4,216 research outputs found

    The Monte Carlo Program KORALZ, for the Lepton or Quark Pair Production at LEP/SLC Energies -- From version 4.0 to version 4.04

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    Brief information on new features of KORALZ version 4.04 with respect to version 4.0 is given. The main difference is that the new version could be used at LEP2 energies, i.e. up to 240 GeV centre-of-mass system energy. The possibility to switch on different classes of anomalous couplings is also included.Comment: 1+6 page

    QED Bremsstrahlung in decays of electroweak bosons

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    Isolated lepton momenta, in particular their directions are the most precisely measured quantities in pp collisions at LHC. This offers opportunities for multitude of precision measurements. It is of practical importance to verify if precision measurements with lep- tons in the final state require all theoretical effects evaluated simultaneously or if QED bremsstrahlung in the final state can be separated without unwanted precision loss. Results for final state bremsstrahlung in the decays of narrow resonances are obtained from the Feynman rules of QED in an unambiguous way and can be controlled with a very high precision. Also for resonances of non-negligible width, if calculations are appropriately performed, such separation from the remaining electroweak effects can be expected. Our paper is devoted to validation that final state QED bremsstrahlung can indeed be separated from the rest of QCD and electroweak effects, in the production and decay of Z and W bosons, and to estimation of the resulting systematic error. The quantitative discussion is based on Monte Carlo programs PHOTOS and SANC, as well as on KKMC which is used for benchmark results. We show, that for a large classes of W and Z boson observables as used at LHC, theoretical error on photonic bremsstrahlung is 0.1 or 0.2%, depending on the program options used. An overall theoretical error on QED final state radiation, i.e. taking into account missing corrections due to pair emission and interference with initial state radiation is estimated respectively at 0.2% or 0.3% again depending on the program option used.Comment: 1+28 pages, 20 figure

    Coherent Exclusive Exponentiation of 2f Processes in e+e- Annihilation

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    In the talk we present the Coherent Exclusive Exponentiation (CEEX) which is implemented in the KK MC event generator for the process e+e- to f bar f +n gamma, f=mu,tau,d,u,s,c,b for center of mass energies from tau lepton threshold to 1TeV, that is for LEP1, LEP2, SLC, future Linear Colliders, b,c,tau-factories etc. We will attempt a short discussion of the theoretical concepts necessary in our approach, in particular the relations between the rigorous calculation of spin amplitudes (perturbation expansion), phase space parametrisation and exponentiation. In CEEX effects due to photon emission from the initial beams and outgoing fermions are calculated in QED up to second-order, including all interference effects. Electroweak corrections are included in first-order, at the amplitude level. The beams can be polarised longitudinally and transversely, and all spin correlations are incorporated in an exact manner. Precision predictions, in particular the photon emission at LEP2 energies, are also shown.Comment: latex 9 pages, including 6 eps tables/figure

    The Precision Monte Carlo Event Generator KK For Two-Fermion Final States In e+e- Collisions

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    We present the Monte Carlo event generator KK version 4.13 for precision predictions of the Electroweak Standard Model for the process e+e−→ffˉ+nÎłe^+e^-\to f\bar{f} +n\gamma, f=ÎŒ,τ,d,u,s,c,bf=\mu,\tau,d,u,s,c,b at centre of mass energies from τ\tau lepton threshold to 1TeV, that is for LEP, SLC, future Linear Colliders, b,c,τb,c,\tau-factories etc. Effects due to photon emission from initial beams and outgoing fermions are calculated in QED up to second order, including all interference effects, within Coherent Exclusive Exponentiation (CEEX), which is based on Yennie-Frautschi-Suura exponentiation. Electroweak corrections are included in first order, with higher order extensions, using the DIZET 6.x library. Final state quarks hadronize according to the parton shower model using JETSET. Beams can be polarized longitudinally and transversely. Decay of the tau leptons is simulated using the TAUOLA library, taking into account spin polarization effects as well. In particular the complete spin correlations density matrix of the initial state beams and final state tau's is incorporated in an exact manner. Effects due to beamstrahlung are simulated in a realistic way. The main improvements with respect to KORALZ are: (a) inclusion of the initial-final state QED interference, (b) inclusion of the exact matrix element for two photons, and (c) inclusion of the transverse spin correlations in τ\tau decays (as in KORALB).Comment: Source code available from http://home.cern.ch/jadac

