38 research outputs found

    Tua dan Proses Menua

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    Wasilah Rochmah & Soedjono Aswin - Aged and Aging Since the last two decades the history has witnessed that aging and gerontology have been the focus of extensive discourse and concern. Aging has arrived as an issue and object of study, and academic community recognized aging as a legitimate area of study. As the number of elderly has increased exponentially, the professional and paraprofessional occupations dealing with that problems of the elderly has also increased. Chronologically, a person is considered to be old if he/she experiences a long life. Old is not only viewed by its chronological aspect, but also by its physical and psychological aspects as well. Aging results in body structural and functional changes, and it generates impairment, disability, and sometimes conform to a disease. The mechanisms and factors underlying aging process are still controversial. In attempts to explain aging process some numbers of theories have been proposed. It is, therefore, the emerging issues concerning old and aging process are: how the aging process takes place and which theories are still plausible? Aging process is a life-long process, characterized by body- failures in maintaining homeostatic conditions to physiological stresses. There are a variety of theories of aging that are proposed in which some of them are still plausible. Keywords: elderly - aging process - body structural & functional changes - impairment & disability -theories of agin

    Kecepatan Dan Kemampuan Ambilan Glukosa Oleh Sel Jaringan Sasaran Pada Usia Lanjut Laki-Laki (In Vivo)

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    Wasilah Rochmah - The glucose uptake velocity and ability of target tissue cells in the elderly men (in vivo) Background: Age is one of the impaired glucose tolerance risks. Impaired glucose tolerance may be caused by the decrease of pancreatic B cells insulin secretion, or by the decrease of target tissue cell glucose uptake. Glucose tolerance tests which were conducted in the elderly, showed that plasma insulin concentrations at 120th minute were still higher than at minute-0 (at fasting time), while blood glucose levels were still high. It generated an impression that insulin inefficiency exist in the elderly. Objective: To reveal that the cause of insulin inefficiency in the elderly is due to the decrease of target tissue cell glucose uptake velocity and/or in decrease uptake ability. Methods: Elderly men subjects and young men comparable controls were given 130mU/kg L8M/hour insulin and 20g% dextrose infusion, while blood glucose level have to be maintained in euglycemic situations (euglycemic clamp test). In 30 minutes with stable blood glucose level, the amount of 20% dextrose infusion were calculated as glucose uptake in 30 minute (euglycemic clamp time). From this results the glucose uptake velocity and ability (glucose uptake ability = ratio between glucose uptake velocity and plasma insulin concentration = insulin sensitivity index) between the elderly and the young men were compaired by t-test. Results: Euglycemic clamp tests were conducted to 4 elderly men of 65-74 years old, and 4 young men of 21-30 years old as controls. The results showed that the velocity of glucose uptake by the target tissue cells in those elderly men were significantly (

    Dokter Spesialis Geriatri Sebuah Profesi Baru Di Indonesia

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    ABSTRACT The number of the elderly is increasing. In the year of 2000 the number in Indonesia will be about 23 million or about 11 % of all Indonesia. It is predicted that in 2020 Indonesia will be the fourth country in the world that has many elderly, meanwhile in Yogyakarta the number was about 317,043. While doctors specializing on child health in Yogyakarta is about 30 doctors and they work for about 804,038 children, there is no doctor specializing on geriatrics for 314,043 elderly. Therefore, education for doctors specializing on geriatrics is really needed. Key words: number of elderly, geriatric specialist doctor, education doctors specializing on geriatri

    Hubungan Antara tekanan Darah dan Ukuran-Ukuran Anthropometrik Sekelompok Pelajar Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama Di Kotamadya Yogyakarta

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    ABSTRACT: The relationship between blood pressure and anthropometric measurements of junior high school students in the Municipality of Yogyakarta. The relationship between blood pressure and body weight, body height, and other anthropometric measurements, i, e,, upper arm circumference and fat thickness, was studied in 280 junior high school students, aged 12-17 years. Blood pressure was measured by using mercury sphygmomanometermeasurements were conducted once in the sitting position, and the subjects were considered to be normal based on the physical diagnostic examination. The results found showed that there are correlations between either systolic or diastolic blood pressure with anthropometric measâ¢urements. Since upper arm circumference indicates the muscle, bone and fat components of the body mass, further study is needed to determine which component has the highest correlation with blood pressure. Key Words: blood pressure - adolescence - anthropometry - nutrition - body mas

    Perubahan kadar hemoglobin akibat terapi kurkuminoid ekstrak rimpang kunyit dibandingkan natrium diklofenak pada penderita osteoartritis

