24 research outputs found

    Implementasi Penetapan Peraturan Pemerintah No.78 Tahun 2015 Tentang Pengupahan

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengupahan ditinjau dari pengusaha, pekerja dan pemerintah menurut Peraturan Pemerintah No. 78 Tahun 2015.Kajian ini menggunakan literatur dengan dokumen atau data yang diperoleh dari laporan studi, instansi pemerintahan yang terkait, serta dokumen lain yang relevan. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan diperoleh temuan bahwa formulai upah dilakukan secara tripartit antara pengusaha, pemerintah dan serikat buruh untuk mencapaii kesepakatan akan tingkat upah yang adil bagi semua pihak, terutama adil buat buruh. Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 78/2015 tentang Pengupahan disebutkan, bahwa kebijakan pengupahan diarahkan untuk pencapaian penghasilan yang memenuhi penghidupan yang layak bagi pekerja/buruh. Formulasi kebijakan pengupahan dirumuskan tingkat upah yang menjadi dasar pengupahan setiap daerah. Oleh karena itu besaran tingkat upah masing-masing daerah kabupaten/kota berbeda. Hal ini disesuaikan berdasarkan kemampuan ekonomi makro setiap daerah. Selain itu survei Kebutuhan Hidup Layak (KHL) ternyata hanya merupakan bahan pertimbangan atau rekomendasi saja dalam menentukan besaran upah dan tidak ditetapkan sepenuhnya. Inilah yang membuat survei KHL masih sangat lemah

    Institutional Model-Based Community Economic Development In The District Indramayu

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    The purpose of this study was (1) Identify the potential and the problems faced by the target group KIMBis in science and technology-based community economic development, (2) Increase the capacity of businesses through technology escort KIMBis target group, and (3) Build the institutional model description based community economic development science and technology.The approach taken in this study in the form of action research. Implementation of applied research carried out in the form of activities in the village KIMBis Kandanghaur Eretan Wetan District of Indramayu district. The results of this study showed that (a) Clinical Technology Business Mina in Indramayu formed based on the potential of fisheries resources and aquaculture (b) Institutional KIMBis Indramayu become media for awareness stage, and shuck pengkapasitasan target groups involving many stakeholders. (c) may receive a referral Indramayu KIMBIs institutional model of community-based economic development of science and technology.</p

    Analysis of Entrepreneurial Readiness in Tidar University Students

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    Universities as higher education institutions have an important role in the process of encouraging the growth of entrepreneurs. Tidar University is always trying to create new entrepreneurs. However, Tidar University has not yet evaluated how much the effectiveness of entrepreneurship teaching on students' entrepreneurial readiness. Therefore, research is needed in analyzing the factors that affect entrepreneurial readiness. The research was conducted at Tidar University from March to April 2020. The population of this study was students of the Faculty of Agriculture from Semester 2 to Semester 8 in the 2019/2020 academic year. The number of samples is 120 people. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that the more students get training, the more ready they are to become entrepreneurs. Students suggest the following training to complement their existing skills: a) digital marketing, b) practical work training, c) success story seminars, d) business risks, e) business basics and soft skills, f) facing global markets and innovation, g) performance management, h) entrepreneurial mentality and spirit, i) how to capture business opportunities, j) marketing, k) time management and money management, l) agrosociopreneurs, m) building networks, and n) business tips and tricks. Students with high entrepreneurial education intentions have relatively less entrepreneurial readiness. This is because they have a lot of knowledge base which encourages them to be more careful if they want to start a business. Students have the perception that entrepreneurial readiness cannot be measured by the GPA value. Entrepreneurial experience encourages students to be ready to return to entrepreneurshi


