462 research outputs found

    Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Wheat Production in Horo District of Horoguduru Wollega Zone, Oromia region, Ethiopia

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    The aim of the study was to measure the levels of technical efficiency of wheat producers and identify factors affecting them in Horo district of Horoguduru Wollega Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. The study was based on cross-sectional data collected in 2016/17 production season from 124 randomly selected farm households. Stochastic production frontier model was used to estimate technical efficiency levels and used to identify factors affecting efficiency levels. Accordingly, the mean technical efficiency of sample household’s was 63.9%.The results indicated that there was substantial amount of in efficiency in wheat production in the study area. Land, seed, DAP and chemical were the variables that positively affected the production of wheat. Results of the factor model revealed that family size, experience in wheat production and extension contact positively and significantly affected technical efficiency. Total cultivated land had a significant negative effect on technical efficiency. Results indicate that there is a room to increase the efficiency in wheat production of the study area. Therefore, government authorities and other concerned bodies should take into consideration the above mentioned socio economic and institutional factors to improve the productivity of wheat in the study area. Keywords: Horo district, technical efficiency, wheat, stochastic DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/9-13-03 Publication date:July 31st 201

    Factors Affecting Productivity of Wheat Production in Horo District of Oromia Region, Ethiopia

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    The study was aimed to productivity of wheat production and identify factors affecting them in Horo district of Horoguduru Wollega Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. The study was based on cross-sectional data collected in 2016/17 production season from 124 randomly selected farm households. Stochastic production frontier model was used to estimate technical efficiency levels and used to identify factors affecting efficiency levels. Accordingly, the mean technical efficiency of sample household’s was 63.9%.The results indicated that there was substantial amount of in efficiency in wheat production in the study area. Land, seed, DAP and chemical were the variables that positively affected the production of wheat. Results of the factor model revealed that family size, experience in wheat production and extension contact positively and significantly affected technical efficiency. Total cultivated land had a significant negative effect on technical efficiency. Results indicate that there is a room to increase the efficiency in wheat production of the study area. Therefore, government authorities and other concerned bodies should take into consideration the above mentioned socio economic and institutional factors to improve the productivity of wheat in the study area. Keywords: Horo district, technical efficiency, wheat, stochastic DOI: 10.7176/DCS/10-2-05 Publication date: February 29th 202

    Pre-extension Demonstration of Dolichos lablab (Lablab purpureus) under sown in Maize at Dugda and Lume Districts of East Shoa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia

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    The activity was conducted in Bekele-Girisa of Dugda district. The objectives were to demonstrate forage production from lablab under sown in maize and to evaluate the lablab-maize intercropping practices with farmers participation. Accordingly, Farmers' Research and Extension Groups (FREGs) with 18  members were established at Bekele Girisa kebele. Four trial farmers were selected from each FREGs for forage production based on the criteria including interest of the farmers in producing forage on their land, farmer having enough land for forage production and who have milking cows. BH-540 maize variety was intercropped with Lablab purpureus on plot a size of 32*32m2. Pure stands of maize with similar plot size was also established for comparison. Lablab purpureus was intercropped in maize at two weeks period after maize planting. Farmers were used as replication with participatory approach. The results revealed that the total biomass (Stover + lablab) and maize grain yields were significantly different (P<0.05) among the practices at Dugda site. Even though statistically not significant (P>0.05) between the two practices, there was total biomass and maize grain yield increment in lablab under-sown in maize than pure stand of maize. Similarly, crude protein content of the maize Stover under sown with lablab was improved. Farmers were also very interested for forage production from lablab intercropping in maize as compared to sole maize production practice. Therefore, it is recommended to extend the forage production strategy such as lablab intercropping in maize to enhance the production of high biomass of forage with good quality in the study area. Keywords: biomass yield,  FREG , intercropping, Lablab DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/11-15-04 Publication date:August 31st 2021

    Analysis of Economic Efficiency of Sesame (Sesamum Indicum L) Production in Babogambel District of West Wollega Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia

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    The aim of the study was to measure the levels of technical, allocative and economic efficiencies of sesame producers and identify factors affecting them in Babogambel district of Oromia Region, Ethiopia. The study was based on cross-sectional data collected in 2016 production season from 124 randomly selected farm households.  Stochastic production frontier model was used to estimate technical, allocative and economic efficiency levels, whereas Tobit model was used to identify factors affecting efficiency levels. Accordingly, the mean technical, allocative and economic efficiencies of sample households were 75.16%, 72.95% and 53.95%, respectively. The results indicated that there was substantial amount of inefficiency in sesame production in the study area. Land, labor and oxen were the variables that positively affected the production of sesame. Results of the Tobit model revealed that family size, experience in sesame production and non-farm income, Total cultivated land had effect on technical efficiency. On the other hand, experience in sesame production, family size, extension contact affected soil fertility and education level affected allocative efficiency significantly. Education level, experience in sesame production, soil fertility, extension contact affected economic efficiency significantly. Results indicate that there is a room to increase the efficiency in sesame production of the study area. Keywords: Allocative efficiency, Babogambel, economic efficiency, Tobit, stochastic

