4,052 research outputs found

    Production of tau tau jj final states at the LHC and the TauSpinner algorithm: the spin-2 case

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    The TauSpinner algorithm is a tool that allows to modify the physics model of the Monte Carlo generated samples due to the changed assumptions of event production dynamics, but without the need of re-generating events. With the help of weights τ\tau-lepton production or decay processes can be modified accordingly to a new physics model. In a recent paper a new version TauSpinner ver.2.0.0 has been presented which includes a provision for introducing non-standard states and couplings and study their effects in the vector-boson-fusion processes by exploiting the spin correlations of τ\tau-lepton pair decay products in processes where final states include also two hard jets. In the present paper we document how this can be achieved taking as an example the non-standard spin-2 state that couples to Standard Model particles and tree-level matrix elements with complete helicity information included for the parton-parton scattering amplitudes into a τ\tau-lepton pair and two outgoing partons. This implementation is prepared as the external (user provided) routine for the TauSpinner algorithm. It exploits amplitudes generated by MadGraph5 and adopted to the TauSpinner algorithm format. Consistency tests of the implemented matrix elements, reweighting algorithm and numerical results for observables sensitive to τ\tau polarization are presented.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures; version published in EPJ

    Coherent Exclusive Exponentiation for Precision Monte Carlo Calculations of Fermion Pair Production / Precision Predictions for (Un)stable W+W- Pairs

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    We present the new Coherent Exclusive Exponentiation (CEEX), in comparison to the older Exclusive Exponentiation (EEX) and the semi-analytical Inclusive Exponentiation (IEX), for the process e+e- -> f-bar f + n(gamma), f=mu,tau,d,u,s,c,b, with validity for centre of mass energies from tau lepton threshold to 1 TeV. We analyse 2f numerical results at the Z-peak, 189 GeV and 500 GeV. We also present precision calculations of the signal processes e+e- -> 4f in which the double resonant W+W- intermediate state occurs using our YFSWW3-1.14 MC. Sample 4f Monte Carlo data are explicitly illustrated in comparison to the literature at LEP2 energies. These comparisons show that a TU for the signal process cross section of 0.4 percent is valid for the LEP2 200 GeV energy. LC energy results are also shown.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Presented at ICHEP200

    W-Pair Production with YFSWW/KoralW

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    A theoretical description of W-pair production in terms of two complementary Monte Carlo event generators YFSWWand KoralW is presented. The way to combine the results of these two programs in order to get precise predictions for WW physics at LEP2 and LC energies is discussed.Comment: LateX file, 6 pages, conference contributio

    Electric Charge Screening Effect in Single-W Production with the KoralW Monte Carlo

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    Any Monte Carlo event generator in which only initial state radiation (ISR) is implemented, or ISR is simulated independently of the final state radiation (FSR), may feature too many photons with large transverse momenta, which deform the topology of events and result in too strong an overall energy loss due to ISR. This overproduction of ISR photons happens in the presence of the final state particle close to the beam particle of the same electric charge. It is often said that the lack of the electric charge screening effect between ISR and FSR is responsible for the above pathology in ISR. We present an elegant approximate method of curing the above problem, without actually reinstalling FSR. The method provides theoretical predictions of modest precision: < 2%. It is, however, sufficient for the current 1W data analysis at the LEP2 collider. Contrary to alternative methods implemented in other MC programs, our method works for the ISR multiphotons with finite p_T. Although this method is not an exact implementation of the complete/exact ISR, FSR and their interference, it is very closely modelled on it. We present a variety of numerical results obtained with the newest version of the KoralW Monte Carlo, in which this method is already implemented

