55 research outputs found

    Bacteriophages for Biocontrol of Biofilms in Food System

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    Biofilms are a very common form of adaptation that allows bacteria to survive in unfavorable environments. Biofilms produced by pathogenic bacteria in food systems are a problem to food safety. Biofilms are a problem in the use of antibiotics and biocides due to the presence of a natural extracellular matrix and the presence of bacterial cells that are metabolically inactive but survive in the biofilm (persister cells). Some chemicals that are very effective when used to attack free cells but not in the form of biofilm (planktonic cells) become ineffective when applied to biofilms. On the other hand, bacteriophages have the ability to attack bacterial growth in the form of biofilms. The presence of a large number of bacterial cells surviving in the biofilm supports the action of bacteriophages in the biofilm. Bacterial cells are hosts for bacteriophages, so if the host is present in large numbers, it causes bacteriophages to infect more quickly and efficiently because bacteriophage multiplication is faster if more hosts are available. Bacteriophages also have a number of properties that make biofilms susceptible to attack. Bacteriophages are known to produce (or be able to induce) enzymes that degrade the extracellular matrix. Bacteriophages can also infect persister cells and enter a dormant phase in inactive cells in the biofilm but become active again if the bacterial cells are also metabolically active again. Some biofilms are even able to support bacteriophage replication better than free cells. Bacteriophages can be applied to destroy biofilms of pathogenic bacteria in food systems so as to improve food safety.    Biofilm adalah bentuk adaptasi yang sangat umum yang memungkinkan bakteri untuk bertahan dalam lingkungan yang tidak menguntungkan. Biofilm menjadi masalah dalam penggunaan antibiotik dan biosida, disebabkan baik oleh adanya matrik ekstraseluler alami maupun karena keberadaan sel bakteri yang secara metabolik inaktif namun bertahan di dalam biofilm (persister cells). Beberapa bahan kimia yang sangat efektif jika digunakan untuk menyerang sel bebas/tidak dalam bentuk biofilm (planktonic cells), menjadi tidak efektif jika diaplikasikan pada biofilm. Di sisi lain, bakteriofag memiliki kemampuan yang besar untuk menyerang pertumbuhan bakteri dalam bentuk biofilm tersebut. Adanya sejumlah besar sel bakteri yang bertahan dalam biofilm mendukung aksi bakteriofag pada biofilm sebab sel bakteri adalah inang bagi bakteriofag tersebut sehingga jika inang terdapat dalam jumlah besar menyebabkan bakteriofag menginfeksi dengan lebih cepat dan efisien berakibat pada multiplikasi bakteriofag yang lebih cepat pula. Bakteriofag juga memiliki sejumlah sifat yang menyebabkan biofilm rentan terhadap serangannya. Bakteriofag diketahui menghasilkan (atau mampu menginduksi) enzim yang mendegradasi matrik ekstraseluler. Bakteriofag juga dapat menginfeksi persister cells, dan memasuki fase dorman dalam sel yang inaktif dalam biofilm, tetapi aktif kembali jika sel bakteri tersebut juga aktif bermetabolisme kembali. Beberapa biofilm bahkan juga mampu mendukung replikasi bakteriofag dengan lebih baik dibandingkan dengan sel bebasnya. Bakteriofag dapat diaplikasikan dalam sistem pangan untuk menghancurkan biofilm dari bakteri patogen sehingga dapat meningkatkan keamanan pangan.   Kata kunci: bakteriofag; biofilm; keamanan pangan &nbsp

    Purifikasi dan karakterisasi bakteriosin dari Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL).

