814 research outputs found

    Quantum secure communication scheme with W state

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    Recently, Cao et al. proposed a new quantum secure direct communication scheme using W state. In their scheme, the error rate introduced by an eavesdropper who takes intercept-resend attack, is only 8.3%. Actually, their scheme is just a quantum key distribution scheme because the communication parties first create a shared key and then encrypt the secret message using one-time pad. We then present a quantum secure communication scheme using three-qubit W state. In our scheme, the error rate is raised to 25% and it is not necessary for the present scheme to use alternative measurement or Bell basis measurement. We also show our scheme is unconditionally secure.Comment: Comments are welcom

    Complex transitions to synchronization in delay-coupled networks of logistic maps

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    A network of delay-coupled logistic maps exhibits two different synchronization regimes, depending on the distribution of the coupling delay times. When the delays are homogeneous throughout the network, the network synchronizes to a time-dependent state [Atay et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 144101 (2004)], which may be periodic or chaotic depending on the delay; when the delays are sufficiently heterogeneous, the synchronization proceeds to a steady-state, which is unstable for the uncoupled map [Masoller and Marti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 134102 (2005)]. Here we characterize the transition from time-dependent to steady-state synchronization as the width of the delay distribution increases. We also compare the two transitions to synchronization as the coupling strength increases. We use transition probabilities calculated via symbolic analysis and ordinal patterns. We find that, as the coupling strength increases, before the onset of steady-state synchronization the network splits into two clusters which are in anti-phase relation with each other. On the other hand, with increasing delay heterogeneity, no cluster formation is seen at the onset of steady-state synchronization; however, a rather complex unsynchronized state is detected, revealed by a diversity of transition probabilities in the network nodes

    Effect of Preliminary Torsional Strain on Low-Cycle Fatigue of Q345B Structural Steel

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    Effect of preliminary torsional strain on low-cycle fatigue of Q345B steel was studied. The specimens were first 0, 180, and 360° twisted, then the low-cycle fatigue of Q345B steel was evaluated in the strain range of 0.3–0.8% by the method of axisymmetrical strain. The cycling response, cyclic stress–strain relationship, strain–life relationship, fatigue life prediction model, and seismic stability at different torsion angles were obtained and analyzed. The strain–life curve is shown to slope down as a power function. The fatigue life comes down with preliminary torsional strain at a constant level. The cycling response varied from cyclic hardening to cyclic softening in preliminary torsion, and the cyclic hardening rate increased linearly with the strain amplitude. The parameters of the Coffin–Manson relation are corroborated with experimental data. After heat treatment, the seismic stability of the material is improved, with torsional strain greatly reducing this characteristic. Electron microscope examination of fatigue fracture revealed a fatigue crack initiating on the surface of the specimen. The propagating crack deviated from its direction, and plasticity of the material dropped as a result of preliminary torsional strain.Изучено влияние деформации предварительного кручения на малоцикловую усталость стали Q345B. Вначале образцы скручивали на 0, 180 и 360°, затем методом осесимметричной деформации определяли малоцикловую усталость стали Q345B в диапазоне деформаций 0.3 0.8%. Получены и проанализированы характеристика циклических изменений, зависимость циклического изменения напряжения от деформации, зависимость деформация долговечность, модель прогнозирования усталостной долговечности и сейсмостойкость при различных углах кручения. Показано, что кривая деформация долговечность идет вниз и описывается степенной функцией. Усталостная долговечность снижается с увеличением деформации предварительного кручения при постоянном уровне последней. Характеристика циклических изменений варьировала от циклического упрочнения до циклического разупрочнения при кручении, скорость циклического упрочнения возрастала линейно с повышением амплитуды деформации. Параметры зависимости Коффина Мэнсона подтверждаются экспериментальными данными. После термообработки сейсмостойкость материала улучшается, при этом деформация предварительного кручения существенно снижает ее. Электронно-микроскопическое исследование усталостного разрушения выявило зарождение усталостной трещины на поверхности образца. Растущая трещина отклонялась от своего направления, пластичность материала снижалась в результате деформации предварительного кручения.Вивчено вплив деформації попереднього кручення на малоціклову втому стали Q345B. Спочатку зразки скручували на 0, 180 і 360 °, потім методом вісесиметричної деформації визначали малоціклову втому стали Q345B в діапазоні деформацій 0.3-0.8%. Отримано і проаналізовано характеристику циклічних змін, залежність циклічної зміни напржень від деформації, залежність деформація-довговічність, модель прогнозування втомної довговічності і сейсмостійкості при різних кутах кручення. Показано, що крива деформація - довговічність йде вниз і описується ступеневою функцією. Втомна довговічність знижується зі збільшенням деформації попереднього кручення при постійному рівні останньої. Характеристика циклічних змін варіювала від циклічного зміцнення до циклічного знеміцнення при крученні, швидкість циклічного зміцнення зростала лінійно з підвищенням амплітуди деформації. Параметри залежності Коффина-Менсона підтверджуються експериментальними даними. Після термообробки сейсмостійкість матеріалу поліпшується, при цьому деформація попереднього кручення істотно знижує її. Електронно-мікроскопічне дослідження втомного руйнування виявило зародження втомної тріщини на поверхні зразка. Зростаюча тріщина відхилялася від свого напрямку, пластичність матеріалу знижувалася в результаті деформації попереднього кручення

