116 research outputs found

    A Terrestrial SER Estimation Methodology based on Simulation coupled with One-Time Neutron Irradiation Testing

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    電子機器の信頼性評価の迅速化に光明 --様々な中性子施設で半導体ソフトエラー評価を可能にする技術を開発--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-06-08.Terrestrial soft error rates (SERs) are generally estimated by performing an experiment using spallation neutron beam with the energy spectrum being similar to that of the terrestrial neutrons or at least four measurements using various (quasi-)mono-energetic neutron and/or proton sources to determine the parameters of the Weibull function. We here propose a method to estimate the terrestrial SERs based on simulation coupled with one-time neutron irradiation testing which can be applied to various kinds of neutron sources. In this method, the dependences of single event upset (SEU) cross sections on the neutron energy and the critical charge are calculated by simulation using Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS). The critical charge is used as the only calibration parameter, which is adjusted to reproduce the SER measured by one-time neutron irradiation. The validity of our method is investigated for 65-nm bulk SRAMs with the measured data using various neutron sources in Japan. Our method generally provides the reasonable terrestrial SERs compared with those obtained by the Weibull function method. This result indicates the feasibility of evaluating the terrestrial SER using one of the various neutron sources available all over the world, including those not dedicated to SER measurement. We also investigate the necessity of the elaborated geometry of device under test (DUT) for the accuracy of the simulation. It is shown that detailed material compositions of DUT are not necessary in our method except when the one-time irradiation is performed using the neutron source that contains a high-quantity of low-energy neutrons below 8 MeV. Furthermore, we confirm that the configuration of the sensitive volume can be simplified without sacrificing the estimation accuracy. These simplifications in the simulation help to reduce the modeling and calculation cost in SER estimation

    Isotope production in proton-, deuteron-, and carbon-induced reactions on Nb 93 at 113 MeV/nucleon

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    Isotope-production cross sections for p-, d-, and C-induced spallation reactions on Nb93 at 113 MeV/nucleon were measured using the inverse-kinematics method employing secondary targets of CH2, CD2, and C. The measured cross sections for Mo90, Nb90, Y86,88 produced by p-induced reactions were found to be consistent with those measured by the conventional activation method. We performed benchmark tests of the reaction models INCL-4.6, JQMD, and JQMD-2.0 implemented in the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS) and of the nuclear data libraries JENDL-4.0/HE, TENDL-2017, and ENDF/B-VIII.0. The model calculations also showed generally good agreement with the measured isotope-production cross sections for p-, d-, and C-induced reactions. It also turns out that, among the three nuclear data libraries, JENDL-4.0/HE provides the best agreement with the measured data for the p-induced reactions. We compared the present Nb93 data with the Zr93 data, that were measured previously by the same inverse kinematics method (Kawase et al., Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2017, 093D03 (2017)2050-391110.1093/ptep/ptx110), with particular attention to the effect of neutron-shell closure on isotope production in p- and d-induced spallation reactions. The isotopic distributions of the measured production cross sections in the Zr93 data showed noticeable jumps at neutron number N=50 in the isotopic chains of ΔZ=0 and -1, whereas no such jump appeared in isotopic chain of ΔZ=0 in the Nb93 data. From INCL-4.6 + GEM calculations, we found that the jump formed in the evaporation process is smeared out by the intranuclear cascade component in Nb91 produced by the Nb93(p,p2n) and (d,d2n) reactions on Nb93. Moreover, for Nb93, the distribution of the element-production cross sections as a function of the change in proton number ΔZ is shifted to smaller ΔZ than for Zr93, because the excited Nb prefragments generated by the cascade process are more likely to emit protons than the excited Zr prefragments, due to the smaller proton-separation energies of the Nb isotopes

