131 research outputs found

    Trends, Random Walks and the Expectations-Augmented Phillips-Curve- A Summary

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    In most macroeconomic models, variations in nominal variables, such as inflation or money growth, are considered to be important determinants of cyclical fluctuations in real activity. The major hypothesis in that respect is the so-called Phillips-curve. In its modern interpretation, it maintains that only unexpected changes in nominal magnitudes produce real effects. Reliable empirical evidence on these effects is therefore crucial for the building of macroeconomic models and the conduct of monetary policy. Time series of output, industrial production or employment however contain growth and seasonal components in addition to cyclical elements. The empirical implementation of business cycle models therefore requires assumptions with respect to growth and seasonal parts as well, in order to isolate cyclical movements and to avoid misspecified equations. It has become general practice to assume that economic growth can be reasonably well approximated by a deterministic linear time trend. Seasonality is either captured through the explicit introduction of dummy variables or the use of seasonally adjusted data. Again, these procedures assume a deterministic seasonal structure. It is generally concluded in this literature, that unanticipated and possibly also expected changes in nominal magnitudes have non-negligible real effect

    Variation, Jumps, Market Frictions and High Frequency Data in Financial Econometrics

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    Smoke with Fire: Financial Crises and the Demand for Parliamentary Oversight in the European Union.

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    The handling of the 2008 financial crisis has reinforced the conviction that the European Union (EU) is undemocratic and that member states are forced to delegate overwhelming power to a supranational technocracy. However, European countries have engaged with this alleged power drift differently, with only a few member states demanding more parliamentary scrutiny of EU institutions. This article develops a political economy explanation for why only some states have enforced mechanisms to monitor the EU more closely. Our theory focuses on the role of the crisis and the impact of fiscal autonomy in countries outside and inside currency arrangements such as the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). We argue that, in the aftermath of a severe economic shock, member states outside the EMU possess more monetary and fiscal resources to handle the crisis. These would then demand oversight of EU decision-making if their fiscal sustainability depends on the Union. By contrast, Eurozone states that need policy changes cannot address the crisis independently or initiate reforms to scrutinize the EU. Hence, we argue that during the heated moments of severe economic downturns, parliaments in Eurozone countries discuss supranational supervision rarely. As these legislatures have nevertheless to give in to the popular demand for EU control, they express support for more EU supervision in the infrequent times of debate. We provide evidence for our theory with a cross-national analysis of EU oversight institutions, and a new original dataset of parliamentary debates during the Eurozone crisis. Our findings highlight the political consequences that financial nosedives have across the diverse membership of a supranational organization

    The Effectiveness of Legal Safeguards in Jurisdictions that Allow Assisted Dying

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    Realized Volatility: A Review

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    Analyse de la prise en charge médicale et de l'impact économique des patients ayant présentés des coûts extrêmes dans un hôpital universitaire [Analysis of the medical management and the economic impact of patients who have represented extreme costs at a university hospital]

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    Les coûts de traitement de certains patients s'avèrent extrêmement élevés, et peuvent faire soupçonner une prise en charge médicale inadéquate. Comme I'évolution du remboursement des prestations hospitalières passe à des forfaits par pathologie, il est essentiel de vérifier ce point, d'essayer de déterminer si ce type de patients peut être identifié à leur admission, et de s'assurer que leur devenir soit acceptable. Pour les années 1995 et 1997. les coûts de traitement dépassant de 6 déviations standard le coût moyen de la catégorie diagnostique APDRG ont été identifiés, et les dossiers des 50 patients dont les coûts variables étaient les plus élevés ont été analysés. Le nombre total de patients dont I'hospitalisation a entraîné des coûts extrêmes a passé de 391 en 1995 à 328 patients en 1997 (-16%). En ce qui concerne les 50 patients ayant entraîné les prises en charge les plus chères de manière absolue, les longs séjours dans de multiples services sont fréquents, mais 90% des patients sont sortis de l'hôpital en vie, et près de la moitié directement à domicile. Ils présentaient une variabilité importante de diagnostics et d'interventions, mais pas d'évidence de prise en charge inadéquate. En conclusion, les patients qualifiés de cas extrêmes sur un plan économique, ne le sont pas sur un plan strictement médical, et leur devenir est bon. Face à la pression qu'exercera le passage à un mode de financement par pathologie, les hôpitaux doivent mettre au point un système de revue interne de I'adéquation des prestations fournies basées sur des caractéristiques cliniques, s'ils veulent garantir des soins de qualité. et identifier les éventuelles prestations sous-optimales qu'ils pourraient être amenés à délivrer. [Auteurs] Treatment costs for some patients are extremely high and might let think that medical care could have been inadequate. As hospital financing systems move towards reimbursement by diagnostic groups, it is essential to assess whether inadequate care is provided, to try to identify these patients upon admission, and make sure that their outcome is good. For the years 1995 and 1997, treatment costs exceeding by 6 standard deviations the average cost of their APDRG category were identified, and the charts of the 50 patients with the highest variable costs were analyzed. The total number of patients with such extreme costs diminished from 391 in 1995 to 328 in 1997 (-16%). For the 50 most expensive patients, long stays in several services were frequent, but 90% of these patients left the hospital alive, and about half directly to their home. They presented an important variation in diagnoses and operations, but no evidence for inadequate care. Thus, patients qualified as extreme from an economic perspective cannot be qualified as such from a medical perspective, and their outcome is good. To face the pressure linked with the change in financing system, hospitals must develop an internal review system for assessing the adequacy of care, based on clinical characteristics, if they want to guarantee good quality of care and identify potentially inadequate practice