168 research outputs found

    Deconstructing GSK-3: The Fine Regulation of Its Activity

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    Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) unique position in modulating the function of a diverse series of proteins in combination with its association with a wide variety of human disorders has attracted significant attention to the protein both as a therapeutic target and as a means to understand the molecular basis of these disorders. GSK-3 is ubiquitously expressed and, unusually, constitutively active in resting, unstimulated cells. In mammals, GSK-3α and β are each expressed widely at both the RNA and protein levels although some tissues show preferential levels of some of the two proteins. Neither gene appears to be acutely regulated at the transcriptional level, whereas the proteins are controlled posttranslationally, largely through protein-protein interactions or by posttranslational regulation. Control of GSK-3 activity thus occurs by complex mechanisms that are each dependent upon specific signalling pathways. Furthermore, GSK-3 appears to be a cellular nexus, integrating several signalling systems, including several second messengers and a wide selection of cellular stimulants. This paper will focus on the different ways to control GSK-3 activity (phosphorylation, protein complex formation, truncation, subcellular localization, etc.), the main signalling pathways involved in its control, and its pathological deregulation

    Repeated intraperitoneal injections of liposomes containing phosphatidic acid and cardiolipin reduce amyloid-β levels in APP/PS1 transgenic mice

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    © 2015 Elsevier Inc. The accumulation of extracellular amyloid-beta (Aβ) peptide and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles in the brain are two major neuropathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD). It is thought that an equilibrium exists between Aβ in the brain and in the peripheral blood and thus, it was hypothesized that shifting this equilibrium towards the blood by enhancing peripheral clearance might reduce Aβ levels in the brain: the 'sink effect'. We tested this hypothesis by intraperitoneally injecting APP/PS1 transgenic mice with small unilamellar vesicles containing either phosphatidic acid or cardiolipin over 3. weeks. This treatment reduced significantly the amount of Aβ in the plasma and the brain levels of Aβ were lighter affected. Nevertheless, this dosing regimen did modulate tau phosphorylation and glycogen synthase kinase 3 activities in the brain, suggesting that the targeting of circulating Aβ may be therapeutically relevant in AD.CIBERNED (an initiative of ISCIII) and the Plan Nacional DGCYT (SAF2009-12249-C02-01) and by an Institutional grant from the 'Fundación Areces'Peer Reviewe

    R-Ras GTPases signaling role in myelin neurodegenerative diseases

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    Myelination is required for fast and efficient synaptic transmission in vertebrates. In the central nervous system, oligodendrocytes are responsible for creating myelin sheaths that isolate and protect axons, even throughout adulthood. However, when myelin is lost, the failure of remyelination mechanisms can cause neurodegenerative myelin-associated pathologies. From oligodendrocyte progenitor cells to mature myelinating oligodendrocytes, myelination is a highly complex process that involves many elements of cellular signaling, yet many of the mechanisms that coordinate it, remain unknown. In this review, we will focus on the three major pathways involved in myelination (PI3K/Akt/mTOR, ERK1/2-MAPK, and Wnt/β-catenin) and recent advances describing the crosstalk elements which help to regulate them. In addition, we will review the tight relation between Ras GTPases and myelination processes and discuss its potential as novel elements of crosstalk between the pathways. A better understanding of the crosstalk elements orchestrating myelination mechanisms is essential to identify new potential targets to mitigate neurodegenerationRTI2018-096303B-C3

    Modulation of GSK-3 as a Therapeutic Strategy on Tau Pathologies

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    Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) is ubiquitously expressed and unusually active in resting, non-stimulated cells. In mammals, at least three proteins (α, β1, and β2), generated from two different genes, gsk-3α and gsk-3β, are widely expressed at both the RNA and protein levels although some tissues show preferential expression of some of the three proteins. Control of GSK-3 activity occurs by complex mechanisms that depend on specific signaling pathways, often controlling the inhibition of the kinase activity. GSK-3 appears to integrate different signaling pathways from a wide selection of cellular stimuli. The unique position of GSK-3 in modulating the function of a diverse series of proteins and its association with a wide variety of human disorders has attracted significant attention as a therapeutic target and as a means to understand the molecular basis of brain disorders. Different neurodegenerative diseases including frontotemporal dementia, progressive supranuclear palsy, and Alzheimer’s disease, present prominent tau pathology such as tau hyperphosphorylation and aggregation and are collectively referred to as tauopathies. GSK-3 has also been associated to different neuropsychiatric disorders, like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. GSK-3β is the major kinase to phosphorylate tau both in vitro and in vivo and has been proposed as a target for therapeutic intervention. The first therapeutic strategy to modulate GSK-3 activity was the direct inhibition of its kinase activity. This review will focus on the signaling pathways involved in the control of GSK-3 activity and its pathological deregulation. We will highlight different alternatives of GSK-3 modulation including the direct pharmacological inhibition as compared to the modulation by upstream regulators

    AMPK activation does not enhance autophagy in neurons in contrast to MTORC1 inhibition: different impact on β-amyloid clearance.

