46 research outputs found

    Displaced calcaneal fractures, midterm results of the sinus tarsi approach and screw fixation

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    Background: We present the results of displaced intrarticular calcaneal fractures managed by limited sinus tarsi approach with good clinical and radiological outcome and less number of complications seen with conventional lateral approach.Methods: We operated 42 patients of displaced calcaneal fractures (Sanders type II and III) from April 2016 to March 2018 by open reduction and internal fixation with limited sinus tarsi approach by cannulated screws. All patients were evaluated clinically and radiologically before and after surgery. Final evaluation was done by Maryland Foot and Ankle score.Results: Patients were followed up for a mean period of 24 months. 30 patients returned to preinjury status activities while 12 patients confined themselves to sedentary schedule. The mean preoperative Bohler’s angle was 3.00 (range -30 to 20) while as mean postoperative Bohler’s angle was 26.4 (range 15 to 40). No wound dehiscence or skin necrosis was seen in our study. One patient developed superficial wound infection. Three patients reported prominent hardware related to screw heads. Four patients developed complex regional pain syndrome which was managed successfully at 6 month’s period.Conclusions: The limited sinus tarsi approach can be successfully used in displaced intra articular calcaneal fractures with good functional and radiological outcome. It allows good visualisation and reduction and can be used in patients with high risk. It is minimally invasive and undoubtly avoids the major soft tissue problems of extensile approach

    Isolation and characterization of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) from Salmonella Gallinarum in chicken and antibiogram of the isolates

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    Salmonella isolates should be distinguished as it may assist in tracing the source of an outbreak and monitoring trends in antimicrobial resistance associated with a particular type. The specific detection of these Salmonella serotypes is therefore extremely important in order to attribute an isolate to a previously known epidemic outbreak. The present investigation was to isolate and identify S. Gallinarum, to study variation in the profile of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) and to determine in vitro antibiogram of S. Gallinarum in poultry. A total of 228 faecal samples and 22 visceral samples suspected for Salmonellosis were collected, of these 15 samples (6.0%) were found positive for S. Gallinarum. In the present study, rfbS gene sequence was helpful in the serotype-specific detection of S. Gallinarum giving a 187 bp product. Salmonella Gallinarum crude protein extracts determined by SDSPAGE showed migration of OMPs as several bands at approximate moleculer weights of appx. 45 kDa, 55 kDa, 64 kDa, 65 kDa, 74 kDa, 110 kDa, 120 kDa, 135 kDa, 150 kDa,155 kDa, 200 kDa and above 200 kDa. The study indicated a definite variation in the profile of OMPs of various Salmonella Gallinarum strains with major OMPs in the range of appx 80-100 kDa which could be the target for vaccine production. All the isolates tested against 14 antimicrobial agents showed variable susceptibility pattern with highest resistance to nalidixic acid, ampicillin and sulphadiazine and sensitivity to chloramphenicol, gentamicin and enrofloxacin

    Arterial blood gas levels in high altitude Kashmiri population, India

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    Background: The valley of Kashmir lies at an average height of 1730 m above the sea level with a barometric pressure of 624 mmHg. The fall in atmospheric pressure at higher altitude decreases the partial pressure of inspired oxygen and hence the driving pressure for gas exchange in the lungs. At sea level the normal range of PaCO2 is 35 mmHg to 45 mmHg and at 1500m above sea level (barometric pressure 634 mmHg), the predicted normal PaO2 in a healthy young adult is approximately 80 mmHg; this contrasts with a value close to 95 mmHg at sea level. On these grounds this study was undertaken to formulate normal ABG values for this place as it lies at a higher altitude.Methods: The study was undertaken to measure "arterial blood gases" (ABG) in ethnic Kashmiri population and consisted of a sample of one hundred healthy Kashmiri subjects of either sex after proper inclusion and exclusion by spirometrically measuring Vital Capacity and Forced expiratory volume in one second/Forced vital capacity (Fev1/FVC). A modified Allen's test was performed to check for adequate collateral circulation ruling out Ischemia.Results: The average mean PaO2 of 78.51 ± 4.40 mmHg and the average mean PaCO2 of 33.37 ± 2.38 mmHg was obtained of the volunteers of both the sexes. The average mean pH of males (7.43 ± 0.02) was significantly lower than the mean pH of females (7.45 ± 0.021).Conclusions: The present study might provide useful base line normal values of Arterial Blood Gases for the local population and will be beneficial to the clinicians.

