814 research outputs found

    Taking the Constitution at Its Word: A Defense of the Use of Anti-Gang Injunctions

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    Resolution of a high performance cavity beam position monitor system

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    International Linear Collider (ILC) interaction region beam sizes and component position stability requirements will be as small as a few nanometers. It is important to the ILC design effort to demonstrate that these tolerances can be achieved - ideally using beam-based stability measurements. It has been estimated that RF cavity beam position monitors (BPMs) could provide position measurement resolutions of less than one nanometer and could form the basis of the desired beam-based stability measurement. We have developed a high resolution RF cavity BPM system. A triplet of these BPMs has been installed in the extraction line of the KEK Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) for testing with its ultra-low emittance beam. A metrology system for the three BPMs was recently installed. This system employed optical encoders to measure each BPM's position and orientation relative to a zero-coefficient of thermal expansion carbon fiber frame and has demonstrated that the three BPMs behave as a rigid-body to less than 5 nm. To date, we have demonstrated a BPM resolution of less than 20 nm over a dynamic range of +/- 20 microns

    The effect of hydrogen on the deformation behavior of a single crystal nickel-base superalloy

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    The effect of hydrogen on the tensile deformation behavior of PWA 1480 is presented. Tensile tests were interrupted at different plastic strain levels to observe the development of the dislocation structure. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) foils were cut perpendicular to the tensile axis to allow the deformation of both phases to be simultaneously observed as well as parallel to zone axes (III) to show the superdislocations on their slip planes. Similar to other nickel-base superalloys, hydrogen was detrimental to the room temperature tensile properties of PWA 1480. There was little effect on strength, however the material was severely embrittled. Even without hydrogen, the elongation-to-failure was only approximately 3 percent. The tensile fracture surface was made up primarily of ductile voids with regions of cleavage fracture. These cleavage facets are the eutectic (gamma') in the microstructure. It was shown by quantitative fractography that hydrogen embrittles the eutectic (gamma') and causes the crack path to seek out and fracture through the eutectic (gamma'). There was two to three times the amount of cleavage on the fracture surface of the hydrogen-charged samples than on the surface of the uncharged samples. The effect of hydrogen can also be seen in the dislocation structure. There is a marked tendency for dislocation trapping in the gamma matrix with and without hydrogen at all plastic strain levels. Without hydrogen there is a high dislocation density in the gamma matrix leading to strain exhaustion in this region and failure through the matrix. The dislocation structure at failure with hydrogen is slightly different. The TEM foils cut parallel to zone axes (III) showed dislocations wrapping around gamma precipitates. Zone axes (001) foils show that there is a lower dislocation density in the gamma matrix which can be linked to the effects of hydrogen on the fracture behavior. The primary activity in the gamma precipitates is in the form of superlattice intrinsic stacking faults (SISFs). These faults have also been reported in other ordered alloys and superalloys

    The effect of hydrogen and microstructure on the deformation and fracture behavior of a single crystal nickel-base superalloy

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    A study was conducted on the effects of internal hydrogen and microstructure on the deformation and fracture of a single crystal nickel-base superalloy. In particular, room temperature plane strain fracture toughness and tensile tests were performed on hydrogen-free and hydrogen charged samples of PWA 1480. The role of microstructure was incorporated by varying the levels of porosity and eutectic gamma/gamma prime through hot isostatic pressing and heat treatment. The room temperature behavior of PWA 1480 was unusual because precipitate shearing was not the primary deformation mechanism at all strains. At strains over 1 percent, dislocations were trapped in the gamma matrix and an attempt was made to relate this behavior to compositional differences between PWA 1480 and other superalloys. Another unique feature of the tensile behavior was cleavage of the eutectic gamma/gamma prime, which is believed to initiate the failure process. Fracture occurred on (111) planes and is likely a result of shear localization along these planes. Elimination of the eutectic gamma/gamma prime greatly improved the tensile ductility, but pososity had no effect on tensile properties. Large quantities of hydrogen (1.74 at. percent) were gas-phase charged into the material, but surprisingly this was not a function of the amount of porosity or eutectic gamma/gamma prime present. Desorption experiments suggest that the vast majority of hydrogen is at reversible lattice trapping sites. This large, uniform concentration of hydrogen dramatically reduced the tensile strain to failure, but only slightly affected the reduction in area. Available hydrogen embrittlement models were examined in light of these results and it was found that the hydrogen enhanced localized plasticity model can explain much of the tensile behavior. K(IC) fracture toughness tests were conducted, but it was necessary to also perform J(IC) tests to provide valid data

    Effect of hydrogen on deformation structure and properties of CMSX-2 nickel-base single-crystal superalloy

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    Material used in this study was a heat of the alloy CMSX-2. This nickel-based superalloy was provided in the form of oriented single crystals, solutionized for 3 hrs at 1315 C. It was then usually heat treated as follows: 1050 C/16h/air cool + 850 C/48h/air cool. The resulting microstructure is dominated by cuboidal, ordered gamma precipitates with a volume fraction of about 75% and an average size of 0.5 microns. In brief, the most compelling hydrogen induced-changes in deformation structure are: (1) enhanced dislocation accumulation in the gamma matrix; and (2) more extensive cross-slip of superdislocations in the gamma precipitates. The enhanced dislocation density in gamma acts to decrease the mean free path of a superdislocation, while easier cross slip hinders superdislocation movement by providing pinning points in the form of sessile jobs. Both processes contribute to the increase of flow stress and the notable work hardening that occurs prior to fracture

    On the Time Interval Distribution Between Neutron Counts in a 3He Proportional Counter with Detector Dead Time

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    Preparation of low-sulfur platinum and platinum aluminide layers in thermal barrier coatings

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    A method for preparing a coated nickel-base superalloy article reduces the sulfur content of the surface region of the metallic coating layers to low levels, thereby improving the adhesion of the coating layers to the article. The method includes depositing a first layer of platinum overlying the surface of a substrate, depositing a second layer of aluminum over the platinum, and final desulfurizing the article by heating the article to elevated temperature, preferably in hydrogen, and removing a small amount of material from the surface that was exposed during the step of heating. A ceramic layer may be deposited over the desulfurized article. The article may also be similarly desulfurized at other points in the fabrication procedure

    Resolution of a high performance cavity beam position monitor system

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    International Linear Collider (ILC) interaction region beam sizes and component position stability requirements will be as small as a few nanometers. It is important to the ILC design effort to demonstrate that these tolerances can be achieved - ideally using beam-based stability measurements. It has been estimated that RF cavity beam position monitors (BPMs) could provide position measurement resolutions of less than one nanometer and could form the basis of the desired beam-based stability measurement. We have developed a high resolution RF cavity BPM system. A triplet of these BPMs has been installed in the extraction line of the KEK Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) for testing with its ultra-low emittance beam. A metrology system for the three BPMs was recently installed. This system employed optical encoders to measure each BPM's position and orientation relative to a zero-coefficient of thermal expansion carbon fiber frame and has demonstrated that the three BPMs behave as a rigid-body to less than 5 nm. To date, we have demonstrated a BPM resolution of less than 20 nm over a dynamic range of +/- 20 microns