581 research outputs found

    Optical readout of charge and spin in a self-assembled quantum dot in a strong magnetic field

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    We present a theory and experiment demonstrating optical readout of charge and spin in a single InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dot. By applying a magnetic field we create the filling factor 2 quantum Hall singlet phase of the charged exciton. Increasing or decreasing the magnetic field leads to electronic spin-flip transitions and increasing spin polarization. The increasing total spin of electrons appears as a manifold of closely spaced emission lines, while spin flips appear as discontinuities of emission lines. The number of multiplets and discontinuities measures the number of carriers and their spin. We present a complete analysis of the emission spectrum of a single quantum dot with N=4 electrons and a single hole, calculated and measured in magnetic fields up to 23 Tesla.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Composite fermions in periodic and random antidot lattices

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    The longitudinal and Hall magnetoresistance of random and periodic arrays of artificial scatterers, imposed on a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas, were investigated in the vicinity of Landau level filling factor ν=1/2. In periodic arrays, commensurability effects between the period of the antidot array and the cyclotron radius of composite fermions are observed. In addition, the Hall resistance shows a deviation from the anticipated linear dependence, reminiscent of quenching around zero magnetic field. Both effects are absent for random antidot lattices. The relative amplitude of the geometric resonances for opposite signs of the effective magnetic field and its dependence on illumination illustrate enhanced soft wall effects for composite fermions

    Classical percolation fingerprints in the high-temperature regime of the integer quantum Hall effect

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    We have performed magnetotransport experiments in the high-temperature regime (up to 50 K) of the integer quantum Hall effect for two-dimensional electron gases in semiconducting heterostructures. While the magnetic field dependence of the classical Hall law presents no anomaly at high temperatures, we find a breakdown of the Drude-Lorentz law for the longitudinal conductance beyond a crossover magnetic field B_c ~ 1 T, which turns out to be correlated with the onset of the integer quantum Hall effect at low temperatures. We show that the high magnetic field regime at B > B_c can be understood in terms of classical percolative transport in a smooth disordered potential. From the temperature dependence of the peak longitudinal conductance, we extract scaling exponents which are in good agreement with the theoretically expected values. We also prove that inelastic scattering on phonons is responsible for dissipation in a wide temperature range going from 1 to 50 K at high magnetic fields.Comment: 14 pages + 8 Figure

    Quantum interference and phonon-mediated back-action in lateral quantum dot circuits

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    Spin qubits have been successfully realized in electrostatically defined, lateral few-electron quantum dot circuits. Qubit readout typically involves spin to charge information conversion, followed by a charge measurement made using a nearby biased quantum point contact. It is critical to understand the back-action disturbances resulting from such a measurement approach. Previous studies have indicated that quantum point contact detectors emit phonons which are then absorbed by nearby qubits. We report here the observation of a pronounced back-action effect in multiple dot circuits where the absorption of detector-generated phonons is strongly modified by a quantum interference effect, and show that the phenomenon is well described by a theory incorporating both the quantum point contact and coherent phonon absorption. Our combined experimental and theoretical results suggest strategies to suppress back-action during the qubit readout procedure.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    COA6 facilitates cytochrome c oxidase biogenesis as thiol-reductase for copper metallochaperones in mitochondria.

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    The mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase, the terminal enzyme of the respiratory chain, contains heme and copper centers for electron transfer. The conserved COX2 subunit contains the CuA site, a binuclear copper center. The copper chaperones SCO1, SCO2, and COA6 are required for CuA center formation. Loss of function of these chaperones and the concomitant cytochrome c oxidase deficiency cause severe human disorders. Here we analyzed the molecular function of COA6 and the consequences of COA6 deficiency for mitochondria. Our analyses show that loss of COA6 causes combined complex I and complex IV deficiency and impacts membrane potential driven protein transport across the inner membrane. We demonstrate that COA6 acts as a thiol-reductase to reduce disulphide bridges of critical cysteine residues in SCO1 and SCO2. Cysteines within the CX3CXNH domain of SCO2 mediate its interaction with COA6 but are dispensable for SCO2-SCO1 interaction. Our analyses define COA6 as thiol-reductase, which is essential for CuA biogenesis