    Role of fibreoptic bronchoscopy in haemoptysis: an analysis of 157 patients

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    Background: Objectives of this study were to define the role of fibreoptic bronchoscopy (FOB) in determining the etiology of haemoptysis, to determine whether bronchoscopy is useful in haemoptysis with normal chest x-ray, to determine whether early bronchoscopy is better than delayed bronchoscopy.Methods: This prospective study was conducted on 157 patients who presented with hemoptysis to the Department of Tuberculosis and Chest diseases. All these patients underwent FOB after taking proper history and examination and ruling out any contraindication to the procedure.Results: In patients with haemoptysis with normal CXR, a diagnosis was established in 54.5% by FOB while 38.6% had a normal bronchoscopy. An endoscopic diagnosis of bronchitis was made in 22.7% patients. In only 9.1% patients an endobronchial mass was seen on bronchoscopy, and all of them were more than 40 years of age. Active bleeding/bleeding site was localized in 18.1% patients. In patients with abnormal chest roentgenogram who underwent FOB, a definitive diagnosis was established in 75.4% cases with active bleeding/ bleeding site localized in 59.6%. Thirty five percent were having an endobronchial mass. Of all the patients who underwent FOB for recurrent haemoptysis, active bleeding/bleeding site was localized in 48.4% patients. Bleeding site was localized in 62.9% patients who underwent early FOB, while the yield was lower (29.4%) in patients who underwent delayed FOB.Conclusions: Fibreoptic bronchoscopy (FOB) is an important and useful investigation in patients of haemoptysis in determining the bleeding site and etiology of haemoptysis. Early FOB has higher yield in localizing the bleeding site than delayed FOB.

    Prevalence, serodiversity and antibiogram of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) in diarrhoeic calves and lambs of Kashmir valley (J&K), India

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    Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) is the major cause of diarrhoea in neonatal animals. This study determined the prevalence, serological diversity, virulence gene profile and in-vitro antibiogram of ETEC isolates from diarrhoeic faeces of calves and lambs. The prevalence rate of ETEC in lambs was recorded 18.46 % with O8 as predominant serotype. However, in calves the prevalence rate was recorded 8.57 % with O15 and O26 as predominant serotypes. The antibiogram screening showed differential susceptibility pattern among ETEC isolates with highest resistance to ampicillin and highest sensitivity to enrofloxacin. In the present study, for the first time it was reported that the diarrhoea in calves and lambs occur due to virulent gene est not due to elt gene, which was absent in all the isolates

    Medical thoracoscopy in evaluation of undiagnosed pleural effusion

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    Background: Medical thoracoscopy or pleuroscopy, in recent past has received lot of interest for diagnostic as well as therapeutic purposes. In the evaluation of undiagnosed pleural effusion, it has become a key diagnostic modality as it is a cost effective and safe procedure. The aim of present study was to assess the diagnostic yield of medical thoracoscopy in patients with undiagnosed exudative pleural effusion.Methods: This prospective study was conducted at government chest diseases hospital Srinagar between December 2016 to June 2018. One hundred and twenty-five (125) patients who fulfilled inclusion criteria were included in this study. Thoracoscopy was done using rigid thoracoscope under local anesthesia.  Thoracoscopic and histopathological data of enrolled patients was collected prospectively and analysed.Results: Patients enrolled in the study were in the age range of 17 to 82 years and consisted of 80 males and 45 females. Most common thoracoscopic finding was multiple variable sized nodules (53.6%) followed by sago grain infiltration (15.2%). Malignancy was the most common histopathological diagnosis (60.8%) with metastatic adenocarcinoma being the most common histopathological diagnosis (50%). The overall diagnostic yield of thoracoscopy was 90.4%.Conclusions: Medical thoracoscopy is a safe procedure with excellent diagnostic yield for evaluation of undiagnosed pleural effusion with minimal complication rates

    Advances in Nematode Identification: A Journey from Fundamentals to Evolutionary Aspects

