5,375 research outputs found

    Automated background subtraction technique for electron energy-loss spectroscopy and application to semiconductor heterostructures

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    Electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) has become a stan-dard tool for identification and sometimes also quantificationof elements in materials science. This is important for un-derstanding the chemical and/or structural composition ofprocessed materials. In EELS, the background is often mod-elled using an inverse power-law function. Core-loss ioniza-tion edges are superimposed on top of the dominating back-ground, making it difficult to quantify their intensities. Theinverse power-law has to be modelled for each pre-edge regionof the ionization edges in the spectrum individually ratherthan for the entire spectrum. To achieve this, the prerequisiteis that one knows all core losses possibly present. The aim ofthis study is to automatically detect core-loss edges, model thebackground and extract quantitative elemental maps and pro-files of EELS, based on several EELS spectrum images (EELS SI)without any prior knowledge of the material. The algorithmprovides elemental maps and concentration profiles by makingsmart decisions in selecting pre-edge regions and integrationranges. The results of the quantification for a semiconduc-tor thin film heterostructure show high chemical sensitivity,reasonable group III/V intensity ratios but also quantificationissues when narrow integration windows are used withoutdeconvolution

    Strong-driving-assisted multipartite entanglement in cavity QED

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    We propose a method of generating multipartite entanglement by considering the interaction of a system of N two-level atoms in a cavity of high quality factor with a strong classical driving field. It is shown that, with a judicious choice of the cavity detuning and the applied coherent field detuning, vacuum Rabi coupling produces a large number of important multipartite entangled states. It is even possible to produce entangled states involving different cavity modes. Tuning of parameters also permits us to switch from Jaynes-Cummings to anti-Jaynes-Cummings like interaction.Comment: Last version with minor changes and added references. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Heralded generation of entangled photon pairs

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    Entangled photons are a crucial resource for quantum communication and linear optical quantum computation. Unfortunately, the applicability of many photon-based schemes is limited due to the stochastic character of the photon sources. Therefore, a worldwide effort has focused in overcoming the limitation of probabilistic emission by generating two-photon entangled states conditioned on the detection of auxiliary photons. Here we present the first heralded generation of photon states that are maximally entangled in polarization with linear optics and standard photon detection from spontaneous parametric down-conversion. We utilize the down-conversion state corresponding to the generation of three photon pairs, where the coincident detection of four auxiliary photons unambiguously heralds the successful preparation of the entangled state. This controlled generation of entangled photon states is a significant step towards the applicability of a linear optics quantum network, in particular for entanglement swapping, quantum teleportation, quantum cryptography and scalable approaches towards photonics-based quantum computing

    Binaural sound source localisation using a Bayesian-network-based blackboard system and hypothesis-driven feedback

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    An essential aspect of Auditory Scene Analysis is the localisation of sound sources in relation to the position of the listener in the surrounding environment. The human auditory system is capable of precisely locating and separating different sound sources, even in noisy and reverberant environments, whereas mimicking this ability by computational means is still a challenging task. In this work, we investigate a Bayesian-network-based approach in the context of binaural sound source localisation. We extend existing solutions towards a Bayesian network based blackboard system that includes expert knowledge inspired by insights into the human auditory system. In order to improve estimation of source positions and reduce uncertainty caused by front-back ambiguities, hypothesis-driven feedback is used. This is accomplished by triggering head movements based on inference results provided by the Bayesian network. We evaluate the performance of our approach in comparison to existing solutions in a sound-source localisation task within a virtual acoustic environment

    Combining photonic crystal and optical Monte Carlo simulations: implementation, validation and application in a positron emission tomography detector

