24 research outputs found

    Human spaceflight: to infertility and beyond

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    Garrett-Bakelman FE et al, demonstrated a spectrum of molecular and physiological changes attributed to spaceflight in their recently published “NASA Twins Study”.1 During his 340 days in space onboard the International Space Station (ISS), one of a pair of monozygotic twins was not only challenged by noise, isolation, hypoxia, and alterations in the circadian rhythm, but more importantly the exposure to ionizing radiation (IR) and microgravity. Terrestrials are subjected constantly to surface gravity and most if not all physiological processes have adapted accordingly. It is therefore easy to envisage that weightlessness can have consequences for space travellers.

    Changes in the lifestyle and feeding habits that could improve the planet and human health: the reproductive case

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    There is a link between food systems, environment, and human health. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations-FAO, food production from animal and plant origin, using unsustainable agricultural practices with the excessive use of fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides have adverse effects on the environment and could contaminate water sources and even the soil.1 Also, the production of food from animal origin is one of those responsible for the emission of greenhouse gases, fresh water expenditure, and soil loss. Therefore, with the current food consumption and unsustainable human practices, the future of humanity will be uncertain

    Increased exfoliation of immature germ cells detected in semen analysis routine and its clinical significance

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    To the Editor, Currently, semen analysis is the unique test to evaluate men’s fertility potential. Semen analysis provides valuable information on sperm production and quality. In addition to the conventional assessment of the sperm characteristics in a basic semen analysis routine, performing a differential diagnosis of leukocytes and sperm precursors immature germ cells (IGC) is also pivotal, due to adding valuable and clinically suitable information to the semen report [...]

    Klinički, ultrazvučni i kromosomski nalazi testisa u francuskog buldoga (Canis lupus familiaris) s azoospermijom

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    This case report describes azoospermia in a French bulldog. The dog, with historical evidence of unsuccessful insemination after both artificial insemination and natural breeding, presented with physiological parameters (testosterone levels and karyotype) within normal ranges. Scrotal palpation and ultrasound of both testicles indicated aplasia of the epididymis and vas deferens. Two seminal samples were examined and no sperm cells were found. In conclusion, before starting an assisted reproduction procedure, it is necessary to perform sperm analysis to determine the reproductive capacity of the dog intended as a stud dog.Ovaj prikaz slučaja opisuje azoospermiju francuskog buldoga. Pas, s prethodnim anamnestičkim nalazima neuspješne oplodnje, kako nakon umjetnog osjemenjivanja, tako i parenja, imao je fiziološke parametre (razine testosterona i kariotip) unutar normalnih granica. Palpacija skrotuma i ultrazvuk oba testisa ukazali su na aplaziju nuzjaja i sjemenovoda. Ispitana su dva uzorka sjemena i nisu pronađeni spermiji. Zaključno, da bi se odredio reproduktivni kapacitet psa namijenjenog za rasplod, potrebno je prije početka postupka potpomognute oplodnje obaviti analizu sperme

    Razlike u razinama anti-Müllerovog hormona u krvnoj plazmi i reproduktivnih parametara između dvije vrste goveda Bos indicus i Bubalus bubalis

