69 research outputs found


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    Abstrak:Ter-ater merupakan bagian dari budaya lokal yang membuat banyak orang menyimpulkan bahwa masyarakat Madura adalah masyarakat yang ramah, dermawan, komunikatif, baik hati, dan memiliki solidaritas yang tinggi pada sesama. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan tradisi ter-ater dalam tinjauan agama, budaya, dan ekonomi. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian fenomenologis. Data diperoleh dari hasil observasi berperan serta, wawancara mendalam, dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan tahap kesimpulan. Informan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari masyarakat, pedagang dan tokoh masyarakat di Desa Bakiong, Guluk-Guluk, Sumenep. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ter-ater merupakan salah satu upaya mempererat hubungan kekeluargaan dan sarana ukhuwwah Islâmiyyah sebagaimana anjuran dalam agama Islam. Secara budaya, orang dianggap kurang lengkap tradisi keberagamaannya jika tidak pernah mengeluarkan sebagian hartanya dalam hal ini adalah ter-ater. Secara ekonomi, pelaksanaan tradisi ter-ater memberikan dampak ekonomi yang cukup berarti. Pertama, dalam setiap perayaan keagamaan yang kemudian diikuti dengan praktik ter-ater, kebutuhan ekonomi masyarakat sangat meningkat, ini dapat dilihat dari neraca transaksi perdagangan yang meningkat pula. Bisa di pastikan pada kondisi seperti ini menjadi momentum kesejahteraan para pedagang. Kedua, bahwa ter-ater merupakan bagian dari kegiatan ekonomi dan motif dalam ekonomi, motif memenuhi kebutuhan, motif memperoleh keuntungan, motif mendapatkan kekuasaan ekonomi, motif sosial, dan motif memperoleh penghargaan.Abstract:Ter-ater is part of the local culture that leads many people to conclude that the Madurese are the people who are friendly, generous, communicative, kind, and has a high solidarity to others. The purpose of this study is to investigate and explain the tradition of ter-ater in the review of religion, culture, and economics. The method used in this study is qualitative with a phenomenological study. Data collected by participating observation, in-depth interviews, and documen-tation. Data analysis was performed with data reduction, data display, and conclusion stage. Informants in this study consist of community, merchants, and community leaders in the village Bakiong Guluk-Guluk Sumenep. The results showed that, ter-ater is one way to strengthen family ties and the means of Muslim brotherhood as recommended in Islam. In culture, the tradition religion considered incomplete if it does not ever issue a part of his property in this case is ter-ater. Economically, the implementation of ter-ater tradition of providing a significant economic impact. First, in any religious celebration, followed byTradisi Ter-Ater dan Dampak Ekonomi bagi Masyarakat MaduraKARSA, Vol. 21 No. 1, Juni 2013| 41practice ter-ater, the economic needs of the community is greatly increased, it can be seen from the trade balance increased as well. Can be sure in these conditions to be momentum traders welfare. Second, that ter-ater is part of the economic activity and the economic motive, motive needs, profit motive, motive power gain economic, social motive, and the motive awarded.Kata Kunci:Ter-ater, tradisi, ukhuwwah Islâmiyyah, ekonomi, kesejahteraan


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    This writing discusses Khaled Abou El Fadl’s thought about hermeneutic phenomena responses to the spreading of otoritarianism in law discourses from islamic contemporary. He tried to interpret the doctrines about female moslem life in Saudi Arabia, Generally, a bias doctrines about gender stated by Islamic law experts to CRLO (Permanent Council for Scientific Research and Legal Opinions). in approaching the hermeneutic, at least, it involved three variables they are author (pengarang),text (teks), dan reader (pembaca). Interpretation method developed by Abou El Fadl is dynamic interpretation (lively interpretative) That interpreters not only understood a previous definition as al-qur’an verses given in the context of  socio-histories. But, It’s more than that, the interpreters had also dug text definition in latest context

    INTERPRETASI KENABIAN (Peran Ganda Nabi Muhammad Sebagai Manusia Biasa dan Rasul)

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    Prophet Muhammad represents one figure of many world figures, but in the middle age of its action as human being it did not miss from various human being characters like forgetting and doing wrongness to others. He did not only undertake to become Messenger, but also as leader of State and as person. Prophet’s word was as his products must be selected carefully. There must be determination, which was outside of his capacities as Messenger That way we do not be trapped by stiff teaching. Knowledge from Him as prophet can give the understanding about Ulumul Hadist. Thereby we know how far the scope of Prophet’s words, going into public pass history quickly, Without deep knowledge, secretary of Hadist did not do an interpretation so that we will not fall to in wrong conclusion, narrow, tight and stiff teaching  because we are unable to differentiate dimension of Uluhiyyah and dimension of history