    Precision W-pair physics with the YFSWW3 and KoralW Monte Carlos

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    We present the recent developments in the precision studies of W-pair and single-W processes in e+e- collisions achieved with the help of the KoralW and YFSWW3 Monte Carlo generators. We focus on the theoretical precision of the measurements of M_W and anomalous couplings on the example of lambda coupling. We present the mechanism of running these two independent codes in the form of one Concurrent Monte Carlo code. We describe also the extensions of KoralW necessary to emulate the kinematical region of single-W process.Comment: Talk given by M. Skrzypek at 6th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections, 8-13 September 2002, Kloster Banz, German

    Exact O(α)O(\alpha) Gauge Invariant YFS Exponentiated Monte Carlo for (Un)Stable for (Un)Stable W+WW^+W^- Production At and Beyond LEP2 Energies

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    We realize, by Monte Carlo event generator methods, the exact O}(\alpha)YFSexponentiatedcalculationof YFS exponentiated calculation of e^+e^- \to W^+ W^- (\to f_1\bar f'_1 + \bar f_2 f'_2)atandbeyondLEP2energies,wherethelefthandedpartsof at and beyond LEP2 energies, where the left-handed parts of f_iand and f'_iaretherespectiveupperandlowercomponentsofan are the respective upper and lower components of an SU_{2L}doublet, doublet, i=1,2.OurcalculationisgaugeinvariantfromthestandpointofitsradiativeeffectsandtherespectiveYFSMonteCarloeventgeneratorYFSWW3,whereinbothStandardModelandanomaloustriplegaugebosoncouplingsareallowed,generates. Our calculation is gauge invariant from the standpoint of its radiative effects and the respective YFS Monte Carlo event generator YFSWW3, wherein both Standard Model and anomalous triple gauge boson couplings are allowed, generates n(\gamma)radiationbothfromtheinitialstateandfromthefinal radiation both from the initial state and from the final W^+ W^-$. Sample Monte Carlo data are illustrated.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 1 Latex file which includes the figure

    New Results on Precision Studies of Heavy Vector Boson Physics

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    We present new results for two important heavy vector boson physics processes: (1), virtual corrections to hard bremsstrahlung which are relevant to precision predictions for the radiative return process in Z boson production at and beyond LEP2 energies ; and, (2), electric charge screening effects in single W production with finite p_T, multiple photon radiation in high energy collider physics processes. In both cases we show that we improve the respective precision tag significantly. Phenomenological implications are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; to appear in Proc. DPF200

    Studi Penyebaran Kempas (Koompassia Malaccensis Maing.) di Areal Iuphhk PT. Wanasokan Hasilindo Kalimantan Barat

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    Kempas (Koompassia malaccensis Maing) belongs to the family Leguminosae is a timber species of high economic value and is a honey bee nest, so if it is not preserved lead to decreased amounts of this type. This research was conducted to determine the spread Kempas area in IUPHHK PT. Wanasokan Hasilindo Ketapang West Kalimantan. The method used is the analysis of vegetation in a way checkered line with the size of sample plots for vegetation is 20mx20m tree level. The number of sampling plots were made 50 plots or ​​2 hectars are. Sample plots laid out in two (2) location of the observation that the observation area located 25 sample plots. In the first line that starts from the edge of the river, Kempas at the seedling types were dominant in the first type, the saplings and small trees Kempas was ranked eleventh while the tree is on the order of three. In the second pathway that is placed on a ridge, the type Kempas at the seedling was ranked two dominant types, the stake is on the order of eight, the pole is on the order of five, while the tree is on the order Kempas three dominant types. Keyword : Spread, Kempas (Koompassia malaccensis Maing), Dominance, IUPHHK PT.Wanasokan Hasilind

    Higgsless electroweak symmetry breaking at the LHC

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    While the Higgs model is the best studied scenario of electroweak symmetry breaking, a number strongly-coupled models exist, predicting new signatures. Recent studies of WW and WZ final states at the ATLAS and CMS experiments are summarized and expected sensitivities are presented within the frameworks of the technicolor straw-man model and the electroweak chiral Lagrangian.Comment: Proceedings for the EPS HEP 2007 conference, Manchester, U.K., on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaboration