178 research outputs found

    The Life and Works of Professor Yorifusa Ishida (1932-2015): A Pioneer of Planning History in Japan

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    Professor Yorifusa Ishida (1932-2015), who was an IPHS council member, was one of the leading scholars in the research field of city planning in the post-war Japan. His research interest expands so widely to include planning system, planning history, land readjustment, building line, land use controls and planning, development profit, rural planning and citizen participation. He has publicized his research findings, practical proposals, and academic and political views in many books, articles and academic papers. It is rather unfortunate, however, that most of them are published in Japanese and so his attainments are not well known by scholars outside Japan with few exceptions.In this paper, we first trace his life as researcher and professor mainly at Tokyo Metropolitan University. Then we try to review as many academic writings of his as possible in a systematic way in order to analyze the development of his research interests and attainments in his academic carrier for over 40 years. This was made possible because we have obtained fairly detailed information of his curriculum vitae and his publications list thanks to his surviving family.In this analysis, we focus upon his attainments in planning history in particular. Our questions will include:(1) What is, in his framework and interest, the relationship between the research of planning history and that of city planning as a whole?(2) What are his specific and distinctive contributions in the field of planning history? (3) What is his view of planning history, which we need to analyze critically and may be able to learn form?(4) What is the impacts of the western (German, French, British and American) planning upon his research?In conclusion, we try to evaluate the roll of Professor Ishida in the entire history of city planning research in Japan

    Seafloor crustal deformation data along the subduction zones around Japan obtained by GNSS-A observations

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    Crustal deformation data obtained by geodetic observation networks are foundations in the fields of geodesy and seismology. These data are essential for understanding plate motion and earthquake sources and for simulating earthquake and tsunami disasters. Although relatively scarce, seafloor geodetic data are particularly important for monitoring the behaviour of undersea interplate boundary regions. Since the mid-1990s, we have been developing the combined Global Navigation Satellite System-Acoustic ranging (GNSS-A) technique for realizing seafloor geodesy. This technique allows us to collect time series of seafloor crustal deformation. Our published data can be used to investigate several seismological phenomena along the subduction zones around Japan, namely the Nankai Trough, Sagami Trough and Japan Trench. These regions are globally important places in geodesy and seismology and are also suitable for comparison with other geophysical datasets. Our intention is for these data to promote further understanding of megathrust zones.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 4 table

    Formation of maritime convergence zones within cold air outbreaks due to the shape of the coastline or sea ice edge

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    Maritime cold air outbreaks often feature convergence zones that provide a conducive environment for the development of polar mesoscale cyclones and polar lows. This study examines the formation mechanisms of these convergence zones in cold air outbreaks downstream of a coastline or sea-ice edge. A simplified configuration in which the coastline or sea-ice edge is approximated by a line featuring a bend with an angle is examined using analytic solutions and idealised numerical simulations. The bend of the coastline causes differences in the fetch over which air parcels travel, causing a warm wedge of air downstream of the bend due to differential airmass transformations. The warm wedge is associated with a pressure trough that leads to convergence in the presence of surface friction. The analytic model captures this mechanism and compares well with the idealised numerical simulations. Condensational heating associated with moist convection enhances vertical motions and thus intensifies the horizontal convergence. The idealised numerical simulations also reproduce an asymmetry in the vertical shear of the horizontal wind across the convergence zone, which explains the transverse cloud streets downstream to the left of the convergence zone.publishedVersio

    Ignition Condition for p-^11B Reactor with LHD type Magnetic Field Configuration

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    Proton-Boron fusion reactor (p-^11B reactor) might be able to be achieved by the combination of the LHD type magnetic field configuration and the ion cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF) heating scheme of protons. The LHD magnetic field has the excellent ability for the high energy particle confinements. This characteristic is studied by numerical computations of high energetic particles in the LHD magnetic field where the strong ICRF field is applied. It is shown by the Langevin equation analysis that the steady state distribution function of ICRF heated proton becomes to the quasilinear plateau distribution function (QPDF). The fusion reaction rate of p-11B is calculated for QPDF protons and studied the ignition condition. It is found that the ignition condition becomes possible to be satisfied if effective temperature of proton is of the order of 300 keV and nτ >~ 10^22 s/m3

    Dynamin 1 is important for microtubule organization and stabilization in glomerular podocytes

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    Dynamin 1 is a neuronal endocytic protein that participates in vesicle formation by scission of invaginated membranes. Dynamin 1 is also expressed in the kidney; however, its physiological significance to this organ remains unknown. Here, we show that dynamin 1 is crucial for microtubule organization and stabilization in glomerular podocytes. By immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy, dynamin 1 was concentrated at microtubules at primary processes in rat podocytes. By immunofluorescence of differentiated mouse podocytes (MPCs), dynamin 1 was often colocalized with microtubule bundles, which radially arranged toward periphery of expanded podocyte. In dynamin 1-depleted MPCs by RNAi, alpha-tubulin showed a dispersed linear filament-like localization, and microtubule bundles were rarely observed. Furthermore, dynamin 1 depletion resulted in the formation of discontinuous, short acetylated alpha-tubulin fragments, and the decrease of microtubule-rich protrusions. Dynamins 1 and 2 double-knockout podocytes showed dispersed acetylated alpha-tubulin and rare protrusions. In vitro, dynamin 1 polymerized around microtubules and cross-linked them into bundles, and increased their resistance to the disassembly-inducing reagents Ca(2+)and podophyllotoxin. In addition, overexpression and depletion of dynamin 1 in MPCs increased and decreased the nocodazole resistance of microtubules, respectively. These results suggest that dynamin 1 supports the microtubule bundle formation and participates in the stabilization of microtubules

