1,420 research outputs found

    A novel implementation of method of optimality criterion in synthesizing spacecraft structures with natural frequency constraints

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    In the design of spacecraft structures, fine tuning the structure to achieve minimum weight with natural frequency constraints is a time consuming process. Here, a novel implementation of the method of optimality criterion (OC) is developed. In this new implementation of OC, the free vibration analysis results are used to compute the eigenvalue sensitivity data required for the formulation. Specifically, the modal elemental strain and kinetic energies are used. Additionally, normalized design parameters are introduced as a second level linking that allows design variables of different values to be linked together. With the use of this novel formulation, synthesis of structures with natural frequency constraint can be carried out manually using modal analysis results. Design examples are presented to illustrate this novel implementation of the optimality criterion method

    Stabilnost i antioksidacijska aktivnost antocijanina iz borovnica

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    Anthocyanins from highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) have tremendous potential as natural colorants and functional food with pharmaceutical purposes in food applications. To exploit the potential for food applications, the stability and antioxidant activity of anthocyanins present in blueberries have been studied. The results indicate that anthocyanins from blueberry were stable against the low pH (≤5.0), NaCl (0.125–0.500 mol/L), sucrose (0.584–2.336 mol/L) and preservative (sodium benzoate, 0.035–0.140 mol/L), but were sensitive to alkaline conditions (≥7.0), high temperature (≥80 °C), light (natural light), oxidizing agent (H2O2, 0.5–2.0 %) and reducing agent (Na2SO3, 0.005–0.040 mol/L). At concentrations of 25 and 50 mg/mL, anthocyanins from blueberry could protect ECV-304 cells against oxidative damage induced by H2O2. These results suggest that anthocyanins from blueberry can be regarded as a potential colorant for some acidic (pH≤5.0) food products and could be used as health food to prevent diseases arising from oxidative processes.Antocijanini iz američkih borovnica (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) koriste se u prehrambenoj industriji kao prirodna bojila i za proizvodnju funkcionalne hrane. Stoga je u radu ispitana stabilnost i antioksidacijska aktivnost antocijanina izoliranih iz borovnica. Rezultati pokazuju da su antocijanini bili stabilni pri niskoj pH-vrijednosti (pH≤5) te malim koncentracijama soli (0,125–0,500 mol/L), saharoze (0,584–2,336 mol/L) i konzervansa natrijeva benzoata (0,035–0,140 mol/L), ali osjetljivi u lužnatoj sredini (pH≥7), pri visokoj temperaturi (≥80 °C), na prirodnom izvoru svjetlosti i u prisutnosti oksidansa (H2O2, 0,5–2 %) i reducensa (Na2SO3, 0,005–0,04 mol/L). Antocijanini iz borovnica u koncentracijama od 25 i 50 μg/mL štite ECV-304 stanice od stresa uzrokovanog dodatkom vodikova peroksida. Rezultati pokazuju da se antocijanini iz borovnica mogu upotrijebiti kao bojilo u proizvodnji hrane male pH-vrijednosti (pH≤5) te u proizvodnji zdrave hrane koja sprječava razvoj bolesti uzrokovanih oksidacijskim stresom

    Experimental investigations of stress-gas pressure evolution rules of coal and gas outburst: A case study in Dingji coal mine, China

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    Coal and gas outburst is a potentially fatal risk during the mining of gassy coal seams, which seriously threatens the safe mining of collieries. To understand the outburst mechanism and evolution rules, a new apparatus (LSTT) was developed to conduct simulated experiment. In the context of an outburst accident in Dingji coal mine, the authors launched an authentic outburst experiment to replay the outburst accident. Experimental apparatus, similar criterion, coal‐like materials and gas sources, and experimental design were discussed systematically in this paper. Experimentally, the study analyzed the geo‐stress has significant influence on the outburst evolution. At the driving face, the stress concentration possibly caused gas outburst, under the influence of mining‐induced stress. After the outburst occurred, the stress balance of the coal changed, resulting in the instability of the coal. Furthermore, the elastic energy, gas enthalpy, and gravitational potential energy were released rapidly. The experimental result stated that outburst coal has the sorting characteristics, in line with the field outburst law. The intensity prediction model has been built based on the energy model. Moreover, the factors that impact outburst intensity were analyzed. In the process of coal and gas outburst, the gas enthalpy of gas and the elastic potential of coal are the main energy sources. This study provides guidance for the development of the outburst mechanism and outburst mine management

    Differentiation of multipotent vascular stem cells contributes to vascular diseases.

