106 research outputs found

    Phytochemical Analysis, Determine the Content of Total Polyphenols, Total Flavonoids and Antioxidant Activity of Leaves from Syrian Pinus Brutia

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    The aim of this study was to phytochemical screening and  determine the content of total polyphenols,total Flavonoids and antioxidant activity of methanol(80%) extract, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and butanol extracts of leaves  from pinus brutia ,Quantitative estimation of phenols and flavonoids  have been studied using Folin-Ciocalteu method to estimate phenolic conten , method of Aluminum chloride chemical detector for determination Flavonoid content for both methanol(80%) extract, dichloromethane extract, ethyl acetate extract and systemic butanol extract.The antioxidant activity of the previous extracts was studied using the phosphate molybdate method and the results showed that the highest efficacy of the methanol 80% extract .The results showed that the phenolic content of the methanol extract was the largest (429.44 mg gallic acid per gram of dry extract), The flavonoid content of the methanol extract showed the highest value compared with the previous extracts (98.27 mg equivalent for quercetin for each gram of dry extract). The antioxidant activity of the methanol extract was the largest(113.32 mg equivalent for ascorbic acid   for each gram of dry extract). Keywords: phytochemical screening, total polyphenols, total Flavonoids, antioxidant activity, pinus bruti

    Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of Lavandula angustifolia from Syria

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    Chemical composition of the essential oil of the flowers of  Lavandula angustifolia (Lamiaceae), grown in Syria was determined by GC/MS. The oil obtained by hydrodistillation, It was found that the essential oil yield is about (0,2462% ), was found to contain 66 chemical compounds the main ones are linalool(34.70%),Alcanfor(12.77%) , Eucalyptol (11.50%) , Borneol (9.82%) , Linalyl anthranilate (4.51 %) , Geranyl butyrate(3.02%)

    Chemical Components Essential Oil from Syrian Rosmarinus Officinal L

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    The essential oil isolated from the air - Rosmarinus officinalis L was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The main components have been identified were 3,5,5-trimethyl-1-Hexene (51.30%), Borneol (8.22%), Camphor (7.67%), VerBenone (5.95%), 1,8 CINEOLE (3.69), cis-Myrtanol (2.64%), Isoaromadendrene epoxide (2.18%), alpha-TERPINEOL (2.01%), BORNYL ACETATE (1.98%), L-LINALOOL (1.46%). Keywords: Essential oil, GC-MS, Rosmarinus officinalis L, Clevenger apparatus. DOI: 10.7176/CMR/14-4-01 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Surface modification at the micro- and sub-micrometric length scale by micro-laser patterning and chemical etching on zirconia based ceramic materials to enhance the osseointegration

