5 research outputs found

    Pendekatan Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Secara Komprehensif

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    In the context of national education, Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in school has a strong position because it has a formal juridical basis. In addition, Islamic Religious Education (PAI) has a very strategic position to form a good quality of learners on the development aspects of intellectual, emotional, and moral. However, between expectation and reality on the implementation of Islamic Religious Education in schools is still a sharp gap. The implementation of Islamic Religious Education in schools still has several drawbacks. Therefore, various efforts and attempts to solve the problems mentioned above are needed

    Participants' assessment towards Human Development Adult Education Program in Malaysia

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    Adult education has been sidelined by mainstream educational researchers in Malaysia. The purpose of this article was to survey the effect of Society Development Department (KEMAS) adult education from the participants’ perspectives. The focus was on the participants’ achievements in cognitive, affective, and skill in the KEMAS programs especially in Human Development. Human intellectual is an important resource to develop a country. Thus, this study was used to focus on human development through continuous learning to fulfill the objectives. Based on Hammond theory (1973) that emphasized on the importance of participants’ input in program evaluation. The total participants in this study comprised 1,563 adults who participated in the Civic Development Program in four states in Malaysia - Pahang (502 adults), Perak (512 adults), Negeri Sembilan (302 adults) and Johor (247 adults). The survey showed that the participants have higher achievement in skill in the Human Development Program. Human Development Program can also emphasize on universality issues which include the relationship between knowledge and social. Besides that, society accountability should take into account. It is suggested that a comprehensive assessment should be focus more on andragogy


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    Artikel ini membahas kontribusi Moral dan program Militer Etis Pendidikan (MMEE) di Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia (MAF). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menilai pengaruh atau kontribusi program MMEE untuk etika (MME) prestasi moral dan militer di antara para peserta dalam tiga domain kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik. Sebanyak 469 peserta mengambil pencapaian tes MET dan data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh program MMEE telah berkontribusi sedikit untuk pencapaian MET peserta = 1,4%. Dalam hal hasil oleh domain masing-masing, kontribusi program MMEE melalui jadwal elemen untuk prestasi kognitif = 1,4%, kontribusi program MMEE melalui elemen silabus untuk prestasi afektif = 3,6% dan kontribusi dari program MMEE melalui elemen pengajaran dan pembelajaran prestasi psikomotor = 0,5%

    Tahap Perkembangan Kognitif Peserta Program Pendidikan Moral Dan Etika Tentara Dalam Angkatan Tentara Malaysia

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    This article discusses about cognitive development among military personnel in the Moral and Military Ethical Education programs (MMEE) in the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF). This study was conducted to evaluate the influence of the elements used in the MMEE's program to cognitive performance among the participants. A total of 469participants took a moral and military ethical (MME) achievement test and the data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The findings show that, out of the five key elements of MMEE's program, elements of the table shows that there is a significant contribution to cognitive achievement by the contribution of = 1.4 % . The remaining elements of the syllabus, facilities, location and teaching and learning process of each show there is no significant contribution to cognitive achievement among theparticipants