56 research outputs found
Minutage und Mickey Mousing : ĂŒber das VerhĂ€ltnis von Ballett- und Filmmusik am Beispiel von DISNEYâS FANTASIA (1940)
In der Kompositionsgeschichtsschreibung des 19. Jahrhunderts nistet schon immer die Ăberzeugung von der Entbehrlichkeit des Genres Ballettmusik. Dabei ist der wahrscheinliche Grund fĂŒr diese Auslassung das beklagenswerte Klischee, es handele sich lediglich um seichte Musik zu leichter Bewegung. Doch bei genauerem Hinsehen zeigt sich, dass Ballettpartituren vor Differenziertheit und dramatischer PrĂ€zision geradezu bersten und die Musik sich passgenau an die BĂŒhnenaktion anschmiegt. Ein Schelm, wer Parallelen zur Struktur von Filmmusik assoziiert? Keineswegs. So unĂŒbersehbar, ja offensichtlich diese strukturellen Ăhnlichkeiten sind, so nachdrĂŒcklich empfiehlt es sich, den Radius der herkömmlichen Musikwissenschaft zu ĂŒberschreiten und ihn um eine tanzwissenschaftliche Perspektive zu erweitern. Dies soll nun im Folgenden in einer quasi sternförmigen AnnĂ€herung geschehen: Ausgehend von einer vergleichenden Darstellung der Funktionsweise von Ballett- und Filmmusik und einigen Aspekten zur Visualisierung von Kunstmusik im Allgemeinen soll anhand einer Szene aus DISNEYâS FANTASIA (USA 1940) exemplifiziert werden, dass die Terminologie der Filmmusikanalyse ebenso trefflich auf das VerhĂ€ltnis von Musik und Tanzbewegung anwendbar ist
The influence of selected perceptual and demographic characteristics on the attitude toward mental health of students among faculty a public universities in the Southeastern United States
The primary purpose of this study was to determine the influence of selected personal and professional demographic characteristics on the attitudes toward and perceptions of selected mental health issues among currently employed faculty of four year public universities. Faculty members at two universities in Southeastern Louisiana were invited to participate in an online survey designed by the researcher to assess attitude toward mental health, willingness to help students with mental health issues, ability to identify students with mental health issues, ability to help students with mental health issues, along with a variety of personal and professional demographic characteristics. A total of 281 faculty members participated in the study and 261 provided usable responses. Overall, faculty members in this study demonstrated positive attitudes towards mental health and a willingness to help students with mental health issues. Also, this study found that previous mental health training was significantly, positively correlated with attitude toward mental health, willingness to help students with mental health issues, ability to identify students with mental health issues, and ability to help students with mental health issues. Furthermore the majority of participants indicated that they did not believe that their university was doing enough to address student mental health concerns or to ensure faculty members were aware of mental health services available to students. Based on these findings the researcher concluded that faculty members are willing to participate in addressing student mental health concerns and those that are trained are best able to help. The researcher recommends that universities invest in developing training programs for faculty members covering various mental health topics. Although at least a portion of this training should be part of an annual requirement for all faculty members, universities should also give faculty access to additional, online mental health training which they can choose to utilize. Furthermore, the researcher recommends that universities develop a hotline for faculty members so that they are able to reach university mental health professionals at all hours in the event of student mental health emergencies
M-Learning: Lernen im mobilen Kontext an Hochschulen
A fundamental characteristic of human beings is the desire to start learning at the moment of birth. The rather formal learning process that learners have to deal with in school, on vocational training or in university, is currently subject to fundamental changes. The increasing technologization, overall existing mobile devices, the ubiquitous access to digital information, and students being early adaptors of all these technological innovations require reactions on the part of the educational system.
This study examines such a reaction: The use of mobile learning in higher education.
Examining the subject m-learning first requires an investigation of the educational model e-learning. Many universities already established e-learning as one of their educational segments, providing a wide range of methods to support this kind of teaching.
This study includes an empirical acceptance analysis regarding the general learning behavior of students and their approval of e-learning methods. A survey on the approval of m-learning supplements the results.
Mobile learning is characterized by both the mobility of the communication devices and the users. Both factors lead to new correlations, demonstrate the potential of today's mobile devices and the probability to increase the learning performance.
The dissertation addresses these correlations and the use of mobile devices in the context of m-learning. M-learning and the usage of mobile devices not only require a reflection from a technological point of view. In addition to the technical features of such mobile devices, the usability of their applications plays an important role, especially with regard to the limited display size.
For the purpose of evaluating mobile apps and browser-based applications, various analytical methods are suitable.
