25 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Komputer Dasar Bagi Kader PKK dan Posyandu Di Desa Patikraja

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    Empowerment of Family Welfare or often abbreviated as PKK is a movement that has been built from the center to the village and its existence and benefits have been felt by the community. This PKK activity is reflected in the 10 PKK Principal Programs, one of which is focused on health and attention specifically aimed at maternal and child health. So that an Integrated Service Post (Posyandu) was formed consisting of trained Posyandu cadres. These trained Posyandu cadres are not only seen from the way they handle maternal and child health but also must be supported by their ability to use computers in the process of recording and data collection. However, not all PKK and Posyandu Cadres, especially in villages, are adept at using computers, for example, PKK Cadres and Patikraja Village Posyandu. In fact, many cadres are new to computers and cannot use standard programs such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Word. The goal of this community service program is to improve the capabilities and competencies of PKK Cadres and Patikraja Village Posyandu in operating computers to support good and smooth performance in terms of administration and data collection. Based on the results of the evaluation it was seen that PKK cadres and the Patikraja Village Posyandu attended the training with great enthusiasm and they were able to practice the material very well

    Implementasi Forward Chaining Method Pada Sistem Pakar Untuk Deteksi Dini Penyakit Ikan

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    This study aims to create a computer based intelligent system to detect freshwater fish disease.  Problems often faced by fish farmers, especially freshwater fish, are fish diseases that begin with signs such us wounds on the surface of the fish’s body, bleeding on the gills, fish’s stomach which suddenly enlarges and is filled with fluid, the release of fins or the tail of the fish which results in the death of cultivated fish, thereby reducing freshwater fish production. The expert system developed to implement the forward chaining method which starts with tracking the symptoms experienced by fish to determine the preventive action that must be taken by bringing the symptoms to the system. System development in this study uses extreme programming (XP) where the flexibility of this method supports all changes that occur when developing an expert system to detect fish diseases. The output of the research carried out in the form of an expert system that provides information about freshwater fish diseases, the cause and how to overcome them

    Comparison of The Dempster Shafer Method and Bayes' Theorem in The Detection of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    This study discusses the comparison of the Dempster-Shafer method and Bayes' theorem in the process of early detection of inflammatory bowel disease. Inflammatory bowel disease, better known as intestinal inflammation, attacks the digestive tract in the form of irritation, chronic inflammation, and injuries to the digestive tract. Early signs of inflammatory bowel disease include excess abdominal pain, blood when passing stools, acute diarrhea, weight loss, and fatigue. The Dempster-Shafer method is a method that produces an accurate diagnosis of uncertainty caused by adding or reducing information about the symptoms of a disease. Meanwhile, Bayes' theorem explains the probability of an event based on the factors that may be related to the event. This study aims to measure the accuracy of disease detection using the Dempster-Shafer method compared to the probability of occurrence of the disease using Bayes' theorem. The results of calculating the level of accuracy show that the Bayes Theorem method is better at predicting inflammatory bowel disease with a probability of occurrence of disease in the tested data of 75.9%.Penelitian ini membahas tentang perbandingan metode dempster shafer dan teorema bayes pada proses deteksi dini penyakit inflamasi usus. Penyakit inflamasi usus atau yang lebih dikenal dengan radang usus adalah penyakit yang menyerang saluran pencernaan berupa iritasi, peradangan kronis, hingga luka pada saluran pencernaan. Tanda awal penyakit inflamasi usus antara lain nyeri perut berlebih, darah keluar pada saat buang air besar, diare akut, berat badan semakin menurun dan kelelahan. Metode dempster shafer adalah metode yang menghasilkan diagnosis yang akurat dari sebuah ketidakpastian yang disebabkan oleh ditambah atau dikuranginya informasi tentang gejala sebuah penyakit. Sedangkan teorema bayes menerangkan tentang peluah sebuah kejadian yang didasarkan kepada faktor-faktor yang mungkin berkaitan dengan kejadian tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat akurasi deteksi penyakit menggunakan metode dempster shafer yang dibandingkan dengan peluang munculnya penyakit tersebut menggunakan teorema bayes. Hasil perhitungan tingkat akurasi menunjukkan bahwa metode Teorema bayes lebih baik dalam memprediksi penyakit inflamasi usus dengan probabilitas kemunculan penyakit terhadap data yang telah diuji sebesar 75.9%