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    The physiological AKT-MTORC1 and AMPK signaling pathways are considered key nodes in the regulation of anabolism-catabolism, and particularly of macroautophagy/autophagy. Indeed, it is reported that these are altered processes in neurodegenerative proteinopathies such as Alzheimer disease (AD), mainly characterized by deposits of β-amyloid (Aβ) and hyperphosphorylated MAPT. These accumulations disrupt the optimal neuronal proteostasis, and hence, the recovery/enhancement of autophagy has been proposed as a therapeutic approach against these proteinopathies. The purpose of the present study was to characterize the modulation of autophagy by MTORC1 and AMPK signaling pathways in the highly specialized neurons, as well as their repercussions on Aβ production. Using a double transgenic mice model of AD, we demonstrated that MTORC1 inhibition, either in vivo or ex vivo (primary neuronal cultures), was able to reduce amyloid secretion through moderate autophagy induction in neurons. The pharmacological prevention of autophagy in neurons augmented the Aβ secretion and reversed the effect of rapamycin, confirming the anti-amyloidogenic effects of autophagy in neurons. Inhibition of AMPK with compound C generated the expected decrease in autophagy induction, though surprisingly did not increase the Aβ secretion. In contrast, increased activity of AMPK with metformin, AICAR, 2DG, or by gene overexpression did not enhance autophagy but had different effects on Aβ secretion: whereas metformin and 2DG diminished the secreted Aβ levels, AICAR and PRKAA1/AMPK gene overexpression increased them. We conclude that AMPK has a significantly different role in primary neurons than in other reported cells, lacking a direct effect on autophagy-dependent amyloidosis.pre-print832 K

    Peripheral amyloid levels present gender differences associated with aging in AβPP/PS1 mice

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    The accumulation of amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide is one of the major neuropathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD). We have analyzed whether the progression of amyloidosis differentially affects males and females along aging in AβPP/PS1 transgenic mice. The levels of peripheral amyloid, Aβ40 and Aβ42, are not modified in either sex until 9 months of age. After that, however, there is an increase in amyloid levels in plasma among females and a decrease among males. These findings could be essential to design gender-specific strategies in other in vivo experiments or even in AD treatments. Supplementary Figure 1. A) Percentage of the cases of AβPP/PS1 transgenic mice (males and females) that show bladder disturbances. In dark affected individuals, in grey no evidence of any disturbance. Image of a healthy bladder (B) and a swollen bladder (C). D) Western blot analysis of some biochemical markers in the mice brains; 6 and 15 months, male, female, transgenic and wild type.This work was supported by grants from the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED; an initiative of the ISCIII). In addition, work in FW’s lab was supported by grants from the “Plan Nacional”, “Dirección General de Ciencia y Tecnología -DGCYT-” SAF2012-39148-C03-01; CAMS2010/BMD-231-(2010-14) and EU-FP7-2009-CT222887, and an Institutional grant from the “Fundacion Areces”.Peer Reviewe

    Males vs females: differences in the AB accumulation

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    Background: The accumulation of extracellular amyloid-beta (Aß) peptide and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles in the brain are two major neuropathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD). For the analysis of Aß-peptide aggregation, different mouse models (single or double transgenic mice) have been used to follow the evolution of AD-amyloidosis, and to test potential treatments. So far, cerebellum tissue has not been deeply analyzed to check the amyloidosis in these transgenic models. Besides, sex influence hasn't been systematically studied in these models, even it has been described important gender differences in the evolution of AD in human population. We have checked whether the progression of amyloidosis in a double transgenic mouse, APP/PS1, is susceptible to aging and differentially affects males and females. Methods: Aß levels were measured by ELISA in plasma and tissue samples. Cortex and cerebellum tissue of transgenic males and females from 6 to 15 months of age were processed to be analyzed. In addition, fixed hemibrains brain were coronally sectioned and used to perform immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence studies.Peer reviewe