    Quantum Hall induced currents and the magnetoresistance of a quantum point contact

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    We report an investigation of quantum Hall induced currents by simultaneous measurements of their magnetic moment and their effect on the conductance of a quantum point contact (QPC). Features in the magnetic moment and QPC resistance are correlated at Landau-level filling factors nu=1, 2 and 4, which demonstrates the common origin of the effects. Temperature and non-linear sweep rate dependences are observed to be similar for the two effects. Furthermore, features in the noise of the induced currents, caused by breakdown of the quantum Hall effect, are observed to have clear correlations between the two measurements. In contrast, there is a distinct difference in the way that the induced currents decay with time when the sweeping field halts at integer filling factor. We attribute this difference to the fact that, while both effects are sensitive to the magnitude of the induced current, the QPC resistance is also sensitive to the proximity of the current to the QPC split-gate. Although it is clearly demonstrated that induced currents affect the electrostatics of a QPC, the reverse effect, the QPC influencing the induced current, was not observed

    Influence of the single-particle Zeeman energy on the quantum Hall ferromagnet at high filling factors

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    In a recent paper [B. A. Piot et al., Phys. Rev. B 72, 245325 (2005)], we have shown that the lifting of the electron spin degeneracy in the integer quantum Hall effect at high filling factors should be interpreted as a magnetic-field-induced Stoner transition. In this work, we extend the analysis to investigate the influence of the single-particle Zeeman energy on the quantum Hall ferromagnet at high filling factors. The single-particle Zeeman energy is tuned through the application of an additional in-plane magnetic field. Both the evolution of the spin polarization of the system and the critical magnetic field for spin splitting are well described as a function of the tilt angle of the sample in the magnetic field.Comment: Published in Phys. Rev.

    Correlated Photon-Pair Emission from a Charged Single Quantum Dot

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    The optical creation and recombination of charged biexciton and trion complexes in an (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dot is investigated by micro-photoluminescence spectroscopy. Photon cross-correlation measurements demonstrate the temporally correlated decay of charged biexciton and trion states. Our calculations provide strong evidence for radiative decay from the excited trion state which allows for a deeper insight into the spin configurations and their dynamics in these systems.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Novel 3D Reciprocal Space Visualization of Strain Relaxation in InSb on GaAs Substrates

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    This study introduces the Reciprocal Space Polar Visualization (RSPV) method, a novel approach for visualizing X-ray diffraction-based reciprocal space data. RSPV allows for the precise separation of tilt and strain, facilitating their individual analysis. InSb was grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on two (001) GaAs substrates \unicode{x2014} one with no misorientation (Sample A) \unicode{x2014} one with 2{\deg} surface misorientation from the (001) planes (Sample B). There is a substantial lattice mismatch with the substrate and this results in the generation of defects within the InSb layer during growth. To demonstrate RSPV's effectiveness, a comprehensive comparison of surface morphology, dislocation density, strain, and tilt was conducted. RSPV revealed previously unobserved features of the (004) InSb Bragg peak, partially explained by the presence of threading dislocations and oriented abrupt steps (OASs). Surface morphologies examined by an atomic force microscope (AFM) revealed that Sample B had significantly lower root mean square (RMS) roughness. Independent estimates of threading dislocation density (TDD) using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electron channelling contrast imaging (ECCI) confirmed that Sample B exhibited a significantly lower TDD than Sample A. XRD methods further revealed unequal amounts of α\alpha and β\beta type threading dislocations in both samples, contributing to an anisotropic Bragg peak. RSPV is shown to be a robust method for exploring 3D reciprocal space in any crystal, demonstrating that growing InSb on misoriented GaAs produced a higher-quality crystal compared to an on-orientation substrate.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. This paper will be submitted to Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology
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