3,338 research outputs found

    Complexing additives to reduce the immiscible phase formed in the hybrid ZnBr2 flow battery

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    The zinc-bromine redox flow battery (RFB) is one of a very few commercially viable RFB energy storage system capable of integration with intermittent renewable energy sources to deliver improved energy management. However, due to the volatility of the electrogenerated bromine and potential for its crossover from positive to negative electrolytes, this system requires the use of quaternary ammonium complexes (N-methyl-N-ethylpyrrolidinium, (MEP)) to capture this bromine. This produces an immiscible phase with the Br2 which requires a complex network of pipes, pumps and automated controls to ensure access to the electroactive material during discharge. In this work, the use of novel quaternary ammonium complexes to capture the electrogenerated bromine but to keep it in the aqueous phase is examined. Three compounds, 1-(carboxymethyl) pyridine-1-ium, 1-(2-carboxymethyl)-1-methylmorpholin-1-ium and 1-(2-carboxymethyl)-1-methylpyrrolidin-1-ium, were found to successfully reduce the volume of the immiscible phase formed on complexing with the polybromide (Brx-) whilst displaying similar enthalpy of vaporisation values as that of MEP. Electrochemical analysis also revealed that these compounds did not impact on the electrode kinetics of the Br-/Brx- reaction indicating that the resulting surface film formed with these compounds behaved as a chemically modified electrode, in contrast to the surface film formed with MEP

    Simulations of Time-Resolved X-Ray Diffraction in Laue Geometry

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    A method of computer simulation of Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction (TRXD) in asymmetric Laue (transmission) geometry with an arbitrary propagating strain perpendicular to the crystal surface is presented. We present two case studies for possible strain generation by short-pulse laser irradiation: (i) a thermoelastic-like analytic model; (ii) a numerical model including effects of electron-hole diffusion, Auger recombination, deformation potential and thermal diffusion. A comparison with recent experimental results is also presented.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Plastic Deformation in Laser-Induced Shock Compression of Monocrystalline Copper

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    Copper monocrystals were subjected to shock compression at pressures of 10–60 GPa by a short (3 ns initial) duration laser pulse. Transmission electron microscopy revealed features consistent with previous observations of shock-compressed copper, albeit at pulse durations in the µs regime. The results suggest that the defect structure is generated at the shock front. A mechanism for dislocation generation is presented, providing a realistic prediction of dislocation density as a function of pressure. The threshold stress for deformation twinning in shock compression is calculated from the constitutive equations for slip, twinning, and the Swegle-Grady relationship

    Measurement of nuclear effects in neutrino interactions with minimal dependence on neutrino energy

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    We present a phenomenological study of nuclear effects in neutrino charged-current interactions, using transverse kinematic imbalances in exclusive measurements. Novel observables with minimal dependence on neutrino energy are proposed to study quasielastic scattering, and especially resonance production. They should be able to provide direct constraints on nuclear effects in neutrino- and antineutrino-nucleus interactions.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, accepted version by PR

    Определение условий перехода вязкой суспензии в вязкопластинчатый материал на сите виброгрохота

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    На підставі рішення рівнянь Нав’є-Стокса для установленої течії в’язкої сировини, що не стискується, по похилій ситовій поверхні аналітично визначені умови переходу вугільної шламової суспензії у в’язкопластичний матеріал при зневоднені на ситі віброгрохота.На основе решения уравнений Навье-Стокса для установившегося течения вязкой несжигаемой жидкости по наклонной ситовой поверхности аналитически определены условия перехода угольной шламовой суспензии в вязкопластинчатый материал при обезвоживании на сите виброгрохота

    Time-lapse measurement of single-cell response to nanomaterial : a microfluidic approach

