219 research outputs found

    Stress, Nutritional Status and Blood Glucose Levels Among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

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    Prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) was increased significantly. Stress increased cortisol could increase blood glucose levels while obesity could increase insulin resistance. Objective of this study was to examine correlation of stress and nutritional status with blood glucose levels in patients with DM type 2. Design study was cross sectional using 120 samples from patients with DM type 2 at Polyclinic of Internal Disease Dr. Moewardi Hospital Surakarta during April-May 2018. Variables in this study were stress with perceived stress scale 10 items (PSS-10), nutritional status with body mass index (BMI) and blood glucose levels with fasting blood glucose (FBG) and post-prandial blood glucose (PPBG) examination. The results showed that mean of FBG was 152.9±63.66 mg/dL and PPBG was 213.96±70.17 mg/dL. There was no significant correlation between stress and blood glucose levels, by FBG (p=0.389) and PPBG (p=0.202). However, there was significant correlation between nutritional status and PPBG (p=0.016), but FBG was not significant (p=0.209). In conclusion, there was significant correlation between nutritional status and PPBG in patients with DM type 2, but FBG was not significant. However, there was no significant correlation between stress and blood glucose levels in patients with DM type 2

    Pengaruh Sanksi Administrasi dan Surat Paksa terhadap Optimalisasi Pencairan Tunggakan Pajak (Studi pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Singosari)

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    The trust given by the government to taxpayers in self-assessment system should be able to run well according to the plan. Taxpayers are capable for performing their tax duty well and properly without negligence, deliberateness, and ignorance concerning this duty. In order to minimize these actions, there should be law enforcement in the obedience of the taxpayers. This study is aimed to (1) Know whether the administration charge and distress warrant has significant effects on the optimization of Disbursement of Tax Arrears. (2) Analyze and explain whether the administration charge has partially significant effects on the optimization of Disbursement of Tax Arrears, and (3) Analyze and explain whether the distress warrant has partially significant effects on the optimization of Disbursement of Tax Arrears.The kind of study used in this research is quantitative study, which is used to test hypothesis about the effects of the administration charge and distress warrant on the optimization of Disbursement of Tax Arrears. The population in this study is Taxpayers who receive administration charge and distress warrant and have tax arrears in Small Tax Office Singosari.The result of this study exclaimed that administration charge and distress warrant Variables have simultaneously significant effects on the optimization of Disbursement of Tax Arrears. Partially, administration charge and distress warrant Variables havesignificant effects on the optimization of Disbursement of Tax Arrears. It is suggested for the next researchers to employ other variables that affect the optimization of Disbursement of Tax Arrears, which are taxpayers, awareness, criminal sanctions, and so on to improve the study

    Finding Structured and Unstructured Features to Improve the Search Result of Complex Question

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    The current researches on question answer usually achieve the answer only from unstructured text resources such as collection of news or pages. According to our observation from Yahoo!Answer, users sometimes ask in complex natural language questions which contain structured and unstructured features. Generally, answering the complex questions needs to consider not only unstructured but also structured resource. In this work, researcher propose a new idea to improve accuracy of the answers of complex questions by recognizing the structured and unstructured features of questions and them in the web. Our framework consists of three parts: Question Analysis, Resource Discovery, and Analysis of The Relevant Answer. In Question Analysis researcher used a few assumptions and tried to find structured and unstructured features of the questions. In the resource discovery researcher integrated structured data (relational database) and unstructured data (web page) to take the advantage of two kinds of data to improve and to get the correct answers. We can find the best top fragments from context of the relevant web pages in the Relevant Answer part and then researcher made a score matching between the result from structured data and unstructured data, then finally researcher used QA template to reformulate the questions. Penelitian yang ada pada saat ini mengenai Question Answer (QA) biasanya mendapatkan jawaban dari sumber teks yang tidak terstruktur seperti kumpulan berita atau halaman. Sesuai dengan observasi peneliti dari pengguna Yahoo!Answer, biasanya mereka bertanya dalam natural language yang sangat kompleks di mana mengandung bentuk yang terstruktur dan tidak terstruktur. Secara umum, menjawab pertanyaan yang kompleks membutuhkan pertimbangan yang tidak hanya sumber tidak terstruktur tetapi juga sumber yang terstruktur. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti mengajukan suatu ide baru untuk meningkatkan keakuratan dari jawaban pertanyaan yang kompleks dengan mengenali bentuk terstruktur dan tidak terstruktur dan mengintegrasikan keduanya di web. Framework yang digunakan terdiri dari tiga bagian: Question Analysis, Resource Discovery, dan Analysis of The Relevant Answer. Pada Question Analysis peneliti menggunakan beberapa asumsi dan mencoba mencari bentuk data yang terstruktur dan tidak terstruktur. Dalam penemuan sumber daya, peneliti mengintegrasikan data terstruktur (relational database) dan data tidak terstruktur (halaman web) untuk mengambil keuntungan dari dua jenis data untuk meningkatkan dan untuk mencapai jawaban yang benar. Peneliti dapat menemukan fragmen atas terbaik dari konteks halaman web pada bagian Relevant Answer dan kemudian peneliti membuat pencocoka skor antara hasil dari data terstruktur dan data tidak terstruktur. Terakhir peneliti menggunakan template QA untuk merumuskan pertanyaan

    Social Determinants and Risk Factors for Tuberculosis Patients: A Case Control Study at Health Services Applying Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse (DOTS) in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

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    Tuberculosis (TB) control programs should place more emphasis on social determinants which either directly or through TB risk factors can influence TB incidence. This study aims to identify the influence of social determinants and TB risk factors on TB incidence. A total of 238 smear-positive TB patients and 238 patients without TB were obtained from all smear-positive TB patients and TB suspects treated at Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse (DOTS) health service facilities in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. Data were collected by structured interview questions which were then analysed using both bi-variable chi-square analysis and multivariable logistic regression analysis. The results showed that social determinants (education and income per capita), housing conditions (ventilation and house density index), and household food security (food budget) proved to be significant influences on TB incidence. These indicators may explain the 50.7% variation in TB incidence. In conclusion, a TB control program should highlight social determinants, housing conditions, and household food security improvements. However, such a program would require the participation of all related institutions and should also be supported by appropriate government policies. Keywords: tuberculosis, social determinants, housing conditions, household food security, health access, DOTS strateg
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