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    Zirconia is currently one of the most used ceramic materials in the dental field, this is because as inert material its do not generate negative reactions in the surrounding tissue, and good mechanical properties, in addition to this, they usually have a resistance mechanism given by a change from tetragonal (-t) to monoclinic (-m) phase transformation, making an expansion that allows to avoid the propagation of cracks and consequently increases its resistance. Surface treatments can offer important advantages when applied to prosthetic materials, treating the roughness of the surfaces allows the cells to change their behaviour and have better or worse integration to the tissue Within the aforementioned information the main objective of this master’s thesis consists on modify its topography by creating nano-roughness patterns in order to enhance the cell adhesion. These samples were prepared by traditional routes, mainly by means of the Cold Isostatic technique and subsequently sintered at 1450 ºC. Afterwards, the surface modification was conducted by using a nanosecond laser equipment. The created topographical pattern consists on parallel lines with different interspaces of 30, 50 and 100 µm. Afterwards, the specimens were chemical etching with hydrofluoric acid at 20% and 40% in different times (15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 55 minutes, 2 hours, 3 hours and 6 hours) in order to remove the pile-up at the vicinity of the laser pattern and at the same time be able to create roughness at the nanometric length scale. Afterwards, the specimens were microstructurally and mechanically characterized by means of advanced characterization techniques, like: confocal laser scanning microscopy, X-Ray diffraction, focused ion beam, among others. The results showed that the pile-up created by the laser pattern is eliminated with a chemical attack at 40% for 30 minutes. This concentration and attack time do not compromise the mechanical properties of the samples, and do not promote a phase change from tetragonal to monoclinic, however, wettability is affected, generating hydrophobic parts, this as a consequence of the roughness that is created on the surface.La zirconia es actualmente uno de los materiales cerámicos más utilizados en el campo dental, esto se debe a que como material inerte no tiene reacciones negativas en el tejido circundante, y a sus buenas propiedades mecánicas, además de esto, suelen tener un mecanismo de resistencia dado por un cambio de fase tetragonal a monoclínica, generando una expansión volumétrica que permite evitar la propagación de grietas y consecuentemente aumenta su resistencia. Los tratamientos superficiales pueden ofrecer importantes ventajas cuando se aplican a materiales protésicos. Tratar la rugosidad de las superficies permite que las células cambien su comportamiento y tengan una mejor o peor integración al tejido. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es modificar la topografía de muestras de zirconia dopado con Ytria (3Y-TZP) para que se cree nano-rugosidad y se promueva la adhesión celular. Éstas muestras se prepararon mediante prensado isostático en frío y se sinterizaron a 1450 ºC. Posteriormente, la modificación de la superficie se realizó mediante el uso de un equipo láser de nanosegundos. El patrón topográfico creado consiste en líneas paralelas con diferentes espacios intermedios de 30, 50 y 100 µm. El siguiente paso consistió en un grabado químico con ácido fluorhídrico de concentraciones al 20% y 40% durante distintos tiempos (15 minutos, 30 minutos, 45 minutos, 55 minutos, 2 horas, 3 horas y 6 horas). Una vez realizado el ataque químico, las muestras se caracterizaron microestructuralmente mediante: método de Arquímedes (cálculo de densidad) y microscopía de barrido láser confocal (análisis topográfico de los patrones). Además, las muestras elegidas se degradaron hidrotermalmente en vapor de agua durante 10 horas, y seguido se realizó una caracterización microestructural (difracción de rayos X) y mecánica (dureza Vickers). Los resultados muestran que el amontonamiento creado por el patrón láser se elimina con un ataque químico al 40% durante 30 minutos. Dichas concentraciones y tiempos de ataque no comprometen las propiedades mecánicas de las muestras, y no promueven un cambio de fase de tetragonal a monoclínica, sin embargo, se afecta la mojabilidad generando muestras hidrofóbicas, esto como consecuencia de la rugosidad que se crea en la superficie.La zircònia és actualment un dels materials ceràmics més utilitzats en el camp dental, això es deu al fet que com a material inert no té reaccions negatives en el teixit circumdant, i a les seves bones propietats mecàniques, a més a més, solen tenir un mecanisme de resistència donat per un canvi de fase tetragonal a monoclínica, generant una expansió volumètrica que permet evitar la propagació d'esquerdes i conseqüentment augmenta la seva resistència. Els tractaments superficials poden oferir importants avantatges quan s'apliquen a materials protètics. Tractar la rugositat de les superfícies permet que les cèl·lules canviïn el seu comportament i tinguin una millor o pitjor integració al teixit. L'objectiu principal d'aquest treball és modificar la topografia de mostres de zircònia dopat amb Ytria (3Y-TZP) perquè es creï nano-rugositat i es promogui l'adhesió cel·lular. Aquestes mostres es van preparar mitjançant premsat isostàtic en fred i es van sinteritzar a 1450 ºC. Posteriorment, la modificació de la superfície es va realitzar mitjançant l'ús d'un equip làser de nanosegons. El patró topogràfic creat consisteix en línies paral·leles amb diferents espais intermedis de 30, 50 i 100 μm. El següent pas va consistir en un gravat químic amb àcid fluorhídric de concentracions al 20% i 40% durant diferents temps (15 minuts, 30 minuts, 45 minuts, 55 minuts, 2 hores, 3 hores i 6 hores). Un cop realitzat l'atac químic, les mostres es van caracteritzar microestructuralment mitjançant: el mètode d'Arquímedes (càlcul de densitat) i la microscopia de rastreig làser confocal (anàlisi topogràfic dels patrons). A més, algunes de les mostres es van degradar hidrotèrmicament en vapor d'aigua durant 10 hores, i seguit es va realitzar una caracterització microestructural (difracció de raigs X) i mecànica (duresa Vickers). Els resultats mostren que l'apilament creat pel patró làser s'elimina amb un atac químic a l'40% durant 30 minuts. Aquestes concentración i temps d'atac no comprometen les propietats mecàniques de les mostres, i no promouen un canvi de fase d'tetragonal a monoclínica, tot i que afecta la mullabilitat generant mostres hidrofòbiques com a conseqüència de la rugositat que es crea a la superfície

    Cone beam computed tomography findings of ectopic mandibular third molar in the mandibular condyle: report of a case

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    Impaction of third molar is a common developmental abnormality. However, ectopic impaction of the mandibular third molar in condylar region is an extremely rare condition. This report describes a case of impacted tooth in the mandibular condyle without any associated pathologic condition. Also, this report presents the spatial relationship of the impacted mandibular third molar to the surrounding anatomic structures using cone beam computed tomography

    Bond and ductility of concrete reinforced with various steel bars surface and ductility conditions

