4,595 research outputs found

    An Exploration of the Role of Food Tourism in Sustaining Cultural Authenticity in Ireland

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    Authenticity is often a motivating factor for tourists. In many situations what occurs, however, is staged authenticity. Food is one of the few entities left that indicates true cultural authenticity. Food can bridge the gap between tourists and their understanding of and involvement in a place. Native cultures that are struggling to preserve their heritage and ways of life from globalising forces can use food as a defensive mechanism. This paper is part of a wider postgraduate study on food tourism and culture so will focus on the research completed to date, mainly the literature reviewed as well as initial primary research findings. The town of Kinsale, Co. Cork was the focus of the pilot case study, within which interviews were conducted with those involved in the food tourism sector including; restaurateurs, farmers’ market stall-holders, food trail guides and food festival organisers. Preliminary results indicate that food has played a key role in forming Kinsale’s identity and continues to do so, allowing traditions and culture to be maintained and rejuvenated

    Novel Cold-Adapted Lipase from Marine Plankton, Salpa thompsoni

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    The impact of novel people, places, and activities, in tourism

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    As part of an undergraduate research design class, we measured tourism experiences of 617tourists, during a day, and their potential impact, in a quantitative, cross-sectional manner. In May2023, a total of 30 tourism and experience design students teamed up from Breda University ofApplied Sciences, Netherlands, and Brigham Young University students, United States, andapproached tourists at 45 various tourist hot spots in the Rotterdam and the Amsterdam are

    The impact of novel people, places, and activities, in tourism

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    As part of an undergraduate research design class, we measured tourism experiences of 617tourists, during a day, and their potential impact, in a quantitative, cross-sectional manner. In May2023, a total of 30 tourism and experience design students teamed up from Breda University ofApplied Sciences, Netherlands, and Brigham Young University students, United States, andapproached tourists at 45 various tourist hot spots in the Rotterdam and the Amsterdam are

    Is Implicit Level-2 Visual perspective taking embodied? Spontaneous perceptual simulation of others’ perspectives is not impaired by motor restriction

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    Open access via Sage agreement The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: E.W. was funded by a PhD student grant from the University of Plymouth.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Aging Predicts Decline in Explicit and Implicit Memory: A Life-Span Study

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    Explicit memory declines with age, but age effects on implicit memory are debated. This issue is important because if implicit memory is age invariant, it may support effective interventions in individuals experiencing memory decline. In this study, we overcame several methodological issues in past research to clarify age effects on implicit memory (priming) and their relationship to explicit memory (recognition, source memory). We (a) recruited a large life-span sample of participants (N = 1,072) during a residency at the Science Museum in London, (b) employed an implicit task that was unaffected by explicit contamination, and (c) systematically manipulated attention and depth of processing to assess their contribution to age effects. Participants witnessed a succession of overlapping colored objects, attending to one color stream and ignoring the other, and identified masked objects at test before judging whether they were previously attended, unattended, or new. Age significantly predicted decline in both explicit and implicit memory for attended items

    An effect of age on implicit memory that is not due to explicit contamination: implications for single and multiple-systems theories

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    Recognition memory is typically weaker in healthy older relative to young adults, while performance on implicit tests (e.g., repetition priming) is often comparable between groups. Such observations are commonly taken as evidence for independent explicit and implicit memory systems. On a picture version of the continuous identification with recognition (CID-R) task, we found a reliable age-related reduction in recognition memory, while the age effect on priming did not reach statistical significance (Experiment 1). This pattern was consistent with the predictions of a formal single-system model. Experiment 2 replicated these observations using separate priming (continuous identification; CID) and recognition phases, while a combined data analysis revealed a significant effect of age on priming. In Experiment 3, we provide evidence that priming in this task is unaffected by explicit processing, and we conclude that the age difference in priming is unlikely to have been driven by differences in explicit processing between groups of young and older adults ("explicit contamination"). The results support the view that explicit and implicit expressions of memory are driven by a single underlying memory system