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible relationships between reproductive parameters and Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) levels in two closely related bovine species. AMH levels and the reproductive parameters of 50 water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) and 50 Zebu cattle (Bos indicus) of the same age and raised in similar conditions were evaluated. Clinical data were obtained from the farm in specialized designed format, and AMH was measured by ELISA. The results show that Zebu cattle had higher AMH levels than water buffaloes (P<0.0001), while water buffaloes exhibited better reproductive parameters: days open to pregnancy (P<0.0001), parity (P<0.0005), age at first calving (P<0.0001), and intercalving period (P<0.0001). Although both species have different reproductive parameters, no correlations were found between AMH and the reproductive parameters evaluated in either species. Finally, pregnant Zebu cattle and water buffalo showed a tendency to have lower AMH levels than non-pregnant counterparts. The results are paradoxical as the species with lower AMH levels exhibited better reproductive parameters, suggesting that the reproductive parameters within the herd do not depend solely on the ovarian reserve of females.Cilj je ovog rada bio procijeniti je li moguće ustanoviti povezanost između reproduktivnih parametara i razina anti-Müllerovog hormona (AMH) u dvije blisko srodne vrste goveda. Analizirane su razine AMH i reproduktivni parametri 50 bivola (Bubalus bubalis) i 50 zebu goveda (Bos indicus) iste dobi uzgojenih u sličnim uvjetima. Klinički podatci dobiveni su s farme u posebno osmišljenom pokusu. AMH je određivan pomoću ELISA metode. Rezultati pokazuju da su razine AMH više u goveda nego u bivola (P<0,0001). Bivoli su pokazali bolje reproduktivne parametre: servisno razdoblje (P<0,0001), paritet (P<0,0005), dob kod prvog teljenja (P<0,0001) i međutelidbeno razdoblje (P<0,0001). Premda obje vrste imaju različite reproduktivne parametre, nije ustanovljena povezanost između AMH i analiziranih reproduktivnih parametara niti u jedne od istraživanih vrsta. Zaključno, steone ženke goveda i bivola pokazuju tendenciju manjih razina AMH u usporedbi s nesteonim. Rezultati dobiveni u ovoj studiji su paradoksalni, jer vrste s nižim AMH razinama pokazuju bolje reproduktivne parametre. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na to da reproduktivni parametri unutar krda ne ovise samo o rezervi jajnih stanica u ženki

    Konvencionalna i funkcionalna procjena sjemena mužjaka mliječnih koza

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    Evaluating the reproductive indicators in sheep breeding in Colombia, particularly males, is essential to achieve optimal production parameters. This study aimed to evaluate the semen quality of male goats through both conventional and functional seminal analysis. Semen samples from eight goats were collected and conventional (volume, appearance, colour, motility, vigour, and morphology) and functional (plasma membrane integrity, mitochondrial membrane potential, DNA integrity, lipid peroxidation, and reactive oxygen species production) seminal parameters were evaluated. The results showed an average scrotal circumference of 25.69 cm, seminal volume of 0.51 mL, and concentration of 1936 x 106 sperm/mL. The average individual motility was 63.37%, vigour was four, and the percentage of abnormalities was 7.75%. Individual motility was correlated with the mitochondrial membrane potential (r=0.840, P=0.009) and reactive oxygen species production (r=-0.91, P=0.001). The average of cells with high mitochondrial membrane potential was 52.94%, while 39.29% were necrotic cells, the DNA fragmentation index average was 12.5%, reactive oxygen species production was 38.68%, lipoperoxidation analysis was 7.33% on average, and the integrity of the membrane was 54.77%. The results establish the parameters for the semen from Antioquia goats and confirm that goat semen is of good quality and could be used during artificial insemination programs.Procjena reproduktivnih indikatora u stadima koza u Kolumbiji fokusirana je na mužjake i od osnovne je važnosti za postizanje optimalnih produktivnih parametara. Cilj je ove studije bio ocijeniti kvalitetu sjemena jaraca kroz konvencionalnu i funkcionalnu analizu sjemena. Prikupljeni su uzorci sjemena osam jaraca te su procijenjeni konvencionalni (volumen, izgled, boja, pokretljivost, vitalnost i morfologija) i funkcionalni (integritet stanične membrane, potencijal mitohondrijske membrane, integritet DNK, peroksidacija lipida i proizvodnja reaktivnih spojeva kisika) parametri. Rezultati su pokazali prosječni opseg skrotuma od 25,69 cm, 0,51 mL za volumen sjemena, 1936 x 106 spermija/mL za koncentraciju. Prosječna pojedinačna pokretljivost bila je 63,37 %, vitalnost je bila četiri, a postotak abnormalnosti bio je 7,75 %. Pojedinačna pokretljivost povezana je s potencijalom mitohondrijske membrane (r=0,840, P=0,009) i proizvodnjom reaktivnih spojeva kisika (r=-0,91, P=0,001). Prosjek stanica s visokim potencijalom mitohondrijske membrane bio je 52,94 %, dok je bilo 39,29 % nekrotičnih stanica, prosječni indeks fragmentacije DNK bio je 12,5 %, proizvodnja reaktivnih spojeva kisika bila je 38,68 %, analiza lipoperoksidacije bila je u prosjeku 7,33 %, a integritet membrane 54,77 %. Rezultati utvrđuju parametre za sjeme antioquia koza i potvrđuje da sjeme jaraca predstavlja dobru kvalitetu i moglo bi se koristiti u programima umjetne oplodnje

