7 research outputs found

    SIRT1 mediated gastric cancer progression under glucose deprivation through the FoxO1-Rab7-autophagy axis

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    PurposeSilent mating type information regulator 2 homolog 1 (SIRT1) and autophagy have a two-way action (promoting cell death or survival) on the progression and treatment of gastric cancer (GC) under different conditions or environments. This study aimed to investigate the effects and underlying mechanism of SIRT1 on autophagy and the malignant biological behavior of GC cells under conditions of glucose deprivation (GD).Materials and methodsHuman immortalized gastric mucosal cell GES-1 and GC cell lines SGC-7901, BGC-823, MKN-45 and MKN-28 were utilized. A sugar-free or low-sugar (glucose concentration, 2.5 mmol/L) DMEM medium was used to simulate GD. Additionally, CCK8, colony formation, scratches, transwell, siRNA interference, mRFP-GFP-LC3 adenovirus infection, flow cytometry and western blot assays were performed to investigate the role of SIRT1 in autophagy and malignant biological behaviors (proliferation, migration, invasion, apoptosis and cell cycle) of GC under GD and the underlying mechanism.ResultsSGC-7901 cells had the longest tolerance time to GD culture conditions, which had the highest expression of SIRT1 protein and the level of basal autophagy. With the extension of GD time, the autophagy activity in SGC-7901 cells also increased. Under GD conditions, we found a close relationship between SIRT1, FoxO1 and Rab7 in SGC-7901 cells. SIRT1 regulated the activity of FoxO1 and upregulated the expression of Rab7 through deacetylation, which ultimately affected autophagy in GC cells. In addition, changing the expression of FoxO1 provided feedback on the expression of SIRT1 in the cell. Reducing SIRT1, FoxO1 or Rab7 expression significantly inhibited the autophagy levels of GC cells under GD conditions, decreased the tolerance of GC cells to GD, enhanced the inhibition of GD in GC cell proliferation, migration and invasion and increased apoptosis induced by GD.ConclusionThe SIRT1-FoxO1-Rab7 pathway is crucial for the autophagy and malignant biological behaviors of GC cells under GD conditions, which could be a new target for the treatment of GC

    Study of the Back-to-Back Test Method for Embedded Systems in Hardware-Software Integration Context

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    AnvĂ€ndningen av inbyggda system för att realisera sĂ€kerhetskritiska funktioner, bl.a. inom bilindustrin, leder till krav pĂ„ avancerade metoder för utveckling och verifiering.“Back-to-Back Testing” (B2B-testning) Ă€r en testmetod som föreslĂ„s av ISO26262, en nyligen slĂ€ppt standard för funktionssĂ€kerhet, för att verifiera timing och noggrannhet under fasen för integration av mjukvara och hĂ„rdvara (HSI-fasen). B2B-testning under HSI-fasen innebĂ€r att ett systems beteende jĂ€mförs med beteendet hos en modell av systemet, nĂ€r bĂ„da utsĂ€tts för samma test-stimuli. Man kan inte förutsĂ€tta att test-svaren blir identiska, Ă€ven om systemet beter sig korrekt. Avvikelser skapade av variationer i systemets miljö Ă€r ofta förekommande. SmĂ„ avvikelser bör dĂ€rför tolereras för att undvika för mĂ„nga ”falska” felindikationer. NĂ€r resultaten frĂ„n B2B-testning ska utvĂ€rderas, sĂ„ Ă€r detta att tolerera vissa avvikelser utan att missa felaktigt beteende en av de största utmaningarna.Det hĂ€r examensarbetet presenterar en litteraturstudie som undersökt State-of-the-Art i avseende pĂ„ B2B-testning under HSI-fasen, med en specifik inriktning pĂ„ ovan nĂ€mnda utmaning. Litteraturstudien pĂ„visar en avsaknad av skrĂ€ddarsydda utvĂ€rderingsmetoder för resultaten frĂ„n B2B-testning under HSI-fasen.Motiverat av denna avsaknad av utvĂ€rderingsmetoder presenteras dĂ€refter en komparator som anvĂ€nder ett variabelt tröskelvĂ€rde för skillnader i test-svaren frĂ„n test-objekt och modell. Om skillnaden Ă€r större Ă€n tröskelvĂ€rdet sĂ„ anses testet ha fallerat. Med denna komparator, och en arbetsbĂ€nk skrĂ€ddarsydd för att möjliggöra analyser av komparatorn, visas exempel pĂ„ möjligheten att tolerera skillnader i beteende framkallat av variationer i systemets miljö, men samtidigt kunna detektera skillnader i beteende som hĂ€rstammar frĂ„n fel4i systemet. Exemplen och en studie av ett realistiskt system visar att tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€ttet Ă€r lovande som en bas för B2B-testning under HSI-fasenThe use of electronics and software (embedded systems) to implement safety-critical systems, such as in the automotive domain, requires advanced methods in development and verification of these systems.Back-to-back (B2B) testing is a test method that is suggested by ISO26262, a latest functional safety standard, for verifying a system in terms of timing and accuracy at the Hardware-software integration (HSI) stage. In the B2B testing at the HSI stage, the behaviour of the system is compared against the behaviour of a model of this system, using the same test stimuli.It cannot be expected that test response from the system are identical even though the system performs correctly. Discrepancies are often due to environmental variations. It should be tolerated to a certain level to allow for detection of the system faults. In the result evaluation of B2B testing, it is a challenge to tolerate some discrepancies while faulty behaviour of the tested system should be detected.This work presents a literature study that investigates current research with regard to the usage of B2B test method at the HSI stage, in particular, with regard to the above discussed challenge. The result of literature review shows that there is a lack of discussion about custom-designed evaluation method of B2B test result in the HSI context.Motivated from the above, this work presents a comparator which uses a variable threshold on the signal level difference between the test responses from a test object and a model. If the signal level difference is larger than the threshold, the test fails and otherwise passes. With this comparator, and a workbench custom built to enable analysis of the comparator, we6demonstrate the ability to tolerate behaviour discrepancies induced by environmental variations, but reject the discrepancies induced by faults. The demonstrations and real-life study show that the approach is promising for usage as the basis for B2B test method at the HSI stage

