8 research outputs found

    Gambaran kualitas tidur dan indeks prestasi siswa kelas XII SMA Negeri 1 Manado di masa pandemi COVID-19

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    Introduction: The achievement index is a measure of student success in the learning process at school. A factor that could affect the success of students to help achieve a satisfactory index during the COVID-19 pandemic is sleep quality. Having changes in daily activities can lead young adult students to not be able to control themselves when it comes to time management. Because of this, they put aside their daily activities and this messes up their sleep schedules.Objective: Determine the overview of the sleep quality and the achievement index of students in class XII of SMA Negeri 1 Manado during the COVID-19 pandemic.Methode: The type of research that is conducted is descriptive research with a cross sectional design and proportional random sampling technique, the research instrument that is used is the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire and data on achievement index scores from local agencies.Result: Total of 86 respondents participated in this study. Of all class XII students of SMA Negeri 1 Manado, 44.2% had good quality and 55.8% had poor sleep quality (55.8%), and had a high achievement index of 77.9% in the period before the COVID-19 pandemic. and by 100% during the COVID-19 pandemic.Conclusion: Some of class XII students have poor sleep quality and some have good sleep quality, and have a high achievement index in the period before the COVID-19 pandemic and during the COVID-19 pandemic.Key Words: sleep quality, adolescent, achievement index, COVID-1

    Kualitas hidup dengan kualitas tidur remaja SMA Katolik Rex Mundi Manado di masa pandemi COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is causing anxiety in the community. This anxiety is also felt by adolescents so teenagers become one of the groups at risk of having poor sleep quality. Unmet sleep quality may have an impact on improving health for the process of restoring body functions in order to complete daily tasks and have a good quality of life. This research aims to describe the quality of life along with the quality of sleep of Catholic High School teenager Rex Mundi Manado during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. Students of Rex Mundi Catholic High School who reach the inclusion criteria were recruited through cluster random sampling. WHOQOL-BREF and PSQI questionnaires were used as tools through online data collection In total,. 87 students participated in this study and showed the average quality of life score in the physical domain, psychology, social relations, and the environment was at a score of 51-75. The majority of students had scores good enough for subjective sleep quality, 1-2 for latent sleep, 6-7 hours of sleep, efficient sleep >85%, sleep disorder scores of 1-9, and the majority had never used sleep medications in the past month, and for daytime dysfunction had a score of 1-2. The conclusion of the study is that most respondents have a moderate level of quality of life in the domain of physical, psychological, social relationships, environment, and have good sleep quality.Keywords: quality of life, quality of sleep


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    Penyakit Kusta merupakan salah satu penyakit menular yang masih menjadi permasalahan di dunia baik di negara berkembang maupun di negara maju. Penyakit kusta merupakan infeksi kronik pada kulit yang disebabkan oleh kuman Mycobacterium Leprae yang menyerang saraf perifer, kulit, dan mukosa maupun organ- organ lain pada tubuh. Penyakit kusta dapat ditularkan melalui kontak langsung dengan penderita dalam waktu yang cukup lama maupun melalui saluran pernapasan. Tuminting merupakan salah satu puskesmas dengan kejadian kusta yang cukup tinggi pada tahun 2016 dengan jumlah penderita sebanyak 17 orang, kemudian disusul oleh puskesmas Tikala Baru dengan jumlah penderita sebanyak 7 orang, dan puskesmas Bahu dengan jumlah penderita sebanyak 6 orang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor risiko kejadian kusta meliputi pendidikan, pendapatan, pengetahuan, kepadatan hunian kamar dan personal hygiene. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu studi deskriptif analitik dengan desain case- control study. Sampel yang digunakan adalah penderita penyakit Kusta yang berobat di Puskesmas Tuminting, Tikala Baru, Bahu pada bulan Januari- Desember 2016 dan bukan penderita penyakit Kusta sebagai kontrol. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan alat ukur kuesioner. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat. Analisis bivariat dilakukan menggunakan uji chi- square dengan nilai α sebesar 0,05 dan CI = 95%. Hasil analisis bivariate menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang menjadi factor risiko kejadian kusta di Kota Manado adalah Pendidikan (OR = 0,4195).Kata Kunci : Penyakit, Kejadian Kusta, Faktor RisikoABSTRACTLeprosy is one infectious diseases which is still considered as a problem in the world, both in developing countries and developed countries. Leprosy is a chronic infection of the skin caused by Mycobacterium Leprae which attacks the peripheral nerves, skin, and mucosa as well as other organs in the body. Leprosy can be transmitted through direct contact with the patients in a long period of time or through the respiratory tract. Tuminting is one of the community health centers with high leprosy incidence in 2016, with the number of patients to as many as 17 people, followed by Tikala Baru Community Health Center with 7 patients, and Bahu Community Health Center with 6 patients. The purpose of this research was to determine the risk factors on the occurrence of leprosy, which includes education, income, knowledge, room density and personal hygiene. The research method used was descriptive analytic study with case-control study design. The sample used was leprosy patients who were treated at Tuminting, Tikala Baru, Bahu Community Health Centers in January - December 2016 and non-leprosy patients as the control sample. Data were collected by using questionnaires. Data analysis used were univariate analysis and bivariate analysis. Bivariate analysis was performed by using chi-square test with α value of 0,05 and CI = 95%. The result of bivariate analysis indicated that the variable which became the risk factor of leprosy occurrence in Manado is Education (OR = 0,4195).Keywords: Disease, Leprosy, Risk Factor