    Contribución por grupos de edad a la mortalidad esperada por COVID-19 en Argentina y Colombia

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    Introducción.- Este estudio tuvo como objetivo explorar la serie de posibles heterogeneidades que subyacen a la aparente similitud en ciertos indicadores no refinados de mortalidad por COVID-19 -como las tasas brutas de mortalidad o las muertes por millón de habitantes- en Argentina y Colombia. Se realizó un estudio en el que se utilizaron datos agregados de los informes diarios de vigilancia epidemiológica proporcionados por los ministerios de salud de Argentina y de Colombia, para explorar diferenciales en el nivel poblacional mediante el uso de técnicas clásicas de estandarización demográfica. Resultados.- Se detectó que el impacto de la mortalidad y la letalidad de casos es mayor en Colombia, debido a que tiene una estructura poblacional y de casos positivos de menor edad que Argentina. En especial, la mayoría de las diferencias entre países puede explicarse por ciertos grupos de edad. Discusión.- El hallazgo principal ha sido que la gran mayoría de las defunciones esperadas en Argentina y Colombia ocurrió en los grupos de 50 y de 80 años, lo que implica que el riesgo real de muerte para la población colombiana puede ser mayor que el observado para dichos grupos etarios

    Kvaliteta sjemena u ovaca

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    Reproductive evaluation, the selection of individual breeders, and reproductive biotechnologies are important tools in developing productive and reproductive rates. When choosing a male as a breeding future, determining its general health status and genotypic and phenotypic superiority are necessary. This study evaluated the conventional and functional seminal quality in ovine males. The semen of eleven ovines of different pure races was collected by electroejaculation. The following average values were observed for each conventional parameter: scrotal circumference (CE, 34.3 cm), seminal volume (vol, 1.63 mL), concentration (C, 768.4 x 106/mL), individual motility (MI, 80%), masal motility (MM, 4) and vigor (Vi, 3.7). On the other hand, functional analysis showed plasma membrane integrity (PMI) of 45.7%, mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) of 38.5%, DNA fragmentation index (DFI) of 17.0%, lipoperoxidation of the membrane (LPO) of 32.7%, and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) of 28.56%. Additionally, a high and positive correlation was found for variables concerning seminal quality: Vi and MM, Vi and MI, MMP and MM, MMP and MI, PMI and MMP, as well as ROS and MMP. In contrast, two strongly negative correlations were obtained (C vs. Vol and LPO vs. CE). These are the first estimates of functional seminal quality evaluation of sheep in Colombia. In addition, this study provides a baseline for conventional and functional seminal parameters in the region.Reproduktivna procjena, odabir pojedinačnih rasplodnih mužjaka i reproduktivne biotehnologije važni su alati u unaprjeđenju produktivnih i reproduktivnih stopa. Pri odabiru mužjaka za rasplod, potrebno je određivanje općeg zdravstvenog statusa te genotipske i fenotipske superiornosti. Ovaj rad procjenjuje konvencionalnu i funkcionalnu kvalitetu sjemena u ovnova. Sjeme jedanaest ovnova različitih čistokrvnih pasmina prikupljeno je elektroejakulacijom. Zamijećene su sljedeće prosječne vrijednosti za svaki konvencionalni parametar: opseg skrotuma (CE, 34,3 cm), volumen sjemena (vol, 1,63 mL), koncentracija (C, 768,4 x 106/mL), pojedinačna pokretljivost (MI, 80 %), ukupna pokretljivost (MM, 4) i vitalnost (Vi, 3,7). S druge strane, funkcionalna analiza pokazala je integritet stanične membrane (PMI) od 45,7 %, potencijal mitohondrijske membrane (MMP) od 38,5 %, indeks fragmentacije DNK (DFI) od 17,0%, lipoperoksidaciju membrane (LPO) od 32,7 % i proizvodnju reaktivnih kisikovih spojeva (ROS) od 28,56 %. Uz to je otkrivena i visoka i pozitivna korelacija za varijable o kvaliteti sjemena: Vi i MM, Vi i MI, MMP i MM, MMP i MI, PMI i MMP, kao i ROS i MMP. Suprotno tome, dobivene su dvije vrlo negativne korelacije (C nasuprot Vol i LPO nasuprot CE). To su prve procjene ocjenjivanja funkcionalne kvalitete sjemena ovaca u Kolumbiji. Uz to, ova studija osigurava početnu vrijednost za sve konvencionalne i funkcionalne parametre sjemena u regiji

