179 research outputs found

    Recent advances in nanoparticle formulation of oleanolic acid

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    Oleanolic acid (OA) is a natural triterpenoid possessing anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antiviral, hepatoprotective and antihyperlipidemic effects. Research on the pharmacological activities and clinical applications of OA has made significant progress in the past decade, particularly in the areas such as isolation and purification, chemical modifications, pharmacological research, toxicity studies and clinical use of OA. However, due to its poor aqueous solubility, instability and low bioavailability, OA's clinical applications are still rather limited. Recently, nanoparticulate drug delivery as the biological dimension of nanotechnology has been developed, which may help generate useful formulations of OA for clinical applications. Nanoparticulate drug delivery system enhances the dissolution rate and bioavailability of OA, providing a feasible formulation method for clinical applications

    An Uncertain QFD Approach for the Strategic Management of Logistics Services

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    Due to customers’ growing concern about logistics performances related to products, logistics service increasingly contributes to the core competence of an enterprise or product, which calls an appropriate tool to develop effective strategic actions to improve logistics performances and gain customer satisfaction. Therefore, an uncertain quality function deployment (QFD) approach for selecting the most effective strategic actions in terms of efficiency to meet the customer requirements is developed in this paper, which integrates uncertainty theory into the traditional QFD methodology in order to rationally deal with imprecise information inherently involved in the QFD process. The framework and systematic procedures of the approach are presented in the context of logistics services. Specifically, the calculations for the prioritization of strategic actions are discussed in detail, in which uncertain variables are used to capture the linguistic judgements given by customers and experts. Applications of the proposed approach are presented as well for illustration

    An Innovative Approach for Gob-Side Entry Retaining With Thick and Hard Roof: A Case Study

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    An innovative roadway layout in a Chinese colliery based on gob-side entry retaining (GER) with thick and hard roof (THR) was introduced. Suspended roof is left with a large area in GER with THR, which leads to large area roof weighting (LARW). LARW for GER with THR and mechanism of shallow-hole blasting to force roof caving in GER were expounded. Key parameters of shallow-hole blasting to force roof caving are proposed. LS-DYNA3D was used to validate the rationality of those key parameters, and UDEC was used to discuss and validate shallow-hole blasting to force roof-caving effect by contrast to the model without blasting and the model with shallow-hole blasting. Moreover, shallow-hole blasting technology to force roof caving for GER with THR was carried out in the Chinese colliery as a case study. Field test indicates that shallow-hole blasting technology effectively controls ground deformation of GER with THR and prevents LARW

    An Uncertain QFD Approach for the Strategic Management of Logistics Services

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    Due to customers' growing concern about logistics performances related to products, logistics service increasingly contributes to the core competence of an enterprise or product, which calls an appropriate tool to develop effective strategic actions to improve logistics performances and gain customer satisfaction. Therefore, an uncertain quality function deployment (QFD) approach for selecting the most effective strategic actions in terms of efficiency to meet the customer requirements is developed in this paper, which integrates uncertainty theory into the traditional QFD methodology in order to rationally deal with imprecise information inherently involved in the QFD process. The framework and systematic procedures of the approach are presented in the context of logistics services. Specifically, the calculations for the prioritization of strategic actions are discussed in detail, in which uncertain variables are used to capture the linguistic judgements given by customers and experts. Applications of the proposed approach are presented as well for illustration

    Nanotechnologies for Curcumin: An Ancient Puzzler Meets Modern Solutions

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    Curcumin, a low-molecular-weight natural polyphenol mainly found in the plant Curcuma longa (turmeric), is widely used as a food colorant and as a potential protective agent against several chronic diseases including cancer, HIV-infection, neurological, cardiovascular, and skin diseases. Moreover, evidences from long-term use process and preclinical trials have demonstrated low toxicity of curcumin, even at relatively high doses. However, it has been well known that the application of curcumin was limited owing to its water insolubility, instability, and poor bioavailability. For decades, many attempts have been made to compensate for these disadvantages, with the development of improved delivery platforms as the feasible approaches. The past ten years witnessed the encouraging progress in the use of nanoscale drug delivery systems on curcumin such as loading curcumin into liposomes or nanoparticles, forming self-microemulsifying drug delivery systems (SMEDDS), cyclodextrin inclusions, and solid dispersions, as well as the latest reported technologies such as nadodisks and nanotubes. This paper summarizes the recent works on the design and development of nanoscale delivery systems of curcumin, with the goal of harnessing the true difficulties of this multifunctional agent in the clinical arena

