156 research outputs found

    Multimedia design principle in developing multimedia learning application (MMLA) to increase children awareness of child sexual abuse

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    This paper is focusing on multimedia design principles as a design strategy in designing and developing a multimedia learning application with purpose to increase children’s awareness of potential sexual abuse situations.Currently, children’s knowledge and awareness about danger and self-protection is still lacking and they are not totally aware of prohibited adult’s touches over their body.In such situation, they need to be educated and made aware of.In such situation, with the advantages of current multimedia technologies, learning can be supported by effective multimedia application.Accordingly, this study develops a learning application by adapting an instructional design model for design and development by Alessi and Trollip.Then, alpha and beta testing has been conducted with the help of an expert.It was found that the advantages of multimedia technology can facilitate children in better understanding of child sexual abuse and improve their awareness of the issues

    Mathematics self-efficacy and meta-cognition among university students

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the mathematics self-efficacy and meta-cognition among university students. Two hundred and three respondents from a university in Malaysia were chosen through random sampling. Descriptive research design was used in this study. The Mathematics self-efficacy and meta-cognition Inventory was used to measure mathematics self-efficacy and mathematics meta-cognition. The data was analyzed using the descriptive statistic to measure mean and standard deviation of mathematics self-efficacy and mathematics meta-cognition. The findings indicates that most of the respondents have a moderate level in mathematics self-efficacy and also in mathematics meta-cognition. Further analysis shows that there is a positive relationship between mathematics performance and mathematics self-efficacy [r(203) = 0.311; p < 0.05] and also mathematics meta-cognition [r(203) = 0.216; p < 0.05]. The findings obtained from the study can guide mathematics educators on the importance of mathematics self-efficacy and meta-cognition of university students. This is where serious attention should be given in mathematics education to ensure the production of good students in mathematics. Overall, the findings of the research gave useful implication in the mathematics profession, especially in the field of mathematics education

    Pengaruh dorongan sosial terhadap efikasi swadiri komputer dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah

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    Kajian ini membincangkan pengaruh dorongan sosial terhadap efikasi swadiri komputer dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah harian di negeri Kelantan. Seramai 413 orang pelajar tingkatan 4 yang mengambil mata pelajaran Information Communication Technology and Literacy (ICTL) telah dipilih secara rawak. Secara keseluruhan, nilai min bagi dorongan sosial terhadap penggunaan komputer adalah 3.90 (SP = 0.36) manakala nilai min efikasi swadiri komputer adalah 3.93 (SP = 0.34). Analisis korelasi Pearson telah mengenal pasti terdapat hubungan signifikan antara dorongan keluarga (r = .28), dorongan guru dan sekolah (r = .25) dan dorongan rakan sebaya (r = .26) dengan efikasi swadiri komputer. Analisis regresi linear menunjukkan bahawa ketiga-tiga dorongan ini mempengaruhi efikasi swadiri komputer pelajar di mana dorongan keluarga merupakan faktor paling mempengaruhi di ikuti dorongan rakan dan dorongan guru dan sekolah. Kajian telah membuktikan bahawa faktor dorongan sosial amat penting bagi menjana efikasi swadiri komputer pelajar yang baik

    Influence of Psychosocial Factors on Student's Academic Performance in One of Nigerian Colleges of Education

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    This paper examined the influence of psychosocial factors on student’s academic performance. Self- administered questionnaire was applied as the method of data collection and a sample of 339 students’ from five faculties/schools in Potiskum College were chosen based on stratified and simple random sampling techniques to complete the survey. After analyzing the data collected, Person’s correlation coefficient reflected that, there was a positive and significant correlation between the all four variables: students’ attitudes towards lecturers, academic self-efficacy, students’-lecturers’ interaction and academic performance. Moreover, multiple regression analysis by using stepwise method was conducted to estimate the prediction power of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The finding indicated that only attitude and interaction could significantly predict students’ academic performance by R2=65.6%. Meaning academic self-efficacy failed to predict academic performance in present study. To conclude in this study, attitude and interaction are important factors in influencing students’ academic performance positively in Potiskum College of education, Nigeria

    Virtual Reality Courseware towards Achievement of Transfer Learning among Students with Different Spatial Ability

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    This paper aims to examine the effectiveness of the signaling principle in virtual reality courseware pertaining to the topic of Islamic Funeral Management in the Islamic Education subject to ensure the accomplishment of transfer learning among students with different spatial abilities. The study comprises of two phases namely the courseware development phase and treatment phase. The courseware development employs the Instructional Design Model by Alessi and Trollip. Besides that, the courseware is integrated with components of CLE, principles in Theory of CATLM and signaling principle in multimedia learning. The sample consisted of 130 Form Two students who were selected randomly from four Malaysian secondary schools. They were divided into two experimental groups with 63 students in Group 1 and 67 students in Group 2. The experimental Group 1 used VR courseware without the signaling principle (VRTI) while experimental Group 2 used the VR courseware with the signaling principle (VRDI). The experiment lasted for three weeks. ANOVA was utilised to analyze the data from this research. The findings showed significant differences between students who used VRDI in the transfer of learning compared to students who used VRTI