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    Abstract:People  donated their property such as lands or buildings because of charity of their selfand familyand for the sake of hereafter investment. However, there some obstacles faced to certify the given donated land, particularly in terms of administration and finance. The purpose of this research is to identify and explain the urgency, problems, and alternative solutions concerning the donated land certification in Sampang subdistrict. The research method used in this research was qualitative research with a focus on phenomenological research type. The data was obtained through interview and observation. Then, the data was analyzed by using data reduction, data display or data presentation, and data conclusion. The informants in this research were people in Sampang subdistrict consisting of 20 people. The research findings showed: The first, people donated their property because of charity of their self and family. Landsor buildings were registered to have a donatedland certificate in order to avoid an accusation from the heir of the land or building being donated in the future. The second, the famous phenomenon and problem in donation (waqf) were that the process of donated land submission conducted by a wâqif [a person who donated the land or the building] to a nâdzir [a committee or person who who received the donation] without the approval of wâqif heirs. In addition, the service was different in terms of administration and the amount of money should be paid from a donated and non-donated land certification in National Land Affairs Agency (BPN). The third, the alternative solution which is provided was thatthe submission of donated property is not enough to doonly through verbal agreement, but this wassuggested to that wâqif and nâdzir had to sign an official agreement or memorandum of understanding (MoU). When the required documents of certifying the donated property was not proceeded yet by or they lasted very long in in PPAIW and BPN, the relevant action that should be taken wasto clarify what the prime problem are to the PPAIW and BPN officer.                                                                         Key Words:certification, donated land, wâqif, nâdzir Abstrak:Masyarakat mewakafkan harta bendanya berupa tanah dan atau bangunannya karena semata-mata amal jariyah diri dan keluarga untuk investasi akhirat. Namun, dalam rangkaian prosesnya, ia menuai problem yang menghambat proses sertifikasi tanah wakaf, di antaranya adalah masalah administrasi dan pembiayaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan problem, dan solusi alternatif tentang sertifikasi tanah wakaf di Kecamatan Sampang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian fenomenologis. Data diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dan observasi. Selanjutnya, analisis data dilakukan dengan reduksi data, display atau penyajian data, dan tahap kesimpulan. Informan dalam penelitian masyarakat Kecamatan Sampang yang terdiri atas 20 wâqif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan: Pertama, masyarakat mewakafkan harta bendanya karena semata-mata amal jariyah diri dan keluarga. Tanah/bangunan didaftarkan sertifikat tanah wakaf supaya tidak ada gugatan di kemudian hari dari ahli waris. Kedua, fenomena dan persoalan yang lazim dalam perwakafan, bahwa pada saat penyerahan tanah wakaf oleh wâqif kepada nâdzir tanpa persetujuan dari calon ahli waris wâqif. Selain itu, ada versi yang berbeda di masyarakat tentang pelayanan, frekuensi administrasi, dan nominal biaya antara tanah wakaf dan non wakaf di BPN. Ketiga, solusi alternatifnya, bahwa  penyerahan harta wakafnya tidak cukup melalui lisan/perkataan, namun dengan perjanji-an/MoU. Langkah-langkah yang paling relevan ketika berkas mengendap/lama di PPAIW dan BPN yaitu menindak lanjuti akar persoalannya ke PPAIW dan BPN

    Pemikiran Syaikh Nawawi Al-Bantani Tentang Ilmu dan Ulama Dalam Kitab Qami'ut Thughyan