    R2D2 - a symmetric measurement of reactor neutrinos free of systematical errors

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    We discuss a symmetric setup for a reactor neutrino oscillation experiment consisting of two reactors separated by about 1 km, and two symmetrically placed detectors, one close to each reactor. We show that such a configuration allows a determination of sin22θ13\sin^22\theta_{13} which is essentially free of systematical errors, if it is possible to separate the contributions of the two reactors in each detector sufficiently. This can be achieved either by considering data when in an alternating way only one reactor is running or by directional sensitivity obtained from the neutron displacement in the detector.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, clarifications added, some numbers in relation with the neutron displacement corrected, version to appear in JHE

    Magnetocaloric effect and magnetostructural coupling in Mn0.92Fe0.08CoGe compound

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    The structural properties of Mn0.92Fe0.08CoGe have been investigated in detail using synchrotron x-ray diffraction in zero and applied pressure (p = 0-10 GPa). A ferromagnetic transition occurs around TC = 300 K and a large magnetic-entropy change -ΔSM = 17.3 J/kg K detected at TC for a field change of ΔB = 5 T. The field dependence of -ΔSM max can be expressed as -ΔSM max ∞ B. At ambient temperature and pressure, Mn0.92Fe0.08CoGe exhibits a co-existence of the orthorhombic TiNiSi-type structure (space group Pnma) and hexagonal Ni2In-type structure (space group P63/mmc). Application of external pressure drives a structure change from the orthorhombic TiNiSi-type structure to the hexagonal Ni2In-type structure. A large anomaly in heat capacity around TC is detected and the Debye temperature θD (=319(±10) K) has been derived from analyses of the low temperature heat capacity, T ≲ 10 K

    Multiple sources of infection and potential endemic characteristics of the large outbreak of dengue in Guangdong in 2014

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    A large outbreak of dengue, with the most documented cases, occurred in Guangdong China in 2014. Epidemiological studies and phylogenetic analysis of the isolated dengue virus (DENV) showed this outbreak was attributed to multiple sources and caused by at least two genotypes of DENV-1 (Genotypes I and III) and two genotypes of DENV-2 (Cosmopolitan and Asian I Genotypes). A retrospective review and phylogenetic analysis of DENV isolated in Guangdong showed that DENV-1 Genotype I strains were reported continuously during 2004-2014, Genotype III strains were reported during 2009-2014 ; DENV-2 Cosmopolitan and Asian I Genotype strains were reported continuously during 2012-2014. At least 45,171 cases were reported in this outbreak, with 65.9% of the patients in the 21-55-year-old group. A trend toward a decrease in the daily newly emerged cases lagged by approximately 20 days compared with the mosquito density curve. Several epidemiological characteristics of this outbreak and the stably sustained serotypes and genotypes of DENV isolated in Guangdong suggest that Guangdong has been facing a threat of transforming from a dengue epidemic area to an endemic area. The high temperature, drenching rain, rapid urbanization, and pandemic of dengue in Southeast Asia may have contributed to this large outbreak of dengue