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    IMPLEMENTASI KOMPUDAYA SEBAGAI SARANA SUMBERDAYA BELAJAR BAGI MASYARAKAT Abstrak Komputer untuk pemberdayaan keluarga (kompudaya) merupakan salah satu model pengembangan sarana dan prasarana teknologi dan informasi komunikasi (TIK) di pedesaan. Kompudaya sebagai wadahnya, sumberdaya belajar adalah isinya (konten). Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat pada 4 (empat) aspek, yaitu pendidikan, kesehatan, lingkungan dan ekonomi melalui kompudaya. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah penelitian aksi (action research). Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif eksplorasi. Hasil identifikasi kebutuhan pelatihan kelompok sasaran berkaitan dengan kompudaya diperoleh bahwa materi yang diinginkan kelompok sasaran, yaitu teknik pembelajaran online, manajemen konten, motivasi dan dinamika kelompok, pengantar TIK, dan learning organization. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa kompudaya telah mampu meningkatkan daya serap pengguna terhadap konten yang telah dibuka. Model kelembagaan kompudaya merupakan teknik atau metode yang efektif dalam proses belajar masyarakat. Kompudaya mampu memberikan ruang bagi masyarakat untuk berperan aktif dalam penguatan di bidang pendidikan, ekonomi, kesehatan, dan lingkungan. Kata kunci: kompudaya, TIK, pemberdayaan masyarakat Kompudaya Implementation as a Means of Resources Learning Community Abstract Computers for Family Empowerment (kompudaya) is one of the infrastructure development models and Information Communication Technology (ICT) in rural areas. Kompudaya as a container, is a learning resource content. The purpose of this research is to increase knowledge and skills of the community in 4 (four) aspects, namely education, health, environment and an economy through kompudaya. The approach of this study is an action research. This study used a descriptive analysis. The results of the identification of the training needs of the target group related to that material obtained kompudaya desired target group, namely the technique of online learning, content management, motivation and group dynamics, the introduction of ICT, and learning organization. The result showed that kompudaya has been able to increase the absorptive capacity of users to the content that has been opened. Kompudaya institutional model is a technique or method that is effective for learning in the community. Kompudaya is able to provide space for people to play an active role in strengthening education, economy, health and environment aspects. Keywords: kompudaya, ICT, community empowermen

    Implementasi Penetapan Peraturan Pemerintah No.78 Tahun 2015 Tentang Pengupahan

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengupahan ditinjau dari pengusaha, pekerja dan pemerintah menurut Peraturan Pemerintah No. 78 Tahun 2015.Kajian ini menggunakan literatur dengan dokumen atau data yang diperoleh dari laporan studi, instansi pemerintahan yang terkait, serta dokumen lain yang relevan. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan diperoleh temuan bahwa formulai upah dilakukan secara tripartit antara pengusaha, pemerintah dan serikat buruh untuk mencapaii kesepakatan akan tingkat upah yang adil bagi semua pihak, terutama adil buat buruh. Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 78/2015 tentang Pengupahan disebutkan, bahwa kebijakan pengupahan diarahkan untuk pencapaian penghasilan yang memenuhi penghidupan yang layak bagi pekerja/buruh. Formulasi kebijakan pengupahan dirumuskan tingkat upah yang menjadi dasar pengupahan setiap daerah. Oleh karena itu besaran tingkat upah masing-masing daerah kabupaten/kota berbeda. Hal ini disesuaikan berdasarkan kemampuan ekonomi makro setiap daerah. Selain itu survei Kebutuhan Hidup Layak (KHL) ternyata hanya merupakan bahan pertimbangan atau rekomendasi saja dalam menentukan besaran upah dan tidak ditetapkan sepenuhnya. Inilah yang membuat survei KHL masih sangat lemah

    Institutional Model-Based Community Economic Development In The District Indramayu

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    The purpose of this study was (1) Identify the potential and the problems faced by the target group KIMBis in science and technology-based community economic development, (2) Increase the capacity of businesses through technology escort KIMBis target group, and (3) Build the institutional model description based community economic development science and technology.The approach taken in this study in the form of action research. Implementation of applied research carried out in the form of activities in the village KIMBis Kandanghaur Eretan Wetan District of Indramayu district. The results of this study showed that (a) Clinical Technology Business Mina in Indramayu formed based on the potential of fisheries resources and aquaculture (b) Institutional KIMBis Indramayu become media for awareness stage, and shuck pengkapasitasan target groups involving many stakeholders. (c) may receive a referral Indramayu KIMBIs institutional model of community-based economic development of science and technology

    Analisis Strategi Pengembangan Program Pos Pemberdayaan Keluarga (Posdaya) Di Kota Bogor Dan Kabupaten Bogor Analyzing Strategy Development Programs Family Empowerment Post (Posdaya) In The City and County Bogor

