensional Supersymmetry as an Origin of the Three Families for Quarks and Leptons

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    In a (0,1) supersymmetric (SUSY) six-dimensional gauge theory, a gauge fermion gives rise to box anomalies. These anomalies are completely canceled by assuming a vector multiplet of (1,1) SUSY. With a T^2/Z_3 orbifold compactification of the extra two dimensional space, the theory provides three chiral multiplets and three equivalent fixed points. We regard them as the origin of the three families of quarks and leptons. Quasi anarchy structure in the SU(5)-5^* representation sector and hence the bimaximal mixing in the neutrino oscillation are explained quite naturally in this framework. We also discuss a family symmetry as a remnant of the higher-dimensional R symmetry.Comment: 12 pages, Contribution to "Peccei Fest" January 11-13,2002, a number of comments and an appendix are adde

    Geometric Origin of Large Lepton Mixing in a Higher Dimensional Spacetime

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    The large mixing in the lepton sector observed in the recent neutrino-oscillation experiments strongly suggest that nature of left-handed lepton doublets is very different from that of left-handed quark doublets. This means that there is a big disparity between the matter multiplets 5^*'s and 10's in the SU(5) unified theory. We show that this big difference can be explained in a six-dimensional spacetime compactified on the T^2/Z_3 orbifold. That is, we propose to put three families of 5^*'s on three equivalent fixed points of the orbifold and the three 10's in the two-dimensional bulk. We construct an explicit model realizing this situation and show that the democratic mass structure in the lepton sector is naturally obtained and hence the model explains the observed bi-large lepton mixing and simultaneously the required small mixing U_e3. The mass matrices and mixing in the quark sector are also briefly discussed.Comment: 12 pages, including 1 figure and 1 table, one paragraph and two references adde

    A Solution to the Doublet-Triplet Splitting Problem in the Type IIB Supergravity

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    The doublet--triplet mass splitting problem is one of the most serious problems in supersymmetric grand unified theories (GUTs). A class of models based on a product gauge group, such as the SU(5)_{GUT} times U(3)_H or the SU(5)_{GUT} times U(2)_H, realize naturally the desired mass splitting that is protected by an unbroken R symmetry. It has been pointed out that various features in the models suggest that these product-group unification models are embedded in a supersymmetric brane world. We show an explicit construction of those models in the supersymmetric brane world based on the Type IIB supergravity in ten dimensions. We consider T^6/(Z_{12} times Z_2) orientifold for the compactified six extra dimensions. We find that all of the particles needed for the GUT-symmetry-breaking sector are obtained from the D-brane fluctuations. The three families of quarks and leptons are introduced at an orbifold singularity, although their origin remains unexplained. This paper includes extensive discussion on anomaly cancellation in a given orbifold geometry. Relation to the Type IIB string theory, realization of R symmetry as a rotation of extra-dimensional space, and effective superpotential at low energies are also discussed.Comment: 61 page

    Higher-Dimensional QCD without the Strong CP Problem

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    QCD in a five-dimensional sliced bulk with chiral extra-quarks on the boundaries is generically free from the strong CP problem. Accidental axial symmetry is naturally present except for suppressed breaking interactions, which plays a role of the Peccei-Quinn symmetry to make the strong CP phase sufficiently small.Comment: 7 pages, late

    GUT Phase Transition and Hybrid Inflation

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    The supersymmetric model of hybrid inflation is interesting not only because of its naturalness but also because of another reason. Its energy scale determined by the COBE normalization is 10^15 - 10^16 GeV. It happens to be the energy scale of interest in particle physics, namely, the mass scale of right-handed neutrinos or the energy scale of the gauge-coupling unification. It is true that topological defects are produced after the hybrid inflation if it is related to a U(1)_B-L or a GUT-symmetry breaking, and hence one cannot naively identify models of particle physics with that of inflation. But those defects are not necessarily found in modified models. We show in this article that quite a simple extension of the minimal supersymmetric hybrid inflation model is free from monopoles or cosmic strings. Moreover, it happens to be exactly the same as a well-motivated extension of SU(5)-unified theories. The vacuum energy is dominated by F-term. The \eta-problem is not necessarily serious when the model is realized by D-branes. Although it has been considered that a coupling constant has to be very small when the vacuum energy is dominated by F-term, this constraint is not applied either to the D-brane model. They are due to a particular form of the Kahler potential and interaction of the model. Reheating process is also discussed.Comment: 11 pages; references adde

    In situ local shock speed and transit shock speed

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