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    Preeclampsia is a disease of pregnant women, causing many complaints, including dizziness. Massage is the right solution to reduce dizziness since the use of analgesic drugs is not recommended. Submission of massage information can be more effective through digital technology. The purpose of this research is to build an application based on Augmented Reality (AR) as a guide for facial massage movements for midwives and pregnant women to deal with complaints of dizziness for pregnant women. The method used is the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC), which consists of the stages of making a concept, making a design, collecting materials, combining materials, testing, and distribution. Black box testing on 10 scenarios produces a value of 100%, which means the application can run properly. In addition, usability testing using the System Usabilities Scale (SUS) method shows a value of 69.5, which means that the application has the "good" criteria and is acceptable to users.Preeklamsia adalah salah satu penyakit ibu hamil, menyebabkan banyak keluhan, termasuk pusing. Pemijatan merupakan solusi yang tepat untuk mengurangi pusing, karena penggunaan obat analgesik tidak dianjurkan. Penyampaian informasi pemijatan dapat lebih efektif jika melalui teknologi digital. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membangun aplikasi berbasis Augmented Reality (AR) sebagai panduan gerakan pijat wajah bagi bidan dan ibu hamil untuk mengatasi keluhan pusing bagi ibu hamil. Metode yang digunakan adalah Multimedia Development  Life  Cycle (MDLC), di mana terdiri dari tahapan pembuatan konsep, pembuatan desain, pengumpulan bahan/material, penggabungan bahan, pengujian, dan distribusi. Pengujian black box pada 10 skenario menghasilkan nilai 100%, yang berarti aplikasi dapat berjalan dengan baik. Selain itu, pengujian usabilitas dengan metode System Usabilities Scale (SUS) menunjukkan nilai 69,5, yang berarti aplikasi berkriteria “Bagus (good)” dan dapat diterima pengguna

    Optimization of Extreme Programming Methods in Plastics Waste Management Company Websites

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    Plastic waste needs to be handled properly according to its type to reduce its negative impact on the earth, such as the issue of global warming which is still being widely discussed among the public. Good and correct plastic waste management has a significant long-term impact on the issue of global warming. Using the optimization of the extreme programming (XP) method to develop a plastic waste management system. With the system development method used, namely extreme programming, this system helps the community to be aware of waste and manage waste as well and wisely as possible. Extreme programming flexibility supports all changes that occur during the process of building this plastic waste management system. The output produced in the construction of this system is the management and sale of plastic waste that can be recycled according to its type. With usability testing that has been carried out, this system has been evaluated and shows a result of 88.07%, this value means that the plastic waste management system is well accepted to be used in plastic waste management

    Pengaruh Implementasi Knowledge Management Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Di Rumah Sakit Umum Dadi Keluarga Purwokerto

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    AbstrakRumah sakit ialah lembaga yang kompleks karena terdapat masalah yang rumit sebab melibatkan suatu sistematika yang menghasikan jasa medis, perawatan rawat inap serta rawat jalan yang merupakan bentuk pelayanan kepada pasien. Tuntutan masyarakat terhadap layanan rumah sakit untuk mendapatkan hak dan melakukan kewajiban sebagai pasien semakin tinggi. Persaingan pelayanan rumah sakit pada era globalisasi semakin ketat sehingga dibutuhkan knowledge management melalui manajemen informasi untuk membantu pelayanan di rumah sakit. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh implementasi knowledge management terhadap kepuasan pasien dan keluarga pasien di Rumah Sakit Umum Dadi Keluarga Purwokerto. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu narrative research yang dilakukan dengan sebuah studi pada seseorang untuk mendapatkan data dari sejarah perjalanan kehidupannya. Berdasarkan sejarah perjalanan seorang pasien RSU Dadi Keluarga Purwokerto, pasien ini sudah merasa puas dengan pelayanan rumah sakit dan implementasi knowledge management RSU Dadi Keluarga perlu dipertahankan agar kualitas pelayan rumah sakit terhadap kepuasan pasien terus meningkat.

