4,110 research outputs found

    The Multiplicative Inverse Eigenvalue Problem over an Algebraically Closed Field

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    Let MM be a square matrix and let p(t)p(t) be a monic polynomial of degree nn. Let ZZ be a set of n×nn\times n matrices. The multiplicative inverse eigenvalue problem asks for the construction of a matrix in ZZ such that the product matrix MZMZ has characteristic polynomial p(t)p(t). In this paper we provide new necessary and sufficient conditions when ZZ is an affine variety over an algebraically closed field.Comment: 9 Page

    Imaging IR spectrometer, phase 2

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    The development is examined of a prototype multi-channel infrared imaging spectrometer. The design, construction and preliminary performance is described. This instrument is intended for use with JPL Table Mountain telescope as well as the 88 inch UH telescope on Mauna Kea. The instrument is capable of sampling simultaneously the spectral region of 0.9 to 2.6 um at an average spectral resolution of 1 percent using a cooled (77 K) optical bench, a concave holographic grating and a special order sorting filter to allow the acquisition of the full spectral range on a 128 x 128 HgCdTe infrared detector array. The field of view of the spectrometer is 0.5 arcsec/pixel in mapping mode and designed to be 5 arcsec/pixel in spot mode. The innovative optical design has resulted in a small, transportable spectrometer, capable of remote operation. Commercial applications of this spectrometer design include remote sensing from both space and aircraft platforms as well as groundbased astronomical observations

    SecA mediates cotranslational targeting and translocation of an inner membrane protein

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    Protein targeting to the bacterial plasma membrane was generally thought to occur via two major pathways: cotranslational targeting by signal recognition particle (SRP) and posttranslational targeting by SecA and SecB. Recently, SecA was found to also bind ribosomes near the nascent polypeptide exit tunnel, but the function of this SecA–ribosome contact remains unclear. In this study, we show that SecA cotranslationally recognizes the nascent chain of an inner membrane protein, RodZ, with high affinity and specificity. In vitro reconstitution and in vivo targeting assays show that SecA is necessary and sufficient to direct the targeting and translocation of RodZ to the bacterial plasma membrane in an obligatorily cotranslational mechanism. Sequence elements upstream and downstream of the RodZ transmembrane domain dictate nascent polypeptide selection by SecA instead of the SRP machinery. These findings identify a new route for the targeting of inner membrane proteins in bacteria and highlight the diversity of targeting pathways that enables an organism to accommodate diverse nascent proteins

    The molecular mechanism of cotranslational membrane protein recognition and targeting by SecA

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    Cotranslational protein targeting is a conserved process for membrane protein biogenesis. In Escherichia coli, the essential ATPase SecA was found to cotranslationally target a subset of nascent membrane proteins to the SecYEG translocase at the plasma membrane. The molecular mechanism of this pathway remains unclear. Here we use biochemical and cryoelectron microscopy analyses to show that the amino-terminal amphipathic helix of SecA and the ribosomal protein uL23 form a composite binding site for the transmembrane domain (TMD) on the nascent protein. This binding mode further enables recognition of charged residues flanking the nascent TMD and thus explains the specificity of SecA recognition. Finally, we show that membrane-embedded SecYEG promotes handover of the translating ribosome from SecA to the translocase via a concerted mechanism. Our work provides a molecular description of the SecA-mediated cotranslational targeting pathway and demonstrates an unprecedented role of the ribosome in shielding nascent TMDs

    Prediction of Vapor Pressures and Enthalpies of Vaporization Using a COSMO Solvation Model

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    We have developed a general predictive method for vapor pressures and enthalpies of vaporization based on the calculation of the solvation free energy that consists of three components; the electrostatic, dispersion, and cavity formation contributions. The electrostatic contribution is determined using the quantum mechanical COSMO solvation model. Thermodynamic perturbation theory for hard-core molecules is used for the cavity term, and the dispersion term is modeled using a mean field term proportional to the density and molecular surface area. The proposed model uses one set of van der Waals atomic radii to describe molecular shape, two universal interaction parameters for the electrostatic interaction, one set of atom-specific dispersion coefficients, one universal parameter to scale the atomic exposed surface area, and a single universal parameter for the ratio of the hard-core to atomic radii. The model parameters have been determined using 371 pure substances of varying molecular structure, functionality, and size. The average accuracy of the model for vapor pressures and enthalpies of vaporization at the normal boiling temperature is found to be 76% and 4.81 kJ/mol, respectively, with temperature-independent parameters. The average error in the normal boiling temperature is found to be 16 K for species whose boiling points range from 191 to 610 K

    Assessing the protective effects of different surface coatings on NaYF4:Yb3+, Er3+ upconverting nanoparticles in buffer and DMEM

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    We studied the dissolution behavior of β NaYF4:Yb(20%), Er(2%) UCNP of two different sizes in biologically relevant media i.e., water (neutral pH), phosphate buffered saline (PBS), and Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium (DMEM) at different temperatures and particle concentrations. Special emphasis was dedicated to assess the influence of different surface functionalizations, particularly the potential of mesoporous and microporous silica shells of different thicknesses for UCNP stabilization and protection. Dissolution was quantified electrochemically using a fluoride ion selective electrode (ISE) and by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES). In addition, dissolution was monitored fluorometrically. These experiments revealed that a thick microporous silica shell drastically decreased dissolution. Our results also underline the critical influence of the chemical composition of the aqueous environment on UCNP dissolution. In DMEM, we observed the formation of a layer of adsorbed molecules on the UCNP surface that protected the UCNP from dissolution and enhanced their fluorescence. Examination of this layer by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and mass spectrometry (MS) suggested that mainly phenylalanine, lysine, and glucose are adsorbed from DMEM. These findings should be considered in the future for cellular toxicity studies with UCNP and other nanoparticles and the design of new biocompatible surface coatings