240 research outputs found

    Measuring local environmental inequity using gis and publicly-available data (Mengukur Ketidakadilan Lingkungan Lokai Menggunakan GLY dan Data yang Tersedia)

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    ABSTRAK Masalah ketidakadilan lingkungan sudah mulai diangkat oleh kelompok yang prihatin terhadap masyarakat minoritas dan miskin selama satu dekade belakangan ini, serta oleh para pengambil keputusan akhir-akhir ini. Meskipun demikian, hanya sedikit kota yang telah mengambil langkah nyata dan aktif untuk mengidentifikasi persoalan ketidakadilan lingkungan, apalagi untuk mencari penyebabnya, mengatasi persoalan, atau mencegah timbulnya ketidakadilan tersebut. Tujuan tulisan ini adalah untuk menunjukkan cara komunitas menggunakan teknik yang biasa digunakan oleh perencana yang dapat menganalisis data yang tersedia dan dapat diakses oleh umwn untuk mengkaji komunitas minoritas dan miskin yang secara tidak proporsional menderita karena tercemarinya lingkungan. Dalam penelitian ini, Geographic Information System (GIS) dan data sosial-elconomi serta kependudukan yang tersedia digunakan untuk mengkaji kaitan antara kondisi kesehatan kelompok masycrrakat tertentu di kota Cincinnati, Ohio, dan kedekatannya terhadap lokasi pembuangan limbah dan toksid yang selama ini diketahui. Ditemukan dalam penelitian ini bahwa komunitas yang tinggal di dekat lokasi pembuangan limbah Ohio (the Ohio EPA\u27s Master Sites List/Mg) dan lokasi pembuangan toksid (the US. EPA\u27s Toxic Release Inventory/TN) cenderung miskin, berpendidikan rendah dan kelompok minoritas. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara kelompok etnik/ras serta tingkat kematian penduduk dan kedekatan lokasi mereka dengan tempat pembuangan limbah. Makalah ini menyarankan perlunya penelitian lanjutan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya kaitan antara kondisi tersebut dan kebijakan publik yang kurang memperhatikan kelompok minoritas dan miskin. Penelitian ini menunjukkan kegunaan GIS untuk mengkaji kemingkinan timbulnya bencana lingkungan, sekaligus juga perlunya perencanaan yang lebih balk untuk meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan hidup seluruh warga kota. Kata kunci: Environmental Inequity, GI

    Design of Intelligent Home Security Alarm System under STC89C51 Single Chip Microcomputer

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    In order to improve the security of home residence, this paper studies and designs an intelligent home security alarm system, using STC89C51 single chip microcomputer as the main controller of the security system, and real-time monitoring by controlling the human pyroelectric infrared sensor and smoke sensor in the case of strangers invading the security range and showing signs of fire. Once the abnormal situation is found, the intelligent home security alarm system will start the acousto-optic alarm prompted by the LED lamp and pass through the information processing system of the GSM module. Send an abnormal text message to the user of the security system at the first time face, and finally realize the purpose of modern intelligent home security alarm

    Portable electrochemical and plasmonic biosensors for biomedical application

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    Portable sensing for point-of-care (POC) has attracted a lot of attention in these years and has been developed in a wide variety for clinical and environmental applications. The idea of POC comes from the advances in portable smart electronic devices and micro-fluid systems which can be integrated and miniaturized into a lab-on-a-chip. Modern electronic devices, like smartphones, smartwatchs or even headsets, can achieve signal generating and receiving by using interfaces like camera, flashlight, audio-jack, micro-USB and wireless module. On the other side, development in the micro-fluid system enables the integration of different diagnosis techniques like separation, quenching, lysing and sensing into a single chip. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and SU-8 photoresist were commonly used in building such micro-fluid systems, which was first demonstrated by Whiteside's group. Quite a large number of applications were published by coupling such system with optical or electrical sensing techniques. In recent years, paper-based micro-fluid systems have begun to take over the traditional micro-fluid systems mainly due to paper's pump-free and cost-effective property. Some new fabrication methods like wax printing, screen printing and 3D printing were utilized to make such paper-based platforms more attractive. The paper substrate has been verified for use in different sensing stages with all of its properties, such as porous, self-pumping, flexible, anti-oxidation, cost-effective and hydrophilic capabilities. Many sensing techniques have been demonstrated to be coupled with such micro-fluid systems mentioned above for POC applications. Plasmonic and electrochemical methods are the two techniques that will be illustrated in this dissertation. The plasmonic method is new in the sensing area. Plasmon is the oscillation of free electrons at the interface of metal and dielectric material. With the incident of light, the resonance mode will be excited at some certain frequencies which can enhance the optical signal in the form of reflection or transmission peaks. The resonance frequency can be tuned by adjusting the surface refractive index, in such a way to achieve sensing. More sensitive quantification could be achieved on some molecules with a specific absorbance preference if the absorbance peak matches the resonance mode of the sensing substrate. This is the specific application for sensing some bio-targets with plasmon-induced absorbance enhancement. On the contrary, the electrochemical method is a classic method to analyze the electrical and chemical signal at the solid-liquid interface. Since it is easy to miniaturize and integrate into modern electronic devices, it is widely used in micro-fluid systems and POC applications. Most of the electrochemical sensing techniques like potentiommetry, amperometry and impedance methods create a balance of electrode kinetics and diffusion. The change of current or impedance can be sensed by applying different forms of potential at the electrode surface. Such electrical signal change indicates the variations in concentration, which can be used to quantify the ions or bio-targets. With such micro-fluid systems and sensing techniques mentioned above, many environmental or clinical applications can be transformed into point-of-care applications. For ion concentration quantification, electrochemical and colorimetric methods could be the best solution. In the area of biosensing, small molecules like glucose and larger targets like protein are what mostly interest people, since they are very useful indicators of personal health conditions. Plasmonic sensing could be used here due to refractive index change or by matching the absorbance peak with the plasmonic resonance mode. Electrochemical method could also be applied if a redox system could be built. For larger bio-target sensing, like cells and bacteria, plasmonic enhanced fluorescence or plasmonic enhancement by labeling with gold nano-particles could help with the optical colorimetric sensing. The electrochemical method is also applicable when used with optimized voltammetry method. By combining these sensing techniques and micro-fluid systems for target separation, quantification and identification, the future of POC technology is promising

