700 research outputs found

    Republican Feminists And Feminist Republicans: The Search For The Sensible Center In Michigan-1968 To 1984

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    ABSTRACT REPUBLICAN FEMINISTS AND FEMINIST REPUBLICANS: THE SEARCH FOR THE SENSIBLE CENTER IN MICHIGAN-1968 TO 1984 by ANN MARIE WAMBEKE December 2016 Advisor: Dr. Liette Patricia Gidlow Major: History Degree: Doctor of Philosophy This dissertation explores feminism in the Michigan Republican Party from the late 1960s until the early 1980s through the activism of seven women. These women, Republicans before they were feminists, believed in the efficacy of party politics to bring about change. Therefore, it was only natural that once they became feminists they turned to the political system to effectuate gender equality. They sought to bring feminism into the Republican Party and Republican Party politics into the feminist movement. The best way to do this, they assumed, was to operate from the sensible center of the women’s movement. From this middle ground, they rejected radical feminism and disparaged the apathy of women who were satisfied with the status quo. As the conservative movement became increasingly anti-feminist and the Republican Party became increasingly conservative, however, Michigan’s Republican feminists were forced to align with moderates to maintain their presence in the party. In doing so, they became an integral part of the struggle between moderates and conservatives for control of the party. As conservatives gained greater control over the party in the latter part of the 1970s, Michigan’s Republican feminists found that it was becoming difficult for them to reconcile their partisanship and their feminism. Conservatives were squeezing them out of the party and feminist political organizations were reluctant to embrace members of a political party that challenged their raison d’etre. When conservative leaders won the Republican Party’s nominations for the presidency in 1980 and the governorship of Michigan in 1982, Michigan’s Republican feminists had to individually determine how to reconcile and prioritize two of their core identities. Many of them voted for candidates from other parties, left the party or retired from politics. A few of them, however, remained active in the Republican Party, hoping to promote moderation from within. Republican feminists lost when conservatives gained control of the party, but their activism yielded some benefit. Thirty-five years later, some of their goals have been embraced as mainstream by members of the Republican Party

    A cross-layer approach to enhance QoS for multimedia applications over satellite

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    The need for on-demand QoS support for communications over satellite is of primary importance for distributed multimedia applications. This is particularly true for the return link which is often a bottleneck due to the large set of end-users accessing a very limited uplink resource. Facing this need, Demand Assignment Multiple Access (DAMA) is a classical technique that allows satellite operators to offer various types of services, while managing the resources of the satellite system efficiently. Tackling the quality degradation and delay accumulation issues that can result from the use of these techniques, this paper proposes an instantiation of the Application Layer Framing (ALF) approach, using a cross-layer interpreter(xQoS-Interpreter). The information provided by this interpreter is used to manage the resource provided to a terminal by the satellite system in order to improve the quality of multimedia presentations from the end users point of view. Several experiments are carried out for different loads on the return link. Their impact on QoS is measured through different application as well as network level metrics

    On the Impact of Link Layer Retransmissions on TCP for Aeronautical Communications

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    In this article, we evaluate the impact of link layer retransmissions on the performance of TCP in the context of aeronautical communications.We present the architecture of aeronautical networks, which is manly driven by an important channel access delay, and the various retransmission strategies that can be implemented at both link and transport layers. We consider a worst case scenario to illustrate the benefits provided by the ARQ scheme at the link layer in terms of transmission delay.We evaluate the trade-off between allowing a fast data transmission and a low usage of satellite capacity by adjusting link layer parameters

    Heterotrophic bacterial growth and substrate utilization in the oligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean (Aegean Sea)

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    Heterotrophic bacterial growth and substrate utilization were studied in March and September of 1997 in the oligotrophic Aegean Sea. Maximum velocities of ectoproteolytic activity (ectoaminopeptidase ctivity, EAP), as well as amino acid assimilation and respiration rates (AA-A, AA-R) were measured along with bacterial production (protein synthesis). At the northern stations which are influenced by the input of the Black Sea waters, rates at 5 m depth of EAP, AA-A and bacterial production were 2 to 3 times higher than at southern stations. Influenced by the Black Sea water, mean bacterial numbers in the 0-100 m layer showed typical oceanic concentrations averaging 0.7 x 10 6 cells ml -1 . These values, along with low bacterial production rates (30 ng C l -1 h -1 ) implied slow growth for bacteria and/or that a large number among them were inactive. Neither bacterial abundance nor production were correlated with primary production. The percentage of amino acids respired was higher in September compared to March, particularly in the northern Aegean (mean 69 %). The enzyme kinetic analysis showed a biphasic model, the transition between the high and low affinity enzymes being obtained at 50 ΜM. Ectoaminopeptidase activity was weakly correlated with bacterial production (p < 0.05), but strongly correlated with respiration rates of amino acids (p < 0.001), suggesting that the substrate used was devoted to maintain energy requirements

    Caractérisation et évaluation de l'impact des maladies infectieuses sur les différentes activités liées à l'élevage bovin dans les villages bordant le parc national de Kafue, dans le district d'Itezhi-Tezhi, en Zambie

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    Une enquĂȘte Ă©pidĂ©miologique d’une durĂ©e de 6 mois a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e dans les villages bordant le parc national de Kafue (KNP), dans le district d’Itezhi-Tezhi, en province centrale de Zambie. Au cours de cette Ă©tude, 52 entretiens ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s, sur l’ensemble des 19 villages principaux de la chefferie Musungwa, dont 7 entretiens individuels et 45 focus groupes. Au total, 229 Ă©leveurs ont participĂ© Ă  l’enquĂȘte. Les entretiens Ă©taient animĂ©s par des questions semi-ouvertes et plusieurs outils de l’épidĂ©miologie participative comme des empilements proportionnels, des matrices d’impact ou des calendriers saisonniers. Ces outils ont permis d’identifier, de caractĂ©riser et de hiĂ©rarchiser les principales maladies affectant le bĂ©tail. Ils ont aussi permis de comprendre la place occupĂ©e par l’élevage bovin et ses diffĂ©rents rĂŽles. L’étude montre que les bovins occupent une place centrale dans les communautĂ©s d’Ilas et de Tongas occupant les villages de la chefferie, notamment parce qu’ils confĂšrent une sĂ©curitĂ© financiĂšre et permettent de cultiver les champs. Les maladies infectieuses, en causant une mortalitĂ© Ă©levĂ©e dans les troupeaux ou en empĂȘchant le travail de la terre ou la vente, affectent Ă©conomiquement les villageois. Le manque d’appui technico-sanitaire a pour consĂ©quence une mauvaise gestion des crises sanitaires. Les pathologies les plus importantes pour les Ă©leveurs sont les maladies transmises par les tiques - incluant la maladie du Corridor et la cowdriose - la dermatose nodulaire contagieuse, la trypanosomiase, les boiteries, la fiĂšvre aphteuse ainsi que des troubles digestifs et respiratoires. L’influence de la faune sauvage pourrait expliquer que certaines maladies comme la theileriose et la cowdriose affectent de maniĂšre prĂ©fĂ©rentielle les villages proches du parc. Un renforcement des services vĂ©tĂ©rinaires pourrait permettre aux Ă©leveurs de gĂ©rer les crises sanitaires affectant ces communautĂ©s

    M-Workplace Learning @ ITC-ILO

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