    Investigating the knowledge creation processes in a Learning Management System (LMS)

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    SECI model is commonly used in explaining the process of interaction and transaction of tacit and explicit knowledge between the experts and novices.The model involves Socialization, Externalization, Combination, and Internalization process derived from organizational practice. As its applicability in the educational context is inconclusive, an investigation was conducted to see if the model could explain the knowledge creation processes for the expository (high hierarchical structure) teaching method in a set of online courses.This paper reports the findings based on a survey conducted on a sample comprised of 371 students enrolled in LMS-supported courses at a university in Malaysia.The instrument has been developed based on the SECI model to measure the interaction and transaction processes for content-based and content-free skills.The data was collected in stages over a semester and analyzed using the latent variable method in Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).The latent variable method requires the extraction of the factors investigated through a measurement model followed by the construction of the structural model employing the extracted factors.For content-free skills, the measurement model reported a good fit for the data, with all factors having significant direct effects hence follows the complete SECI model.However, the structural model analysis for content-based skills reported an acceptable fit for the data with one insignificant hypothesized direct effect, thus produced an incomplete SECI model.The overall findings demonstrates that SECI model is applicable to educational settings and worked well in situations or contexts where students were already proficient

    The influence of self-reflection towards counselor trainee self-development

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    The study on the self-reflection among counselor training has not been conducted comprehensively in Malaysia. Even though self-reflection is very important in counselor development, it is a unique process whereby counselors can reflect on intrapersonal, interpersonal and clinical issues that influences their work. This process will be able to assist counselors in understanding how and when their personal attitudes, feelings and personal values influence the counseling process, besides acting as a guidance in their work. This study examined the development of counselor trainee influenced by self-reflection. A sample of 100 counselor trainee from four university who are undergoing internship training participated in the study. Using quantitative methodology, measures include self-reflection (self-awareness and management strategies) and self-development. The study found that self-development correlated negatively with self-awareness (r = -.249, p =. 012 ), but positively with management strategies (r =. 632, p =. 000)

    Factors influencing students' use a Learning Management System portal: perspective from higher education students

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    There has been high increasing in using web portal as way to connect with students. Institutions of higher education have started developing web portal for students’ use. Almost every university had its own LMS for their students use. In this study an online mathematics portal named as Portal of Learning Calculus (POLCA) is designed to provide a centralized point for students to access information during teaching and learning Calculus at the university. This study aimed to identify the factors that influencing students using POLCA in teaching and learning of Calculus at the University. We examined five factors viz-a-viz the students’ technology competencies, the role of lecturers, access to POLCA and attitude towards the usage of POLCA. Findings showed that the highest mean refers to students’ technology competencies (M = 3.27) followed by the design of POLCA (M=2.61), attitudes toward the usage of POLCA (M = 2.51), the role of lecturers (M = 2.44) and access to the portal (M =2.36). Research findings also showed that there was a strong relationship between the design of POLCA [r (214) = 0.547; p <.01], lecturers role [r(214)= 0.468; p <.01] and access to POLCA [r(214) = 0.327; p<.01] with the attitudes toward using POLCA. However there is no relationship between students’ technology competencies with attitudes toward using the learning portal. Findings from regression analysis show that 35.5%

    Hubungan antara sikap terhadap komputer dengan efikasi swadiri komputer dalam kalangan murid Melayu di Kelantan

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    Perkembangan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (TMK) memerlukan murid sekolah untuk mempersiapkan diri mereka dengan kemahiran menggunakan pelbagai teknologi seperti Internet dan komputer. Dua aspek penting yang perlu dimiliki oleh murid adalah efikasi swadiri komputer dan sikap terhadap komputer. Kertas ini akan membincangkan hubungan antara efikasi swadiri komputer dengan sikap terhadap komputer dalam kalangan 413 orang murid Melayu di negeri Kelantan. Murid yang terlibat dalam kajian ini terdiri daripada mereka yang mengambil mata pelajaran Information and Comunication Technology Literacy (ICTL) di peringkat sekolah menengah. Pemilihan responden telah dijalankan secara rawak. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah Computer Self Efficacy oleh Murphy, Coover dan Owen (1989) dan Computer Attitude Scale oleh Jones dan Clark (1994). Secara keseluruhan, purata skor bagi efikasi swadiri komputer adalah baik (Min = 3.93; SP = 0.34) dan murid menunjukkan sikap yang positif terhadap komputer (Min = 3.78; SP = 0.32). Hasil kajian ini juga mendapati terdapat hubungan signifikan antara sikap terhadap komputer dengan efikasi swadiri komputer murid samada secara keseluruhan mahupun jika ditinjau melalui setiap dimensi sikap murid