    Smart-phone-based electrochemical sensor for environmental applications

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    We demonstrated a mobile phone sensing platform, MoboSens, with integrated plug-n-play microelectronic ionic sensor that performs electrochemical measurement by using audio jack of a smart phone. This platform was used to measure nitrate concentration using a few microliter liquid samples on field along with providing geospatial map locations through a wireless network. This compact MoboSens platform (~65 gram), based on a smart phone, is able to detect nitrate concentration in water with a detection limit of 0.2 ppm within 1 minute. The nitrate ion detection on MoboSens platform is performed by a microfabricated microfluidic sensor utilizing a cyclic voltammetry based electrochemical process. The stability of the measurements was verified by performing the experiments under varying temperature, pH and ion interference conditions. The mobile phone app reports the quantitative nitrate sensing results along with user-input metadata. The results can be automatically saved on secure cloud servers or can be pushed on public social media, e.g., Twitter. Finally, the digital sensing information can be retrieved with geospatial information tagged on an internet map service, e.g., Bing Map, for public sharing and viewing. We tested this lab-on-a-chip mobile sensing platform for field water quality measurement and confirmed our mobile sensing results with other existing analytical testing methods

    Curative effect and technical key points of laparoscopic surgery for choledochal cysts in children

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    ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to investigate the curative effect of and experience with laparoscopic surgery for congenital choledochal cysts in children.MethodsThis is a retrospective analysis of 33 children diagnosed with congenital choledochal cyst in the pediatric surgery department of the Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University between January 2019 and December 2021. The cohort included 8 males and 25 females aged 0.25–13.7 years (median age, 3.2 years), including 21 cases of type I and 12 cases of type IV choledochal cyst (Todani classification). Laparoscopic choledochal cyst resection and hepaticojejunostomy with Roux-en-Y anastomosis were performed in all the patients.ResultsLaparoscopy without transit opening was successfully performed in the 33 cases. The duration of the procedure was 235–460 min (mean ± SD, 316 ± 61 min), and intraoperative blood loss volume was 15–40 ml (23 ± 7.6 ml). Postoperative hospital stay was 7–14 days (9 ± 1.8 days). Postoperative biliary fistula and pancreatitis occurred in two cases each, and all four patients were successfully treated with conservative treatment. No anastomotic stenosis, delayed bleeding, cholangitis, intestinal obstruction, or other complications occurred. All the children were followed up for 2–36 months (median period, 17.2 months). The clinical symptoms disappeared, and no obvious hepatic dysfunction was found on abdominal color ultrasound and liver function examination.ConclusionLaparoscopic surgery for congenital choledochal cyst in children is safe and effective, as it is a minimally invasive surgery that is associated with a low degree of trauma and bleeding, rapid postoperative recovery, and satisfactory aesthetic appearance

    Tracking differentiator based back-stepping control for valve-controlled hydraulic actuator system

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    Back-stepping design method is widely used in high-performance tracking control tasks As is known to all, the controller based on back-stepping design will become complex as the model order increases, which is the so called “explosion of terms” problem. In this paper, a tracking differentiator (TD) based back-stepping controller is proposed to handle the “explosion of terms” problem. Instead of calculating the derivatives of intermediate control variables through tedious analytical expressions, for the proposed method, the tracking differentiator is embedded into each recursive procedure to generate the substitute derivative signal for every intermediate control variable. As a result, the complexity of implementation procedure of back-stepping controller is significantly reduced. The discrepancies between the derivative substitutes and the real derivatives are considered. And the effects on control performances caused by the discrepancies are analyzed. In addition to giving the theoretical results and the stability proofs with Lyapunov methods, the developed controller design method is evaluated through a series of experiments with a hydraulic robot arm position serve system. The control performance of the proposed controller is verified by the experiments results.</p

    Dual Transformer Decoder based Features Fusion Network for Automated Audio Captioning

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    Automated audio captioning (AAC) which generates textual descriptions of audio content. Existing AAC models achieve good results but only use the high-dimensional representation of the encoder. There is always insufficient information learning of high-dimensional methods owing to high-dimensional representations having a large amount of information. In this paper, a new encoder-decoder model called the Low- and High-Dimensional Feature Fusion (LHDFF) is proposed. LHDFF uses a new PANNs encoder called Residual PANNs (RPANNs) to fuse low- and high-dimensional features. Low-dimensional features contain limited information about specific audio scenes. The fusion of low- and high-dimensional features can improve model performance by repeatedly emphasizing specific audio scene information. To fully exploit the fused features, LHDFF uses a dual transformer decoder structure to generate captions in parallel. Experimental results show that LHDFF outperforms existing audio captioning models.Comment: INTERSPEECH 2023. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2210.0503
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