7,559 research outputs found

    A game theory approach to mixed H2/H∞ control for a class of stochastic time-varying systems with randomly occurring nonlinearities

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    Copyright @ 2011 Elsevier B.V. This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Systems and Control Letters. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published and may be accessed at the link below.This paper is concerned with the mixed H2/H∞ control problem for a class of stochastic time-varying systems with nonlinearities. The nonlinearities are described by statistical means and could cover several kinds of well-studied nonlinearities as special cases. The occurrence of the addressed nonlinearities is governed by two sequences of Bernoulli distributed white sequences with known probabilities. Such nonlinearities are named as randomly occurring nonlinearities (RONs) as they appear in a probabilistic way. The purpose of the problem under investigation is to design a controller such that the closed-loop system achieves the expected H2 performance requirements with a guaranteed H∞ disturbance attenuation level. A sufficient condition is given for the existence of the desired controller by means of solvability of certain coupled matrix equations. By resorting to the game theory approach, an algorithm is developed to obtain the controller gain at each sampling instant. A numerical example is presented to show the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed method

    Robust H∞ control of time-varying systems with stochastic non-linearities: the finite-horizon case

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    The official published version can be obtained from the link below.This paper is concerned with the robust H∞ control problem for the class of uncertain non-linear discrete time-varying stochastic systems with a covariance constraint. All the system parameters are time-varying and the uncertainties enter into the state matrix. The non-linearities under consideration are described by statistical means and they cover several classes of well-studied non-linearities. The purpose of the addressed problem is to design a dynamic output-feedback controller such that, the H∞ disturbance rejection attenuation level is achieved in the finite-horizon case while the state covariance is not more than an individual upper bound at each time point. An algorithm is developed to deal with the addressed problem by means of recursive linear matrix inequalities (RLMIs). It is shown that the robust H∞ control problem is solvable if the series of RLMIs is feasible. An illustrative simulation example is given to show the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK under grant GR/S27658/01, the Royal Society of the UK, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    An investigation of the polarization dependence of a temperature sensor based on an optical microfiber coupler

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    The dependence on polarization of the performance of a microfiber coupler based temperature sensor is experimentally investigated. The optical microfiber coupler based temperature sensor has a diameter circa 2µm and can sense temperature in the range from 100°C to 1000°C, with an average sensitivity of 18.9pm/°C. It is shown that different polarization states of the input signal have a significant influence on the proposed temperature sensing accuracy, with a estimated peak error of 63°C at 1000°C

    Efficient two-step entanglement concentration for arbitrary W states

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    We present two two-step practical entanglement concentration protocols (ECPs) for concentrating an arbitrary three-particle less-entangled W state into a maximally entangled W state assisted with single photons. The first protocol uses the linear optics and the second protocol adopts the cross-Kerr nonlinearity to perform the protocol. In the first protocol, based on the post-selection principle, three parties say Alice, Bob and Charlie in different distant locations can obtain the maximally entangled W state from the arbitrary less-entangled W state with a certain success probability. In the second protocol, it dose not require the parties to posses the sophisticated single-photon detectors and the concentrated photon pair can be retained after performing this protocol successfully. Moreover, the second protocol can be repeated to get a higher success probability. Both protocols may be useful in practical quantum information applications.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Painlev\'e property, local and nonlocal symmetries and symmetry reductions for a (2+1)-dimensional integrable KdV equation

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    The Painlev\'e property for a (2+1)-dimensional Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) extension, the combined KP3 (Kadomtsev- Petviashvili) and KP4 (cKP3-4) is proved by using Kruskal's simplification. The truncated Painlev\'e expansion is used to find the Schwartz form, the B\"acklund/Levi transformations and the residual nonlocal symmetry. The residual symmetry is localized to find its finite B\"acklund transformation. The local point symmetries of the model constitute a centerless Kac-Moody-Virasoro algebra. The local point symmetries are used to find the related group invariant reductions including a new Lax integrable model with a fourth order spectral problem. The finite transformation theorem or the Lie point symmetry group is obtained by using a direct method.Comment: 9 page

    Isolation, analysis and prokaryotic expression of nitric oxide associated factor gene-NOA1 from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)

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    In this study, the cDNA of a NOA (nitric oxide associated factor) was isolated with the strategy of EST in silico cloning in combination with RT-PCR and 3’RACE from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) for the firsttime (named StNOA1). The StNOA1 bears a centrally positioned GTPase-binding domain. Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis of the deduced StNOA1 protein with other known NOA family protein indicates that StNOA1 is highly homologenous with NbNOA1 (NOA from Nicotianabenthamiana). The cDNA was cloned into prokaryotic expression vector, pET-30a (+) and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) after induction with IPTG. The recombinant protein was dissolved by 8 M urea and recovered by dialysis due to most of them were in inclusion bodies. Then the recovered recombinant protein was purified by Ni-NTA and analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The results of SDS-PAGE showed that the StNOA1 was successfully expressed with the pET prokaryotic expression system andpurified. The present study is the basis for further elucidating the biochemical characteristics of StNOA1 and is very significant for elucidating the nature of plant NOA and its action mechanisms in endogenous NO synthesis in plant species

    Event-triggered distributed H∞ state estimation with packet dropouts through sensor networks

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    This study is concerned with the event-triggered distributed H∞ state estimation problem for a class of discrete-time stochastic non-linear systems with packet dropouts in a sensor network. An event-triggered communication mechanism is adopted over the sensor network with hope to reduce the communication burden and the energy consumption, where the measurements on each sensor are transmitted only when a certain triggering condition is violated. Furthermore, a novel distributed state estimator is designed where the available innovations are not only from the individual sensor, but also from its neighbouring ones according to the given topology. The purpose of the problem under consideration is to design a set of distributed state estimators such that the dynamics of estimation errors is exponentially mean-square stable and also the prespecified H∞ disturbance rejection attenuation level is guaranteed. By utilising the property of the Kronecker product and the stochastic analysis approaches, sufficient conditions are established under which the addressed state estimation problem is recast as a convex optimisation one that can be easily solved via available software packages. Finally, a simulation example is utilised to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed design scheme of event-triggered distributed state estimators.This work was supported in part by Royal Society of the UK, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61329301, 61203139, 61473076, 61374127 and 61422301, the Shanghai Rising-Star Program of China under Grant 13QA1400100, the ShuGuang project of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and Shanghai Education Development Foundation under Grant 13SG34, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, DHU Distinguished Young Professor Program, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany