674 research outputs found

    Repetitive Motor Movement, Social Responsiveness, and Global Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    This study assessed whether specific repetitive motor movements (involving body), are associated with social abilities and global development. Additionally, we evaluated whether our observational measures of specific repetitive behaviors corresponded to standard diagnostic measures. Sixty-nine children, aged 32 to 82 months, with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder or autism were enrolled

    The Effect of Development time, Temperature, and Sulfite Content on the Acutance of a Photographic Emulsion

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    Acutance of Plus-X film was examined as a function of development time, temperature, and sulfite content. Five levels of each factor were used with equal increments respectively. Method of printing knife-edge targets and noting the extent of edge-effects was also sought for. Acutance was found to increase with increasing development time and temperature but decreased when the sulfite content of the developer exceeded the recommended amount

    Erfaren skolpersonal = god krisberedskap? : En kvalitativ studie om erfaren skolpersonals uppfattningar av sin krisberedskap

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    Under en vanlig skoldag kan det ske en akut kris nästan när som helst. En akut kris kan vara t.ex. dödsfall, trafikolycka, brand eller att någon skadar sig allvarligt ute på rasten. På grund av att en akut kris är en händelse som sker plötsligt och att de eller hen som är inblandade lider av det som hänt behöver skolans personal ha en god krisberedskap. Genom att skolans personal har en god krisberedskap kan de hjälpa eleverna när en akut kris sker och ge det nödvändiga stödet åt eleverna före utomstående hjälp kommer till skolan. (Utbildningsstyrelsen, u.å-b). Syftet med min avhandling är att undersöka erfaren skolpersonals uppfattningar av sin krisberedskap i skolan. Utgående från syftet har följande forskningsfrågor formats: 1. Hur uppfattar erfaren skolpersonal sin kunskap om skolans krisplan? 2. Hur uppfattar erfaren skolpersonal sin beredskap att hantera en akut kris i skolan? 3. Hur involverad anser sig erfaren skolpersonal vara i arbete med skolans krisplan? Avhandlingens forskningsmetod är kvalitativ med en fenomenografisk ansats. Datainsamlingsmetoden som användes var semi-strukturerad intervju, och i dem deltog sex informanter från Nyland. Informanterna hade arbetat vid samma skola minst fem år och de kunde vara vem som helst från skolpersonalen förutom rektorn. Den erfarna skolpersonalen i undersökningen har för det mesta en väldigt god krisberedskap. De lyfter upp hur deras krisberedskap har blivit bättre genom åren och genom att de själva har varit med om akuta kriser i deras skola. Skolans system inom krisarbete påverkar hur personalen är medvetna om skolans krisplan och krisarbete vid olika akuta kriser. Slutsatsen till undersökningen är att erfaren skolpersonals krisberedskap påverkas av vad de är med om i sin karriär. Har skolan en god krisgrupp och är aktiva inom förebyggande krisarbete främjar det all personals krisberedskap för kommande akuta kriser

    Are preschoolers expected to learn difficult science constructs? A content analysis of U.S. standards

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    In the current paper, we report on the recommendations for preschool science put forward in the educational standards of U.S. states. Our focus was specifically on whether educational standards recommend abstract science constructs—constructs that are difficult to learn. In Study 1, we focused on science constructs related to inquiry (i.e., activities geared towards the generation of scientific knowledge). And in Study 2, we focused on science constructs related to facts (i.e., established scientific knowledge). In each study, we developed a coding scheme to distinguish between concrete and abstract constructs and then determined the relative prevalence of each. Our findings show that preschoolers are indeed expected to learn abstract science constructs. At the same time, educational standards varied considerably across U.S. states. Implications for the field of early science learning are discussed

    Planejamento de software para contribuir com a coleta de dados de rebanhos ovinos e facilitar a pesquisa/compra de reprodutores no país

