147 research outputs found

    Exports LED Growth:A Case Study of Pakistan

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    Impact of exports on economic development remain an interesting topic for the economist. International trade expresses the economic growth of any nation (Marshall, 1890). According to one more economist Nurkse world business is engine of growth (1961). Bhagwati in 1973 stated that efficiency in trade and its international expansion can be obtained through free trade of services as well as goods. Empirical studies have proven a positive and significant relationship between economic development and exports of any country. Therefore, economist pay more focus on expansion of exports in order to develop the economy of the country. In addition, for expansion of exports, it is not compulsory that country blessed with a large scale of natural resources can only obtain this. But countries with less resources may also enhance the exports through effective policy making. Bhagwati and Krueger are of the view that liberalization of exchange can be obtained by arrangement which declines the opposing force to fare inclination. Edwards in 1993 expressed that fare grants, import duties with addition of exchange bends as liberal exchange administration.  An extensive variety of the studies gives confirmation that the openness of the exchange administration has a positive companionship with GDP development (Ahmed and Anoruo (2000), Edwards (1998), Edwards (1992), Harrison (1996), Iscan (1998), Wacziarg (2001), Yanikkaya (2003). In perspective of above conflicting discoveries, it is better to reevaluate this issue in the connection of Pakistan economy. Researchers are more interested in tentative relationship between investment enlargement and exchange plainness

    Risk Management by Choosing Stock in Portfolio

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    Portfolio Management requires a process that engages the expertise of the various stake holders in the organization and a system to provide the analytical support for the process. A well-thought-out process tailored for the organization takes care of the people issues and ensures buy-in for the selected portfolio strategy. Most of the existing portfolios are not developed to handle a portfolio of assets /securities when considering risks and opportunities. This is due to the fact that the expertise required developing portfolio of assets /securities are not processed by individual. When using these single portfolio processes, it is up to the experience of the organization and foremost project managers to find links between assets/securities in portfolio. The scope of a single security investment seems insufficient, and a more holistic. Therefore, existing risk management processes are considered insufficient due to the focus on a single asset/security risk management. In this study it is tried to conclude different levels of risks and opportunities within a portfolio of assets/Securities that can be managed by identifying positive or negative relation between each other. Keywords: Portfolio, Risk, Risk Management, Stock Price

    Experience of Internet Utilization by Post Graduate Students at Nishter Medical College, Multan, Pakistan

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    This study reports the Internet usage, purposes, difficulties while using internet by the Post Graduate Sstudnets at Nishtar Medical College (NMC), Multan and also identifies the usage of different health related websites and databases to supplement learning by PGS. This study is based on comprehensive literature review and pre-tested questionnaire that was distributed among 210 PGS. The response rate was very satisfactory 85%. The collected data was finally analyzed by using SPSS version 17. The results show that 33(18.5%) were female and 145(81.5%) male in total 178 respondents. All of the respondents used internet except only one respondent. Majority of the respondents always use Internet for their education purpose frequently use it for research, for up to date information, to obtain information about health and entertainment purposes. Results show that PGS were using Pubmed database sometimes and MedScape, PakMediNet and EBSCOhost occasionally. The study concludes for the need of awareness, orientation and trainings to utilize different databases for seeking scholarly information

    Experience of Internet Utilization by Post Graduate Students at Nishter Medical College, Multan, Pakistan

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    This study reports the Internet usage, purposes, difficulties while using internet by the Post Graduate Sstudnets at Nishtar Medical College (NMC), Multan and also identifies the usage of different health related websites and databases to supplement learning by PGS. This study is based on comprehensive literature review and pre-tested questionnaire that was distributed among 210 PGS. The response rate was very satisfactory 85%. The collected data was finally analyzed by using SPSS version 17. The results show that 33(18.5%) were female and 145(81.5%) male in total 178 respondents. All of the respondents used internet except only one respondent. Majority of the respondents always use Internet for their education purpose frequently use it for research, for up to date information, to obtain information about health and entertainment purposes. Results show that PGS were using Pubmed database sometimes and MedScape, PakMediNet and EBSCOhost occasionally. The study concludes for the need of awareness, orientation and trainings to utilize different databases for seeking scholarly information

    Effects of Online Shopping Trends on Consumer-Buying Behaviour: An Empirical Study of Pakistan

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    This research paper examines the relationship between various factors that affect the consumer behavior towards online shopping. Online shopping refers to the recent trends of being able to buy everything from home. The focus of this research is to explain the influence of five major variables that were derived from literature. These variables are trust, time, product variety, convenience and privacy, which determine how consumer-buying behavior is reflecting online shopping trends. Data was collected through the use of a specified measuring instrument. This instrument was a completely self-developed and standardized questionnaire that comprised of two sections. The statistical analysis of the data reflects that trust and convenience will have great impact on the decision to buy online or not. Trust is been considered as the most relevant factor affecting the customer’s buying behavior towards online shopping when it comes to younger generation

