499 research outputs found

    Asteroids in GALEX: Near-ultraviolet photometry of the major taxonomic groups

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    We present ultraviolet photometry (NUV band, 180--280 nm) of 405 asteroids observed serendipitously by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) from 2003--2012. All asteroids in this sample were detected by GALEX at least twice. Unambiguous visible-color-based taxonomic labels (C type versus S type) exist for 315 of these asteroids; of these, thermal-infrared-based diameters are available for 245. We derive NUV-V color using two independent models to predict the visual magnitude V at each NUV-detection epoch. Both V models produce NUV-V distributions in which the S types are redder than C types with more than 8-sigma confidence. This confirms that the S types' redder spectral slopes in the visible remain redder than the C types' into the NUV, this redness being consistent with absorption by silica-containing rocks. The GALEX asteroid data confirm earlier results from the International Ultraviolet Explorer, which two decades ago produced the only other sizeable set of UV asteroid photometry. The GALEX-derived NUV-V data also agree with previously published Hubble Space Telescope (HST) UV observations of asteroids 21 Lutetia and 1 Ceres. Both the HST and GALEX data indicate that NUV band is less useful than u band for distinguishing subgroups within the greater population of visible-color-defined C types (notably, M types and G types).Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted 2015-May-6 to The Astrophysical Journal. Includes one machine-readable table of NUV asteroid detections. Version 2 includes a corrected citation to Waszczak et al. (2015) arXiv abstrac

    Genetic screens to identify ROS signal transducers in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Solar System Small-Body Demographics with the Palomar Transient Factory Survey

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    Observational studies of our solar system's small-body populations (asteroids and comets) offer insight into the history of our planetary system, as these minor planets represent the left-over building blocks from its formation. The Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) survey began in 2009 as the latest wide-field sky-survey program to be conducted on the 1.2-meter Samuel Oschin telescope at Palomar Observatory. Though its main science program has been the discovery of high-energy extragalactic sources (such as supernovae), during its first five years PTF has collected nearly five million observations of over half a million unique solar system small bodies. This thesis begins to analyze this vast data set to address key population-level science topics, including: the detection rates of rare main-belt comets and small near-Earth asteroids, the spin and shape properties of asteroids as inferred from their lightcurves, the applicability of this visible light data to the interpretation of ultraviolet asteroid observations, and a comparison of the physical properties of main-belt and Jovian Trojan asteroids. Future sky-surveys would benefit from application of the analytical techniques presented herein, which include novel modeling methods and unique applications of machine-learning classification. The PTF asteroid small-body data produced in the course of this thesis work should remain a fertile source of solar system science and discovery for years to come

    A New Large Super-Fast Rotator: (335433) 2005 UW163

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    Asteroids of size larger than 150 m generally do not have rotation periods smaller than 2.2 hours. This spin cutoff is believed to be due to the gravitationally bound rubble-pile structures of the asteroids. Rotation with periods exceeding this critical value will cause asteroid breakup. Up until now, only one object, 2001 OE84, has been found to be an exception to this spin cutoff. We report the discovery of a new super-fast rotator, (335433) 2005 UW163, spinning with a period of 1.290 hours and a lightcurve variation of r0.8r'\sim0.8 mag from the observations made at the P48 telescope and the P200 telescope of the Palomar Observatory. Its Hr=17.69±0.27H_{r'} = 17.69 \pm 0.27 mag and multi-band colors (i.e., gr=0.68±0.03g'-r' = 0.68\pm0.03 mag, ri=0.19±0.02r'-i' = 0.19\pm0.02 mag and SDSS iz=0.45i-z = -0.45 mag) show it is a V-type asteroid with a diameter of 0.6+0.3/0.20.6 +0.3/-0.2 km. This indicates (335433) 2005 UW163 is a super-fast rotator beyond the regime of the small monolithic asteroid.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, 1 table Accepted by ApJ

    Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in gout

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    Gout, a rheumatic disease caused by crystals (crystal arthropathy), is a form of inflammatory arthritis causedby monosodium urate depositing in the synovial fluid and as time goes by outside the joints as well (inother tissues and organs).Gout attacks are sudden and often result from a dietary mistake. In 2015 theEuropean and American Rheumatological Associations (EULAR and ACR) published joint classificationcriteria for gout. The criteria involve gout-specific clinical symptoms, irregular results of laboratory testsand lesions visible in imaging tests. The “golden standard” of diagnostics still remains the presence of uricacid crystals in a sample of synovial fluid, the contents of the bursa and of the gouty tophus. The course oftreatment for patients with gout depends on the stage of the disease, but it comes down to implementingvarious forms of preventing hyperuricemia by modifying the patient’s lifestyle and diet, reducing risk factors(such as overweight and obesity) and pharmacological treatment, both in-between and during attacks

    Bound by Fate : The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in Receptor-Like Kinase Signaling

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    In plants, receptor-like kinases (RLKs) and extracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) contribute to the communication between the environment and the interior of the cell. Apoplastic ROS production is a frequent result of RLK signaling in a multitude of cellular processes; thus, by their nature, these two signaling components are inherently linked. However, it is as yet unclear how ROS signaling downstream of receptor activation is executed. In this review, we provide a broad view of the intricate connections between RLKs and ROS signaling and describe the regulatory events that control and coordinate extracellular ROS production. We propose that concurrent initiation of ROS-dependent and -independent signaling linked to RLKs might be a critical element in establishing cellular responses. Furthermore, we discuss the possible ROS sensing mechanisms in the context of the biochemical environment in the apoplast. We suggest that RLK-dependent modulation of apoplastic and intracellular conditions facilitates ROS perception and signaling. Based on data from plant and animal models, we argue that specific RLKs could be components of the ROS sensing machinery or ROS sensors. The importance of the crosstalk between RLK and ROS signaling is discussed in the context of stomatal immunity. Finally, we highlight challenges in the understanding of these signaling processes and provide perspectives for future research.Peer reviewe

    Properties of HxTaS2

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    The preparation of Hx TaS2 (0 \u3c x \u3c 0.87) is described. The compounds are only marginally stable at room temperature, slowly evolving H2S and H2 (and possibly Hp in air). Magnetic susceptibility data show that a low temperature transformation in 2H ... TaS2 (at so•K) is suppressed with the addition of hydrogen, and· at the same time the superconducting transition temperature T c rises from 0.8 to ~4.2•K at x = 0.11. Heat capacity measurements near this concentration show the superconductivity to be a bulk effect. Finally, by correlation of this data with susceptibility and T c measurements in other intercalation compounds, we suggest that the rise of T c (at low electron transfer) is due to suppression of the low temperature transformation and not due to an excitonic mechanism of superconductivity

    Asteroid lightcurves from the Palomar Transient Factory survey: Rotation periods and phase functions from sparse photometry

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    We fit 54,296 sparsely-sampled asteroid lightcurves in the Palomar Transient Factory to a combined rotation plus phase-function model. Each lightcurve consists of 20+ observations acquired in a single opposition. Using 805 asteroids in our sample that have reference periods in the literature, we find the reliability of our fitted periods is a complicated function of the period, amplitude, apparent magnitude and other attributes. Using the 805-asteroid ground-truth sample, we train an automated classifier to estimate (along with manual inspection) the validity of the remaining 53,000 fitted periods. By this method we find 9,033 of our lightcurves (of 8,300 unique asteroids) have reliable periods. Subsequent consideration of asteroids with multiple lightcurve fits indicate 4% contamination in these reliable periods. For 3,902 lightcurves with sufficient phase-angle coverage and either a reliably-fit period or low amplitude, we examine the distribution of several phase-function parameters, none of which are bimodal though all correlate with the bond albedo and with visible-band colors. Comparing the theoretical maximal spin rate of a fluid body with our amplitude versus spin-rate distribution suggests that, if held together only by self-gravity, most asteroids are in general less dense than 2 g/cm3^3, while C types have a lower limit of between 1 and 2 g/cm3^3, in agreement with previous density estimates. For 5-20km diameters, S types rotate faster and have lower amplitudes than C types. If both populations share the same angular momentum, this may indicate the two types' differing ability to deform under rotational stress. Lastly, we compare our absolute magnitudes and apparent-magnitude residuals to those of the Minor Planet Center's nominal G=0.15G=0.15, rotation-neglecting model; our phase-function plus Fourier-series fitting reduces asteroid photometric RMS scatter by a factor of 3.Comment: 35 pages, 29 figures. Accepted 15-Apr-2015 to The Astronomical Journal (AJ). Supplementary material including ASCII data tables will be available through the publishing journal's websit

