32 research outputs found

    Matkailijarakenteen ja kehitystarpeiden tutkiminen : case Hailuoto

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    Opinnäytetyöni tavoitteena oli selvittää Perämerellä sijaitsevan Hailuodon saaren kävijöiden rakennetta, ajanviettotapoja, mielikuvia, ostokäyttäytymistä ja kehittämisideoita. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli saada kattavaa tietoa Hailuodon kunnalle, mikä auttaa kehittämään paikkaa. Suoritin tutkimuksen kesällä 2017 ja toteutin sen kyselytutkimuksena. Paperinen kyselylomake oli strukturoitu, jossa oli myös muutama avoin kysymys. Lomakkeet olivat jaossa kahdeksassa Hailuodossa sijaitsevassa yrityksessä. Lisäksi keräsin vastauksia myös itse muutamia kertoja paikan päällä. Lopuksi syötin vastaukset tilasto-ohjelmaan ja analysoin ne. Opinnäytetyö koostuu teoriaosuudesta, joka käsittelee kuluttajakäyttäytymistä, ostopäätöksiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä, asiakaskokemusta ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä erilaisia matkailupalveluita. Tämän jälkeen kerroin tutkimuksen toteutuksesta ja mitä kaikkea siihen sisältyi. Opinnäytetyö oli määrällinen eli kvantitatiivinen tutkimus ja kohderyhmänä oli kaikenlaiset Hailuodossa kävijät. Vastaajat on valittu satunnaisotannalla. Tutkimuksen toteutuksen jälkeen kerroin tutkimustulokset. Opinnäytetyön lopussa on pohdintaosio, jossa kävin läpi tutkimusprosessia, omia ajatuksia, opinnäytetyön hyödynnettävyyttä ja jatkotutkimusaiheita. Tutkimustuloksista selvisi, että tyypillinen Hailuodossa kävijä on 51-65 vuotias eläkeläinen tai sosiaali-, terveys- ja liikunta-alan työntekijä. Kävijä on kotoisin Pohjois-Pohjanmaalta ja on viipymässä Hailuodossa yhden päivän. Tyypillisesti kävijä saapuu paikalle puolison tai ystävän kanssa. Kävijä on kuullut Hailuodosta ja sen palveluista ystävältä tai se on ollut jo ennestään tuttu. Hän on vieraillut Hailuodossa aikaisemmin yli 10 kertaa. Kävijä pitää Hailuodon ympäristöä ratkaisevana tekijänä, minkä takia on matkustanut paikkakunnalle. Tyypillinen kävijä käy katsomassa nähtävyyksistä Marjaniemeä ja majakkaa ja retkeilee luonnossa. Hän käyttää rahaa matkallaan 0-40 euroa ravintoloihin ja ostoksiin. Pääasiassa kävijöiden mielikuvat Hailuodosta ennen matkaa olivat olleet positiivisia ja he kuvailivat niitä sanoilla: merellinen, karu, pieni, luonnonläheinen ja syrjäinen. Valtaosa kävijöistä oli positiivisesti yllättyneitä ja kokemukset vastasivat mielikuvia tai olivat parempia. Monella myöskään ei ollut ennestään minkäänlaisia mielikuvia saaresta. Kävijät kaipasivat Hailuotoon leirintäaluetta ja toivoivat siistimpää ja parempaa jätehuoltoa Marjaniemeen. Kävijät haluaisivat pyörätien joka ulottuisi Huikun lauttarannasta saaren toiselle puolelle Marjaniemeen saakka. He myös toivoisivat selkeyttä tieopasteisiin ja selkeän infon saaren aktiviteeteista, reiteistä, majoitusvaihtoehtoista, tapahtumista ja nähtävyyksistä. Kävijät olivat kuitenkin pääasiassa tyytyväisiä Hailuotoon ja sen palveluihin. He pitivät saaren omaleimaisuudesta ja luonnon rauhasta.The goal of my thesis was to find out visitor structure, recreation habits, images, buying behaviors and development needs of an island called Hailuoto, which is situated in the Bothnian Bay. The purpose of the survey was to give inclusive information to the town of Hailuoto, which will help to develop the place. I did the research in summer 2017 and it was a questionnaire survey. The paper questionnaire was structured and included also a couple of open questions. The forms were given to eight companies in Hailuoto. In addition, I also collected answers by myself a couple of times in Hailuoto. In the end, I entered the answers into a statistical program and analyzed them. The thesis consists of a theoretical part, which tells about consumer behavior, buying habits and customer experience and factors affecting them and different tourism services. After this I told about doing the survey and what kind of things were included in that. The thesis was a quantitative survey and the target group was all kinds of visitors of Hailuoto. The survey takers were collected randomly. After this, I reported the results of the survey. In the end of the thesis there is a discussion part, where I wrote about the survey process, my own thoughts, recoverability and further research topics. The results of the survey revealed that a typical visitor of Hailuoto is 51-65 years old retired person or works in the social, health or sports industry. The visitor is from Northern Ostrobothnia and is staying for one day in Hailuoto. Typically, the visitor arrives with a partner or a friend. Visitor has heard about Hailuoto and its services from a friend or s/he already knows something about it. S/he has visited Hailuoto over 10 times. Visitor thinks that the environment is the main reason to go there. A typical visitor goes to see Marjaniemi and the lighthouse and hikes in the nature. S/he spends money between 0-40 euros, usually on restaurants and shopping. Visitors’ images of Hailuoto before the trip were mainly positive and they described the place with words such as: marine, bare, small, natural and distant. The majority of the visitors were positively surprised and the experiences were the same as their images before or even better. Many of them also had not had any kind of images of the island. Visitors hoped to get a camping area on Hailuoto and a cleaner and better waste disposal in Marjaniemi. Visitors wanted a bicycle way, which would reach from Huikku ferry wharf to the other side of the island, Marjaniemi. They also hoped for clearer signposts and good and clear info which would tell about the island’s activities, routes, options of accommodation, events and attractions. However, visitors were mainly happy with Hailuoto and its services. They liked the uniqueness and the peace of nature on the island