    Utilization of Augmented Reality Technology in Independent Speech Therapy Applications

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    One of the uses of information technology is augmented reality technology in the health sector. Augmented reality is used in the development of applications that are used for speech therapy for children with autism or children with speech delays. The method used for the development of speech therapy applications is the extreme programming method. This method can adapt to the development of an application in a short time and quite a lot of changes. The stages in the extreme programming method include identifying system requirements, planning activities during system/application development, system development process, iteration for system improvement until the final iteration, and no more user feedback, system/application production, and system maintenance with data backup and system recovery. After testing the system, it was concluded that three iterations occurred during the development of the speech therapy application. The last test showed that the user accepted the speech therapy application with a percentage of 77,14%. The output of this research is an augmented reality-based speech therapy application that is useful for independent speech therapy for children with speech delays

    Sistem Pakar Deteksi Dini Penyakit Preeklamsia pada Ibu Hamil Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor

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    Preeclampsia is a disease in pregnant women characterized by high blood pressure and positive urine protein. The disease has a high risk of maternal and fetal death, so there is a need for early detection of mothers at risk of preeclampsia. Early online detection of preeclampsia is the best solution during the Covid-19 pandemic by analyzing the influencing factors. The purpose of this study is to build an expert system for early detection of preeclampsia in pregnant women using the Certainty Factor method and the waterfall system development model in order to provide the possibility of pregnant women suffering from preeclampsia. Testing the accuracy of 30 medical record data for pregnant women resulted in a system accuracy level of 90%, while usability testing resulted in a user satisfaction level of 55 with the System Usability Testing (SUS) score criteria being "Poor", therefore improvements are needed on expert system in the future

    Implementasi Extreme programming Pada Website Marketplace Lapak Petani Online

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    The use of information technology to improve people’s welfare has been implemented in various lines of life, including selling agricultural products through the marketplace to expand marketing and increase sales figures. Marketplace built based on the website using extreme programming (XP) method. The selection of extreme programming for marketplace development is tailored to all user needs and system requirements because website development is done in a relatively short time and many changes occur during website development. The stages of the extreme programming method are carried out in several iterations to get feedback from the end-users who are used in the website improvement process so that at the end of the iteration process the website developed is in accordance with the needs of the end-user. The output generated from this research is the farmer’s stall marketplace website that is used to market agricultural products from the Cilacap Holtikultura Farmers Association (PHC)

    Upaya Peningkatan Kapasitas Pengelolaan Jurnal Ilmiah Online Perguruan Tinggi di Wilayah Kabupaten Cilacap

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    Limitations in knowledge in managing an online scientific journal following the standards and skill level possessed by journal managers, mainly operating the Open Journal System (OJS) application, are obstacles faced by several universities in the Cilacap Regency area. The solution proposed in this article is a training activity in the form of a workshop held for managers of higher education journals in the Cilacap area to increase knowledge and skills in managing journals using OJS. The stages of the activity are carried out through several stages, namely the planning stage, the implementation stage, the activity evaluation, and last stage is the mentoring stage. The results of the training provided a fairly good impact and affected the level of knowledge of the participants in managing OJS-based journals. The results of the assistance from the activities show an increase in interest for universities that do not yet have journals to want to make them, in addition to a rise in the status of journals that have been published to become accredited journals