    Gambaran persepsi mahasiswa terhadap vaksin COVID-19 di Kota Palu

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    Background: The COVID-19 vaccination program in Palu is still ongoing. However, the public hesitancy toward the COVID-19 vaccination might impact the continuity of the program. One of the roles of university students as social control and agents of change is mobilising the community so that the COVID-19 vaccination programme can be successful. It is necessary to know how students in Palu City perceive the COVID-19 vaccine.Aim: This study aimed to describe student perceptions of the COVID-19 vaccine in Palu City.Methods: The research used a descriptive method with a cross-sectional study design. The used survey is an adoption from the research on Public Perception of the COVID-19 Vaccine in South Sumatera. We carried out an online survey via Google Form. We analysed data univariately.Results: There were 125 respondents. The results showed that of 125 respondents, 96,8% respondents had positive perceptions, and the remaining 3,2% of respondents had negative perceptions of the COVID-19 vaccine.Conclusion: The vast majority of students in Palu City have a positive perception of the COVID-19 vaccine.Keywords: perception, students, COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccin

    Gambaran kualitas hidup remaja perokok SMA Negeri 3 Manado di masa pandemi COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused health and education emergencies that have an impact on the lives of teenage students, resulting in significant changes in teenage lifestyles, such as the desire to consume alcohol, cigarettes, and others. However, the most crucial impact that is felt is the creation of snoring behavior among adolescents. Smoking behavior has a negative impact on the quality of life of adolescents, which causes problems in the adolescent's environment. From this phenomenon, researchers conducted research in order to find out the picture of the quality of life of young smokers at SMA Negeri 3 Manado during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research used a quantitative descriptive with convenience sampling techniques within the limits of the inclusion criteria. The research tools used were the WHOQOL-BREF and GSHS 2015 questionnaires in electronic form. The results of the 85 respondents show that average quality of life scores include domains: physical, psychological, social relationships, and environmental, they’re all in the range of 40 to 80. The subjects of the research were an average of 15 – years – old, who has only begun smoking at age of 14 with the frequency of smoking being 10 - 29 days, and had family members who smoke cigarettes. The research conclusion is the overview of the quality of life in the physical, psychological, social relationship, and environment domains of 85 teenagers smokers mostly have the moderate quality of life.Keywords: smoking behavior, quality of life


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    Hipertensi merupakan penyakit degeneratif yang menjadi penyebab kematian di dunia dan salah satu penyakit yang serius di Indonesia. Meningkatnya tekanan darah menjadi salah satu faktor risiko utama yang menyebabkan kematian di dunia. Prevalensi hipertensi dapat disebabkan oleh gaya hidup, riwayat keluarga dan lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kebiasaan riwayat keluarga dengan kejadian hipertensi di Puskesmas Paceda Kota Bitung. Penelitian ini menggunakan survei analitik dengan desain Cross-Sectional Study (Studi Potong Lintang) dilakukan pada bulan September-Oktober 2018. Instrumen penelitian ini yaitu kuesioner. Sebanyak 89 pasien rawat jalan di Puskesmas menjadi responden dalam penelitian yang diambil dengan teknik Aksidental Sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji Khi Kuadrat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa responden yang memiliki riwayat keluarga dan menderita hipertensi sebanyak 57,3% dan yang tidak sebanyak 42,7% dengan nilai p value = 0,005. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu terdapat hubungan antara riwayat keluarga dengan kejadian hipertensi di Puskesmas Paceda Kota Bitung. Kata Kunci : Hipertensi, Riwayat Keluarga, Cross-sectional, Kota Bitung  ABSTRACTHypertension is a serious disease in Indonesia, and hypertension is a degenerative disease which is one of the causes of death in the world. Increased blood pressure is one of the main risk factors that causes global death and is estimated to have caused 9.4 million deaths. In Indonesia, there are an estimated 15 million people with hypertension, but only 4% are people with controlled hypertension. The high morbidity in hypertension can be influenced by the lifestyle, family history, etc. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between family history with the incidence of hypertension at the Paceda Health Center in Bitung City. This study uses an analytical survey with the design of the Cross Sectional Study conducted in September-October 2018 and uses a questionnaire as a research instrument. The subject in this study amounted to 89 respondents, taken with accidental sampling techniques. Data were analyzed with Chi Square test. The results of this study can be shown that the family history of hypertension as much as 57.3% and those with does not have as much as 42.7% with a p value = 0.005. It can be concluded that there was a relationship between family history and the incidence of hypertension in the Paceda City Health Center, Bitung City. Keyword : Hypertension, Family History, Cross-sectional, Bitung Cit