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    This paper presents a novel approach towards incorporating photonic crystals (PhCs) into optical Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. This approach affords modeling the full diffractive nature of PhCs including their reflection and transmission behavior as well as the manipulation of the photon trajectories through light scattering. The main purpose of this tool is to study the impact of PhCs on the light yield and timing performance of scintillator-based detectors for positron emission tomography (PET). To this end, the PhCs are translated into look-up tables and implemented into the optical MC algorithm. Our simulations are validated in optical experiments using PhC samples fabricated with electron beam lithography. The experimental results indicate that the simulations match the measurements within the accuracy of the experiments. The application of the combined simulation technique to a PET detector module predicts an increase of the total light yield by up to 23% for PhC coatings versus the reference without PhCs. Timing calculations reveal an improvement of the coincident resolving time by up to 6%. The results underline the potential of PhCs to improve light yield and timing of PET detector modules

    Genuine Counterfactual Communication with a Nanophotonic Processor

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    In standard communication information is carried by particles or waves. Counterintuitively, in counterfactual communication particles and information can travel in opposite directions. The quantum Zeno effect allows Bob to transmit a message to Alice by encoding information in particles he never interacts with. The first suggested protocol not only required thousands of ideal optical components, but also resulted in a so-called "weak trace" of the particles having travelled from Bob to Alice, calling the scalability and counterfactuality of previous proposals and experiments into question. Here we overcome these challenges, implementing a new protocol in a programmable nanophotonic processor, based on reconfigurable silicon-on-insulator waveguides that operate at telecom wavelengths. This, together with our telecom single-photon source and highly-efficient superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors, provides a versatile and stable platform for a high-fidelity implementation of genuinely trace-free counterfactual communication, allowing us to actively tune the number of steps in the Zeno measurement, and achieve a bit error probability below 1%, with neither post-selection nor a weak trace. Our demonstration shows how our programmable nanophotonic processor could be applied to more complex counterfactual tasks and quantum information protocols.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Measure of phonon-number moments and motional quadratures through infinitesimal-time probing of trapped ions

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    A method for gaining information about the phonon-number moments and the generalized nonlinear and linear quadratures in the motion of trapped ions (in particular, position and momentum) is proposed, valid inside and outside the Lamb-Dicke regime. It is based on the measurement of first time derivatives of electronic populations, evaluated at the motion-probe interaction time t=0. In contrast to other state-reconstruction proposals, based on measuring Rabi oscillations or dispersive interactions, the present scheme can be performed resonantly at infinitesimal short motion-probe interaction times, remaining thus insensitive to decoherence processes.Comment: 10 pages. Accepted in JPhys

    Cryo-Preparation and Planar Magnetron Sputtering for Low Temperature Scanning Electron Microscopy

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    Cryo-preparation is a reliable technique for the structural investigation of food products in low temperature scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Artifacts, such as, the segregation of water/non-water ingredients, occur during the freezing process by the crystallization of ice; they can be helpful for correct interpretation of visualized details, e.g., the detection of water containing compartments. The size of the segregation structures depends on water concentration and specimen thickness. The condensation of water vapor (ice contamination) is influenced by the specimen temperature and the partial pressure of the water inside the vacuum system. Furthermore, the evaporation (sublimation, etching) of specimen water can be regulated by monitoring the specimen temperature. Sublimation under SEM observation, i.e., in situ etching at low acceleration voltage, allows the progress of etching to be observed continuously, prior to the coating of the specimen inside a dedicated cryo-preparation system attached to the SEM. Coating of specimens provides superior structural resolution compared with the observation of uncoated samples. A coating layer of platinum ( ~ 1-2 nm thick), deposited on a cold substrate by planar magnetron sputtering, is almost homogenous and has a density close to that of the solid metal. Its use allows bulk biological specimens to be observed in low temperature SEM with a structural resolution up to the visualization of transmembrane proteins

    Cavity losses for the dissipative Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian beyond Rotating Wave Approximation

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    A microscopic derivation of the master equation for the Jaynes-Cummings model with cavity losses is given, taking into account the terms in the dissipator which vary with frequencies of the order of the vacuum Rabi frequency. Our approach allows to single out physical contexts wherein the usual phenomenological dissipator turns out to be fully justified and constitutes an extension of our previous analysis [Scala M. {\em et al.} 2007 Phys. Rev. A {\bf 75}, 013811], where a microscopic derivation was given in the framework of the Rotating Wave Approximation.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur
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