    Is sequential cranial ultrasound reliable for detection of white matter injury in very preterm infants?

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    Cranial ultrasound (cUS) may not be reliable for detection of diffuse white matter (WM) injury. Our aim was to assess in very preterm infants the reliability of a classification system for WM injury on sequential cUS throughout the neonatal period, using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as reference standard. In 110 very preterm infants (gestational age < 32 weeks), serial cUS during admission (median 8, range 4-22) and again around term equivalent age (TEA) and a single MRI around TEA were performed. cUS during admission were assessed for presence of WM changes, and contemporaneous cUS and MRI around TEA additionally for abnormality of lateral ventricles. Sequential cUS (from birth up to TEA) and MRI were classified as normal/mildly abnormal, moderately abnormal, or severely abnormal, based on a combination of findings of the WM and lateral ventricles. Predictive values of the cUS classification were calculated. Sequential cUS were classified as normal/mildly abnormal, moderately abnormal, and severely abnormal in, respectively, 22%, 65%, and 13% of infants and MRI in, respectively, 30%, 52%, and 18%. The positive predictive value of the cUS classification for the MRI classification was high for severely abnormal WM (0.79) but lower for normal/mildly abnormal (0.67) and moderately abnormal (0.64) WM. Sequential cUS during the neonatal period detects severely abnormal WM in very preterm infants but is less reliable for mildly and moderately abnormal WM. MRI around TEA seems needed to reliably detect WM injury in very preterm infants.Epidemiology in Pediatrics and Child Healt

    Reinkarnation Und Parapsychologie

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    Die unmittelbare Mitwirkung der Eltern bei der Verbindung von Schule und Leben im ganztaegigen Bildungs- und Erziehungsprozess

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    HUB(11) - 74 HB 1428 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    How to identify, address and report students' unprofessional behaviour in medical school

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    This AMEE guide provides a research overview of the identification of, and responding to unprofessional behaviour in medical students. It is directed towards medical educators in preclinical and clinical undergraduate medical education. It aims to describe, clarify and categorize different types of unprofessional behaviours, highlighting students' unprofessional behaviour profiles and what they mean for further guidance. This facilitates identification, addressing, reporting and remediation of different types of unprofessional behaviour in different types of students in undergraduate medical education. Professionalism, professional behaviour and professional identity formation are three different viewpoints in medical education and research. Teaching and assessing professionalism, promoting professional identity formation, is the positive approach. An inevitable consequence is that teachers sometimes are confronted with unprofessional behaviour. When this happens, a complementary approach is needed. How to effectively respond to unprofessional behaviour deserves our attention, owing to the amount of time, effort and resources spent by teachers in managing unprofessional behaviour of medical students. Clinical and medical educators find it hard to address unprofessional behaviour and turn toward refraining from handling it, thus leading to the 'failure to fail' phenomenon. Finding the ways to describe and categorize observed unprofessional behaviour of students encourages teachers to take the appropriate actions.</p

    Assessing professional behaviour:Overcoming teachers' reluctance to fail students

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    BACKGROUND: Developing professional behaviour is an important goal of medical education in which teachers play a significant part. Many teachers can be reluctant to fail students demonstrating unprofessional behaviour. We hypothesize that supporting teachers in teaching and assessing professional behaviour and involving them in remediation will reduce this reluctance. FINDINGS: In 2010, VUmc School of Medical Sciences Amsterdam introduced an educational theme on professional behaviour for the bachelor's and master's programmes in medicine with a special emphasis on supporting teachers in teaching and assessing professional behaviour and involving them in the remediation process. Information was extracted from the student database on the number of unprofessional behaviour judgments awarded over 2008-2010 (before the intervention), and 2010-2013 (after introducing the intervention), which was compared. To find out if teachers' reluctance to fail had decreased, qualitative feedback from the teachers was gathered and analysed. Since the implementation of the educational theme, the number of unprofessional behaviour judgments has risen. The teachers are positive about the implemented system of teaching and assessing professional behaviour, and feel less reluctant to award an unsatisfactory professional behaviour judgment. CONCLUSIONS: Supporting teachers in teaching and assessing professional behaviour and involving them in students' remediation appears to reduce their reluctance to fail students demonstrating unprofessional behaviour

    In Reply to Bynum

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