22 research outputs found

    Extinction risk of the world's freshwater mammals

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    The continued loss of freshwater habitats poses a significant threat to global biodiversity. We reviewed the extinction risk of 166 freshwater aquatic and semiaquatic mammals—a group rarely documented as a collective. We used the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species categories as of December 2021 to determine extinction risk. Extinction risk was then compared among taxonomic groups, geographic areas, and biological traits. Thirty percent of all freshwater mammals were listed as threatened. Decreasing population trends were common (44.0%), including a greater rate of decline (3.6% in 20 years) than for mammals or freshwater species as a whole. Aquatic freshwater mammals were at a greater risk of extinction than semiaquatic freshwater mammals (95% CI –7.20 to –1.11). Twenty-nine species were data deficient or not evaluated. Large species (95% CI 0.01 to 0.03) with large dispersal distances (95% CI 0.03 to 0.15) had a higher risk of extinction than small species with small dispersal distances. The number of threatening processes associated with a species compounded their risk of extinction (95% CI 0.28 to 0.77). Hunting, land clearing for logging and agriculture, pollution, residential development, and habitat modification or destruction from dams and water management posed the greatest threats to these species. The basic life-history traits of many species were poorly known, highlighting the need for more research. Conservation of freshwater mammals requires a host of management actions centered around increased protection of riparian areas and more conscientious water management to aid the recovery of threatened species

    The politicisation of science in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia:discussion of ‘Scientific integrity, public policy and water governance’

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    Many water scientists aim for their work to inform water policy and management, and in pursuit of this objective, they often work alongside government water agencies to ensure their research is relevant, timely and communicated effectively. A paper in this issue, examining 'Science integrity, public policy and water governance in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia’, suggests that a large group of scientists, who work on water management in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) including the Basin Plan, have been subject to possible ‘administrative capture'. Specifically, it is suggested that they have advocated for policies favoured by government agencies with the objective of gaining personal benefit, such as increased research funding. We examine evidence for this claim and conclude that it is not justified. The efforts of scientists working alongside government water agencies appear to have been misinterpreted as possible administrative capture. Although unsubstantiated, this claim does indicate that the science used in basin water planning is increasingly caught up in the politics of water management. We suggest actions to improve science-policy engagement in basin planning, to promote constructive debate over contested views and avoid the over-politicisation of basin science

    Red hot frogs:Identifying the Australian frogs most at risk of extinction

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    More than a third of the world’s amphibian species are listed as Threatened or Extinct, with a recent assessment identifying 45 Australian frogs (18.4% of the currently recognised species) as ‘Threatened’ based on IUCN criteria. We applied structured expert elicitation to 26 frogs assessed as Critically Endangered and Endangered to estimate their probability of extinction by 2040. We also investigated whether participant experience (measured as a self-assigned categorical score, i.e. ‘expert’ or ‘non-expert’) influenced the estimates. Collation and analysis of participant opinion indicated that eight species are at high risk (>50% chance) of becoming extinct by 2040, with the disease chytridiomycosis identified as the primary threat. A further five species are at moderate–high risk (30–50% chance), primarily due to climate change. Fourteen of the 26 frog species are endemic to Queensland, with many species restricted to small geographic ranges that are susceptible to stochastic events (e.g. a severe heatwave or a large bushfire). Experts were more likely to rate extinction probability higher for poorly known species (those with <10 experts), while non-experts were more likely to rate extinction probability higher for better-known species. However, scores converged following discussion, indicating that there was greater consensus in the estimates of extinction probability. Increased resourcing and management intervention are urgently needed to avert future extinctions of Australia’s frogs. Key priorities include developing and supporting captive management and establishing or extending in-situ population refuges to alleviate the impacts of disease and climate change

    Identifying Behavioural Traits and Underlying Personality Dimensions in Domestic Ferrets (Mustela putorius furo)

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    The aim of this study was to examine the personality structure of domestic ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) by using owner-based reporting of personality traits. A total of 743 ferret owners participated in an online questionnaire, with a total of 1029 ferrets being assessed. Respondents rated 67 adjectives based on their ferret(s) behavioural traits and personality. Principal component analysis (PCA) of these trait ratings identified four underlying personality dimensions, which accounted for 47.1% of the total variance. These were labelled according to the traits that they encompass: Extraversion, Sociability, Attentiveness, and Neuroticism. Details about ferret sex, de-sexing status, age, and coat colour were also sought, and General Linear Mixed Models were used to test the main effects of these characteristics on the personality dimensions. It was found that sex (p &lt; 0.01) and age (p &lt; 0.001) significantly influenced certain personality components, whereas de-sexing did not. Sociability, Attentiveness, and Neuroticism were found to differ based on sex, whereby males were rated as more sociable than females, but females were rated higher on the Attentiveness and Neuroticism subscales. Finally, Extraversion was found to generally decrease with age. We can use the findings of this study to make cross-species comparisons and further inform the discussion regarding the adaptive relevance of animal personality. Identifying differences in personality types can improve welfare by using this information to satisfy the different needs of individuals

    Age structure of amphibian populations with endemic chytridiomycosis, across climatic regions with markedly different infection risk

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    Abstract Threatening processes, such as disease, can drive major changes in population demographics of the host. Chytridiomycosis, caused by the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), has led to the decline of at least 500 amphibian species across the globe and has been shown to truncate host age structure by lowering adult survival rates. This results in heavy reliance on annual recruitment and the inability to recover in the event of periodic recruitment failure. We used skeletochronology to determine the age structure, growth, and survival rates of populations of an endangered amphibian, Litoria raniformis, with endemic chytridiomycosis, across two climatically disparate regions in south‐eastern Australia: semi‐arid and temperate. Contrary to predictions, populations in the semi‐arid region (in which chytrid prevalence is substantially lower due to high temperatures) displayed a more truncated age structure than populations in the temperate study regions. Maximum recorded age was only two years in the semi‐arid region compared with up to four years in the temperate region. Wetland hydroperiod and average seasonal air temperature were correlated with age, and males had a slightly higher survival rate than females (0.31 for males and 0.27 for females). Despite the previously documented differences in chytrid prevalence between the two climatic regions, water availability and wetland hydroperiods appear the over‐riding determinants of the age structure and survival rates of L. raniformis. Targeted management which ensures water availability and improves survival of 1‐year‐old frogs into their second and third breeding season would reduce the impact of stochastic events on L. raniformis, and this may be true for numerous frog species susceptible to chytridiomycosis

    Spatial patterns of a southern bell frog litoria raniformis population in an agricultural landscape

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    We investigated changes in the spatial organization of individuals within a population of endangered Southern Bell Frogs Litoria raniformis over an eight-month period. Our results identified strong temporal changes in both spatial organization and the apparent location of L. raniformis within the study site. Ripley\u27s K Function analyses showed that the position of individuals relative to one another shifted from random immediately after the study site was flooded (p &lt; 0.005), to strongly clustered at spatial scales between 0-1 500 m during the peak breeding period (p &lt; 0.005). The majority of flooded areas were dry by April and May and individuals again became aggregated within the remaining waterbodies.<br /

    Movement patterns of southern bell frogs (Litoria raniformis) in response to flooding