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    Nematodes are non-segmented roundworms evenly distributed with various habitats ranging to approximately every ecological extremity. These are the least studied organisms despite being the most diversified group. Nematodes are the most critical equilibrium-maintaining factors, having implications on the yield and health of plants as well as well-being of animals. However, taxonomic knowledge about nematodes is scarce. As a result of the lack of precise taxonomic features, nematode taxonomy remains uncertain. Morphology-based identification has proved inefficacious in identifying and exploring the diversity of nematodes, as there are insufficient morphological variations. Different molecular and new evolving methodologies have been employed to augment morphology-based approaches and bypass these difficulties with varying effectiveness. These identification techniques vary from molecular-based targeting DNA or protein-based targeting amino acid sequences to methods for image processing. High-throughput approaches such as next-generation sequencing have also been added to this league. These alternative approaches have helped to classify nematodes and enhanced the base for increased diversity and phylogeny of nematodes, thus helping to formulate increasingly more nematode bases for use as model organisms to study different hot topics about human well-being. Here, we discuss all the methods of nematode identification as an essential shift from classical morphometric studies to the most important modern-day and molecular approaches for their identification. Classification varies from DNA/protein-based methods to the use of new emerging methods. However, the priority of the method relies on the quality, quantity, and availability of nematode resources and down-streaming applications. This paper reviews all currently offered methods for the detection of nematodes and known/unknown and cryptic or sibling species, emphasizing modern-day methods and budding molecular techniques

    Advancing crop disease resistance through genome editing: a promising approach for enhancing agricultural production

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    Modern agriculture has encountered several challenges in achieving constant yield stability especially due to disease outbreaks and lack of long-term disease-resistant crop cultivars. In the past, disease outbreaks in economically important crops had a major impact on food security and the economy. On the other hand climate-driven emergence of new pathovars or changes in their host specificity further poses a serious threat to sustainable agriculture. At present, chemical-based control strategies are frequently used to control microbial pathogens and pests, but they have detrimental impact on the environment and also resulted in the development of resistant phyto-pathogens. As a replacement, cultivating engineered disease-resistant crops can help to minimize the negative impact of regular pesticides on agriculture and the environment. Although traditional breeding and genetic engineering have been instrumental in crop disease improvement but they have certain limitations such as labour intensity, time consumption, and low efficiency. In this regard, genome editing has emerged as one of the potential tools for improving disease resistance in crops by targeting multiple traits with more accuracy and efficiency. For instance, genome editing techniques, such as CRISPR/Cas9, CRISPR/Cas13, base editing, TALENs, ZFNs, and meganucleases, have proved successful in improving disease resistance in crops through targeted mutagenesis, gene knockouts, knockdowns, modifications, and activation of target genes. CRISPR/Cas9 is unique among these techniques because of its remarkable efficacy, low risk of off-target repercussions, and ease of use. Some primary targets for developing CRISPR-mediated disease-resistant crops are host-susceptibility genes (the S gene method), resistance genes (R genes) and pathogen genetic material that prevents their development, broad-spectrum disease resistance. The use of genome editing methods has the potential to notably ameliorate crop disease resistance and transform agricultural practices in the future. This review highlights the impact of phyto-pathogens on agricultural productivity. Next, we discussed the tools for improving disease resistance while focusing on genome editing. We provided an update on the accomplishments of genome editing, and its potential to improve crop disease resistance against bacterial, fungal and viral pathogens in different crop systems. Finally, we highlighted the future challenges of genome editing in different crop systems for enhancing disease resistance

    Parametric Study of Damping Characteristics of Magneto-Rheological Damper: Mathematical and Experimental Approach

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    The present research work is a part of a project was a semi-active structural control technique using magneto-rheological damper has to be performed. Magneto-rheological dampers are an innovative class of semi-active devices that mesh well with the demands and constraints of seismic applications; this includes having very low power requirements and adaptability. A small stroke magneto-rheological damper was mathematically simulated and experimentally tested. The damper was subjected to periodic excitations of different amplitudes and frequencies at varying voltage. The damper was mathematically modeled using parametric Modified Bouc-Wen model of magneto-rheological damper in MATLAB/SIMULINK and the parameters of the model were set as per the prototype available. The variation of mechanical properties of magneto-rheological damper like damping coefficient and damping force with a change in amplitude, frequency and voltage were experimentally verified on INSTRON 8800 testing machine. It was observed that damping force produced by the damper depended on the frequency as well, in addition to the input voltage and amplitude of the excitation. While the damping coefficient (c) is independent of the frequency of excitation it varies with the amplitude of excitation and input voltage. The variation of the damping coefficient with amplitude and input voltage is linear and quadratic respectively. More ever the mathematical model simulated in MATLAB was in agreement with the experimental results obtained