497 research outputs found

    Ectoparasitic Arthropods Occurring on Rattus norvegicus and Rattus rattus Collected from Two Properties on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii (Acarina, Siphonaptera, and Anoplura)

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    Scientific note.A survey of ectoparasites occurring on rats was carried out from August 2006 through February 2007 on two properties on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. From the property in Liliha, a total of 167 Norway rats, Rattus norvegicus, were examined. Two species of fleas and four species of mites were collected: oriental rat flea, Xenopsylla cheopis, cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis, tropical rat mite, Ornithonyssus bacoti, domestic rat mite, Laelaps nuttalli, spiny rat mite, Laelaps echidninus, and house mouse mite, Allodermanyssus sanguineus. From the property in Aiea, a total of 80 black rats, Rattus rattus, were examined. One species of flea, one species of louse, and two species of mites were collected: cat flea, C. felis, sucking louse, Polyplax spinulosa, tropical rat mite, O. bacoti, and house mouse mite, A. sanguineus. This is the first record of the house mouse mite, A. sanguineus, from Hawaii. Ornithonyssus bacoti and A. sanguineus were the predominant species of mites that infested both rodent species. The occurrence of other ectoparasites on the rats caught from the two sites may be affected by different rodent host and other environmental factors


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    Thesis (Ph. D. in Agriculture)--University of Tsukuba, (A), no. 2051, 1999.3.2

    シンガク ト シュウキョウガク ノ ハザマ デ : R オットー セイナル モノ オ メグッテ

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    PDF/A形式により利用可能アクセス:WWWによる東京外国語大学大学院総合国際学研究科博士 (学術) 論文 (2017年2月)博甲第224号その他のタイトルは英文要旨による資料, 参考文献: p241-255東京外国語大学 (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)博士 (学術

    Acid epimerization of 20-keto pregnane glycosides is determined by 2D-NMR spectroscopy

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    Carbohydrates influence many essential biological events such as apoptosis, differentiation, tumor metastasis, cancer, neurobiology, immunology, development, host-pathogen interactions, diabetes, signal transduction, protein folding, and many other contexts. We now report on the structure determination of pregnane glycosides isolated from the aerial parts of Ceropegia fusca Bolle (Asclepiadaceae). The observation of cicatrizant, vulnerary and cytostatic activities in some humans and animals of Ceropegia fusca Bolle, a species endemic to the Canary Islands, encouraged us to begin a pharmacological study to determine their exact therapeutic properties. High resolution 1H-NMR spectra of pregnane glycosides very often display well-resolved signals that can be used as starting points in several selective NMR experiments to study scalar (J coupling), and dipolar (NOE) interactions. ROESY is especially suited for molecules such that ωτc ~ 1, where τc are the motional correlation times and ω is the angular frequency. In these cases the NOE is nearly zero, while the rotating-frame Overhauser effect spectroscopy (ROESY) is always positive and increases monotonically for increasing values of τc. The ROESY shows dipolar interactions cross peaks even in medium-sized molecules which are helpful in unambiguous assignment of all the interglycosidic linkages. Selective excitation was carried out using a double pulsed-field gradient spin-echo sequence (DPFGSE) in which 180° Gaussian pulses are sandwiched between sine shaped z-gradients. Scalar interactions were studied by homonuclear DPFGSE-COSY and DPFGSE-TOCSY experiments, while DPFGSE-ROESY was used to monitor the spatial environment of the selectively excited proton. Dipolar interactions between nuclei close in space can be detected by the 1D GROESY experiment, which is a one-dimensional counterpart of the 2D ROESY method. The C-12 and C-17 configurations were determined by ROESY experiments

    Specificity of novel allosterically trans- and cis-activated connected maxizymes that are designed to suppress BCR-ABL expression

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    AbstractChronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is associated with the presence of the Philadelphia chromosome, which is generated by the reciprocal translocation of chromosomes 9 and 22. In the case of L6 (b2a2) mRNA, it is difficult to cleave the abnormal mRNA specifically because the mRNA includes no sequences that can be cleaved efficiently by conventional hammerhead ribozymes near the BCR-ABL junction. We recently succeeded in designing a novel maxizyme, which specifically cleaves BCR-ABL fusion mRNA, as a result of the formation of a dimeric structure. As an extension of our molecular engineering of maxizymes, as well as to improve their potential utility, we examined whether an analogous conformational change could be induced within a single molecule when two maxizymes were connected via a linker sequence. An active conformation was achieved by binding of the construct to the BCR-ABL junction in trans, with part of the linker sequence then acting as an antisense modulator in cis (within the complex) to adjust the overall structure. Results of studies in vitro in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) (but not in its absence) suggested that a certain kind of connected maxizyme (cMzB) might be able to undergo a desired conformational change and, indeed, studies in vivo confirmed this prediction. Therefore, we successfully created a fully functional, connected maxizyme and, moreover, we found that the activity and specificity of catalytic RNAs in vivo might be better estimated if their reactions are monitored in vitro in the presence of CTAB

    Satellite observation of melting and break-up of fast ice in Lutzow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica

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    Lutzow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica is covered entirely by multi-year fast ice, almost every year, but this fast ice breaks up periodically, with several years between break up events. A large break-up started in March 1997, and reached its maximum at the end of March 1998. Two thirds of the fast ice in the bay was blown out. Melting features in the fast ice and surrounding ice sheet slope were observed by high resolution ADEOS AVNIR visible data in 1997.Since there are periodic break ups of the fast ice in Lützow-Holm Bay, warmer climate conditions and an increase in melting are investigated and compared with the occurrences of fast ice break up. The interannual variation of melting in the coastal zone was estimated by using the passive microwave brightness temperature. The gradient ratio of horizontal channels of 18/19 GHz to 37 GHz of SMMR and SSM/I was used to detect the melting duration of each summer from 1978/79 to 1998/99. A long melting period was estimated to have occurred in summer 1996/97 before the large break up; similar relationships were observed in the previous break-ups. The fast ice area has large variability in the number of melting days compared to the ice sheet slope zone, and it will be sensitive to the air temperature change in the coastal zone

    Evaluation of BACE1 Silencing in Cellular Models

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    Beta-secretase (BACE1) is the major enzyme participating in generation of toxic amyloid-beta (Aβ) peptides, identified in amyloid plaques of Alzheimer's disease (AD) brains. Its downregulation results in decreasing secretion of Aβ. Thus, BACE1 silencing by RNAi represents possible strategy for antiamyloid therapy in the treatment of AD. In this study, a series of newly designed sequences of synthetic and vector-encoded siRNAs (pSilencer, pcPURhU6, and lentivirus) were tested against overexpressed and endogenous BACE1 in several cell lines and in adult neural progenitor cells, derived from rat hippocampus. SiRNAs active in human, mouse, and rat cell models were shown to diminish the level of BACE1. In HCN A94 cells, two BACE1-specific siRNAs did not alter the expression of genes of BACE2 and several selected genes involved in neurogenesis (Synapsin I, βIII-Tubulin, Calbidin, NeuroD1, GluR2, CREB, MeCP2, PKR), however, remarkable lowering of SCG10 mRNA, coding protein of stathmin family, important in the development of nervous system, was observed