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    It is generally accepted that the de-differentiation of smooth muscle cells, from the contractile to the proliferative/synthetic phenotype, has an important role during vascular remodelling and diseases. Here we provide evidence that challenges this theory. We identify a new type of stem cell in the blood vessel wall, named multipotent vascular stem cells. Multipotent vascular stem cells express markers, including Sox17, Sox10 and S100β, are cloneable, have telomerase activity, and can differentiate into neural cells and mesenchymal stem cell-like cells that subsequently differentiate into smooth muscle cells. On the other hand, we perform lineage tracing with smooth muscle myosin heavy chain as a marker and find that multipotent vascular stem cells and proliferative or synthetic smooth muscle cells do not arise from the de-differentiation of mature smooth muscle cells. In response to vascular injuries, multipotent vascular stem cells, instead of smooth muscle cells, become proliferative, and differentiate into smooth muscle cells and chondrogenic cells, thus contributing to vascular remodelling and neointimal hyperplasia. These findings support a new hypothesis that the differentiation of multipotent vascular stem cells, rather than the de-differentiation of smooth muscle cells, contributes to vascular remodelling and diseases

    Meta Policy Learning for Cold-Start Conversational Recommendation

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    Conversational recommender systems (CRS) explicitly solicit users' preferences for improved recommendations on the fly. Most existing CRS solutions count on a single policy trained by reinforcement learning for a population of users. However, for users new to the system, such a global policy becomes ineffective to satisfy them, i.e., the cold-start challenge. In this paper, we study CRS policy learning for cold-start users via meta-reinforcement learning. We propose to learn a meta policy and adapt it to new users with only a few trials of conversational recommendations. To facilitate fast policy adaptation, we design three synergetic components. Firstly, we design a meta-exploration policy dedicated to identifying user preferences via a few exploratory conversations, which accelerates personalized policy adaptation from the meta policy. Secondly, we adapt the item recommendation module for each user to maximize the recommendation quality based on the collected conversation states during conversations. Thirdly, we propose a Transformer-based state encoder as the backbone to connect the previous two components. It provides comprehensive state representations by modeling complicated relations between positive and negative feedback during the conversation. Extensive experiments on three datasets demonstrate the advantage of our solution in serving new users, compared with a rich set of state-of-the-art CRS solutions.Comment: 10 pages, WSDM202

    Zonal Soil Type Determines Soil Microbial Responses to Maize Cropping and Fertilization.

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    Soil types heavily influence ecological dynamics. It remains controversial to what extent soil types shape microbial responses to land management changes, largely due to lack of in-depth comparison across various soil types. Here, we collected samples from three major zonal soil types spanning from cold temperate to subtropical climate zones. We examined bacterial and fungal community structures, as well as microbial functional genes. Different soil types had distinct microbial biomass levels and community compositions. Five years of maize cropping (growing corn or maize) changed the bacterial community composition of the Ultisol soil type and the fungal composition of the Mollisol soil type but had little effect on the microbial composition of the Inceptisol soil type. Meanwhile, 5 years of fertilization resulted in soil acidification. Microbial compositions of the Mollisol and Ultisol, but not the Inceptisol, were changed and correlated (P < 0.05) with soil pH. These results demonstrated the critical role of soil type in determining microbial responses to land management changes. We also found that soil nitrification potentials correlated with the total abundance of nitrifiers and that soil heterotrophic respiration correlated with the total abundance of carbon degradation genes, suggesting that changes in microbial community structure had altered ecosystem processes. IMPORTANCE Microbial communities are essential drivers of soil functional processes such as nitrification and heterotrophic respiration. Although there is initial evidence revealing the importance of soil type in shaping microbial communities, there has been no in-depth, comprehensive survey to robustly establish it as a major determinant of microbial community composition, functional gene structure, or ecosystem functioning. We examined bacterial and fungal community structures using Illumina sequencing, microbial functional genes using GeoChip, microbial biomass using phospholipid fatty acid analysis, as well as functional processes of soil nitrification potential and CO2 efflux. We demonstrated the critical role of soil type in determining microbial responses to land use changes at the continental level. Our findings underscore the inherent difficulty in generalizing ecosystem responses across landscapes and suggest that assessments of community feedback must take soil types into consideration. Author Video: An author video summary of this article is available