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    Purifikasi dan karakterisasi bakteriosin dari Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL)

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    Isolation and Identification of A Lipid-Degrading Bacteria from Fish (Sardinella longiceps) Canning Wastewater

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    The aim of this study is to isolate and identify the lipase-degrading bacteria from fish canning wastewater. From this study, seven isolates of lipase-degrading bacteria were obtained. The high lipase-degrading activity was showed by isolate AG-2 and AD-1 with activity of 12.22 U/mL and 11.11 U/mL, respectively. Both isolates then characterized for the optimum temperature and pH. The result showed that the optimum temperature for growth of isolate AG-2 was 27oC, whereas isolate AD-1 was 37oC. Both of the isolates have the same pH for optimum growth, pH 8. Because the optimum temperature of isolate AD-1 has the same condition with temperature of sample, isolate AD-1 is chosen as alternative for biological wastewater treatment. Molecular identification of isolate AD-1 using 16S rRNA sequencing showed that it has 99% similarity with Bacillus cereus SBD1-8

    Leclercia adecarboxylata C12, The Newly Isolated Cellulose-degrading Bacteria from Indonesian Coffee Pulp

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    Culturable cellulose-degrading microorganisms were collected from Arabica coffee pulp in East Java, Indonesia. Fifty isolates were obtained, and thirty-three isolates showed hydrolyzing zone on Carboxy Methyl Cellulose agar plates after Congo-Red staining. The highest specific CMCase activity was observed by isolates C12, identified as Leclercia adecarboxylata based on 16S-rRNA gene sequence analysis. SDS-PAGE of Leclercia adecarboxylata C12 cellulase revealed two bands with a molecular mass of 95.49 and 81.28 kDa, respectively. Activity gel analysis showed the cellulolytic ability of Leclercia adecarboxylata C12 cellulase by clear zone formation. The optimal CMCase activity was achieved at 50°C and pH 9, and the activity retained 47% of its initial activity after incubation at 50°C for 90 minutes. The purified enzyme remains stable from pH 5 to 10, with 77% of its maximum activity. The activity of CMCase was stimulated by the presence of K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Fe3+, while SDS and EDTA reduced its activity. The current study shows that the thermostable-alkalophilic cellulase produced by Leclercia adecarboxylata C12 is very promising for industrial applications

    Penerapan Standart Mutu Produk Melalui Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing UKM Pangan.

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    Program pengawasan pangan ditujukan untuk melindungi masyarakat sehingga tidak mengkonsumsi pangan yang tidak memenuhi syarat kesehatan, mutu, gizi, dan bertentangan dengan keyakinan masyarakat. Tantangan yang paling dominan bagi industry pangan adalah kemampuan untuk memberikan jaminan kepada konsumen bahwa produk pangan yang akan mereka konsumsi bermutu dan aman, serta pada tingkat harga yang terjangkau. Permasalahan usaha pangan rakyat adalah pada standarisasi cara pembuatan pangan yang baik dan keamanan. Umumnya para pengusaha kecil ini tidak mengenal apalagi menerapkan standart mutu dan keamanan pangan dengan baik. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dalam tahapan; 1) Pengenalan dan melatih standar mutu produk dan pedoman cara produksi pangan yang baik, 2) Pelatian manajerial dan penanganan hasil setelah proses produksi; 3) Peningkatan wawasan usaha kecil mitra produsen pangan dalam menghadapi persaingan pasar global. UKM mitra telah menyadari betapa pentingnya penerapan GMP dalam usaha kuenya sehingga UKM tersebut menerapkan prosedur GMP untuk menjaga mutu sekaligus konsistensinya dari waktu ke waktu. Penerapan GMP ini berguna dalam standarisasi produk sehingga keinginan pemilik untuk mengurangi beban kerja dengan jalan mendelegasikan tugas yang dapat ditangani oleh pekerja dapat dijalankan. Secara keseluruhan penerapan GMP pada UKM”Antara” dapat berjalan dengan baik

    Biocontrol activity of endophytic bacteria from cocoa against Phytophthora sp. and Colletotrichum sp.

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    Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) and chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) are commonly cultivated by farmers, and in some cases, both crops are grown together in intercropping systems. The main pathogen infected cocoa is the Phytophthora sp. fungus, which causes fruit rot, stem cancer, and leaf blight, while Colletotrichum sp. causes anthracnose in chili pepper plants. The ability of endophytic bacteria to inhibit the growth of fungi and bacterial pathogens is well known. In this study, the biocontrol ability of endophytic bacteria against fungal pathogens was tested, and a biocontrol preliminary test was also observed by examining their potential inhibition on Chromobacterium violaceum called antiquorum sensing test. Endophytic bacteria were isolated from cocoa plants, while Phytophthora and Colletotrichum were isolated from cocoa and chili pepper plants that showed symptoms of fruit rot and anthracnose. A total of 34 endophytic bacterial isolates were successfully obtained, with 10 isolates from leaves (DK), 12 isolates from branches (RK), and 12 isolates from roots (KA) of cocoa plant ICCRI 4. Sixteen isolates showed quorum sensing ability, which AHL degradation index ranging from 0.44 – 1.56. Antagonistic tests showed that 11 out of 16 isolates had strong antibiosis against Phytophthora sp., with inhibition zones ranging from 0.6-1.35 cm. Meanwhile, 10 out of 16 isolates had strong antibiotics against Colletotrichum sp., with clear zones ranging from 0.6 – 1.1 cm. The three best endophytic bacterial isolates that had a combination of antiquorum sensing ability on C. violaceum and biocontrol against Phytophthora sp. and Colletotrichum sp. were RK 11, KA 1, and KA 8

    Identifikasi Gen Transgenik pada Produk Susu Bubuk Kedelai dan Susu Formula Soya dengan Metode PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)

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    The need of soybean that reached up to 2,2 million tons per year has made Indonesia imports this commodity 1,62 million tons from countries that adopt Genetically Modified (GM) soybean. By the presence of GM soybeans in Indonesia, Genetically Modified Product (GMP) labelling has need to be done. Detection of GMP can be done by using PCR. The aim of this study was to determine the presence of trangenic genetic material in soy milk powder and soy formula products to classify as GMP. Another goal was to determine the optimum annealing temperature of the primers used. Based on this study, the optimum annealing temperature of the CaMV 35S primer and the EPSPS-CP4 primer was 60oC and 59oC. The NOS terminator primer’s optimum annealing temperature was not found. 6 soy milk powder samples and 5 soy formula samples are might be determined to be using transgenic soybeans due to the presence of EPSPS-CP4 genes and CaMV 35S promotor genes. Therefore, those 11 samples were classified as GMP.ABSTRAK Kebutuhan kedelai yang mencapai 2,2 juta ton/tahun memaksa Indonesia mengimpor sebanyak 1,62 juta ton. Sebagian besar kedelai impor berupa kedelai transgenik. Dengan munculnya kedelai transgenik di Indonesia, perlu adanya pelabelan Produk Rekayasa Genetika (PRG) untuk memenuhi hak-hak konsumen. Teknik yang dilakukan untuk mendeteksi PRG salah satunya menggunakan metode PCR. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya gen transgenik pada produk susu bubuk kedelai dan formula soya, sehingga produk dapat digolongkan sebagai PRG atau tidak. Selain itu juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui suhu annealing optimum pada primer yang digunakan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan suhu annealing optimum primer CaMV 35S promotor adalah 60oC. Sedangkan untuk primer gen EPSPS-CP4 suhu annealing optimumnya 59oC. Untuk primer NOS terminator suhu annealing optimum tidak ditemukan. Dari amplifikasi DNA sampel, 6 sampel susu bubuk kedelai dan 5 sampel formula soya terdapat sisipan gen EPSPS-CP4 dan gen Promotor CaMV 35S. Dengan demikian 11 sampel tersebut dapat dikatakan sebagai PRG. Kata kunci: Produk rekayasa genetika; PCR; formula soya; susu kedelai bubuk; kedelai transgeni