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    This work presents the successful application of a single-cell microfluidic platform for high-throughput, real-time screening of nanoparticle-cell interactions. Taking vaccine delivery as a proof-of-concept application, ovalbumin-conjugated gold nanorods were produced and controllably delivered to primary dendritic cells within the device. Time-lapse imaging enabled monitoring of hundreds of single-cells during exposure to a range of concentrations of nanoparticle conjugates and simultaneous quantification of specific cellular functions. This integrated system provides throughput and statistical data comparable to that obtained with flow cytometry but also offers a novel approach to determine the dynamics of nanoparticle-cell interactions and nanoparticle-mediated antigen delivery with single-cell resolution

    A microfluidics tool for high-throughput, real-time multimodal imaging of nanoparticle-cell interactions

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    The increasing use of nanomaterials for biomedical applications has raised the need for efficient, robust and low-cost high-throughput assessment of nanotoxicity and cell-nanoparticle interactions. Microfluidics provides the tools for high-throughput single-cell functional monitoring, while gold nanorods have unique potential for intracellular tracking and can simultaneously be used as drug carriers. Presented here is a miniaturised platform that integrates these features with a multimodal approach to cell imaging. A microfluidic device allows for trapping of an array of singlecells, followed by the controlled delivery of nanoparticles into the cell array and subsequent real-time multimodal imaging of cellular interactions with functionalised nanoparticles. This system has been successfully used to assess cellnanoparticle interactions at the single-cell level

    Understanding Clinicians’ Perceived Barriers and Facilitators to Optimal Use of Acute Oxygen Therapy in Adults

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    Background: Supplemental oxygen is commonly administered to patients in acute care. It may cause harm when used inappropriately. Guidelines recommend prescription of acute oxygen, yet adherence is poor. We aimed to identify barriers and facilitators to practicing in accordance with the evidence-based Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ) oxygen guideline, and to determine the beliefs and attitudes relating to acute oxygen therapy. Methods: A national cross-sectional survey was conducted. The survey consisted of 3 sections: (1) introduction and participant characteristics; (2) opinion/beliefs, knowledge and actions about oxygen therapy and other drugs; and (3) barriers and facilitators to use of the TSANZ guideline. Convenience sampling was employed. A paper-based survey was distributed at the TSANZ Annual Scientific Meeting. An online survey was emailed to the TSANZ membership and to John Hunter Hospital’s clinical staff. Results: Responses were received from 133 clinicians: 52.6% nurses, 30.1% doctors, and 17.3% other clinicians. Over a third (37.7%) were unaware/unsure of the oxygen guideline’s existence. Most (79.8%) believe that oxygen is a drug and should be treated as one. Most (92.4%) stated they only administered it based on clinical need. For four hypothetical cases, there was only one where the majority of participants identified the optimal oxygen saturation. A number of barriers and facilitators were identified when asked about practicing in accordance with the TSANZ guideline. Lack of oxygen equipment, getting doctors to prescribe oxygen and oxygen being treated differently to other drugs were seen as barriers. The guideline itself and multiple clinician characteristics were considered facilitators. Conclusion: There is discordance between clinicians’ beliefs and actions regarding the administration of oxygen therapy and knowledge gaps about optimal oxygen therapy in acute care. Identified barriers and facilitators should be considered when developing evidence-based guidelines to improve dissemination and knowledge exchange

    Simulation studies of improved sounding systems

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    Two instrument designs for indirect satellite sounding of the atmosphere in the infrared are represented by the High Resolution Infra-Red Sounder, Model 2 (HIRS-2) and by the Advanced Meteorological Temperature Sounder (AMTS). The relative capabilities of the two instruments were tested by simulating satellite measurements from a group of temperature soundings, allowing the two participants to retrieve the temperature profiles from the simulated data, and comparing the results with the original temperature profiles. Four data sets were produced from radiosondes data extrapolated to a suitable altitude, representing continents and oceans, between 30S and 30N. From the information available, temperature profiles were retrieved by two different methods, statistical regression and inversion of the radiative transfer equation. Results show the consequence of greater spectral purity, concomitant increase in the number of spectral intervals, and the better spatial resolution in partly clouded areas. At the same time, the limitation of the HIRS-2 without its companion instrument leads to some results which should be ignored in comparing the two instruments. A clear superiority of AMTS results is shown