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    Within the semiarid regions of New South Wales, Australia, the endangered southern bell frog (Litoria raniformis) occupies a landscape that is characterised by unpredictable rainfall and periodic flooding. Limited knowledge of the movement and habitat-occupancy patterns of this species in response to flood events has hampered conservation efforts. We used radio-tracking to assess changes in movement patterns and habitat occupancy of L. raniformis (n = 40) over three different periods (November, January and April/May) that coincided with the flooding, full capacity and subsequent drying of waterbodies within an irrigation landscape. We assessed (1) the use of permanent and ephemeral habitats in response to flooding and drying and (2) distances moved, turning angles and dispersion of frogs during wetland flooding, full capacity and drying. Individuals remained in permanent waterbodies in November but had abandoned these areas in favour of flooded ephemeral waterbodies by January. As the ephemeral waterbodies dried, radio-tracked individuals moved back into permanent waterbodies. The movement patterns of radio-tracked individuals were significantly different in the three radio-tracking periods, but did not differ significantly between sexes. Individuals moved significantly greater distances over 24 h, in straighter lines and movements were more dispersed while they occupied ephemeral waterbodies during January than when they occupied permanent waterbodies during November and April/May. Local weather conditions did not influence movement patterns when all three tracking periods were modelled together using a single linear stepwise regression. The dynamic distribution of habitat patches over space and time, combined with changing patterns of resource utilisation and movement of L. raniformis, highlights the importance of incorporating both permanent and ephemeral habitat patches into conservation plans. Reductions in flood frequency and extent of ephemeral wetlands due to modified flooding regimes have the capacity to limit dispersal of this species, even when permanent waterbodies remain unchanged.<br /

    Putting rakali in the spotlight:innovative methods for detecting an elusive semi-aquatic mammal

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    Context: Freshwater ecosystems rank among the most threatened environments on Earth. Monitoring aquatic and semi-aquatic species is vital to informing conservation of freshwater ecosystems. However, many semi-aquatic mammals can be difficult to detect with conventional survey methods. Aims: We aimed to identify the most effective survey method for detecting an Australian semi-aquatic mammal, the rakali (Hydromys chrysogaster). Methods: We compared rakali detection rates among camera-trapping, live-trapping and visual surveys, and tested the influence of camera angle, trap proximity to water and time of survey, across the Yanco Creek system in southern New South Wales. Key results: Nocturnal spotlight surveys were the most effective method for detecting rakali, with most observations occurring while individuals were foraging or swimming in the water. Camera traps facing a floating platform and cage traps mounted on floating platforms performed better than those deployed on land. Downward-facing camera traps detected rakali three times more often than forward-facing cameras. Trapping rakali was unreliable, with the species detected at fewer than half of the sites where presence was confirmed via visual observation and camera traps. For species absence to be determined with 95% confidence, two to four weeks of nightly trapping is required, compared with six nights of visual surveys or 12 nights for a platform-facing camera. Morning visual surveys were largely ineffective due to predominantly nocturnal rakali activity and difficulty in detecting signs in creek environments. Conclusions: The likelihood of detecting rakali can be maximised through the use of nightly spotlighting and deployment of baited camera traps focussed on platforms or natural resting areas within a water body. Implications: Understanding the effectiveness of each method is essential for developing species-appropriate protocols for population monitoring. Our findings present suitable options to be further explored among the 100-plus small (&lt;1 kg) semi-aquatic mammals worldwide that share similar behaviours and characteristics to the rakali, many of which are threatened or data deficient.<br/

    FIGURE 1 in Molecular systematic analysis demonstrates that the threatened southern bell frog, Litoria raniformis (Anura: Pelodryadidae) of eastern Australia comprises two sub-species

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    FIGURE 1. Map showing collection locations of specimens from the Litoria aurea Group analysed with molecular genetics (large symbols: red circles = northern group (L. r. raniformis), blue triangles = southern group (L. r. major), black squares = L. castanea) and museum records (small red circles = L. raniformis, small black circles = L. castanea). Neotype collection locations are indicated by coloured arrows.Published as part of Vörös, Judit, Wassens, Skye, Price, Luke, Hunter, David, Myers, Steven, Armstrong, Kyle, Mahony, Michael J. & Donnellan, Stephen, 2023, Molecular systematic analysis demonstrates that the threatened southern bell frog, Litoria raniformis (Anura: Pelodryadidae) of eastern Australia comprises two sub-species, pp. 1-43 in Zootaxa 5228 (1) on page 14, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5228.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/752404