    p-IIIA-N2 期肺癌の手術成績: 腫瘍径, リンパ節転移の拡がりとの相関を中心に

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系Systematic lymph node dissection was performed for every patients undergoing surgical intervention. Since 1981, there were 218 stage IIIA-N2 patients who underwent resection with two operative mortality. The five-year survival rate of whole cases was 22.6%, and that of 152 completely resected cases was 30.0%. Favorable factors on long-term survival of pN2 patients were cN0, T1-2 N2M0, single mediastinal node involvement, and tumor less than 20 mm or less. The five-year survival rates of stage IIIA-N2 patients with tumor diameter of or = 51 mm were 48.1%, 27.7%, 31.2%, and 16.7%, respectively. When micrometastases to lymph node in the p-stage I patients (diagnosed by H-E staining) were examined by immunohistochemical staining, 36 patients (27%) out of 132 verified micrometastases in the lymph nodes


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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of carinal resection for bronchogenic carcinoma in our institute. From 1981 to 1999, 24 carinal resection were performed for squamous cell carcinoma (n = 19), adenoid cystic carcinoma (n = 2), small cell carcinoma (n = 1), adenocarcinoma (n = 1), and mucoepidermoid carcinoma (n = 1). Nineteen underwent sleeve pneumonectomy, 2 had carinal resection without lung resection, 2 had carinal resection with right middle and lower lobectomy, and 1 had wedge pneumonectomy. In the patients with sleeve or wedge pneumonectomy, there were 5 operative death and 3 patients had survived for more than 3 years. Two patients with low-grade malignant tumors underwent carinal resection without lung resection and survived more than 10 years. We believe that limited carinal resection for low-grade malignant tumors are safe and valuable procedure. Careful selection of patients with sleeve or wedge pneumonectomy is mandatory

    Stabilization by Fusion to the C-terminus of Hyperthermophile Sulfolobus tokodaii RNase HI: A Possibility of Protein Stabilization Tag

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    RNase HI from the hyperthermophile Sulfolobus tokodaii (Sto-RNase HI) is stabilized by its C-terminal residues. In this work, the stabilization effect of the Sto-RNase HI C-terminal residues was investigated in detail by thermodynamic measurements of the stability of variants lacking the disulfide bond (C58/145A), or the six C-terminal residues (ΔC6) and by structural analysis of ΔC6. The results showed that the C-terminal does not affect overall structure and stabilization is caused by local interactions of the C-terminal, suggesting that the C-terminal residues could be used as a “stabilization tag.” The Sto-RNase HI C-terminal residues (-IGCIILT) were introduced as a tag on three proteins. Each chimeric protein was more stable than its wild-type protein. These results suggested the possibility of a simple stabilization technique using a stabilization tag such as Sto-RNase HI C-terminal residues

    肺癌の手術成績からみた新病期分類, とくにIIIA期, IIIB期の妥当性と問題点

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of new TNM staging system for lung cancer in 1997, especially T3N0M0, stage IIIA, stage IIIB, and pm. Five-year survival rates of the patients with stage IIIA and stage IIIB were 16% and 18% respectively (NS). Five-year survival rates of patients with T3N1M0, T1N2M0, T2N2M0, and T3N2M0 were 40%, 28%, 15%, and 3%, respectively. The prognosis of T3N2M0 was significantly worse than that of T3N1M0, T1N2M0, and T2N2M0. Five-year survival rates of the patients excluding pm 1 with T4N0M0, T4N1M0, T4N2M0, and T4N3M0 were 21%, 10%, 10%, and 0%, respectively. The prognosis of the patients with T4N0 was significantly better than that of T4N2 and T4N3. In the patients with pm, 5-year survival rates of the patients with pm 1 and pm 2 were 26% and 7%, respectively (p < 0.01). In the patients with pm 1, 5-year survival rates of the patients with N0 + N1 and N1 + N2 were 53% and 16%, respectively (p < 0.01). From our these results, we supported the new TNM system as putting T3N0M0 to stage IIB, putting pm 2 into stage IV. We proposed; 1) chest wall invasion with bone destruction stay in stage IIIA or is T4, 2) T3N1M0 is classified with stage IIB, 3) main stem bronchus invasion is classified with T2, 4) pm 1 is subdivide by N status. Furthermore, stage III seemed to be reasonably subdivided into T1-2N3M0, T4N0-1M0 as stage IIIA and T3-4N2, T1-4N3 as stage IIIB