    The development of pharyngeal taste buds in Hucho taimen (Pallas, 1773) larvae

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    This study aims to investigate the relationship between the development of pharyngeal taste buds (TBs) and first feeding of Hucho taimen. Larvae were fed with live food (water flea and tubifex) for 8 weeks. TBs of larval pharynx were histologically examined using light microscopy during the rearing experiment. The results showed that the first few TBs primordia were visible within the pharynx 27 days after hatch (DAH), which coincides with the onset of feeding, and the first few TBs with open receptor areas appear 45 DAH. TBs of pharynx were well developed 76 DAH. The number and size of TBs were quantified during larval development. The average number of pharynx was 8.63±1.15, 11.29±0.50, 14.50±1.06, and 17.78±0.47 TBs at 27, 36, 45, and 76 DAH, respectively. The number of TBs increased in both the upper and lower pharynx. The ratio of height to width of TBs showed an increase tendency, ranging from 0.81 to 1.11. The height of TBs showed an increase tendency after 29 DAH during the development. However, the width of TBs exhibited a low at 35 DAH. In conclusion, the development of pharyngeal TBs coincides with the first feeding, and this should lead to a better understanding of improvement of larval rearing in H. taimen hatcheries

    Study on the Correlation between the Structure and Toxicity of Amines, Mercaptans and Halohydrocarbons

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    The aim of the present work was to understand the structure of amines, mercaptans and halohydrocarbons and their cell toxicity effect on rat liver BRL-3A cells. BRL-3A cells were seeded into each well of 96-well plates and treated with amines, mercaptans and halohydrocarbons (total 18 kinds) in DMEM culture medium containing 10% fetal calf serum. 24h later, the growth viability in vitro of BRL3A cells was measured using the MTT assay. The results show that the cytotoxic of propane diamine> ethidene diamine> n-butylamine> n-propylamine> ethylamine, butyl mercaptan> propanethiol> disulfide propane> dithioglycol, n-Butyl iodide> n-Propyl iodide> iodoethane, propylene bromide> 1, 2-dibromoethane> ethyl bromide, ethylene dichloride> butyl chloride> chloropropane. We can conclude that among amines, when the length of carbon chain is fixed, the more amidogen, the stronger the toxicity; when the number of hydroxyl group is fixed, the longer carbon chain, the stronger the toxicity. Among mercaptans, when the length of carbon chain is the same, the more hydrosulphonyl, the weaker the toxicity; when the number of hydrosulphonyl is the same, the longer carbon chain, the weaker the toxicity. Among halohydrocarbons, when the length of carbon chain is fixed, the more halogen, the stronger the toxicity; when the number of halogen is fixed, the longer carbon chain, the stronger the toxicity. Under the same conditions, the toxicity of mercaptans is greater than amines and halohydrocarbons

    Wear and damage transitions of wheel and rail materials under various contact conditions

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    This study discusses a Tγ/A method of plotting wear data from a twin-disc machine for identifying the wear and damage transitions of wheel and rail materials. As found in previous work, three wear regimes (mild wear, severe wear and catastrophic wear) of U71Mn rail material were identified in dry rolling-sliding contact tests. It was determined that the damage mechanism transforms in the different wear regimes. Here earlier studies were extended to establish wear behavior for the presence of a number of third body materials (oil, water, friction enhancers) and a rail cladding process designed to make wheels and rails more durable. This has provided much needed data for Multi-Body Dynamics (MBD) simulations, and will allow better predictions of profile evolution of wheel and rail over a wider range of conditions