837 research outputs found

    Storage characteristics of solar-dried Indian mackerel

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    Fresh Rastrelliger kanagurta (Indian mackerel) was thoroughly washed, eviscerated, cleaned and salted overnight with dry salt (fish : salt :: 5:1). Salted mackerel was dried in solar drier and on cement floor under direct sun for three days. The temperature inside the drier was 948°C higher than the ambient temperature. The rate of drying was higher in solar drier than on cement floor. The dried fish packed in 300-gauge polythene bags was subjected to biochemical, microbiological and organoleptic evaluation at regular intervals to assess the storage life. The overall quality of fish dried in solar drier was better than that of the fish dried on cement floor under direct sun

    Variación en la morfología de semillas y parámetros de aceites seleccionados de lilas india (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) de diferentes zonas agroclimáticas de Tamil Nadu, India

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    Tamil Nadu, in southern India, has the second-largest number of neem trees in the country. The oil from the seeds has high economic significance for cottage industries in the region. This paper examines 28 Candidate Plus Trees (CPTs) selected from six agroclimatic zones in Tamil Nadu which exhibit exceptional traits such as superior growth and other desirable characteristics. We aimed to understand seed morphology variations and physicochemical properties in the oil across different regions. Significant differences were observed for morphometric traits. Fruit production correlated negatively with rainfall. 100-seed kernel weight and seed length correlated with oil percentage. Rainfall influenced seed breadth and pericarp weight. Clustering using morphological characters did not group genotypes from the same region; while soil type could distinguish them. Correlation helped us determine the prominent features which influence the traits of interest, which can be useful for breeding programs, cultivation practices, and the development of neem-based products in Tamil Nadu and beyond.Tamil Nadu, en el sur de la India, tiene el segundo mayor número de árboles de lilas india del país. El aceite de las semillas tiene una gran importancia económica para las industrias artesanales de la región. En este trabajo se examinan 28 árboles Candidate Plus (CPT) seleccionados de seis zonas agroclimáticas en Tamil Nadu, que exhiben rasgos excepcionales como un crecimiento superior y otras características deseables. Nuestro objetivo era comprender las variaciones de la morfología de las semillas y las propiedades fisicoquímicas del aceite en diferentes regiones. Se observaron diferencias significativas para los rasgos morfométricos. La producción de frutos se correlacionó negativamente con las precipitaciones. El peso de 100 semillas y granos y la longitud de la semilla se correlacionaron con el porcentaje de aceite. Las lluvias influyeron en el ancho de la semilla y el peso del pericarpio. El agrupamiento utilizando caracteres morfológicos no agrupó genotipos de una misma región, mientras que el tipo de suelo pudo distinguirlos. La correlación nos ayudó a diseccionar las características prominentes que influyen en las características de interés, que pueden informar los programas de reproducción, las prácticas de cultivo y el desarrollo de productos a base de neem en Tamil Nadu y más allá

    An FPGA based Efficient Fruit Recognition System Using Minimum Distance Classifier

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    The paper deals with a simple yet effective fruit identification system developed on an FPGA, SPARTAN 3(XC3S200-5PQ208) platform .The fruits under consideration were apple, banana, sapodilla and strawberry. Out of these selected fruits there were four different classes of apples, two different classes of sapodillas and one class each of the other two fruits. A total of 800 color images, 200 images of each fruit of size 64x64 were used for training. The fruit identification success rate mainly depends on the feature vector and the Classifier used. The 3D feature vector incorporates two first order statistical features and the shape feature. Using the 3D feature vector the MATLAB analysis of The Minimum Distance Classifier (MID) fetched a success rate of 85%.The Verilog coded Hardware platform was developed by burning the COE file of a Test image generated by JAVA ECLIPSE IDE onto the IP core. The MATLAB results were verified using the Hardware Platform. Keywords: RGB image, feature vector, MID, Verilog, FPGA, IP core, COE file

    Multi-scale modelling to estimate spall parameters in metallic single crystals

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    Modeling dynamics fracture in materials involves usage of hydrodynamic codes which solve basic conservation laws of mass, energy and momentum in space and time. This requires appropriate models to handle elastic-plastic deformation, equation of state, material strength, and fracture. Nucleation and Growth (NAG) damage model is a micro-physical model which computes amount of damage in the material by accounting for phenomena like nucleation, growth and coalescence of voids or cracks. The NAG model involves several material model parameters, such as nucleation threshold, growth threshold, etc. Traditionally these parameters are fitted to experimental void volume distributions. In the present paper we fit these parameters to molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of void nucleation and growth and use the fitted parameters in hydrodynamic simulations in a multi-scale computational approach. Cubic metallic single crystals are subjected to isotropic deformation and the nucleation of voids and their growth were post-processed from the simulations. These results are used in an in-house Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) code to obtain NAG parameters for materials of our interest. Using these parameters in a 1D hydrodynamic code developed in-house, fracture parameters such as spall strength and thickness are obtained. The results are validated with published experimental data for Mo, Nb and Cu which have been simulated using the multi-scale model. This paper describes the application of the multi-scale model to obtain the NAG fracture model parameters of Al and its spall data. The results are compared with published experimental results in single crystal Al.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, 2 table

    Very low thermal conductivity in lanthanum phosphate-zirconia ceramic nanocomposites processed using a precipitation-peptization synthetic approach

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    A wet chemical synthetic approach involving precipitation-peptization mechanisms was successfully adopted for the development of LaPO4-ZrO2 nanocomposites with the ZrO2 content varying in the 5-20 wt% range. Stoichiometric lanthanum phosphate, formed as nanofibrils during the precipitation reaction with orthophosphoric acid, was subsequently transformed into nanorods of ~10 nm width and <100 nm length upon peptization at pH 2. Zirconia dispersions were homogeneously incorporated as ultrafine particulates through zirconium oxychloride hydrolysis using ammonia. The nanocomposite precursor thus obtained could be densified to >98% TD for the LaPO4-10 wt% ZrO2 composition upon sintering at 1600 °C. The addition of ZrO2 to LaPO4 impeded densification and grain growth inhibition of up to 50% was obtained for LaPO4-20 wt% ZrO2 nanocomposites. Furthermore, the nanocomposites indicated very low thermal conductivity values (1 W m-1 K-1) compared to single phase LaPO4. The non-reactivity of LaPO4 and ZrO2 at high temperatures and the low thermal conductivity values of LaPO4-ZrO2 render them effective for high temperature thermal insulation applications. © 2016 The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique