33 research outputs found

    Kajian Pengaruh Fouling Pada Pemurnian Nira Tebu

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    Pemurnian nira tebu merupakan awal dari proses produksi di industri gula. Tujuan dari pemurnian nira ini adalah untuk menghilangkan kandungan TSS (Total Suspended Solid) dari nira. Penelitian ini menggunakan proses ultrafiltrasi dalam memisahkan TSS yang terkandung dalam nira tebu. Salah satu faktor utama yang membatasi proses ultrafiltrasi pada berbagai aplikasi adalah fouling pada membran. Fouling pada membran sendiri sering diindikasikan sebagai penurunan fluks. Pada penelitian inidihitungnya besarnya fluks yang terjadi pada proses pemurnian nira tebu dengan berbagai tekanan operasi.Ternyata penurunan fluks secara drastis terjadi pada menit-menit awal operasi (menit 10-60), yang kemudian diikuti dengan nilai fluks yang konstan. Hal ini terjadi karena pori-pori membran yang semula kosong kemudian tertutupi oleh TSS yang tersaring. Cane sugar juice purification is the beginning of production process in sugar Industry. The aim oh this investigation is to remove the amount of TSS of cane sugar juice. This research uses Ultrafiltration process in separating the TSS in cane sugar juice. One of the main factor tha limit the Ultrafiltration process at various application is fouling on membrane. Fouling on membrane itself is commonly indicated which happen at cane sugar juice purification process with various operation process is counted.Drastic reduction of fluxes happen at the early minutes of operation (minutes 10 – 60), which is followed by constant fluxes amount. This happens because the pores of the membrane which was empty at the beginning become closed with filtrated TSS

    Multi-dimensional Inversion Modeling of Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (SNMR) Data for Groundwater Exploration

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    Groundwater is an important economic source of water supply for drinking water and irrigation water for agriculture. Surface nuclear magnetic resonance (SNMR) sounding is a relatively new geophysical method that can be used to determine the presence of culturally and economically important substances, such as subsurface water or hydrocarbon distribution. SNMR sounding allows the determination of water content and pore size distribution directly from the surface. The SNMR method is performed by stimulating an alternating current pulse through an antenna at the surface in order to confirm the existence of water in the subsurface. This paper reports the development of a 3-D forward modeling code for SNMR amplitudes and decay times, after which an improved 2-D and 3-D inversion algorithm is investigated, consisting of schemes for regularizing model parameterization. After briefly reviewing inversion schemes generally used in geophysics, the special properties of SNMR or magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) inversion are evaluated. We present an extension of MRS to magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), i.e. an extension for 2-D and 3-D investigation, and the appropriate inversions

    Fenomenologi Perilaku Komunikasi Suporter Fanatik Sepakbola dalam Memberikan Dukungan pada Psm Makassar

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    Phenomenology is the study which focuses on the discovery of a fact to a social phenomenon and trying to understand human behavior based on the perspective of the participants. This study aims to examine and categorize verbal and non verbal communication behavior of football fanatic fans in supporting PSM Makassar. The study was conducted by looking at the actions of the fans in the stadium while watching a football club's home game PSM Makassar, visited the headquarters of several groups of fans who are still active and held a meeting in person to learn more about the interview process. The method used in this study is a qualitative research study with a phenomenological approach, with participant observation in which researchers work directly be part of the study, together amid individuals or groups under study, to understand what is happening, understand the patterns and interactions, and in-depth interviews to several informants. The results of the research indicate that verbal and non- verbal communication behavior of football fanatic fans in supporting PSM Makassar involves identity, attributes, action; there is a meaning of message conveyed by football fanatic fans in supporting PSM Makassar. Verbal and non-verbal communication behavior of football fanatic fans in supporting PSM Makassar is not seperated from self- identity and social identity in society. The meaning indicated by fans through verbal and non-verbal merely supports their favorite football club by giving spirit

    Numerical Evaluation of P-Multigrid Method for the Solution of Discontinuous Galerkin Discretizations of Diffusive Equations

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    This paper describes numerical experiments with P-multigrid to corroborate analysis, validate the present implementation, and to examine issues that arise in the implementations of the various combinations of relaxation schemes, discretizations and P-multigrid methods. The two approaches to implement P-multigrid presented here are equivalent for most high-order discretization methods such as spectral element, SUPG, and discontinuous Galerkin applied to advection; however it is discovered that the approach that mimics the common geometric multigrid implementation is less robust, and frequently unstable when applied to discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of di usion. Gauss-Seidel relaxation converges 40% faster than block Jacobi, as predicted by analysis; however, the implementation of Gauss-Seidel is considerably more expensive that one would expect because gradients in most neighboring elements must be updated. A compromise quasi Gauss-Seidel relaxation method that evaluates the gradient in each element twice per iteration converges at rates similar to those predicted for true Gauss-Seidel

    Layer Stripping in Magnetotellurics (MT) for Enhancement of Resistivity Change Effect in Reservoir: Equivalence Analysis

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    Magnetotellurics (MT) can be applied to monitor resistivity change at depth that is for example due to fluid injection in enhanced oil recovery or CO2 storage. The observed MT data changes at the surface may be insignificant, but the effect can be enhanced using the layer stripping method, i.e. calculating MT data changes that would be observed at depth based on data from the surface. Two well-known formulas for MT 1D forward modeling were reformulated to allow for calculation of the impedance at depth based on the impedance at the surface. We applied the layer stripping technique to synthetic data associated with models that were representative of a likely CO2 storage site. We also used an equivalent model and the Monte Carlo approach to estimate the sensitivity of the method to cope with the uncertainty of the host model and the input data. The layer stripping calculation has the greatest uncertainty at short periods, where the real and imaginary parts of the complex impedance tend to be equal, i.e. an homogeneous medium response. The layer stripping technique should be used with great caution based on a relatively precise 1D host model

    The Role of Inhomogeneities in Supernova Shock Breakout Emission

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    The breakout of a supernova blast wave from its progenitor star provides strong constraints on the star and its immediate surroundings. These surroundings are shaped by mass loss from the star and can include a wide variety of inhomogeneities. Here we present results of multidimensional radiation-hydrodynamics calculations of the interactions of the supernova blast wave with inhomogeneities in the immediate surroundings of a massive Wolf-Rayet star, calculating the effect these interactions have on the shock breakout signal from supernovae.Immediate accessThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]