2,838 research outputs found

    QR and barcodes

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá identifikací zařízení v inteligentních sítích pomocí čárových kódů a QR kódů. Popisuje symboliky těchhle grafických kódů a ověřuje jejich vlastnosti při čtení za pomoci navrhované aplikace, která je součástí téhle práce. Na základě teoretických poznatků a charakteristik zjištěných při testování jsou v práci obsaženy návrhy a doporučení pro fyzickou identifikaci zařízení. Obsažená aplikace taktéž umožňuje evidenci těchto zařízení při jejich instalaci.The focus of this bachelor thesis is identification of devices in smart grids by barcodes and QR codes. It contains description of symbologies of these graphic codes and tests their characteristics in reading, with an application, developed as a part of this thesis. Thesis contains recommendations and suggestions for physical identification of devices, based on theoretical knowledge and observations made by testing. Included application is also capable of registering devices on their installation.

    Cost-efficient integration of variable renewable electricity - Variation management and strategic localisation of new demand

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    The aim of this work was to improve our understanding of how wind power and solar photovoltaics (PV) can be integrated into the European electricity system in a cost-efficient manner. For this, a techno-economic, cost-minimising model of the electricity system is refined for a number of case studies. The case studies cover different geographical scopes, ranging from isolated regions that have different conditions for wind and solar power to larger areas of Europe, and employ various strategies for variation management. Variation management can be provided by strategies that are internal to the electricity system, such as flexible bio-based generation, battery storage, and trade, as well as measures that become available from the electrification of the industry, transportation, and heating sectors.The results show that there is a need for different variation management strategies (VMS) in different system contexts. In regions with exceptionally good conditions for variable renewable electricity (VRE), wind and solar power integration benefits from absorbing strategies, which create value for electricity at low-net-load and negative-net-load events. In regions where the conditions for VRE are not adequate to out-compete baseload generation, complementing technologies that reduce the net-load during high-net-load events are needed to enable cost-efficient wind and solar power integration. Shifting strategies, which manage variations of short duration and high frequency, are primarily suited to the diurnal variations of solar PV. Solar PV can also be efficient at supplying electricity for hydrogen production for steel or other industries, especially if the demand is flexible over the year, such that the seasonality of solar power does not result in a demand for costly complementing technologies during wintertime. Variation management can increase the cost-efficient share of VRE that can be integrated into the system, while reducing the total cost of meeting the demand for electricity. One of the strongest VMS covered in this work involves optimising the charging of electric vehicles together with vehicle-to-grid exchange (discharging from electric cars to the grid), which can reduce the cost of electricity generation by up to 33% in a solar-dominated system. The same strategy reduces the cost by only 8% in a wind power- and hydropower-rich region with inherent flexibility, which highlights the importance of context when addressing the future electricity system. Trading electricity through transmission can be useful for integrating wind and solar power, in that transmission can smoothen wind variations between regions and it can transfer electricity from electricity systems with superior wind or solar power resources. A scarcity of bioenergy would entail a high value being placed on available biomass that is to be used for the purpose of complementing wind and solar power. To maximise the provision of flexibility through biomass, it could be utilised with negative-emissions technologies to enable the usage of fossil-derived natural gas. Bio-based generation that is deployed to meet net-negative emissions targets would, however, not provide flexibility. Nonetheless, biomass gasification with carbon capture and storage and utilisation could deliver both a flexible fuel and negative emissions. This could also provide absorbing VMS, if the utilisation part is designed to run flexibly by enabling enhanced biogas production during low-net-load periods. The combination of transformation and expansion of the electricity system may result in large regional differences in available VRE resources. In addition to transmission, strategic localisation of new electricity demands to regions with good resources becomes beneficial from the perspectives of economics and VRE integration. The results of this work underline the importance of combining different technologies and strategies and demonstrates the value of using them where they are best suited rather than deploying one strategy to tackle every situation