    Factors Affecting Productivity of Wheat Production in Horo District of Oromia Region, Ethiopia

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    The study was aimed to productivity of wheat production and identify factors affecting them in Horo district of Horoguduru Wollega Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. The study was based on cross-sectional data collected in 2016/17 production season from 124 randomly selected farm households. Stochastic production frontier model was used to estimate technical efficiency levels and used to identify factors affecting efficiency levels. Accordingly, the mean technical efficiency of sample household’s was 63.9%.The results indicated that there was substantial amount of in efficiency in wheat production in the study area. Land, seed, DAP and chemical were the variables that positively affected the production of wheat. Results of the factor model revealed that family size, experience in wheat production and extension contact positively and significantly affected technical efficiency. Total cultivated land had a significant negative effect on technical efficiency. Results indicate that there is a room to increase the efficiency in wheat production of the study area. Therefore, government authorities and other concerned bodies should take into consideration the above mentioned socio economic and institutional factors to improve the productivity of wheat in the study area. Keywords: Horo district, technical efficiency, wheat, stochastic DOI: 10.7176/DCS/10-2-05 Publication date: February 29th 202


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    Tujuan Penelitian Pelayanan yang bermutu ditandai dengan hasil kerja dan prestasi (kinerja) yang positif. Penilaian prestasi kerja PNS dilakukan dengan penilaian Sasaran Kerja Pegawai (SKP). Masih rendahnya realisasi pencapaian SKP petugas kesehatan Puskesmas Seberang Padang menyebabkan rendahnya pencapaian program kerja puskesmas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kinerja tenaga kesehatan Puskesmas Seberang Padang tahun 2017. Metode Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, desain cross-sectional study. Populasi seluruh petugas kesehatan yang berstatus PNS dengan jumlah 45 orang. Metode pengambilan sampel secara total sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan uji - chi-square dengan derajat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil Hasil analisis univariat didapatkan 51,1% kinerja baik, 35,6% tingkat pendidikan terakhir tinggi, 57,8% kepemimpinan baik, 75,6% mendapatkan pelatihan kerja, 62,2% budaya kerja baik, dan 55,6% penempatan petugas sesuai. Hasil bivariat diketahui ada hubungan yang bermakna antara kepemimpinan, budaya kerja, dan penempatan kerja dengan kinerja petugas kesehatan, sedangkan tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara tingkat pendidikan terakhir dan pelatihan kerja dengan kinerja petugas kesehatan. Kesimpulan Kinerja petugas kesehatan memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan kepemimpinan, budaya kerja dan penempatan kerja. Petugas kesehatan diharapkan melakukan evaluasi kerja baik secara pribadi maupun secara organisasi dalam peningkatan kinerja di Puskesmas. Daftar Pustaka: 31 (2000-2016) Kata Kunci: Kinerja petugas kesehatan, Puskesmas Seberang Padan

    Evaluating the Effect of Blending Ratios and Fermentation Conditions on Anti-Nutritional Factors and Mineral Contents of Kocho-Fababean Blended Product

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    A study was conducted at Wolaita zone Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples Regional State, Ethiopia with the objective of evaluating the effect of anti-nutritional factors and mineral contents on nutritional quality of kocho-fababean blended product. The experiment consisted of a completely randomized design in factorial arrangements with 25, 15 and 5% fababean blending ratios in kocho and 30 day fermentation conditions. The fermentation conditions included (co-fermentation of fababean and kocho for 30 days, fababean added on the 15th day and fababean added after 30 days kocho fermentation). Fababean at 25% kocho showed a significant effect (p<0.001), that resulted in an increased iron, zinc, phytic acid and condensed tannin content from 5.06, 4.62, 12.06, 2.00 mg/100 g to 7.22, 4.97, 120.05, 8.03 mg/100 g, respectively. Phytic acid content decreased from 120.05 to 67.03 and 67.05 and condensed tannin content also decreased from 8.03 to 3.42 and 3.73 mg/100 g. The  iron, zinc, phytic acid and condensed tannin content of this products (15% fababean per100 g kocho blend subjected to fababean added on the 15th day of kocho fermentation) were  4.48, 4.19, 51.07, 2.04 mg/100 g, respectively. Thus, 15% fababean per 100 g kocho blend subjected to fababean added on the 15th day of kocho fermentation produce acceptable kocho-fababean blended product. Keywords: - Kocho, Fababean, Blending ratios, Fermentation conditions, anti-nutritional factors and mineral contents

    Gambaran Pengetahuan Ibu Menyusui tentang Cracked Nipple di RSUD Syekh Yusuf Gowa Tahun 2013

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkkan bahwa dari 155 responden dalam penelitian yang mengetahui pengertian cracked nipple sebanyak 127 responden (82%) yang tahu dan 28 responden (18%) yang tidak tahu. Berdasarkan penyebab cracked nipple yang diteliti didapatkan 86 responden (55,5%) yang tahu dan 69 responden (44,5%) yang tidak tahu tentang penyebab cracked nipple. Pencegahan Crecked nipple yang diteliti didapatkan 108 responden (69,7%) yang tahu dan 47 responden (30,3%) yang tidak tahu. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian tersebut bahwa mayoritas ibu yang tahu tentang pengertian Cracked nipple sebanyak 127 responden (82%) dan ibu yang tahu tentang penyabab cracked nipple sebanyak 86 responden (55,5%), dan ibu yang tahu tentang pencegahan cracked nipple sebanyak 108 responden (69,7%)


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    Penemuan kasus merupakan komponen penting dalam program pengendalian tuberkulosis. Dengan penemuan kasus maka identifikasi sumber penularan, pengobatan serta memutus rantai infeksi. Pada tahun 2016, CDR dibawah target nasional sedangkan CNR masih dibawah capaian Jawa Tengah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran karakteristik dan praktik petugas kesehatan dalam penemuan kasus tuberkulosis paru di Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Seluruh populasi merupakan sampel penelitian. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 35 petugas terdiri dari 12 petugas P2TB, 12 petugas laboratorium, 11 dokter BP. Petugas P2TB (91,7%), petugas laboratorium (16,7%) dan dokter BP (100,0%) mempunyai riwayat pelatihan kurang dari 2 kali pelatihan. Persepsi beban kerja petugas P2TB (41,7%), petugas laboratorium (50,0%) dan dokter BP (63,6%) dalam kategori berat. Persepsi insentif petugas P2TB (66,7%), petugas laboratorium (41,7%) dan dokter BP (54,5%) dalam kategori cukup. Sebagian besar petugas P2TB (66,7%), petugas laboratorium (50,0%) dan dokter BP (72,7%) mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan baik. Praktik penemuan kasus yaitu penjaringan suspek (41,7%), pelacakan kontak (33,3%) dan penyuluhan (25,0%), pemeriksaan dahak (25,0%) dalam kategori kurang baik. Proporsi penjaringan suspek kurang baik paling banyak pada petugas P2TB dengan pengetahuan baik (50,0%) dan beban cukup (42,9%). 75,0% fasilitas laboratorium dan pencatatan pelaporan dalam kategori baik. Dalam pelacakan kontak perlu dilakukan koordinasi dengan penderita sehingga saat pelacakan semua anggota keluarga dapat diperiksa. Saran bagi Dinas Kesehatan dan Puskesmas yaitu mempererat kerjasama dengan rumah sakit swasta sebagai usaha kegiatan penjaringan suspek dan melakukan pelatihan Kata Kunci: Penemuan kasus, tuberkulosis, petugas kesehatan, Sukoharj

    Assessment of Leadership Practices of Principals of Turnaround Elementary Schools in Minnesota

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    Abstract The quantitative study examined the perception of principals in Minnesota elementary Reward Schools (also known as turnaround schools) regarding their leadership practices with reference to transformational leadership. Data for the study were collected from principals’ responses to the Leadership Practice Inventory (LPI-Self) developed by Kouzes and Posner. The study acknowledged that transformational leadership has great potential to effect meaningful change in turning around schools; the principals in the study reported the highest frequency of engagement in the leadership practices of Enable others to Act, Encourage the Heart, Model the Way, and Challenge the Process. The fifth and last practice, inspire a Shared Vision, was not selected as a practice in which principals’ frequently engaged. In addition, the study’s research found that principals ranked maintain focus on student learning and related goals; developing a feeling of mutual accountability among staff, and providing clear expectations as the top three essential leadership skills among eight developed by Herman et.al (2008) to use to further student achievement. The study provided insight into the types of leadership practices and skills that could positively impact student achievement in low performing elementary schools in Minnesota
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