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    This study aims (1) analyze the suitability of patterns assistance in implementing programs in Posdaya, (2) analyze the level of satisfaction of the board on the pattern of mentoring programs in Posdaya and (3) analyzing the strategy development programs in the City and County Posdaya Bogor. This research was conducted in Bogor, samples Posdaya 15 Posdaya. This study uses two types of data, primary data and secondary data. Force Field Analysis and Importance Performance Analysis.The results that the board considered that the elements or attributes have good accompaniment (above 80%), except in the frequency attribute mentoring. Analysis on the level of satisfaction of the board to the accompaniment pattern is obtained that the board Posdaya states have satisfied (very good) to Posdaya mentoring program. In general, the results of the analysis of the force field of the four pillars of development Posdaya obtained that the factors driving the value is higher than the value of the inhibiting factors. This indicates that Posdaya be in a position to grow and thrive. Posdaya program development strategies that can be done is to improve and maintain programs that already exist and encourage partnerships with institutions and other institutions

    Development of Coaching Model in Pumping-HR Based Human Resource Development Model

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    Coaching is a partner of development in which a coach supports a learner in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by training and counselling. The pumping HR Model is one of the HR development models based on the iceberg theory, which is divided into the areas of the unconscious (unconscious region), pre-conscious (pre-conscious region) and conscious (conscious region). The pumping HR Model places the unconscious as a function of the heart, the pre-conscious as a function of the brain and the conscious as a sensory function of human resources (HR). In practice, Pumping HR Model touches on 3 basic components of human resource development, namely character development, competency development and behaviour development. This research goal is the purpose of this study is to prove that the Pumping HR model can be used as a model in the coaching process. The method used is qualitative descriptive &amp; Integrating theory. Research data were obtained through a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and post-workshop questionnaire.  The results of this research: Pumping HRM Coach is unique and can be one of the human resource development models with a coaching approach

    Performance Human Resources Of Owners Micro And Small Businesses In The Upgrading MSMEs Program, Bogor District

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    This study aims to determine the performance of the human resources of micro and small business owners in improving MSMEs to upgading. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, micro and small business owners in Bogor Regency. Respondents were chosen purposely, namely 100 micro and small business owners who participated in the Micro and Small Business Consultation Clinic in Bogor Regency. The purpose of doing entrepreneurial activities is to get profits that are used to improve the family economy. The results showed that the performance of human resources was related to the characteristics of micro and small business owners from age, education, other occupations, as well as characteristics of micro and small businesses which included types of products, business forms, business legality, and length of business. business and the number of workers. All respondents have attended new entrepreneurship training (WUB), 57% of food security extension technical guidance (PKP) and business management training (56%). This proves that increasing the capacity of business owners is very important to do both independently, government programs and corporate CSR programs for business continuity

    Analisis Penentuan Komoditas dan Strategi Penumbuhan Kawasan Pengembangan Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Hasil Pertanian (KP3HP) di Kabupaten Bandung Barat

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    The purpose of this study was (1) Identify the leading commodity that will be developed in the area of program development processing and marketing of agricultural products (KP3HP), (2) analyzing alternative selection of superior commodities based on the results of the discussion using Bayes analysis method, and (3) to analyze the situation of growth KP3HP which encompasses groups of milk processing business in West Bandung regency. Data collection was performed by the method of desk study, observation and interview experts. Data processing is done by the method of AHP and SWOT analysis.Based on the results obtained identification of superior commodities in general for some commodities have been proposed as an alternative candidate for the commodities that will be applied in the implementation of the program KP3HP in 2013, namely: Rice (Foodstuffs), Potatoes (Foodstuffs), chilli (Hortikultra / Vegetables), Tomato (Horticulture / Vegetable), Paprika (Horticulture / Vegetable), Banana (Horticulture / Fruits), Coffee (Plantation), Tea (Plantation) and Milk (Livestock). Selected Commodities KP3HP of AHP structure developed dairy commodities ranks first with global weights 0.4976, followed by 0.1925 tea, chili 0.1712, and 0.1387 coffee. Based on the SWOT analysis, strategy can be developed including: (1) expanding and maintaining existing markets, (2) the promotion, (3) maintain and preserve the quality of products produced and (4) improve the distribution channel.</p