63 research outputs found

    Perancangan Kampanye Safety Riding untuk Pengendara Motor Surabaya 2012

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    Bertambahnya jumlah sepeda motor di Surabaya yang demikian pesat tiap tahunnya, membuat angka pelanggaran lalu lintas cukup tinggi. Dengan jumlah sepeda motor yang banyak, mengakibatkan jumlah pelanggaran naik, yang berimbas pada tingginya angka kecelakaan di Surabaya. Pelanggaran lalu lintas ini cenderung mengalami kenaikan tiap tahunnya.Tingkat kepedulian pengendara motor masih sangat rendah untuk melakukan disiplin lalu lintas. Dibutuhkan kampanye safety riding yang merupakan salah satu solusi yang dapat dilakukan untuk menangani hal tersebut. Perancangan kampanye ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan instrument pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, wawancara mendalam, serta pengamatan pada pengguna kendaraan bermotor di Surabaya.Dengan menggunakan metode perancangan diatas, dapat dilihat bahwa permasalahan lalu lintas di Surabaya dapat diatasi salah satu satunya dengan kampanye safety riding yang menggunakan media yang menarik dan efektif untuk memaksimalkan hasil kampanye. Media yang menarik dan efektif ini disesuaikan dengan apa yang responden suka sehingga kampanye akan tepat sasara

    Spatial Epidemiology Occurrences of a Disease Pulmonary TB Smear (+) and Implementation Overview of Case Finding at Ciputat Health Center South Tangerang City, Banten Province in 2009-2013

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    Ciputat Health Center is a clinic in South Tangerang that has decreased detection rate of pulmonary TB smear (+) by 30% in 2012-2013. Not yet implemented to case finding based spatial analysis made researcher wanted to know spatial epidemiology occurrences of a disease pulmonary TB smear (+) and implementation overview offact-finding at Ciputat Health Center, South Tangerang, Banten Province in 2009-2013. This research was epidemiology descriptive by design a case study supported by a qualitative approach — informants; holder of TB program, analyst laboratory, and nurse at Ciputat Health Center and vice supervisor of TB in Health Department South Tangerang. The object of research were 45 cases of pulmonary TB smear (+) thatrecorded in Ciputat Health Center years 2009 to 2013 and still had been living there until years 2014. The instrument of this research is the spatial data processing, meter, questionnaires, interview guides and a list of documents. The result was the distribution pattern of cases of pulmonary TB smear (+) in Ciputat Health Center was more clustered with the most disease occurrence in males, ages productive, low nutritional status,smoking behavior, little education and had a working condition. The overview of case-finding activities by the implementation of netting suspected activities to have cluster pattern to the north, the village of Ciputat and inspection operation were not conducted on household contacts. Ciputat Health Center needed to do cloth suspected based on the design of the spread of cases and carried out household contacts. Keywords: Spatial epidemiology; tuberculosis; case findin

    Analisis Penerapan Metode Konvolusi Untuk Untuk Reduksi Derau Pada Citra Digital

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    Noise in digital image processing is a disorder caused by deviations of the data received. There are three types of noise, Additive, Gaussian and Speckle. Currently, there are many methods for reducing noise in digital images. One method that can be used for reducing noise is convolution method, which consists of Low Pass Filter, High Pass Filter, Median Filter, Mean Filter and Gaussian Filter. This research will analyze an output by applying the convolution method for noise reduction with various parameters such as histogram, Timing- Run calculation and SNR calculation. Noise reduction will be imposed on the three types of noise. Keywords : digital image, noise reduction, convolution method, histogram, Timing-Run, SNR

    Degradasi Methyl Orange Menggunakan Fotokatalis Tio2-n : Kajian Pengaruh Sinar dan Konsentrasi Tio2-n

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui degradasi methyl orange menggunakan fotokatalis TiO2-N dengan mempelajari pengaruh sinar UV dan sinar matahari serta variasi konsentrasi TiO2-N yang digunakan. Sintesis fotokatalis TiO2-N dilakukan dengan perbandingan mol TiO2:urea 10:0,1 menggunakan metode sonikasi. Karakterisasi fotokatalis dilakukan dengan menggunakan UV-DRS. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh sinar, aktivitas fotokatalis TiO2-N diuji menggunakan 25 mL larutan methyl orange 10 mg/L dengan TiO2-N sebesar 3,2 g/L pada kondisi gelap, di bawah sinar UV, dan di bawah sinar matahari. Variasi konsentrasi TiO2-N yang digunakan sebesar 1,6; 3,2; 4,8; 6,4; dan 8,0 g/L pada penyinaran sinar UV maupun sinar matahari selama 3 jam. Konsentrasi larutan methyl orange setelah penyinaran ditentukan menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis pada panjang gelombang 464,3 nm. Karakterisasi UV-DRS menghasilkan bahwa energi band gap dari TiO2-N sebesar 3,34 eV. Dari hasil penelitian, diperoleh bahwa penyinaran dengan sinar matahari menghasilkan degradasi lebih besar daripada sinar UV. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistika, konsentrasi TiO2-N yang paling optimum untuk degradasi methyl orange adalah sebesar 3,2 g/L dengan persen degradasi sebesar 93,93%

    Aplikasi Pengenalan Nama Surah pada Juz ke 30 Kitab Suci Al-Qur'an Menggunakan Speech Recognition

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    Al-Qur'an is a scripture which contains the saying of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'aala and was revealed to Prophet Muhammad. The 30th juz is the juz that exists in the Al-Qur'an. When studying how to read Al-Qur'an well, the first thing that is learned is reading and memorizing surahs in the 30th juz. Nevertheless, there is a problem in remembering or knowing the surah name and the verse which are in the 30th juz. An android application was developed in order to recognize the surah names in the 30th juz by utilizing speech recognition technology to overcome that problem. Markov Model (Markov Chain) algorithm was implemented in this application. This algorithm will process user's speech and compute probability of the surah name that was spoken. Speech detection testing gave result that the highest accuracy of application in recognizing the speeches was in the environment without noise with the accuracy of 100% in the most ideal distance is 50 cm for male and for female user. Based on the blackbox testing result, all functionalities of the application have functionated well. Control flow testing gave result that the value is 7 which indicates that the code is simple and well written. 87,74% respondents answered, by filling up the questionnaires, that the application is useful in order to make user knows better about the surah names in the 30th juz

    Analisis Abnormal Return Saham pada Peristiwa Merger dan Akuisisi di Indonesia

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    This study aims to obtain empirical evidence related to market reactions indicated by abnormal returns around the time of the 2016-2019 merger and acquisition announcement. The population in this study are companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange that have conducted mergers and acquisitions. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling, the data obtained by 12 companies, namely 3 companies do mergers and 9 companies make acquisitions. Data analysis techniques in this study were one sample test method Kolmogorv-Smirnov test, paired sample t-test test, and one sample t-test using SPSS application version 25. The results of this study showed: During the 11 days study period, there were average abnormal return negative that insignificant for 7 days and average abnormal return positive that also insignificant for 4 days around the announcement time of the company’s mergers and acquisitions. These insignificant test results prove that the market was not approved during the period before and after mergers and acquisitions
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