    Effect of melatonin on follicular development parameters in a fixed-timed artificial insemination programme in water buffalo

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    It is well known that buffaloes have seasonal anoestrus and that the use of melatonin reduces the effects of season in reproduction, particularly among sheep and goats. This study evaluates the use of melatonin on water buffaloes to increase pregnancy rates in a fixed-time insemination programme. The study was conducted on an Argentinian buffalo herd, located in the Corrientes Province, during an unfavourable reproductive season. Artificial insemination cycles were performed in September and December 2018. Sixty animals were selected, and melatonin was administered to 29 females at a dose of 18 mg/50 kg. Ten days after the melatonin implant, ovulation synchronization was started. Animals were inseminated with frozen semen of a single bull. Pregnancy was evaluated by ultrasound 35 days after insemination. The pregnancy rate of the two repetitions was 34.62% for September and 6.4% for December (P=0.007). No significant differences were found in the parameters associated with follicular development and formation of the corpus luteum. Analysis of the effects of melatonin on the two replicates showed that there was no statistically significant effect of ovarian response regarding the analysed follicular development parameters. There was also no effect on pregnancy rates (17.85% vs. 20.68%; P=0.15), or on follicular development for treatment and control. In conclusion, this study was not able to demonstrate an effect of melatonin on the ovarian response of buffaloes as reported by other authors. Other factors, such as environmental conditions of subtropical areas and species specificities, may have a more significant effect on buffalo endocrinology. These factors should be evaluated to improve the results of fixedtimed artificial insemination programmes.Fil: Berdugo, Jesus Alfredo. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Konrad, José Luis. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Yuponi, Roberto Gregorio. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Bandeo, Alexis Sebastian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Camelino, Ramon. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Cardona Maya, Walter D.. Universidad de Antioquia; ColombiaFil: Crudeli, Gustavo Angel. Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral; Argentin

    In vitro effect of ananas comosus extract on human sperm

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    Los espermicidas se han usado para el control de la natalidad, sin embargo sus componentes químicos son nocivos para el epitelio vaginal, por lo que se han realizado estudios planteando la posibilidad del uso de extractos de diferentes plantas como agentes espermicidas que eviten un daño en el tejido vaginal. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el efecto del extracto de la piña (Ananas comosus) sobre espermatozoides humanos. Las muestras de semen se incubaron con los extractos de piña y se evaluó el efecto sobre la movilidad y la viabilidad espermática. Adicio-nalmente, la citotoxicidad del extracto fue determinada mediante el ensa-yo de MTS sobre la línea celular epitelial HeLa. La movilidad (p<0,001) y la viabilidad (p<0,001) disminuyeron después del contacto con el extracto en una dilución del 50%, sin embargo el extracto presentó un efecto ci-totóxico sobre la línea celular epitelial. En conclusión, a pesar del efecto citotóxico del extracto observado a las concentraciones con efecto espermi-cida, más estudios que determinen las fracciones del extracto que tienen propiedades espermicidas son necesarios.Spermicides has been used for birth control, but its chemical components are harmful for the vaginal epithelium, thus other studies have been done, given the possibility to use different extracts from plants as spermicidal agents that avoid vaginal tissue damages. The aim of this study was to evaluate the Ananas comosus extract as spermicidal. Semen samples were incubated with pineapple extract, and motility and viability was evaluated after contact. In addition the cytotoxic effect was evaluated using MTS assay on HeLa cells. Motility (p<0.001) and viability (p<0.001) decreased after treatment with 50% dilution. However, extract had a cytotoxic effect on epithelial cell line. In conclusion, despite the cytotoxic effect in the same concentrations that spermicidal activity was observed, further studies determining the fractions of the extract have spermicidal properties are necessary.