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    Abstrak: Keberhasilan Syaikh Nawawi menyusun kitab syarah ini menunjukkan bahwa kemasyhuran Syaikh Nawawi sebagai ahli syarah kitab tidak terbantahkan, karena selain dari kitab qami’ut tughyan ini, banyak sekali kitab syarah lainya yang dihasilkan oleh Syaikh Nawawi. Pokok pikiran Syaikh Nawawi tentang ilmu dan ulma dalam kitab qami’ut tughyan ini antara lain: (a) pembahasan tentang landasan nas hadis tentang ilmu yang dapat memotivasi umat Islam untuk mencari ilmu sedemikian rupa; (b) pembahasan tentang niat pencari ilmu yang dibenarkan menurut syariat; (c) pembahasan tentang kewajiban menyebarkan ilmu terletak pada setiap orang yang menguasai suatu bidang ilmu; dan (d) pembentukan karakter pendidik yang komitmen terhadap ilmunya, konsisten dalam mendidik, dan mengutamakan tujuan akhirat, sehingga dengan karakter ini, seorang pendidik akan melaksanakan pendidikan dengan baik dan menghasilkan generasi yang baik untuk kepentingan dunia dan akhirat.   Kata kunci: Syaikh Nawawi al-bantani, Ilmu, ulama, qami’ut tughyan   Abstract: The success of Shaykh Nawawi compiling this book shows that the fame of Shaykh Nawawi as an expert in the book sharah is indisputable, because apart from this book of qami'ut tughyan, there are many other syarah books produced by Shaykh Nawawi. The main thoughts of Shaykh Nawawi about science and ulma in the book qami'ut tughyan include: (a) discussion of the foundation of the hadith scriptures on science that can motivate Muslims to seek knowledge in such a way; (b) discussion of the intention of knowledge seekers justified according to the Shari'a; (c) discussion of the obligation to spread knowledge lies in every person who controls a field of science; and (d) the formation of the character of educators who are committed to their knowledge, consistent in educating, and prioritizing the purpose of the hereafter, so that with this character, an educator will carry out education well and produce a good generation for the interests of the world and the hereafter.   Keywords: Shaykh Nawawi al-Bantani, Science, ulama, qami'ut tughya

    Implementasi Literasi dan Motivasi Membaca Siswa Di SMKN I Omben Sampang

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan datanya menggunakan observasi, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Dalam pemilihan sumber data menggunakan purposive sampling karena pertimbangan tertentu. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, bahwa: Pertama, motivasi baca siswa SMKN 1 Omben masih tergolong rendah, yang disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, yaitu: faktor letak geografis (pedesaan); paradigma orang tua termasuk masyarakat pada umumnya; orang tua perantau (TKI/TKW); kurangnya kesadaran siswa; kurangnya hubungan atau kerjasama antara orang tua dengan sekolah; pengaruh perkembangan teknologi. Kedua, ada dua peran guru dalam meningkatkan motivasi baca siswa: peran sebagai motivator dan peran sebagai fasilitator, guru memberikan atau menyediakan berbagai fasilitas yang dapat memudahkan siswa dalam proses belajar. Ketiga, implementasi literasi sebagai kegiatan yang wajib untuk berkunjung ke perpustkaan sekolah selama 35 menit sesuai dengan jadwal yang sudah ditentukan oleh pihak pengelola perpustakaan. Tujuannya untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran siswa tentang pentingnya membaca dan untuk menambah wawasan ilmu pengetahuan.Kata Kunci: Motivasi, membaca, Literasi Abstract:This research uses a qualitative approach. The data collection method uses observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. In selecting data sources using purposive sampling because of certain considerations. Based on the results of the study, that: First, the motivation to read SMKN 1 Omben students is still relatively low, which is caused by many factors, namely: geographical location factors (rural); the paradigm of parents including society in general; immigrant parents (TKI/TKW); lack of student awareness; lack of relationship or cooperation between parents and school; the influence of technological development. Second, there are two roles of the teacher in increasing students' reading motivation: the role of a motivator and the role of a facilitator, the teacher providing or providing various facilities that can facilitate students in the learning process. Third, the implementation of literacy as a mandatory activity to visit the school library for 35 minutes in accordance with the schedule determined by the library manager. The aim is to foster student awareness of the importance of reading and to broaden scientific insights.Keywords: Motivation, Read, Literac

    PROBLEMATIKA PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN SOLUSI ALTERNATIFNYA (Perspektif Ontologis, Epistemologis dan Aksiologis)

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    Tulisan ini membahas beberapa problem pendidikan Islamdalam perspektif ontologi, epistemologi dan aksiologi. Ontologimerupakan cabang filsafat yang berhubungan dengan hakikathidup. Masalah pendidikan Islam yang menjadi perhatian ontologidalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan Islam diperlukan pendirian,pegangan hidup dan pola pandang berfikir manusia. Epistemologipendidikan Islam lebih diarahkan pada metode atau pendekatanyang dapat dipakai untuk membangun ilmu pengetahuan Islam,baik secara konseptual maupun aplikatif. Aksiologi ialah ilmupengetahuan yang menyelidiki hakikat nilai (value), seperti etikadan estetika. Etika bersangkutan dengan masalah kebaikan,sedangkan estetika dengan masalah keindahan
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