    Impaired Function of HDAC6 Slows Down Axonal Growth and Interferes with Axon Initial Segment Development

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    The development of morphological neuronal polarity starts by the formation and elongation of an axon. At the same time the axon initial segment (AIS) is generated and creates a diffusion barrier which differentiate axon and somatodendritic compartment. Different structural and functional proteins that contribute to the generation of neuronal action potential are concentrated at the axon initial segment. While axonal elongation is controlled by signalling pathways that regulate cytoskeleton through microtubule associated proteins and tubulin modifications, the microtubule cytoskeleton under the AIS is mostly unknown. Thus, understanding which proteins modify tubulin, where in the neuron and at which developmental stage is crucial to understanding how morphological and functional neuronal polarity is achieved. In this study performed in mice and using a well established model of murine cultured hippocampal neurons, we report that the tubulin deacetylase HDAC6 is localized at the distal region of the axon, and its inhibition with TSA or tubacin slows down axonal growth. Suppression of HDAC6 expression with HDAC6 shRNAs or expression of a non-active mutant of HDAC6 also reduces axonal length. Furthermore, HDAC6 inhibition or suppression avoids the concentration of ankyrinG and sodium channels at the axon initial segment (AIS). Moreover, treatment of mouse cultured hippocampal neurons with detergents to eliminate the soluble pool of microtubules identified a pool of detergent resistant acetylated microtubules at the AIS, not present at the rest of the axon. Inhibition or suppression of HDAC6 increases acetylation all along the axon and disrupts the specificity of AIS cytoskeleton, modifying the axonal distal gradient localization of KIF5C to a somatodendritic and axonal localization. In conclusion, our results reveal a new role of HDAC6 tubulin deacetylase as a regulator of microtubule characteristics in the axon distal region where axonal elongation takes place, and allowing the development of acetylated microtubules microdomains where HDAC6 is not concentrated, such as the axon initial segment

    Olfactory Ensheathing Glia: Drivers of Axonal Regeneration in the Central Nervous System?

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    Olfactory ensheathing glia (OEG) accompany olfactory growing axons in their entry to the adult mammalian central nervous system (CNS). Due to this special characteristic, considerable attention has been focused on the possibility of using OEG for CNS regeneration. OEG present a large heterogeneity in culture with respect to their cellular morphology and expressed molecules. The specific characteristics of OEG responsible for their regenerative properties have to be defined. These properties probably result from the combination of several factors: molecular composition of the membrane (expressing adhesion molecules as PSA-NCAM, L1 and/or others) combined with their ability to reduce glial scarring and to accompany new growing axons into the host CNS. Their capacity to produce some neurotrophic factors might also account for their ability to produce CNS regeneration

    Increased migration of olfactory ensheathing cells secreting the Nogo receptor ectodomain over inhibitory substrates and lesioned spinal cord

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    Abstract Olfactory ensheathing cell (OEC) transplantation emerged some years ago as a promising therapeutic strategy to repair injured spinal cord. However, inhibitory molecules are present for long periods of time in lesioned spinal cord, inhibiting both OEC migration and axonal regrowth. Two families of these molecules, chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans (CSPG) and myelin-derived inhibitors (MAIs), are able to trigger inhibitory responses in lesioned axons. Mounting evidence suggests that OEC migration is inhibited by myelin. Here we demonstrate that OEC migration is largely inhibited by CSPGs and that inhibition can be overcome by the bacterial enzyme Chondroitinase ABC. In parallel, we have generated a stable OEC cell line overexpressing the Nogo receptor (NgR) ectodomain to reduce MAI-associated inhibition in vitro and in vivo. Results indicate that engineered cells migrate longer distances than unmodified OECs over myelin or oligodendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein (OMgp)-coated substrates. In addition, they also show improved migration in lesioned spinal cord. Our results provide new insights toward the improvement of the mechanisms of action and optimization of OEC-based cell therapy for spinal cord lesion.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BFU2012-32617), the Generalitat de Catalunya (SGR2014-1218), La Caixa Obra Social Foundation, and the Basque Foundation of Health and Innovation Research (BIO12/AL/004) to JADR. RG was supported by Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (PI11-00075) and work in FW’s lab was supported by grants from the Dirección General de Ciencia y Tecnologia-DGCYT-(SAF2012-39148-C03-01), and EU-FP7-2009-(CT222887), as well as an institutional grant from the ‘Fundación ArecesPeer Reviewe