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    Diabetes Melitus tipe 2 merupakan masalah kesehatan serius yang harus segera ditangani oleh tenaga medis atau dikontrol oleh penderita itu sendiri. Secara global, prevalensi, insiden, dan kematian akibat DM tipe 2 terus meningkat. Deteksi dini faktor risiko diharapkan dapat menurunkan angka kejadian DM tipe 2. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan antara faktor risiko usia, riwayat keluarga, pola makan, dan jenis kelamin dengan kejadian diabetes melitus tipe 2 di Kabupaten Morowali Utara. Sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 94 responden, diambil dengan teknik simple random sampling. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Desain penelitian ini adalah analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Data yang diperoleh dianalis menggunakan analisis univariat, analisis bivariat, dan analisis multivariat. Hasil analisis hubungan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara usia dengan kejadian DM tipe 2 (p=0,004), riwayat keluarga dengan kejadian DM tipe 2 (p<0,001), pola makan dengan kejadian DM tipe 2 (p<0,001) dan tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara jenis kelamin dengan kejadian DM tipe (p=1,000). Secara simultan faktor risiko yang paling berhubungan dengan kejadian DM tipe 2 adalah pola makan yang dikontrol oleh variabel confounding usia dan riwayat keluarga. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian yaitu terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara usia, riwayat keluarga dan pola makan dengan kejadian DM tipe 2 di Kabupaten Morowali Utara, dan faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan kejadian DM tipe 2 adalah pola makan


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    Penelitian kualitas tidur pada pelajar di Indonesia masih kurang. Kebiasaan buruk merokok masih sering ditemui pada remaja dan dapat berpengaruh pda kualitas tidur. Studi penelitian tentang masalah ini juga belum banyak dilakukan.  Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara merokok dengan kualitas tidur pada pelajar. Desain penelitian cross sectional. Sampel yang diambil dari siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Remboken sebanyak 194 orang. Hubungan antara merokok dengan kualiats tidur dianalisis menggunakan uji chi-square. Kuat hubungan dinyatakan sebagai odds ratio (OR). Hasil penelitian ini sebanyak 100 pelajar (52%) pernah merokok dan 30 diantaranya masih merokok hingga sekarang, 155 pelajar memiliki kualitas tidur yang buruk. Terdapat hubungan antara merokok dengan kualitas tidur yang buruk (OR 2,934   p= 0,005). Merokok menunjukan odds kualiats tidur yang buruk. Pengendalian kebiasaan merokok penting untuk memperbaiki kualiats tidur pada pelajar dan remaja. Kata Kunci: Merokok, Kualitas Tidur, Pelajar ABSTRACTResearch on the quality of sleep for students in Indonesia is still lacking. Bad smoking habits are still often found in adolescents and can affect sleep quality. There have not been many research studies on this issue. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between smoking and the quality of sleep in students. The study design was cross sectional. Samples taken from the State High School 1 Remboken students were 194 people. The relationship between smoking and sleep quality was analyzed using the chi-square test. Relationship strength is expressed as odds ratio (OR). The results of this study were 100 students (52%) had smoked and 30 of them were still smoking until now, 155 students had poor sleep quality. There was a relationship between smoking and poor sleep quality (OR 2.934 p = 0.005). Smoking shows the odds of poor sleep. Control of smoking habits is important to improve sleep quality in students and adolescents. Keywords: Smoking, Sleep Quality, Student