The concluding heuristic evaluation points out the vulnerability of an established m-learning application, reveals the need for improvement, and shows an approach to rectify the shortcoming
Zentrale, objektorientierte SituationsreprÀsentation angewandt auf die Handlungsziele eines Cockpitassistenzsystems
Das SituationsverstĂ€ndnis kognitiver Systeme zum Zwecke einer Verbesserung der KooperationsfĂ€higkeit zwischen dem Menschen und der Maschine weiter zu steigern, ist Ziel der Arbeit. Beschrieben ist ein neuartigen Systemansatz, der wesentlich dazu beitrĂ€gt, eine konsistente, zielorientierte Funktionsweise der kognitiven Teilfunktionen eines kognitiven Assistenzsystems sicherzustellen. Das Situationswissen des Assistenzsystems ist hierfĂŒr in symbolischer Form als dessen amp;quot;mentaler Zustandamp;quot; reprĂ€sentiert. Dies ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung fĂŒr die FĂ€higkeit des Assistenzsystems, seine Handlungsziele fĂŒr eine effektive Kooperation mit der Cockpitbesatzung und die daraus abgeleiteten Handlungen selbst zu erlĂ€utern, d.h. erklĂ€ren zu können. FĂŒr den Aufbau der Arbeit wurde eine Struktur gewĂ€hlt, die dem Entwurfsprozess objektorientierter Systeme entspricht. Die entwickelten Konzepte werden frĂŒhzeitig im Standard der Unified Modelling Language (UML) dargestellt. Es werden zunĂ€chst im Rahmen der Analyse der Anforderungen die Leistungsmerkmale an eine zentrale, objektorientierte SituationsreprĂ€sentation definiert. Die Voraussetzung fĂŒr die Umsetzung dieser Anforderungen, insbesondere fĂŒr eine effektive Mensch-Maschine-Kooperation, ist die maschinelle Analyse der Situation. Im Rahmen der Systemanalyse wird die Funktionsweise der maschinellen Situationsanalyse aus den Erkenntnissen der menschlichen Informationsverarbeitung abgeleitet. Die Grundlagen der Kognition werden zur Analyse des Gesamtsystems erörtert. Auf Basis des gewonnenen Systemansatzes wird ein Entwurf erstellt, welcher den gestellten Anforderungen an eine zentrale, objektorientierte SituationsreprĂ€sentation genĂŒgt. Die fĂŒr die Modellbildung entscheidende Aufgabe der Wissenserhebung wird behandelt und es wird die Frage beantwortet, welche ReprĂ€sentationsform fĂŒr das gewonnene Wissen herangezogen werden kann, die fĂŒr Mensch wie Maschine verstĂ€ndlich ist. Die Umsetzung der zentralen, objektorientierten SituationsreprĂ€sentation in eine geeignete Software-Architektur erfolgt mit Hilfe standardisierter Entwicklungsverfahren unter BerĂŒcksichtigung von etablierten AnsĂ€tzen, die dem Fachgebiet der kĂŒnstlichen Intelligenz entnommen werden. Die Modellbildung zielt hier auf den Anwendungsfall eines militĂ€rischen Transportfluges. Basierend auf den erarbeiteten Methoden zu Wissensakquisition und WissensreprĂ€sentation erfolgt die Erstellung entsprechender expliziter amp;quot;mentaleramp;quot; Modelle. Die Erprobung der zentrale, objektorientierte SituationsreprĂ€sentation erfolgt hinsichtlich des Modells der Handlungsziele unter Laborbedingungen anhand aufgezeichneter Daten, die wĂ€hrend der Flugversuchserprobung eines kognitiven Cockpitassistenzsystems gewonnen wurden. Die Bewertung der Kompliziertheit der Situation und die auftretende SituationskomplexitĂ€t sind Teil der quantitativen Untersuchungen. Ziel der qualitativen Untersuchung ist es, die in den Systementwurf eingeflossenen Anforderungen anhand möglichst realitĂ€tsnaher Belastungen zu bestĂ€tigen
Analysis of a finite array threshold through surface waves
Antenna arrays are an active area of electromagnetics research, due to their applications in sensing and communication. As the size of electronic devices is decreased, the total space in which an antenna array can be implemented also decreases. As antenna arrays get smaller, infinite array approximations that can be used when an array is large can no longer be used due to inaccuracies, termed "edge effects," caused by the edge of the array. Accordingly a so-called finite array threshold, at which point edge effects can no longer be neglected, is proposed in this thesis for an array of planar half-wave dipoles. Initial studies examine the input impedance of the antenna elements across frequency. The radiation pattern of a calculated array is compared with the simulated pattern to gain insights into inter-element coupling, and an examination of the effect of array dummy elements is also carried out. Surface waves present in the array and measured with active input impedance are proposed as a unique way to realize the finite array threshold. Finally, an antenna is constructed to show the measurable effects of the surface wave in the radiation pattern of the antenna array
Measuring Alphavirus Fidelity Using Non-Infectious Virus Particles
Mutations are incorporated into the genomes of RNA viruses at an optimal frequency and altering this precise frequency has been proposed as a strategy to create live-attenuated vaccines. However, determining the effect of specific mutations that alter fidelity has been difficult because of the rapid selection of the virus population during replication. By deleting residues of the structural polyprotein PE2 cleavage site, E3â56-59, in Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) TC-83 vaccine strain, non-infectious virus particles were used to assess the effect of single mutations on mutation frequency without the interference of selection that results from multiple replication cycles. Next-generation sequencing analysis revealed a significantly lower frequency of transversion mutations and overall mutation frequency for the fidelity mutants compared to VEEV TC-83 E3â56-59. We demonstrate that deletion of the PE2 cleavage site halts virus infection while making the virus particles available for downstream sequencing. The conservation of the site will allow the evaluation of suspected fidelity mutants across alphaviruses of medical importance
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