    Reassessing leadership traits: An Islamic perspective

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    The phenomena of leadership has long been cited and discussed in business and management literature. Discourse on effective leadership qualities is popular in management circles. Interestingly, traditional literature on leadership has presented rather diverse results. And recent developments in the field of leadership and management reveal a growing interest in religion and spirituality. The present study attempts to understand leadership and submit a comprehensive framework exploring leadership traits from an Islamic viewpoint. A sample of 16 respondents was selected, most of whom had extensive knowledge and experience in leadership and management. They belonged to diverse industries such as manufacturing, construction, telecommunications, banking and education. The study found that Islamic Leadership is based around the notion of stewardship of Allah's creation. An Islamic leader must be a role model with exemplary personality, attitude, character and competence. And only those individuals may be selected as leaders who have piety (Taqwa) and goodness. The study also presented that Taqwa, Consultation and Intellectual competence are the key traits for a Muslim leader. In addition, Taqwa encompasses Islamic Spirituality and Islamic Social responsibly. The sub-constructs of Taqwa include; belief (Iman), worship (Ibadat) and repentance (Tawbah), patience, emotional control, forgiveness, the establishment of zakah and giving sadakah, fulfillment of contracts, justice and integrity. Together, these traits frame the overall description of Islamic leadership

    Analysis of Design Principles and Requirements for Procedural Rigging of Bipeds and Quadrupeds Characters with Custom Manipulators for Animation

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    Character rigging is a process of endowing a character with a set of custom manipulators and controls making it easy to animate by the animators. These controls consist of simple joints, handles, or even separate character selection windows.This research paper present an automated rigging system for quadruped characters with custom controls and manipulators for animation.The full character rigging mechanism is procedurally driven based on various principles and requirements used by the riggers and animators. The automation is achieved initially by creating widgets according to the character type. These widgets then can be customized by the rigger according to the character shape, height and proportion. Then joint locations for each body parts are calculated and widgets are replaced programmatically.Finally a complete and fully operational procedurally generated character control rig is created and attached with the underlying skeletal joints. The functionality and feasibility of the rig was analyzed from various source of actual character motion and a requirements criterion was met. The final rigged character provides an efficient and easy to manipulate control rig with no lagging and at high frame rate.Comment: 21 pages, 24 figures, 4 Algorithms, Journal Pape

    Investigating the non-work antecedents of workplace deviance

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    Deviance in the workplace, which has a huge destructive and harmful impact on the organization, is of key concern to academicians and practitioners. Existing literature focuses on the work-related antecedents of workplace deviance. However, the non-work-related antecedents have received little attention. Hence, the present research attempts to understand, the non-work antecedents that aggravate deviant behavior among employees at a workplace. The Gioia qualitative research approach was used to understand, examine, analyze, and interpret the views of respondents. A semi-structured interviewing technique was adopted. The respondents were encouraged to share their own experiences, thoughts, and understanding regarding the phenomenon. A sample of 25 experienced respondents from public and private organisations in Pakistan were interviewed. The results indicate that commuting factors (road hindrances, conflict behaviors, traffic discipline, and over-speeding), social factors (family-work conflict, and disturbed social relations), and an individual's lifestyle (attitude, physical inactivity, and sleep deprivation) are the contributing factors pertaining to the non-work antecedents of workplace deviance. The current study contributes to the literature by focusing on the non-work antecedents of workplace deviance

    A Search for Variable Stars in the Globular Cluster M4 with K2

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    We extract light curves for 4554 objects with 9<G<199<G<19 in the K2 superstamp observations of the globular cluster M4, including 3784 cluster members, and search for variability. Among cluster member objects, we detect 66 variables, of which 52 are new discoveries. Among objects not belonging to the cluster, we detect 24 variables, of which 20 are new discoveries. We additionally discover 57 cluster-member suspected variables, 10 cluster-non-member suspected variables, and four variables with ambiguous cluster membership. Our light curves reach sub-millimagnitude precision for the cluster horizontal branch, permitting us to detect asteroseismic activity in six horizontal branch stars outside the instability strip and one inside the strip but with only ~1 mmag amplitude variability. 19 additional stars along the red giant branch also have detected asteroseismic variability. Several eclipsing binaries are found in the cluster, including a 4.6-day detached eclipsing binary and an EW-class eclipsing binary, as well as an EW with uncertain cluster membership and three other candidate EWs. A 22-day detached eclipsing binary is also found outside the cluster. We identify a candidate X-ray binary that is a cluster member with quiescent and periodic ~20 mmag optical variability. We also obtain high-precision light curves for ten of the previously known RR Lyrae variables in the cluster and identify one as a candidate Blazhko variable with a Blazhko period in excess of 78 days. We make our light curves publicly available.Comment: 48 pages, 21 figures, 5 tables; online material: Table 1 and light curve data; accepted for publication in ApJ