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    Foi realizada uma pesquisa com produtores de ovinos objetivando entender como funciona o comércio de reprodutores dentro do Brasil, analisar a viabilidade de vendas/compras via internet e planejar um software que possa facilitar essa ação e o preenchimento correto da escrituração zootécnica do rebanho. Desta forma os compradores poderão pesquisar por animais específicos para seu sistema produtivo com base nos critérios de seleção. O uso do software facilitará a combinação entre quem vende e quem compra com base no preenchimento correto da escrituração zootécnica dos rebanhos. Durante o mês de junho de 2021 foi desenvolvida a pesquisa com os produtores de ovinos do Brasil, feita pelo Google Forms e enviada em grupos de plataformas digitais. O resultado obtido na pesquisa foi de que existe demanda de um software para o direcionamento da venda de reprodutores, pois a maioria dos produtores aceitaram a venda de animais pela internet e o uso do mesmo para facilitar a coleta de dados do rebanho. Com isso, espera-se que o software auxilie os produtores, desde o momento inicial da criação. O software pretende auxiliar na organização de dados e permitirá a correta anotação de informações dos rebanhos, evitando maiores problemas e facilitando a venda/compra de reprodutores.A survey was carried out with sheep producers in order to understand how the breeding trade works within Brazil, analyze the feasibility of sales/purchases via the internet and plan a software that can facilitate this action and the correct completion of the herd's zootechnical bookkeeping. In this way, buyers will be able to search for specific animals for their production system based on the selection criteria. The use of the software will facilitate the combination between those who sell and those who buy, based on the correct heard data. During June 2021, a survey was carried out with sheep producers in Brazil, conducted through Google Forms and posted in digital platforms. The results of the survey show that there is a demand for a software to direct the breeder sales, once most producers accepted to sale animals over the internet, and they also agreed that it would be good to have a software to facilitate the herd data collection. Therefore, it is expected that the software will help producers, since the beginning, to collect the data. It will help them to inform correctly the herd data, avoiding major problems and facilitating the sale/purchase of reproducers

    Beliefs as Self-Sustaining Networks: Drawing Parallels Between Networks of Ecosystems and Adults’ Predictions

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    In this paper, we argue that beliefs share common properties with the self-sustaining networks of complex systems. Matching experiences are said to couple with each other into a mutually reinforcing network. The goal of the current paper is to spell out and develop these ideas, using our understanding of ecosystems as a guide. In Part 1 of the paper, we provide theoretical considerations relevant to this new conceptualization of beliefs, including the theoretical overlap between energy and meaning. In Part 2, we discuss the implications of this new conceptualization on our understanding of belief emergence and belief change. Finally, in Part 3, we provide an analytical mapping between beliefs and the self-sustaining networks of ecosystems, namely by applying to behavioral data a measure developed for ecosystem networks. Specifically, average accuracies were subjected to analyses of uncertainty (H) and average mutual information (AMI). The ratio between these two values yields degree of order, a measure of how organized the self-sustained network is. Degree of order was tracked over time and compared to the amount of explained variance returned by a categorical nonlinear principal components analysis (CATPCA). Finding high correspondence between the two measures of order, together with the theoretical groundwork discussed in Parts 1 and 2, lends preliminary validity to our theory that beliefs have important similarities to the structural characteristics of self-sustaining networks

    The interplay of α-amylase and amyloglucosidase activities on the digestion of starch in in vitro enzymic systems

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    In vitro hydrolysis assays are a key tool in understanding differences in rate and extent of digestion of starchy foods. They offer a greater degree of simplicity and flexibility than dynamic in vitro models orin vivo experiments for quantifiable, mechanistic exploration of starch digestion. In the present work the influence of α-amylase and amyloglucosidase activities on the digestion of maize and potato starchgranules was measured using both glucose and reducing sugar assays. Data were analysed through initialrates of digestion, and by 1st order kinetics, utilising logarithm of slope (LOS) plots. The rate and extent of starch digestion was dependent on the activities of both enzymes and the type of starch used. Potatorequired more enzyme than maize to achieve logarithmic reaction curves, and complete digestion. The results allow targeted design of starch digestion experiments through a thorough understanding of the contributions of α-amylase and amyloglucosidase to digestion rates

    Who is my neighbour? Understanding indifference as a vice

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    Indifference is often described as a vice. Yet who is indifferent; to what; and in what way is poorly understood, and frequently subject to controversy and confusion. This paper proposes a framework for the interpretation and analysis of ethically problematic forms of indifference in terms of how different states of indifference can be either more or less dynamic, or more or less sensitive to the nature and state of their object