3,445 research outputs found

    Assessing the Rental Value of Residential Properties: An Abductive Learning Networks Approach

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    This paper attempts to estimate rental value of residential properties using Abductive Learning Networks (ALN), and artificial intelligence technique. The results indicate that the ALN model provides an accurate estimation of rents with only seven input variables, while other multivariate statistical techniques do not. The ALN model automatically selects the best network structure, node types and coefficients, and therefore it simplifies the maintenance of the model. Once the final model is synthesized, the ALN model becomes very compact, rapidly executable and cost-effective.

    A recurrent neural network for classification of unevenly sampled variable stars

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    Astronomical surveys of celestial sources produce streams of noisy time series measuring flux versus time ("light curves"). Unlike in many other physical domains, however, large (and source-specific) temporal gaps in data arise naturally due to intranight cadence choices as well as diurnal and seasonal constraints. With nightly observations of millions of variable stars and transients from upcoming surveys, efficient and accurate discovery and classification techniques on noisy, irregularly sampled data must be employed with minimal human-in-the-loop involvement. Machine learning for inference tasks on such data traditionally requires the laborious hand-coding of domain-specific numerical summaries of raw data ("features"). Here we present a novel unsupervised autoencoding recurrent neural network (RNN) that makes explicit use of sampling times and known heteroskedastic noise properties. When trained on optical variable star catalogs, this network produces supervised classification models that rival other best-in-class approaches. We find that autoencoded features learned on one time-domain survey perform nearly as well when applied to another survey. These networks can continue to learn from new unlabeled observations and may be used in other unsupervised tasks such as forecasting and anomaly detection.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures. The published version is at Nature Astronomy (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-017-0321-z). Source code for models, experiments, and figures at https://github.com/bnaul/IrregularTimeSeriesAutoencoderPaper (Zenodo Code DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1045560

    A deep learning approach to diabetic blood glucose prediction

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    We consider the question of 30-minute prediction of blood glucose levels measured by continuous glucose monitoring devices, using clinical data. While most studies of this nature deal with one patient at a time, we take a certain percentage of patients in the data set as training data, and test on the remainder of the patients; i.e., the machine need not re-calibrate on the new patients in the data set. We demonstrate how deep learning can outperform shallow networks in this example. One novelty is to demonstrate how a parsimonious deep representation can be constructed using domain knowledge

    The Show Must Go On: Challenges, Questions, and Pedagogical Pivots in Response to COVID-19

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    On March 18, 2020, many universities and university systems had or were in their initial stages of transitioning to virtual teaching as a result of COVID-19. This transition had varied effects on all aspects of the university community. This paper explores this transition through the teaching experiences of a tenure-track professor during the pandemic. The examination of six sections of a capstone undergraduate course over the course of three semesters was conducted. Through self-reflection, many of the challenges faced shifting from face-to-face to a virtual environment were discussed. Among some of the challenges and limitations experienced when teaching nontraditional and/or first-generation students included learner anxiety, technological barriers, and additional student needs. Lastly, recommendations for teacher educators were presented

    Bipolar Nation; In Hopes Of Tomorrow; Paradoxical Legacies

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    A collection of three poems that draw from current and historical events. The poems are grouped together into one submission. Each title is listed within the Article Title section

    Ferdinand Postma : ’n Herinnering*

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    Onder hierdie drie woorde wil ek saamvat hoc professor Postma in sy huis en in die publiek opgetree het. Ek kan baie dinge wat hy gedoen het goed onthou. Sommige is kleiner dingetjies, maar wat tog tiperend is van ’n per- soon wat vastigheid onder eie voete gehad het en dit beklemtoon het as eis vir die lewe. Hierdie drie woorde het hy gebruik by ’n geleentheid toe hy gelukwense gerig het aan huwelikspaartjies, en onmiddellik lees u daarin nie die ligsinnigheid en fleurigheid wat soms grapmakenderwys in sulke omstan- dighede geuiter word nie. Die huwelik is ’n begin van ’n nuwe lewe en sy kenmerke moet wees: tydhou, koershou en aanhou

    Gods lewende woord en die mens

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    In sy proefskrif: „Klaarheid en interpretasie” praat dr. H. W. Rossouw, net soos vele in ons tyd wat allerlei reserwes daarop nahou t.o.v. die letterlike inspirasie van die Skrif, dik- wels van „Gods lewende Woord”. Hy het dit veral teen die Ortodoksie wat na die Reformasietyd 'n teologie probeer uit- bou het, waarby hulle formeel die Aristotelies-skolastiese metodiek van metafisika en logika gebruik het om 'n leer- sisleem van stabiele waarhede en sillogistiese konklusies op te stel wat dan in die plek van die „lewende Woord” gefunk- sioneer het

    Jesus van Naseret- Jesus Christus

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    Inderdaad is daar hier 'n spanning in die christologie van Barth. U voel dit wel aan in hierdie benaming wat werklik so gekies is. Dit is twee bestaanswyses van die tweede Persoon in die Heilige Drie-eenheid. Laat die woord bestaanswyses ook nie vreemd in ons ore klink nie, want dit is nie vreemd aan Barth se stelsel nie. lmmers die drie Persone in die H. Drie-eenheid, elk met 'n besondere werksaamheid, is ook drie bestaanswyses. Ons het hier dus modaliteite in die Drie-eenheid en hoor dus vreemde taal, omdat Gods Woord tot ons spreek van God as syn

    Bied die skrif heilsgeskiedenis

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    Dit skyn so ’n vanselfsprekende feit te wees dat ons dit maar kail aanvaar, en tog het daar ’n ander begtip na vore gekom wat nader ontleed moet word. Hierdie begrip "heilsgeskiedenis” is nie die gewone cen wat tot dusver gebruik is nie. Ons bet altyd gespreek van .,openbaringsgeskiedenis” wat in die Skrif gevind word en met baie groot vrymoedigheid kan ’n bevestigende antwoord gegee word, as hierdie ou bekende begrip hierbo voor die vraagteken gestaan het. Maar is openbaringsgeskiedenis dan volkome identies met heilsgeskiedenis? Het bier ’n wending gekom en is dit ’n wending wat verwelkom moet word, in die sin dat dit ’n suiwerder formulering bied? Of, en dit kan ook waar wees,  het ons hier 'n wysiging in ons opvatting aangaande die Heilige Skrif, ’n gevaarlike neiging, waarvoor ons op ons boede moet wees