    Coulomb breakup reactions of 93,94 Zr in inverse kinematics

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    Coulomb breakup reactions of 93,94 Zr have been studied in inverse kinematics at incident beam energies of about 200 MeV/nucleon in order to evaluate neutron capture reaction methods. The 93 Zr(n,γ) 94 Zr reaction is particularly important as a candidate nuclear transmutation reaction for the long-lived fission product 93 Zr in nuclear power plants. One- and two-neutron removal cross sections on Pb and C targets were measured to deduce the inclusive Coulomb breakup cross sections, 375 ± 29 (stat.) ± 30 (syst.) and 403 ± 26 (stat.) ± 31 (syst.) mb for 93 Zr and 94 Zr, respectively. The results are compared with estimates using the standard Lorentzian model and microscopic calculations. The results reveal a possible contribution of the pygmy dipole resonance or giant quadrupole resonance in the Coulomb breakup reactions of 94 Zr

    Regional delivery of model compounds and 5-Fluorouracil to the liver by their application to the liver surface in rats: its implication for clinical use

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine drug distribution in the liver after drug application to the rat liver surface. METHODS: Phenolsulfonphthalein (PSP) and fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran (MW 4400, FD-4) as model compounds or 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) was applied to the rat liver surface by employing a cylindrical diffusion cell (i.d. 9 mm, 0.64 cm2). Then, blood and the remaining solution in the diffusion cell were collected at selected times, followed by excision of the liver. The excised liver was divided into three sites: the region under the diffusion cell attachment site (site 1), the applied lobe except for site 1 (site 2), and non-applied lobes (site 3). RESULTS: In the case of i.v. administration, there were no differences in PSP concentrations among the three sites of the rat liver, and the concentrations rapidly decreased. On the other hand, the PSP concentration in site 1 after application to the rat liver surface was considerably higher than in site 2 and site 3. In addition, the area under the curve (AUC) value (AUCsite1), calculated from the PSP concentration profile in site 1, was about 10 times larger than that in site 3. A similar trend of regional delivery advantage by liver surface application was observed in the case of the macromolecule model FD-4, with a marked AUCsite1 of about 5 times larger than the other two sites. Moreover, we clarified that the anticancer drug 5-FU preferentially distributed in site 1 after application to the rat liver surface. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate the possibility of regional delivery of drugs to the liver by application to the liver surface

    Chiasmata Promote Monopolar Attachment of Sister Chromatids and Their Co-Segregation toward the Proper Pole during Meiosis I

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    The chiasma is a structure that forms between a pair of homologous chromosomes by crossover recombination and physically links the homologous chromosomes during meiosis. Chiasmata are essential for the attachment of the homologous chromosomes to opposite spindle poles (bipolar attachment) and their subsequent segregation to the opposite poles during meiosis I. However, the overall function of chiasmata during meiosis is not fully understood. Here, we show that chiasmata also play a crucial role in the attachment of sister chromatids to the same spindle pole and in their co-segregation during meiosis I in fission yeast. Analysis of cells lacking chiasmata and the cohesin protector Sgo1 showed that loss of chiasmata causes frequent bipolar attachment of sister chromatids during anaphase. Furthermore, high time-resolution analysis of centromere dynamics in various types of chiasmate and achiasmate cells, including those lacking the DNA replication checkpoint factor Mrc1 or the meiotic centromere protein Moa1, showed the following three outcomes: (i) during the pre-anaphase stage, the bipolar attachment of sister chromatids occurs irrespective of chiasma formation; (ii) the chiasma contributes to the elimination of the pre-anaphase bipolar attachment; and (iii) when the bipolar attachment remains during anaphase, the chiasmata generate a bias toward the proper pole during poleward chromosome pulling that results in appropriate chromosome segregation. Based on these results, we propose that chiasmata play a pivotal role in the selection of proper attachments and provide a backup mechanism that promotes correct chromosome segregation when improper attachments remain during anaphase I

    Spallation reaction study for fission products in nuclear waste: Cross section measurements for 137

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    Spallation reactions for the long-lived fission products 137Cs, 90Sr and 107Pd have been studied for the purpose of nuclear waste transmutation. The cross sections on the proton- and deuteron-induced spallation were obtained in inverse kinematics at the RIKEN Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory. Both the target and energy dependences of cross sections have been investigated systematically. and the cross-section differences between the proton and deuteron are found to be larger for lighter fragments. The experimental data are compared with the SPACS semi-empirical parameterization and the PHITS calculations including both the intra-nuclear cascade and evaporation processes