    Tracing the Orphan Stream to 55 kpc with RR Lyrae Stars

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    We report positions, velocities and metallicities of 50 ab-type RR Lyrae (RRab) stars observed in the vicinity of the Orphan stellar stream. Using about 30 RRab stars classified as being likely members of the Orphan stream, we study the metallicity and the spatial extent of the stream. We find that RRab stars in the Orphan stream have a wide range of metallicities, from -1.5 dex to -2.7 dex. The average metallicity of the stream is -2.1 dex, identical to the value obtained by Newberg et al. (2010) using blue horizontal branch stars. We find that the most distant parts of the stream (40-50 kpc from the Sun) are about 0.3 dex more metal-poor than the closer parts (within ~30 kpc), suggesting a possible metallicity gradient along the stream's length. We have extended the previous studies and have mapped the stream up to 55 kpc from the Sun. Even after a careful search, we did not identify any more distant RRab stars that could plausibly be members of the Orphan stream. If confirmed with other tracers, this result would indicate a detection of the end of the leading arm of the stream. We have compared the distances of Orphan stream RRab stars with the best-fit orbits obtained by Newberg et al. (2010). We find that model 6 of Newberg et al. (2010) cannot explain the distances of the most remote Orphan stream RRab stars, and conclude that the best fit to distances of Orphan stream RRab stars and to the local circular velocity is provided by potentials where the total mass of the Galaxy within 60 kpc is M_{60}~2.7x10^{11} Msun, or about 60% of the mass found by previous studies. More extensive modelling that would consider non-spherical potentials and the possibility of misalignment between the stream and the orbit, is highly encouraged.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 15 pages in emulateapj format, three tables in machine-readable format (download "Source" from "Other formats"

    Asteroid Spin-Rate Study using the Intermediate Palomar Transient Factory

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    Two dedicated asteroid rotation-period surveys have been carried out using data taken on January 6-9 and February 20-23 of 2014 by the Intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF) in the RR~band with 20\sim 20-min cadence. The total survey area covered 174~deg2^2 in the ecliptic plane. Reliable rotation periods for 1,438 asteroids are obtained from a larger data set of 6,551 mostly main-belt asteroids, each with 10\geq 10~detections. Analysis of 1751, PTF based, reliable rotation periods clearly shows the "spin barrier" at 2\sim 2~hours for "rubble-pile" asteroids. We also found a new large-sized super-fast rotator, 2005 UW163 (Chang et al., 2014), and other five candidates as well. Our spin-rate distributions of asteroids with 3<D<153 < D < 15~km shows number decrease when frequency greater than 5 rev/day, which is consistent to that of the Asteroid Light Curve Database (LCDB, Warner et al., 2009) and the result of (Masiero et al., 2009). We found the discrepancy in the spin-rate distribution between our result and (Pravec et al., 2008, update 2014-04-20) is mainly from asteroids with Δm<0.2\Delta m < 0.2 mag that might be primarily due to different survey strategies. For asteroids with D3D \leq 3~km, we found a significant number drop at f=6f = 6 rev/day. The YORP effect timescale for small-sized asteroid is shorter that makes more elongate objets spun up to reach their spin-rate limit and results in break-up. The K-S test suggests a possible difference in the spin-rate distributions of C- and S-type asteroids. We also find that C-type asteroids have a smaller spin-rate limit than the S-type, which agrees with the general sense that the C-type has lower bulk density than the S-type.Comment: Submitted to ApJ (Jan, 2015). Accepted by ApJ (June, 2015). The whole set of the folded lightcurves will be available on the published articl