    Variation management for cost-efficient integration of variable renewable electricity

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    The aim of this work is to improve our understanding of how wind power and solar photovoltaics (PV) can be integrated into the electricity system in a cost-efficient manner. For this, a techno-economic cost-minimising model of the electricity system is used for a set of case studies. The case studies cover a set of regions that have different conditions for wind and solar power and employ a range of strategies for variation management. The variation management includes the availability of complementing, shifting, and absorbing strategies internal to the electricity system, such as flexible bio-based generation, batteries, and transmission, as well as measures available from electrification of the industry, transportation, and heating sectors.\ua0\ua0 The results show that there is a need for different variation management strategies in different system contexts. In regions with exceptionally good conditions for variable renewable electricity (VRE), wind and solar power integration benefits from absorbing strategies. In regions where the conditions for VRE are not sufficient to out-compete baseload generation, complementing technologies are needed to enable cost-efficient wind and solar power integration. Shifting strategies are primarily suited to the diurnal variations of solar PV. Variation management can increase the amount of cost-efficient VRE that can be integrated into the system while reducing the total cost of meeting the demand for electricity. The most valuable variation management strategy covered in this work involves optimising charging of electric vehicles and vehicle-to-grid (discharging from electric cars to the grid), which can reduce the total cost by up to 33% in a solar-dominated system but by only 8% in a wind power- and hydropower-rich region with inherent flexibility. The value of transmission lies in its abilities to smoothen wind variations between regions and to transfer electricity from electricity systems with superior wind or solar power resources. A scarcity of bioenergy would entail a high value being placed on available biomass for the purpose of complementing wind and solar power. To maximise the provision of flexibility by biomass, it could be utilised with negative emission technologies to enable the usage of fossil-derived natural gas. Biomass deployed to meet net-negative emissions targets would, however, not provide flexibility. The results of this work underline the importance of combining different technologies and strategies and the value of using them where they are best suited rather than deploying one strategy to resolve every situation

    Impacts of variation management on cost-optimal investments in wind power and solar photovoltaics

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    This work investigates the impacts of variation management on the cost-optimal electricity system compositions in four regions with different pre-requisites for wind and solar generation. Five variation management strategies, involving electric boilers, batteries, hydrogen storage, low-cost biomass, and demand-side management, are integrated into a regional investment model that is designed to account for variability. The variation management strategies are considered one at a time as well as combined in four different system contexts. By investigating how the variation management strategies interact with each other as well as with different electricity generation technologies in a large number of cases, this work support policy-makers in identifying variation management portfolios relevant to their context. It is found that electric boilers, demand-side management and hydrogen storage increase the cost-optimal variable renewable electricity (VRE) investments if the VRE share is sufficiently large to reduce its marginal system value. However, low-cost biomass and hydrogen storage, are found to increase cost-optimal investments in wind power in systems with a low initial wind power share. In systems with low solar PV share, variation management reduce the cost-optimal solar PV investments. In two of the regions investigated, a combination of variation management strategies results in a stronger increase in VRE capacity than the sum of the single variation management efforts

    Projector camera cooperation

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá spoluprací kamer a projektorů při promítání dat do scény. Popisuje prostředky a teorii potřebnou pro takovou spolupráci a navrhuje demonstrační úlohy. Součástí práce je program, který dokáže za pomoci projektoru a kamery získat potřebné parametry těchto zařízení. Kromě toho program dokáže i demonstrovat kvalitu kalibrace promítáním vzoru na objekt podle jeho aktuální polohy a natočení a rovněž i rekonstruovat tvar objektu za pomoci projekce strukturovaného světla. Rekonstrukci tvaru je možné demonstrovat promítáním vrstevnicového vzoru nebo vizualizací obtékající vody. Práce taktéž popisuje některé problémy a pozorování, ke kterým se při tvorbě a testování programu přišlo.The focus of this thesis is the cooperation of cameras and projectors in projection of data into a scene. It describes the means and theory necessary to achieve such cooperation, and suggests tasks for demonstration. A part of this project is also a program capable of using a camera and a projector to obtain necessary parameters of these devices. The program can demonstrate the quality of this calibration by projecting a pattern onto an object according to its current pose, as well as reconstruct the shape of an object with structured light. The thesis also describes some challenges and observations from development and testing of the program.