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    ABSTRACT Background: In general, patients with osteoarthritis require long live treatments, especially with anti-inflammatory drugs. Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs are mostly follow by some side effects such as dyspepsia and gastrointestinal bleeding. The use of natural medicine for rheumatic diseases have commonly been practiced worldwide. Objectives: To learn the changes of hemoglobin level due to treatment with curcuminoid from Curcuma domestica Val. rhizome extract compared to diclofenac sodium as anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of osteoarthritis. Methods: This research is a prospective randomized open end blinded evaluations (PROBE). Patients treated with 30 mg curcuminoid from Curcuma domestica Val. rhizome extract or 25 mg diclofenac sodium three times daily for 4 weeks respectively.The hemoglobin level was checked before and after treatment. Results: A total of 80 patients with knee osteoarthritis participated in this study. There was no significant difference in sex, educational level, duration of disease suffering, percentage of co-morbidities in both groups. There was no significant different of hemoglobin level before treatment between both treatment group. The hemoglobin level was increase significantly in curcuminoid treatment groups while no significant change in diclofenac group. Treatment with curcuminoid increasing the hemoglobin level significantly compare to diclofenac sodium (p=0.03). Conclusion: Treatment with curcuminoid from Curcuma domestica Val. rhizome increase the hemoglobin level significantly compared to diclofenac sodium treatment for osteoarthritis. KEY WORDS change of hemoglobin concentration, curcuminoid, diclofenac sodium, osteoarthriti

    Perbedaan asupan mikronutrien pada lansia penderita hipertensi esensial yang overweight dan tidak overweight

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    Background: Hypertension in overweight elderly is a crucial problem considering that its pathogenesis, disease pattern and management are not entirely the same with hypertension in young adults. Hypertension in overweight elderly requires particular attention because it is closely associated with overall management (medical and nutritional).Objective: To study different intake of micronutrients, i.e. natrium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) in overweight and non overweight elderly with essential hypertension at Griya Sehat Lansia (GSL) Yogyakarta.Method: The study was analytical with case control study design. Samples were as many as 138 elderly of 60-75 years old taken using multistage sampling technique. Data of intake Na, K, Ca, Mg were obtained through semi quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ); essential hypertension through assessment of blood pressure using sphygmomanometer; overweight and non overweight status through body mass index (BMI), BMI for overweight was 23-24.9 kg/m2 and non-overweight was 18.50-22.99 kg/m2. Statistical analysis used paired t test, Chi-Square and logistic regression.Results: There were differences in intake of Na, K, Ca, and Mg between overweight and non overweight elderly (p<0.05). There were significant association (p<0.05) between intake of Na, K, Ca, and Mg of overweight and non overweight elderly with essential hypertension, with OR 5.271; 6.813; 3.398 and 3.444. Intake of Na and K were variables most significantly associated with overweight and non overweight elderly with essential hypertension (p<0.05).Conclusion: There were significant differences in intake of micronutrients (Na, K, Ca, Mg) between overweight and non overweight elderly with essential hypertension at GSL Yogyakarta

    Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan Densitas Mineral Tulang pada Perempuan Dewasa Muda (Association Between Body Mass Index And Bone Mineral Density In Young Adult Female )

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    Background: Body Mass Index (BMI) is a good indicator for measurement of Bone Mineral Density (BMD), so it is often used to predict BMD. Objective: To assess the association between BMI and status of BMD among 242 young adult female who were 25-35 years of age and who underwent quantitative ultrasound bone densitometry (QUS) scan. Method: We used data from the study on “Determinants of Risk Factors for Osteoporosis at three provinces in Indonesia” that was undertaken by the Center for Research and Development in Nutrition and Food, 2007. Design of the study was cross-sectional study. The dependent variable was BMD; the independent variable was BMI; and the confounding variables were: acceptors of hormonal contraception, physical exercises, calcium intake, ratio of Ca: P intake, consumptions of supplements, sources of phytoestrogen, fruits and vegetables. Result: Ca intake &lt; 500 mg/day had a risk twice to low BMD than adequate Ca intake, the association was statistically significant (p&lt;0.05). There are no association between BMI and BMD (p&gt;0,05). Other variables as hormonal contraception, physical exercise, protein intake, Ca: P ratio intake, consumption of supplements source of phytoestrogen, fruits and vegetables have no association with BMD. Conclusion: There are no significant association between BMI and BMD. Calcium intake was the only risk factor for low BMD

    The effect of avocado butter to characteristics of emullient W/O cream

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    Avocado butter is an unsafonifiable fraction of avocado oil that contains of 25-30  %  fitosterol  as  anti-aging  agent.  In  this  research,  the  influence  of  6 variation    avocado  butter  between  1–11 %  to  o/w  cream  characteristics  has been researched. O/W cream has been made by meltingand mixing methods at  700C,  and  than  cream  product  was  evaluated.  The  result showed  that  o/w cream  characteristics  were  progressively  influenced by  amount  of  avocado butter. In  using  avocado  butter  between  1–7  %  in  creams,  the  value  of    pH, viscosity,  and  particle  size  in  product  creams  progressively  go  down,  but  theirs spread-abilities progressively go  up. On the contrary cream characteristics that usage 9% of avocado butter, the value of viscosity and particle size began to go up while pH, but spread-abilities go down.Key words :avocado butter, O/W cream, cream characteristic, stabilit