    Study of the Back-to-Back Test Method for Embedded Systems in Hardware-Software Integration Context

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    AnvĂ€ndningen av inbyggda system för att realisera sĂ€kerhetskritiska funktioner, bl.a. inom bilindustrin, leder till krav pĂ„ avancerade metoder för utveckling och verifiering.“Back-to-Back Testing” (B2B-testning) Ă€r en testmetod som föreslĂ„s av ISO26262, en nyligen slĂ€ppt standard för funktionssĂ€kerhet, för att verifiera timing och noggrannhet under fasen för integration av mjukvara och hĂ„rdvara (HSI-fasen). B2B-testning under HSI-fasen innebĂ€r att ett systems beteende jĂ€mförs med beteendet hos en modell av systemet, nĂ€r bĂ„da utsĂ€tts för samma test-stimuli. Man kan inte förutsĂ€tta att test-svaren blir identiska, Ă€ven om systemet beter sig korrekt. Avvikelser skapade av variationer i systemets miljö Ă€r ofta förekommande. SmĂ„ avvikelser bör dĂ€rför tolereras för att undvika för mĂ„nga ”falska” felindikationer. NĂ€r resultaten frĂ„n B2B-testning ska utvĂ€rderas, sĂ„ Ă€r detta att tolerera vissa avvikelser utan att missa felaktigt beteende en av de största utmaningarna.Det hĂ€r examensarbetet presenterar en litteraturstudie som undersökt State-of-the-Art i avseende pĂ„ B2B-testning under HSI-fasen, med en specifik inriktning pĂ„ ovan nĂ€mnda utmaning. Litteraturstudien pĂ„visar en avsaknad av skrĂ€ddarsydda utvĂ€rderingsmetoder för resultaten frĂ„n B2B-testning under HSI-fasen.Motiverat av denna avsaknad av utvĂ€rderingsmetoder presenteras dĂ€refter en komparator som anvĂ€nder ett variabelt tröskelvĂ€rde för skillnader i test-svaren frĂ„n test-objekt och modell. Om skillnaden Ă€r större Ă€n tröskelvĂ€rdet sĂ„ anses testet ha fallerat. Med denna komparator, och en arbetsbĂ€nk skrĂ€ddarsydd för att möjliggöra analyser av komparatorn, visas exempel pĂ„ möjligheten att tolerera skillnader i beteende framkallat av variationer i systemets miljö, men samtidigt kunna detektera skillnader i beteende som hĂ€rstammar frĂ„n fel4i systemet. Exemplen och en studie av ett realistiskt system visar att tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€ttet Ă€r lovande som en bas för B2B-testning under HSI-fasenThe use of electronics and software (embedded systems) to implement safety-critical systems, such as in the automotive domain, requires advanced methods in development and verification of these systems.Back-to-back (B2B) testing is a test method that is suggested by ISO26262, a latest functional safety standard, for verifying a system in terms of timing and accuracy at the Hardware-software integration (HSI) stage. In the B2B testing at the HSI stage, the behaviour of the system is compared against the behaviour of a model of this system, using the same test stimuli.It cannot be expected that test response from the system are identical even though the system performs correctly. Discrepancies are often due to environmental variations. It should be tolerated to a certain level to allow for detection of the system faults. In the result evaluation of B2B testing, it is a challenge to tolerate some discrepancies while faulty behaviour of the tested system should be detected.This work presents a literature study that investigates current research with regard to the usage of B2B test method at the HSI stage, in particular, with regard to the above discussed challenge. The result of literature review shows that there is a lack of discussion about custom-designed evaluation method of B2B test result in the HSI context.Motivated from the above, this work presents a comparator which uses a variable threshold on the signal level difference between the test responses from a test object and a model. If the signal level difference is larger than the threshold, the test fails and otherwise passes. With this comparator, and a workbench custom built to enable analysis of the comparator, we6demonstrate the ability to tolerate behaviour discrepancies induced by environmental variations, but reject the discrepancies induced by faults. The demonstrations and real-life study show that the approach is promising for usage as the basis for B2B test method at the HSI stage

    Numerical Study of Turbid Slab Optical Properties Reconstruction from Multiple Scattering Signals Using Time-Based Markov Chain Model

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    The reconstruction of optical properties for opaque mediums is highly desired for medical, atmosphere and aerosol applications. However, the modeling and reconstruction process is highly related with multiple scattering phenomena, which elevates both the complexity and computational costs for such efforts. This work introduces a time-based Markov chain method, which uses a sparse transition matrix to represent the likelihood for a photon to transit in the turbid media. The accuracy of the time-based Markov chain model was verified against the forwarding calculations of the scattering-based Markov chain model and Monte Carlo simulations. Then, reconstruction was performed with backscattered photon angular distributions. Based on the characteristics of the sparse transition matrix, the optical properties (droplet diameters) could be obtained layer by layer with transmitted photon distributions at different time durations. It is shown that the time-based Markov chain model can reconstruct the optical properties of a turbid slab with satisfactory accuracy and lower computational costs