    The value of airborne wind energy to the electricity system

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    Airborne wind energy (AWE) is a new power generation technology that harvests wind energy at high altitudes using tethered wings. The potentially higher energy yield, combined with expected lower costs compared to traditional wind turbines (WTs), motivates interest in further developing this technology. However, commercial systems are currently unavailable to provide more detailed information on costs and power generation. This study estimates the economic value of AWE in the future electricity system, and by that indicates which cost levels are required for AWE to be competitive. A specific focus is put on the relation between AWE systems (AWESs) and WTs. For this work, ERA-5 wind data are used to compute the power generation of the wind power technologies, which is implemented in a cost-minimizing electricity system model. By forcing a certain share of the annual electricity demand to be supplied by AWESs, the marginal system value (MSV) of AWE is investigated. The MSV is found to be affected by the AWE share, the wind resource, and the temporal distribution of the AWES\u27s electricity generation. The MSV of AWE is location- and system-dependent and ranges between 1.4 and 2.2 (Formula presented.) at a low share of AWE supply (0%–30%). At higher shares, the MSV drops. The power generation of WTs and AWESs are related, implying that the wind technologies present a similar power source and can be used interchangeably. Thus, the introduction of AWESs will have a low impact on the cost-optimal wind power share in the electricity system, unless an AWES cost far below the system-specific MSV is attained

    Interaction between electrified steel production and the north European electricity system

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    This study investigates the interactions between a steel industry that applies hydrogen direct reduction (H-DR) and the electricity system of northern Europe. We apply a techno-economic optimization model with the aim of achieving net-zero emissions from the electricity and steel sectors in Year 2050. The model minimizes the investment and running costs of electricity and steel production units, while meeting the demands for electricity and steel. The modeling is carried out for a number of scenarios, which differ in the following parameters: (i) cost of using new sites for steel production; (ii) transport costs; (iii) commodities export; (iv) flexibility in operation of a direct reduction (DR) shaft furnace; and (v) location of steel demand. The results reveal that a cost-efficient spatial allocation of the electrified steel production capacity is impacted by the availability of low-cost electricity and can differ from the present - day allocation of steel plants. The modeling results show that the additional electricity demand from an electrified steel industry is met mainly by increased investments in wind and solar power while natural gas - based production of electricity is reduced. Furthermore, it is found to be cost-efficient to invest in overcapacity for steel production units (electrolyzers, DR shaft furnaces and electric arc furnaces) and to invest in storage systems for hydrogen and hot briquetted iron, so that steel production can follow the variations inherent to wind and solar power

    The role of biomass gasification in the future flexible power system – BECCS or CCU?

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    In this work we study if biomass gasification for production of advanced biofuels can also play a role in managing variability in the electricity system. The idea is a CCU/power-to-gas concept to enhance methane production from biomass gasification. The suggested process is flexible in that CO2 not used for methane production can be stored through a BECCS concept that implies negative GHG emissions. For this purpose, rigorous models of three different gasification process configurations were simplified through surrogate modeling and integrated into a dynamic optimization model of regional electricity systems. The results show the diverse advantages of flexible operation between CCU and BECCS and that it is economically beneficial for the system to invest in gasification at the investigated levels of CO2 charge. The gasification option also provides value for low-priced electricity and thus stimulate increased investments in renewable electricity generation, which indicates the importance of considering geographical diversities in the assessment and highlights the importance of studying this type of concept with a time-resolved model. It is clear that the BECCS option is the most used, however, the limited quantities of CO2 used for the CCU option has a large impact on the investments made in the electricity system