413 research outputs found

    Zoologische Ergebnisse einer von Dr. K. Escherich und Dr. L. Kathariner nach Central-Kleinasien unternommenen Reise - Myrmecophilen

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    Die vorstehende Arbeit bildet den III. Theil der in der Ueberschrift erwähnten "Zoologischen Ergebnisse". Theil I (Myriapoden, von Dr. C. Verhoeff) erscheint in dem Archiv für Naturgeschichte, Theil II (Orthopteren, von Dr. H. Krauss) in den Spengel'schen Jahrbüchern, Theil IV (Coleopteren, von Dr. K. Escherich) in den Verhandlungen der Zool.- Bot. Gesellschaft Wien

    Zur Kenntnis der termitophilen und myrmekophilen Cetoniden Südafrikas

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    Daß es in der Käferfamilie der Oetoniden Hals viele schöne, farbenprächtige. oder durch abenteuerliche Kopfbildungen der Männchen ausgezeichnete Formen gibt ist allbekannt. Auch weiß man schon seit dem drolligen Berichte Lochners von Hummelstein "Lapis myrmecias falsus cantharidibus gravidus" (1688), daß die Puppen von Cetonien in Ameisennestern zu finden sind. Es handelt sich um Cetonia floricola Hbst., deren Larven und Puppen in den Nestern von Formica rufa L. uncl pratensis Deg. überall gemein sind; nur wo es wenige dieser Ameisenhaufen gibt, scheint jene Cetonia-Art auch in Mistbeeten oder in anderer Modererde ihre Entwickelung durchzumachen. Ferner sind die meisten (vielleicht alle) nordamerikanischen Arten der Cetoniden-Gattung Cremastochilus gesetzmäßig myrmekophil). Bei ihnen finden wir auch häufig bereits gelbe Borstenbüschel in den Vertiefungen der Vorder- und Hinterecken des Halsschildes, was andeutet, daß sie nicht bloß als Larven, sondern auch alsKäfer bei den Ameisen leben und sogar auf einer gewissen Stufe des echten Gastverhältnisses (Symphilie) zu ihren Wirten stehen. Dagegen war über termitophile Cetoniden bisher noch nichts in der Literatur zu finden. Von der Gattung Coenochilus Schaum sagt der Autor in Germars "Zeitschr. f. Entom.", III., 1. und 2. Heft (1841), S. 270: "Die Arten leben, wie Afzelius angiebt, nach Art der Aphodien in der Erde." Ich bin nun durch die wertvollen Entdeckungen und Sendungen meines Korrespondenten Dr. Hans Brauns in der Lage, hier über die Lebensweise der südafrikanischen Coenochilus und zweier neuer, mit Coenochilus verwandter Gattungen bessere Nachricht zu geben und zugleich mehrere neue Gattungen und Arten zu beschreiben

    Brauchen Mädchen eine besondere Begabungsförderung?

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    Der Kampf um das Entwicklungs-Problem in Berlin

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    DER KAMPF UM DAS ENTWICKLUNGS-PROBLEM IN BERLIN Der Kampf um das Entwicklungs-Problem in Berlin / Wasmann, Erich (Public Domain) ( - ) Cover front ( - ) Title page ( - ) Contents ( - ) Preface (VII) Erster Teil. Vorträge über das Entwicklungsproblem ( - ) Erster Vortrag (13. Febr.). Die Entwicklungslehre als naturwissenschaftliche Hypothese und Theorie (3) Zweiter Vortrag (14. Febr.). Theistische und atheistische Entwicklungslehre. Entwicklungslehre und Darwinismus (15) Dritter Vortrag (17. Febr.). Die Anwendung der Deszendenztheorie auf den Menschen (32) Zweiter Teil. Diskussionsabend (18. Febr.) ([55]) Vorbemerkungen zur Geschichte des Diskussionsabends (57) Eröffnungsrede Prof. Waldeyers (60) Rede des ersten Opponenten, Herrn Prof. Dr. Plate (61) Rede des zweiten Opponenten, Herrn Dr. Bölsche (75) Rede des dritten Opponenten, Herrn Professors Dahl (78) Rede des vierten Opponenten, Herrn Dr. Friedenthal (84) Rede des fünften Opponenten, Herrn Professors v. Hansemann (90) Rede des sechsten Opponenten, Grafen v. Hoensbroech (97) Rede des siebten Opponenten, Herrn Schriftstellers Itelson (98) Rede des achten Opponenten, Herrn Dr. Juliusburger (99) Rede des neunten Opponenten, Herrn Dr. Plötz (107) Rede des zehnten Opponenten, Herrn Dr. Schmidt-Jena (113) Rede des elften Opponenten, Herrn Dr. Thesing (120) Rede des Herrn P. Wasmann S. J. (Schlußwort) (125) Nachwort (145) Nachtrag (zu S. 105, 130, 139) (156) Index (159) Advertising ( - ) ColorChart ( -

    Constructing a representative in-silico population for paediatric simulations: Application to HIV-positive African children

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    AIMS: Simulations are an essential tool for investigating scenarios in pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics. The models used during simulation often include the effect of highly correlated covariates such as weight, height and sex, and for children also age, which complicates the construction of an in silico population. For this reason, a suitable and representative patient population is crucial for the simulations to produce meaningful results. For simulation in paediatric patients, international growth charts from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provide a reference, but these may not always be representative for specific populations, such as malnourished children with HIV or acutely unwell children. METHODS: We present a workflow to construct a virtual paediatric patient population using WHO and CDC growth charts, suggest piecewise linear functions to adjust the median of the growth charts by sex and age, and suggest visual diagnostics to compare with the target population. We applied this workflow in a population of 1206 HIV-positive African children, consisting of 19 742 observations with weight ranging from 3.8 to 79.7 kg, height from 55.5 to 180 cm, and an age between 0.40 and 18 years. RESULTS: Before adjustment, the WHO and CDC charts produced weights and heights higher compared to the observed data. After applying our methodology, we could simulate weight, height, sex and age combinations in good agreement with the observed data. CONCLUSION: The methodology presented here is flexible and may be applied to other scenarios where WHO and CDC growth standards might not be appropriate. In addition we provide R scripts and a large ready-to-use paediatric population

    The use of ideas of Information Theory for studying "language" and intelligence in ants

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    In this review we integrate results of long term experimental study on ant "language" and intelligence which were fully based on fundamental ideas of Information Theory, such as the Shannon entropy, the Kolmogorov complexity, and the Shannon's equation connecting the length of a message (ll) and its frequency (p)(p), i.e. l=logpl = - \log p for rational communication systems. This approach, new for studying biological communication systems, enabled us to obtain the following important results on ants' communication and intelligence: i) to reveal "distant homing" in ants, that is, their ability to transfer information about remote events; ii) to estimate the rate of information transmission; iii) to reveal that ants are able to grasp regularities and to use them for "compression" of information; iv) to reveal that ants are able to transfer to each other the information about the number of objects; v) to discover that ants can add and subtract small numbers. The obtained results show that Information Theory is not only wonderful mathematical theory, but many its results may be considered as Nature laws

    Tobramycin Clearance Is Best Described by Renal Function Estimates in Obese and Non-obese Individuals: Results of a Prospective Rich Sampling Pharmacokinetic Study

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    Item does not contain fulltextPURPOSE: Tobramycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic of which the 24 h exposure correlates with efficacy. Recently, we found that clearance of the aminoglycoside gentamicin correlates with total body weight (TBW). In this study, we investigate the full pharmacokinetic profile of tobramycin in obese and non-obese individuals with normal renal function. METHODS: Morbidly obese individuals (n = 20) undergoing bariatric surgery and non-obese healthy volunteers (n = 8), with TBW ranging 57-194 kg, received an IV dose of tobramycin with plasma concentrations measured over 24 h (n = 10 per individual). Statistical analysis, modelling and simulations were performed using NONMEM. RESULTS: In a two-compartment model, TBW was the best predictor for central volume of distribution (p < 0.001). For clearance, MDRD (de-indexed for body surface area) was identified as best covariate (p < 0.001), and was superior over TBW ((p < 0.05). Other renal function estimates (24 h urine GFR and de-indexed CKD-EPI) led to similar results as MDRD (all p < 0.001)). CONCLUSIONS: In obese and non-obese individuals with normal renal function, renal function estimates such as MDRD were identified as best predictors for tobramycin clearance, which may imply that other processes are involved in clearance of tobramycin versus gentamicin. To ensure similar exposure across body weights, we propose a MDRD-based dosing nomogram for obese patients

    Population pharmacokinetics of vancomycin in obesity: Finding the optimal dose for (morbidly) obese individuals

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    Aims: For vancomycin treatment in obese patients, there is no consensus on the optimal dose that will lead to the pharmacodynamic target (area under the curve 400–700 mg h L−1). This prospective study quantifies vancomycin pharmacokinetics in morbidly obese and nonobese individuals, in order to guide vancomycin dosing in the obese. Methods: Morbidly obese individuals (n = 20) undergoing bariatric surgery and nonobese healthy volunteers (n = 8; total body weight [TBW] 60.0–234.6 kg) received a single vancomycin dose (obese: 12.5 mg kg−1, maximum 2500 mg; nonobese: 1000 mg) with plasma concentrations measured over 48 h (11–13 samples per individual). Modelling, internal validation, external validation using previously published data and simulations (n = 10.000 individuals, TBW 60–230 kg) were performed using NONMEM. Results: In a 3-compartment model, peripheral volume of distribution and clearance increased with TBW (both p  90% target attainment (area under the curve > 400 mg h L−1) in individuals up to 200 kg, with corresponding trough concentrations of 5.7–14.6 mg L−1 (twice daily dosing). For continuous infusion, a loading dose of 1500 mg is required for s