    Anti-Lung-Cancer Activity and Liposome-Based Delivery Systems of β

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    In the past decade, β-elemene played an important role in enhancing the effects of many anticancer drugs and was widely used in the treatment of different kinds of malignancies and in reducing the side effects of chemotherapy. Further study showed that it is also a promising anti-lung cancer drug. However, the clinical application of β-elemene was limited by its hydrophobic property, poor stability, and low bioavailability. With the development of new excipients and novel technologies, plenty of novel formulations of β-elemene have improved dramatically, which provide a positive perspective in terms of clinical application for β-elemene. Liposome as a drug delivery system shows great advantages over traditional formulations for β-elemene. In this paper, we summarize the advanced progress being made in anti-lung cancer activity and the new liposomes delivery systems of β-elemene. This advancement is expected to improve the level of pharmacy research and provide a stronger scientific foundation for further study on β-elemene

    Mega-TTS: Zero-Shot Text-to-Speech at Scale with Intrinsic Inductive Bias

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    Scaling text-to-speech to a large and wild dataset has been proven to be highly effective in achieving timbre and speech style generalization, particularly in zero-shot TTS. However, previous works usually encode speech into latent using audio codec and use autoregressive language models or diffusion models to generate it, which ignores the intrinsic nature of speech and may lead to inferior or uncontrollable results. We argue that speech can be decomposed into several attributes (e.g., content, timbre, prosody, and phase) and each of them should be modeled using a module with appropriate inductive biases. From this perspective, we carefully design a novel and large zero-shot TTS system called Mega-TTS, which is trained with large-scale wild data and models different attributes in different ways: 1) Instead of using latent encoded by audio codec as the intermediate feature, we still choose spectrogram as it separates the phase and other attributes very well. Phase can be appropriately constructed by the GAN-based vocoder and does not need to be modeled by the language model. 2) We model the timbre using global vectors since timbre is a global attribute that changes slowly over time. 3) We further use a VQGAN-based acoustic model to generate the spectrogram and a latent code language model to fit the distribution of prosody, since prosody changes quickly over time in a sentence, and language models can capture both local and long-range dependencies. We scale Mega-TTS to multi-domain datasets with 20K hours of speech and evaluate its performance on unseen speakers. Experimental results demonstrate that Mega-TTS surpasses state-of-the-art TTS systems on zero-shot TTS, speech editing, and cross-lingual TTS tasks, with superior naturalness, robustness, and speaker similarity due to the proper inductive bias of each module. Audio samples are available at https://mega-tts.github.io/demo-page

    What do “barbarians” eat? Integrating ceramic use-wear and residue analysis in the study of food and society at the margins of Bronze Age China

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    The Siwa archaeological culture (ca. 3350 and 2650 cal yr BP) has often been associated with the tribes referenced in textual sources as Qiang and Rong: prized captives commonly sacrificed by the Shang and marauding hordes who toppled the Western Zhou dynasty. In early Chinese writings, food plays a key role in accentuating the ‘sino-barbarian’ dichotomy believed to have taken root over 3000 years ago, with the Qiang and Rong described as nomadic pastoralists who consumed more meat than grain and knew little of proper dining etiquette. To date, however, little direct archaeological evidence has allowed us to reconstruct the diet and foodways of the groups who occupied the Loess Plateau during this pivotal period. Here we present the results of the first ceramic use-wear study performed on the Siwa ma’an jars from the site of Zhanqi, combined with the molecular and isotopic characterization of lipid residues from foodcrusts, and evidence from experimental cooking. We report molecular data indicating the preparation of meals composed of millet and ruminant dairy among the Siwa community of Zhanqi. Use-wear analysis shows that Zhanqi community members were sophisticated creators of ceramic equipment, the ma’an cooking pot, which allowed them to prepare a wide number of dishes with limited fuel. These findings support recent isotope studies at Zhanqi as well as nuance the centrality of meat in the Siwa period diet
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