    Berbagai Keluhan Fisik yang Dialami Pasien Osteoartritis Akibat Terapi Natrium Diklofenak Dibandingkan Kurkuminoid Ekstrak Rimpang Kunyit

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    Background: The prevalence of osteoarthritis (OA) in the community is high and this disease is the second largest cause of physical disability in the world. Degeneration and joint inflammation occurred in OA. Curcuminoid is a secondary metabolite present in the rhyzome of turmeric and ginger. Curcuminoid could be used to treat rheumatic diseases. Diclofenac sodium is able to inhibite the production of prostaglandin-E2 (PG-E2) by inhibition the cycloxygenase-2 (COX-2) activity. On the other hand diclofenac sodium also inhibite the physiologic enzyme cycloxygenase-l (COX-I) activity, this inhibition may produce some complaints to the patients since the COX-l is important in body equilibrium. Objective: To assess some complaints of patients with osteoarthritis in treatment using curcuminoid from Curcuma domestica Val. rhyzome extract compared to diclofenac sodium. Method: This study was conducted with the prospective randomized open end blinded evaluation (PROBE) design. A total of 80 patients with knee osteoarthritis were included in this study (39 patients received 3x30 mg daily of curcuminoid from Curcuma domestica Val. rhyzome extract for 28 days treatment and 41 patients received 3x25 mg daily of diclofenac sodium for 28 days). The number needed to harm analysis was conducted in comparing the symptoms of head, chest, gastrointestinal and urinary tract complaints. Results: The number needed to harm (NNH) for headache was 500, palpitation was 42, shortness of breath was 42, nausea was 21, diarrhea was 42 and micturition complaints was 500. Conclusion: Although the number of patient who have chest and gastrointestinal complaints was higher in using diclofenac sodium, but no statistically significant difference either of head, chest, gastrointestinal and urinary tract complaints between the curcuminoid and diclofenac sodium treatment groups

    Model Promosi Kesehatan di Tempat Kerja Multilevel: Bagaimana Implementasinya dalam Mengubah Perilaku Pekerja? (Suatu Kajian Kepustakaan)

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    The consequences of the diseases that are often occured on workers is a huge loss for the company and the workers. In order to overcome the problem of disease, workplace health promotion (WHP) efforts are needed, in particular to change the workers behavior. The application of behavioral change in the workplace are more complex. Changes in behavior are not just driven by individual factors, but also by the role of external factors, so that the targeted WHP is a multilevel basis. This article describes the formula WHP multilevel models that can be applied to change unhealthy worker behavior. The selection model of behavior change should be considered in the formulation of a multilevel WHP. It is used as a reference to modify the behavior that will be addressed. Furthermore, the principle of selecting strategies and behavior change methods, tailored to the target level of intervention. Overall, these principles are formulated in a comprehensive reference WHP program and implemented effectively and efficiently in the workplace. This article can be a reference for those who will implement WHP with behavioral changes in a multilevel approach.Konsekuensi dari penyakit-penyakit yang sering dialami oleh pekerja merupakan kerugian besar bagi perusahaan dan pekerja. Dalam rangka mengatasi persoalan penyakit pada pekerja, perlu upaya promosi kesehatan di tempat kerja, khususnya untuk mengubah perilaku. Penerapan perubahan perilaku di tempat kerja bersifat lebih kompleks. Perubahan perilaku tidak saja didorong oleh faktor-faktor individu, tetapi juga oleh peran faktor eksternal, sehingga pihak yang dijadikan sasaran workplace health promotion (WHP) adalah secara multilevel. Artikel ini menjelaskan rumusan model WHP multilevel yang dapat diterapkan untuk mengubah perilaku pekerja yang tidak sehat, sehingga diharapkan dapat menurunkan kesakitan dan kematian penyakit pada pekerja. Prinsip pemilihan model perubahan perilaku, perlu &nbsp;diperhatikan dalam merumuskan WHP secara multilevel. Hal ini dijadikan sebagai acuan memodifikasi perilaku yang akan dituju. Selanjutnya, prinsip memilih strategi dan metode perubahan perilaku, disesuaikan dengan level sasaran yang diintervensi. Secara keseluruhan, prinsip-prinsip ini dirumuskan dalam sebuah acuan program WHP secara komprehensif dan dilaksanakan dengan efektif dan efisien di tempat kerja. Artikel ini dapat menjadi acuan bagi pihak yang akan mengimplementasikan WHP dengan pendekatan perubahan perilaku secara multilevel.&nbsp