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    Reinforced concrete is a wide field for researches and studies in civil engineering subject. It is due to the fact that reinforced concrete is the most widely used material for the infrastructure in the world. Reinforced concrete consists of two main materials: reinforcing steel and concrete, each of those two materials has its own effect on the performance of the structure. In this thesis, the change in RC performance due to different steel properties and specifications will be investigated. The study focuses on the bond interaction between steel and concrete and the flexural behaviour of RC beams. Pull-out forces have been exerted on the reinforcing bars in RC blocks to examine the impact of steel properties on the bond strength and failure mode of the blocks. In addition to that, flexural tests have been conducted on simply supported RC beams to investigate how reinforcement properties can affect the ductility of reinforced concrete. Comparison of results of the previous two tests with codes and analytical models have been carried out to verify the outcome of this research

    Studying mean-square stability of numerical method applied for solving models of stochastic differential equations

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    In this paper, Herimte approximations with two collocation points are used for the numerical simulation of stochastic of differential equations (SDE), and continuous wiener processes are computed by computer discrete simulations.  The mean-square stability was studied by applying the proposed technique with the Wiener process on a test stochastic differential equation. The study shows that the proposed method is mean-square stability, strongly convergent from order third and locates large stability regions of method at the real plane. Moreover, the scheme is tested on three problems to illustrate the applicability and efficiency of the purposed technique. Comparisons of our results with others methods, it reveals that our method is better than others.  

    Insight cognitif et schizophrénie

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    International audienceLa schizophrénie est souvent associée à une méconnaissance du trouble sévère et persistante. Ce déficit d'insight est corrélé à l'hypofrontalité mais indépendant du pronostic de la maladie ou du quotient intellectuel. L'insight cognitif est défini comme la différence entre la capacité de réflexion sur soi et la certitude dans cette réflexion. Cette capacité est trouvée diminuée dans la schizophrénie mais augmentée en cas de dépression. Ainsi, la schizophrénie avec comorbidité dépressive est associée à un plus haut niveau d'insight. Les auteurs discutent que la prise de conscience de la maladie psychotique peut être vécue comme traumatique, constituant un facteur de risque de dépression et de passage à l'acte suicidaire

    Características físicas e nutricionais de sorvete medicinal para auxílio na regulação ritmo circadiano

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    A grande taxa de problemas relacionados ao sono no mundo, trouxe o presente estudo a desenvolver um sorvete com compostos bioativos, como o extrato de camomila (​Chamomilla recutita ​ ) e o maracujá azedo (​Passiflora edulis ​ ), que pudesse ser testado em análises futuras de aceitabilidade e aplicabilidade. Para isso, foram feitas três formulações de sorvetes, modificando somente a quantidade da droga vegetal. Logo após a produção, foram calculadas as taxas de derretimento de cada amostra e os resultados obtidos foram respectivamente de 2,43%, 2,77% e 3,95% por minuto, com base na literatura e pesquisa prévia. Em paralelo, foram desenvolvidas as fichas técnicas de preparação que apontaram uma redução do valor energético dos sorvetes em média de 32%, em relação ao sorvete industrializado encontrado em mercados convencionais, podendo-se categorizar o produto artesanal na categoria “light”. Além disso, possui atributos de baixo em gorduras totais (contém menos de 3g) e muito baixo em sódio (contém >5 mg e <40 mg), com redução de 59% de gorduras totais, 75% de gorduras saturadas e 54% de sódio em relação ao produto industrial. Dessa forma, conclui-se que os resultados apresentados foram satisfatórios, não exibindo diferença entre as formulações de cor e odor, sendo sutil a diferença no sabor

    Distinct Stress Response and Altered Striatal Transcriptome in Alpha-Synuclein Overexpressing Mice

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder with motor symptoms and a plethora of non-motor and neuropsychiatric features that accompany the disease from prodromal to advanced stages. While several genetic defects have been identified in familial forms of PD, the predominance of cases are sporadic and result from a complex interplay of genetic and non-genetic factors. Clinical evidence, moreover, indicates a role of environmental stress in PD, supported by analogies between stress-induced pathological consequences and neuronal deterioration observed in PD. From this perspective, we set out to investigate the effects of chronic stress exposure in the context of PD by using a genetic mouse model that overexpresses human wildtype SNCA. Mimicking chronic stress was achieved by adapting a chronic unpredictable mild stress protocol (CUMS) comprising eight different stressors that were applied randomly over a period of eight weeks starting at an age of four months. A distinctive stress response with an impact on anxiety-related behavior was observed upon SNCA overexpression and CUMS exposure. SNCA-overexpressing mice showed prolonged elevation of cortisol metabolites during CUMS exposure, altered anxiety-related traits, and declined motor skills surfacing with advanced age. To relate our phenotypic observations to molecular events, we profiled the striatal and hippocampal transcriptome and used a 2 × 2 factorial design opposing genotype and environment to determine differentially expressed genes. Disturbed striatal gene expression and minor hippocampal gene expression changes were observed in SNCA-overexpressing mice at six months of age. Irrespective of the CUMS-exposure, genes attributed to the terms neuroinflammation, Parkinson’s signaling, and plasticity of synapses were altered in the striatum of SNCA-overexpressing mice