    Global Positioning of Spin GPS Scheme for Half-Spin Massive Spinors

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    We present a simple and flexible method of keeping track of the complex phases and spin quantization axes for half-spin initial- and final-state Weyl spinors in scattering amplitudes of Standard Model high energy physics processes. Both cases of massless and massive spinors are discussed. The method is demonstrated and checked numerically for spin correlations in tau tau-bar production and decay. Its main application will be in the forthcoming work of combining effects due to multiple photon emission (exponentiation) and spin, embodied in the Monte Carlo event generators for production and decay of unstable fermions such as the tau lepton, t-quark and hypothetical new heavy particles.Comment: 13 pages, 1 eps figur

    Prospects for Observing an Invisibly Decaying Higgs Boson in the t anti-t H Production at the LHC

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    The prospects for observing an invisibly decaying Higgs boson in the t anti-t H production at LHC are discussed. An isolated lepton, reconstructed hadronic top-quark decay, two identified b-jets and large missing transverse energy are proposed as the final state signature for event selection. Only the Standard Model backgrounds are taken into account. It is shown that the t anti-t Z, t anti-t W, b anti-b Z and b anti-b W backgrounds can individually be suppressed below the signal expectation. The dominant source of background remains the t anti-t production. The key for observability will be an experimental selection which allows further suppression of the contributions from the t anti-t events with one of the top-quarks decaying into a tau lepton. Depending on the details of the final analysis, an excess of the signal events above the Standard Model background of about 10% to 100% can be achieved in the mass range m_H= 100-200 GeV.Comment: Final version as accepted by EPJ

    Coherent Exclusive Exponentiation for Precision Monte Carlo Calculations of Fermion Pair Production / Precision Predictions for (Un)stable W+W- Pairs

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    We present the new Coherent Exclusive Exponentiation (CEEX), in comparison to the older Exclusive Exponentiation (EEX) and the semi-analytical Inclusive Exponentiation (IEX), for the process e+e- -> f-bar f + n(gamma), f=mu,tau,d,u,s,c,b, with validity for centre of mass energies from tau lepton threshold to 1 TeV. We analyse 2f numerical results at the Z-peak, 189 GeV and 500 GeV. We also present precision calculations of the signal processes e+e- -> 4f in which the double resonant W+W- intermediate state occurs using our YFSWW3-1.14 MC. Sample 4f Monte Carlo data are explicitly illustrated in comparison to the literature at LEP2 energies. These comparisons show that a TU for the signal process cross section of 0.4 percent is valid for the LEP2 200 GeV energy. LC energy results are also shown.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Presented at ICHEP200

    W-Pair Production with YFSWW/KoralW

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    A theoretical description of W-pair production in terms of two complementary Monte Carlo event generators YFSWWand KoralW is presented. The way to combine the results of these two programs in order to get precise predictions for WW physics at LEP2 and LC energies is discussed.Comment: LateX file, 6 pages, conference contributio

    Electric Charge Screening Effect in Single-W Production with the KoralW Monte Carlo

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    Any Monte Carlo event generator in which only initial state radiation (ISR) is implemented, or ISR is simulated independently of the final state radiation (FSR), may feature too many photons with large transverse momenta, which deform the topology of events and result in too strong an overall energy loss due to ISR. This overproduction of ISR photons happens in the presence of the final state particle close to the beam particle of the same electric charge. It is often said that the lack of the electric charge screening effect between ISR and FSR is responsible for the above pathology in ISR. We present an elegant approximate method of curing the above problem, without actually reinstalling FSR. The method provides theoretical predictions of modest precision: < 2%. It is, however, sufficient for the current 1W data analysis at the LEP2 collider. Contrary to alternative methods implemented in other MC programs, our method works for the ISR multiphotons with finite p_T. Although this method is not an exact implementation of the complete/exact ISR, FSR and their interference, it is very closely modelled on it. We present a variety of numerical results obtained with the newest version of the KoralW Monte Carlo, in which this method is already implemented
